Tags : sea

Truth Walks Unseen

Truth Walks Unseen

A Poem by Neva Flores Smith - Chang..

Once a shadow......now a ghost.....


A Poem by Suavis_Umbra

A dark and thick infested tunnel that you, must go through,
What the Tower Was Told

What the Tower Was Told

A Poem by SheActsLikeSummer

There once was a towerthat lived high with the clouds.Watch over the wind,it was told.Watch over the land,the sea.Look after the trees,the rolling hil..
Inquiring of the Sea

Inquiring of the Sea

A Poem by yesterdays muse

I wrote a letter to the Sea, filled as filled with thoughts could be.About the sand and turtle shells, paradise lost and opal swells.Of the jellyfish ..
Selkie (Man) Chapter 2

Selkie (Man) Chapter 2

A Story by RoughWaterJohn

The final chapter of Alban and Bran.
And I know the Way You Look at Me.

And I know the Way You Look at Me.

A Poem by KaraKay.

I dreant we sang along to the rhythm of the sea, lost in the waves, obsessed with the melody. And darlin' I've never been so sure, I've never wa..
The Sea Chaser

The Sea Chaser

A Poem by C.R.Turner

Written during a crossing of the Irish Sea, 2012
Fields of Lavender

Fields of Lavender

A Story by Summer Grace

400 word flash fiction


A Poem by Zee Noir

11-4-12Remedy No matter where I go, no matter whom I am withYou are all I think about, the only thing that still makes senseI’m falling further ..
The Island

The Island

A Book by SomeoneSomewhere

A series of nature haikus written while camping on an island
The Widow's Selkie.

The Widow's Selkie.

A Poem by Ken Simm.

Confounded Legends.
The Mighty Sea

The Mighty Sea

A Poem by Jazmine Knight

Wrote this sitting on a dock at sunset, watching 4th of July fireworks, with my bare feet dangling over the water, and a barbeque with my softball tea..
Black Light

Black Light

A Story by Aruna Iyer

Light, fills our days with pretentious innocence. The colour in everything earthly is but Light in costume. But there would be no Light, were there no..
rainbow completed

rainbow completed

A Poem by Helena

A Rainbow Completed come the precious night when I find myself in your arms I will pluck the moon from the jealous sky and close the..
His Other Slipper

His Other Slipper

A Poem by Lunette Lariz

They cannot use that without its pair.
The Thing From the Ocean

The Thing From the Ocean

A Poem by Kyle SP

The thing from the ocean rose and towered above. Its face was insanity. I backed away from the water, and he swallowed me down. I swam and swam; a wet..
Cold Water Coffin

Cold Water Coffin

A Story by Cosmonaught Douglass

Conrad recalls his time in the void.
A Fine Villanelle

A Fine Villanelle

A Poem by Richard Williams

A Villanelle about hope and perseverance.
a brief party on the bottom of the sea

a brief party on the bottom of the sea

A Story by Mark J Lombardo

A story of sea animals living like royalty.