Tags : passion

I've Gone Fishing

I've Gone Fishing

A Poem by Ty

I've Gone Fishing


A Poem by Ty

Afro-Cuban Jazz


A Poem by Ty

Thirty. Beginning.
Anecdotes of A Fortune Cookie Philosopher

Anecdotes of A Fortune Cookie Philosopher

A Story by jcarlson33

Witty and dry humor in a series of short-short-stories told by a lost moralist in the modern age. Juxtaposition between restraint and humanistic indul..
Love, Dreams, and Coffee (rough draft)

Love, Dreams, and Coffee (rough draft)

A Poem by Danny boi 24

Sensual thoughts to a first love


A Poem by Sumana

Tonight...My desires I will not restrain,I will fall upon you as a monsoon rain,Reviving you with my youthful green,Unfolding hues that you have never..
A Rose of inclinations

A Rose of inclinations

A Poem by B

The battles that are oft takenRidden by the shored earthly rocksA foaming frown refusing to settleCrashing up the seabed to deplored lifeThey cheer by..


A Poem by Ty

Phoenix, Long Awaited, Love.
You are a Stain on my Skin

You are a Stain on my Skin

A Poem by AiH

NSFW WARNING! if you cant handle sexual content or innuendos please do not read.
Dirty Little Secrets

Dirty Little Secrets

A Story by ayejodie

What happens when you stop doing what you should do, what the world says you should do, and instead do what you want? A short story on not being able ..
Thou's Beauty

Thou's Beauty

A Poem by Xander West

Thou's Beauty Oh, how thy heart throbs this very summer night, To know such beauty as yours exists to heartbreakingly admire, For how can thine..
Fleeting Moments

Fleeting Moments

A Poem by Xander West

Fleeting Moments The fleeting moments are the ones we yearn the most, The moments shared in soft summer winds of sunset, Or walking along a ro..
The Saga of a Hero and Beauty

The Saga of a Hero and Beauty

A Poem by Xander West

The Saga of a Hero and Beauty The Beginning: Upon the dark winter night's bitter cold wind, Whispers a saga of a hero and his sweet darling, ..


A Poem by Ty

Believe in yourself. Beauty in muddy waters. Tikal.


A Poem by Ty

Veiled Eucalyptus

Veiled Eucalyptus

A Poem by Ty

Feelings of loneliness, invisible. Veiled Eucalyptus.
A Lover's Knowledge

A Lover's Knowledge

A Poem by Alexander Dillon

Who can know lovebut lovers?The intimate danceof their union.Complex, but whole.Seamless.Skin becomes felt.Lips,tender, quivering, instruments of desi..
Passion Seekers

Passion Seekers

A Poem by Maria

This is to enter for contest aka Group called #1. No more than 12 lines of poetry -Don't use the word "of" or "feel" -Lastly try to use the words "..


A Story by AyeumieP

She was lost. Never completely able to understand why she was lost or why she couldn’t find what made her whole. She just wants to know who she ..
Found Butterfly

Found Butterfly

A Poem by Ty

Found Butterfly