Tags : children

An Island of Snow (Over, Around , Under and Through

An Island of Snow (Over, Around , Under and Throug..

A Poem by J. R.

An abstract song I wrote in my spare time
The Gnat

The Gnat

A Poem by Baz

Watch out, Mr. Gnat!
The Fish

The Fish

A Poem by Baz

Look out, Mister Fish!


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

The inferno of the pale moon once burns with despair, hiding in the darkened noon with death in the air. All children are comatose, the creatures are ..


A Poem by Once upon a time

The pain of never being able to bear children.
The Dragon's Tale

The Dragon's Tale

A Poem by Baz

The story of Sir Percy and the Dragon...
Slow Down Mister Clown!

Slow Down Mister Clown!

A Poem by Baz

Mister Clown is driving too fast and needs to slow down...


A Poem by Adam M. Snow

Night is dark before the dawn, and all's a dream within a dream, hoping for what is gone, and dancing 'gainst a moonlit beam.
The Realistic Motherhood Book

The Realistic Motherhood Book


Hopefully my realistic motherhood advice will help all you new moms and moms to be prepare for whats really going to happen and if not well... at leas..
The Baboon in the Balloon

The Baboon in the Balloon

A Poem by Baz

A baboon takes a ride in a hot air balloon.
Hidden Within

Hidden Within

A Poem by Once upon a time

I draw and write short "poetry" to accompany. Unfortunately without a scanner you cannot see the drawings, but the poetry is here.


A Poem by Once upon a time

I draw and write short "poetry" to accompany. Unfortunately without a scanner you cannot see the drawings, but the poetry is here.
Graveyard Games

Graveyard Games

A Story by Marie Harrison

A short story about a little girl and her ghostly brother.
What Dreams Remain

What Dreams Remain

A Poem by ScotchRoberts

My thoughts on what lies in the past, what lies ahead, and what it all means.