Tags : Poems

What We Remember From What We Forgot

What We Remember From What We Forgot

A Poem by Ashton

This is an older poem I wrote when I was feeling a bit lost in life. I wrote it to remind myself that like time, we always go forward. This is apart o..
a lion’s eye of the tiger

a lion’s eye of the tiger

A Poem by godlucifer

a lion’s din is a lion’s beauty
In Gardens they Grow

In Gardens they Grow

A Story by JE Falcon

An article about writing and dealing with suggestions.
human state

human state

A Poem by godlucifer

a state being
Shadows of the Trees: Poems & Prose

Shadows of the Trees: Poems & Prose

A Book by Michael W. Cook

Tense and emotional... extremely candid poetry. This book is a time capsule of a young man searching for solutions while offering none. A must-read..
Ukraine Poems

Ukraine Poems

A Poem by Michael R. Burch

Poems for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, especially Ukrainian children and their mothers in their time of peril.
Just A Line

Just A Line

A Poem by Trevor McLeod

For people who rhyme. Not the haters of rhyme.
The Title Clickers

The Title Clickers

A Poem by Trevor McLeod

I choose to read Titles not Poems
showman is marksmanship

showman is marksmanship

A Poem by godlucifer

a higher mark of marksmanship
the lens of the universe

the lens of the universe

A Poem by godlucifer

the lens of creativity


A Poem by HumanHotTopic

Welcome to the new paradise
Mr Dunne Murders Poets For Fun

Mr Dunne Murders Poets For Fun

A Poem by The Elusive Mr Dunne

"Mr Dunne Murders Poets For Fun" I wandered lonely, lonely as a cloud/ Were the last words of that poet, before I took him the f*** out If music ..


A Poem by ELI 117

My take on the trials undergone by protagonist as one of the poor and what has come to be all he knows


A Poem by FruityLooney

A poem I wrote late at night, mostly about how I tend to talk to myself while facing walls alot when I'm alone.
Why Do We?

Why Do We?

A Poem by FruityLooney

Something I wrote up, there's a meaning behind it but I don't want to ruin anyone's interpretation of the poem so.