Tags : Hopeful



A Poem by cv

sometimes I think, and sometimes I wonder... could we have been in love? could we have really loved each other? sometimes I think, and sometimes ..
I Hope I Don't Fall

I Hope I Don't Fall

A Poem by cv

some people call love a game, and it's not a game, its a war... a war between the hatred for me and my undying love for you, but succumbing to th..
Scared to Love

Scared to Love

A Poem by Laura Garcia

I can’t imagine how it must feel to have someone only for myself. The way his mouth would turn into a smile every time he saw me, Or how his..
Embarking - a dedication

Embarking - a dedication

A Poem by Aimee Mahathy

I wrote this while I was deep into studying philosophy and exploring my inner world. In an effort to summarize my hopes for the future, I attempted to..
Coming Back

Coming Back

A Poem by LeslieNoel

I moved back home in 2019 and this poem captures the hopes, promises, and desires that my old stomping grounds held for me upon my return. Going back ..
Set a Watchman

Set a Watchman

A Poem by Tobias Søgaard

I love the watchman as a metaphor. Nothing evil can harm me when I am within the love of Jesus.
In Between

In Between

A Poem by Tobias Søgaard

Lately I have been feeling better and better because of anti-depressants, but the past week I fell a bit. So I'm in this weird state between being oka..


A Story by Connie

With Confidence

With Confidence

A Poem by Richard William Mueller I..

I was pondering how people wake up facing the day so sure of themselves and how they nurture that feeling
Phantom Pain

Phantom Pain

A Poem by Richard William Mueller I..

The most apt metaphor for a deformity of the mind
The Dying, the Dead, and the Flying.

The Dying, the Dead, and the Flying.

A Poem by Tacenda Brytan

A poem about birds I saw today.
Death, creation, rebirth

Death, creation, rebirth

A Poem by Jasper

I blacked out a 4 Am and wrote this. The author in me is proud, the human who has to deal with my screwed up sleep schedule hates me. Enjoy!
Grand Scheme

Grand Scheme

A Poem by Ryan Reed

Thoughts about our place in the world


A Poem by annabethxx

making peace with the fact that i am allowed to be alive. enjoy x


A Poem by Farjana Shah Chaity

Free verse
Always Time

Always Time

A Poem by Emilia Svjeda

A poem about bouncing back in life.
Bad poetry 2: Angel Stars

Bad poetry 2: Angel Stars

A Poem by Hayc Kal

Second in a series of bad, (and mostly sad), poems
Letter to future

Letter to future

A Story by Secretpoet

Past memories, Down every thought, Imagination, not Earth(probably) 9th January 2024 Future memories, All over around, Real ..