Tags : poem

My invincible Sea

My invincible Sea

A Poem by Hanna01

Dedicated to my grandma who died last week and who used to love the sea.
President Trump Makes America Great Again

President Trump Makes America Great Again

A Poem by Pat Sypult

Trump Makes America Great Again
Just Promise Tonight

Just Promise Tonight

A Poem by TheJordBaker

Written January 2015


A Poem by TheJordBaker

Freewritten this afternoon after a spot of gardening.


A Poem by Kaede16

Hueles a café.Y por si eso fuera muy poco cliché, déjame decirte,Que sabes a mentiras y aguacate.-Aguacate maduro, con un poquito..


A Poem by Savy

Sometimes I wish I was a s**t I wish every touch was the same to me, That there was no difference to me between the person extending it for me That..
Hidden with a smile

Hidden with a smile

A Poem by sincerely

I woke up rubbing my eyes Removing my heart from my sleeve Hiding it beneath my skin Beneath my bone..
Eradicating Time

Eradicating Time

A Poem by sincerely

Eradicating time Ever since I loved you I feel a sense of panic I get this overwhelming fear That l..
Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

A Poem by sincerely

Makes the Heart Grow FonderThey say distance makes the heart grow fonderall a relationship needs is timebut every second that ticks byyou feel less an..
The Feeling

The Feeling

A Poem by sincerely

The feeling You know the feeling The feeling of your stomach turning inside out The feeling that you can&r..


A Poem by Emperor's ink

It is an African poem about a young girl who lost her virginity because she is innocent of how sexual life is, unfortunately she lost it to her mother..
Blueprints by the Sea

Blueprints by the Sea

A Poem by TheJordBaker

Rewritten from 2014
 Chemistry of Us

Chemistry of Us

A Poem by Pharos

Burnt Cracked Wobbly

Burnt Cracked Wobbly

A Poem by DAH

the darkness does not shock me
"Sayonara Ai"

"Sayonara Ai"

A Poem by FrustratedWriter

Goodby Love
Ghosts of Highway Fifteen

Ghosts of Highway Fifteen

A Poem by TheJordBaker

Started in 2014, finished today.