Tags : add

The Angles of Mathematics

The Angles of Mathematics

A Poem by gabiaimee

There are many, but I wasn't in class the day we learned them
My Experience With ADD

My Experience With ADD

A Poem by Bee

Felt like crap, decided to jot down my thoughts. ADD was terrible today. Makes perfect sense to me, probably a steaming pile of dung for anyone else t..
A  D  D


A Poem by 3X3MPLER

ADD messes up my life, this will atleast show you how
Your Angel

Your Angel

A Poem by Kendra Stewart

There are people looking out for you in the physical world and in the spiritual world. You are not alone and you can get better.
Who am I?

Who am I?

A Story by Maddol

As so
Stories and Struggles

Stories and Struggles

A Poem by Found and Lost Again

Fair warning, this is a slam piece. The rythym might not translate perfectly onto the page and the formatting is meant for reading rather than line sy..
Treating ADHD: The ups, downs and everything in between

Treating ADHD: The ups, downs and everything in be..

A Story by Alexa Dalessandro

Ever feel like you owe an explanation to people? Here’s my best shot at explaining my experience with ADHD


A Poem by Aidin Wolfe

Shaking, tapping,Always moving,Never able,To Stop.Constant thoughts,Cloud your mind,Never able To grab hold.Medicine,Barely works,Just makes it worse...
Trapped In My Body

Trapped In My Body

A Poem by Clara Kevie

Your body is your vessel, but sometimes it feels like a casket


A Poem by Someone (Maybe)

I pronounced words wrong accidentally. My mom told me to stop making fun of people with lisp and stutters.I never could focus or sit still when fantas..
I... Can't

I... Can't

A Poem by Clara Kevie

Lost in a sea of thought… drowning again
Anxious Depressive Drama

Anxious Depressive Drama

A Poem by Elias Kovats

I need attention.I don't just mean I need someone to pay attention to me.No.I need something that I can pour my attention into.Something to relieve my..
Dear Ms Johnson

Dear Ms Johnson

A Poem by Clara Kevie

ADD/ADHD in the classroom from a student's perspective
FB4-27 "Hypnotizing Tyr"

FB4-27 "Hypnotizing Tyr"

A Chapter by dw817

"Why yes, I suppose. But in order for this magic trick to work, I need you to concentrate on this. Can I have you do that, sweetie ?" Umeya then pu..
I Am Your ADHD

I Am Your ADHD

A Poem by Eric J. Kingsepp

I am the hook and the twitch on the line. I am the glitch that rewrites all your code. I am the fog that seeps around your brain. I am your pain at..


A Poem by Allie Esora

Buzz Buzz Buzz

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