Tags : choices

An Old Friend

An Old Friend

A Poem by Rocksie

On the spot poem about old friends


A Poem by Tina

Deep in outer space, what a wondrous view. Onyx black, endless fiery white orbs. The air is cool, crisp, still. Such stillness. Enigmatic limitlessn..
The Sadistic Choice

The Sadistic Choice

A Chapter by Damian Vincent Henry

In Life we are times left with a decision to make, at times we have no choce but to either make enemies or build allegiance with those enemies
The Games is Played

The Games is Played

A Poem by Armistead Lindsey

love is painful, love is kind, love is made of cards, and played on the mind
Internal Anguish

Internal Anguish

A Poem by Armistead Lindsey

people always make us second guess everything that we do
Iron Fence

Iron Fence

A Poem by Jamie Starlight

Standing in the gateway of an iron fence A threshold between two realms A borderline between two existences The place I pace often Eit..
The Dance

The Dance

A Poem by Whitney

Slowly, we dance our waltz,One two three, one two three, on and on,But I’m on two when you’re on one,And I know how this dance ends, Slow..
Nobody listens.

Nobody listens.

A Poem by DestineyRae

I'm lost in life right now as I have been many times. I'm at that crossroad again, that I hate.
Appearance vs Mind [10W]

Appearance vs Mind [10W]

A Poem by Amy R

Attractiveness can cause lustfulness, an exquisitemind can cause love!
Heaven or Hell - The Choice

Heaven or Hell - The Choice

A Poem by Bohrium Guy

Thinking of matters long ago....


A Poem by Jenna

Alone can't be bad.Alone can be sad.For some its solace and ideal.For others its something not to feel.Alone is a snake and a swan.It can be dusk, it ..


A Poem by Vic Luna

A short "poem" I wrote one day sitting on the pier after conversing with a man who had been through a difficult situation and chose to talk with me.
your eyes

your eyes

A Poem by BrodiLou

If I had the chance to see the world through your eyes, if only for a moment, I would never look. I would keep them closed while I counted each second..


A Poem by Shawna

Life What is life The poets and philosophers And scientists, all seem to agree That life Life Is hard to define Some say life is a stage And ..
Rivers of Will

Rivers of Will

A Poem by The Intuitive Harvester

Thankfulness is another form of love.It occurs to me that yes the base of all the world is entangled in negativity, desperation, ignorance, and selfis..