Tags : rest

Day After Christmas

Day After Christmas

A Poem by Healing Star

About how I am feeling right now. My family is my Peace.
Beauty, Rest

Beauty, Rest

A Poem by Travis Gibson (poetic her..

while i watched her sleep
~ Yūrei

~ Yūrei

A Poem by

~ Yūrei, Elisa Laura, Japan, Ghosts, Sleep, Lullaby, Rest, Sign, Mold, Dark, Death...
What is a leaf crab?

What is a leaf crab?

A Story by Jeremy Patterson

This is a rough excerpt from a semi autobiographical project in serial format
conceding petals

conceding petals

A Poem by Rick Stassi

"....and our walks are not always easy"
Soul Whispers

Soul Whispers

A Poem by Healing Star

How my soul whispers to me.


A Chapter by one sky

Enter the Land of Coziness

Enter the Land of Coziness

A Poem by Brother Sleep

Beware of the Burglar King.
Lucifer and Rosaria

Lucifer and Rosaria

A Book by Adelise Eclair

"No Good deed goes unpunished" When the heiress to the her family's legacy shows kindness to a lowly leper, fate unravels as the two are entangled by..
Memoir II

Memoir II

A Chapter by Adelise Eclair

Her affection
Nicky's Light

Nicky's Light

A Poem by Rose Black

He left and I still see him. He was what I am. His smiles became my memory, His frowns my burden.


A Poem by ABetterPlace

Floating in the arms of the seaI think of nothing,Not even you, whom my heart loves.Here, where no one needs me,Nothing lays its claimat the foot of m..
Lay To Rest

Lay To Rest

A Poem by Ada

Silence stills and you are free. Sew sweet dreams and be at peace. Open eyes, awake and see-- Through the..
Sleep, Baby, Do: A Lullaby

Sleep, Baby, Do: A Lullaby

A Poem by Ada

A lullaby with a bit of a morbid twist.


A Poem by Ada

Sleepy, sleepy, never you mind. I'm off to where the dreams you'll find.And in those dreams I'll rest my head upon the living, dancing dead.You can't ..
Transport Smash

Transport Smash

A Story by Ada

glass, broken glass shattered, tiny pieces crunching each step, CRSSSHK, CRSSSHK" crumbled paper on leather hu..
In the night

In the night

A Poem by Trivén

In the darkness of the nighthere I am, alonewandering these empty streetspondering the question of existenceWho are we, and why are we here?common que..
One form of happiness

One form of happiness

A Poem by Anti Phalanx

If there is a relation between me and my elation with the absence of things I note on every single occasion,Then believe me when I say there would be ..