Tags : Feeling

A Memory

A Memory

A Poem by stargirl23

I’ve dwelled for too long on this one past memory it gains significance each time I’ve made it a hyperbole a crumb fro..


A Poem by Miya

My body is no longer tied to this rugged earth by limbs too weighed down by darkness.I'm floating, unfeeling, nothing but air.The usual chaos has sto..
A Feeling Undescribed

A Feeling Undescribed

A Poem by fleetingmemory

Contagious it spreads withinIt engulfs and consumes the being with each inhalationIt reaches out and melts the heartIt suppresses the mindLike a velve..
In those seconds

In those seconds

A Poem by TheOneWhoNotices

When I can feel the worlds above,and glimpse the stars,strung like lanterns in the shadows,I am quiet,Not from the absence of speech,Rather the absenc..


A Poem by Raymond Federle

A feeling
Failing to Feel

Failing to Feel

A Poem by Imagery

As the day's distractions decrease Pain emerges from beneath The smiling faces that we wear To pretend the pain is not there.


A Poem by Mr. Revan

many times, whether together or by myself, some form of EDM pulsates in the background, keeping the influx of change in life, space, and time somewhat..
As I Went

As I Went

A Poem by ajbre23

I wrote, "As I Went" a while back, while I was going through a particularly rough situation. It was meant to show my perception of what dying is like...


A Poem by ajbre23

We all go through life searching for one special something, whether it be a person, a place or feeling. No matter the thing that we search for, it&rsq..
Open Feeling

Open Feeling

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Was just sitting and thinking.


A Poem by C.J.G.

I see you yet you don’t see me at all You hear me but you never listen You look into my eyes in comfort but you handle me like an anima..


A Poem by Matthew Ryan Hardy

I don’t want to regret that I didn't do something Something that has been on my mind for awhile Day by day I slowly build up my courage Cou..
Just a feeling, based on reality.

Just a feeling, based on reality.

A Poem by Curiouslyrecordingmylife

The scrambled sound in the background of chatting is muffled, my ears are underwater. The world is a blur, my minds spinning, eyes tripping, I'm dizz..


A Poem by Sally Ann

When feelings fade, depression sets in - my cry out in the wilderness