Tags : paranormal

Town of Limbo

Town of Limbo

A Book by AnApple

It's a horror esque story meant to specifically appeal to teenagers. It takes place in an uncanny, paranormal town with powerful entities at work. Ind..
The Adventures of Jade Hawethorn

The Adventures of Jade Hawethorn

A Book by Breezy

A spiritual medium. A Witch. A Debate star. With her two best friends, spiritual medium Jade Hawethorn guides spirits to the afterlife. But trouble is..
Letter to a Friend

Letter to a Friend

A Story by JPDonelan

Sam, Just writing to keep you up to date with everything that's been going on. The move is going alright; almost have everything in place (if ..
The Space Between Time

The Space Between Time

A Book by Lucinda

Life is not going well for Jenna Holden. Her live-in-fiancé walks out. Her estranged mother is in a terrible accident that may kill her. And in..


A Book by B.L. Herndon

Her memories are being stolen. She knows it. A young girl awakens to find her memories broken and fractured, and she must piece together her fragment..


A Chapter by B.L. Herndon

She could hear it, the never ending distant ticking echoing in the stillness. The sound filled the air, resonating throughout the entire room. T..
Hell in the Hallway

Hell in the Hallway

A Story by ESamples77

This is a true story about what I had to do to get rid of the demons that were in my house.


A Story by Novel Minded_75

This work is based upon the short film, "No Escape", created by a fellow Writer's Cafe member, 3X3MPLER I tried submitting it on his page for the co..
The Roach of Ook

The Roach of Ook

A Book by TheGoodCoop

My assignment to obverse the performance of Avery Larcel, a new initiate to the World Agency of Protection, turns into a deadly test of my skills. Thi..
Bear and Mouse: The Case of The Ghostless Haunting

Bear and Mouse: The Case of The Ghostless Haunting

A Story by M.A.Alexander

Bear and Mouse, a paranormal investigation duo, respond to a request to examine a haunted farm in rural Ireland.
Monster Circuit

Monster Circuit

A Book by Koda Squirrel

'Monster Circuit', the first arc in a large, overarching series about people. Animal people, and the 'Visitants' they encounter. 'Monster Circuit' ..
Travelling By Night

Travelling By Night

A Poem by E Chadwick

A poem based on the Mothman sightings.
Bear and Mouse: The Case of The Grave Composition

Bear and Mouse: The Case of The Grave Composition

A Story by M.A.Alexander

Bear and Mouse help search for a missing musician while on holiday in Vienna
Red Velvet Excerpt

Red Velvet Excerpt

A Story by Brandon Adams

Life is full of surprises. So why is death always viewed as an ending? For a lucky few death is simply the beginning.
Ghost in the woods

Ghost in the woods

A Story by Jcortz3

A scary camp story


A Story by Jcortz3

As I was looking out the window I saw that my parents have arrived from the store.They both got of the van and my dad was opening the trunk.My parents..