

A Poem by ...

Mostly, when people say they care, they really don't
and thoughtlessness is an epidemic
and love, a fantasy or a duty or a pride of ownership
but sometimes they really love what you do for them
grateful as long as you keep doing
feelings are fickle
they come and go like the faces that carry them
even the sky is fake these days
I watch them spray the sun away
plant artificial food
create tragedy for a time that could have been peaceful
should have been...peaceful
so what's "real" ?
shrugs...matter of opinion
If bullshit's real for you...then that's what's REAL,
I guess 

© 2015 ...

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well if a question isn't asked, then someone will still feel a certain way. dam if you do, dam if you don't. thanks for the nice write.

Posted 6 Years Ago

Lynn such an out look on life Love it built on trust and this will have to be built up over time I see it will take some doing with this attitude of yours spilled out here in this poem But trust sure enough Have some faith in people we are not all so bad. Have a nice day.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you Smitty :) Perhaps if I barrow your glasses...
wow !!! such a thought provoking piece of work !!!! really like it how you describe that every thing is fake these days !!!! keep it yup !!!! 100 points

Posted 8 Years Ago

Love this piece and your line about "real" fits a statement i made years ago to a friends wife. She said she wished her life was normal like my life. I had to explain to her that it was. Everyone has there own normal, good or bad. She would have to just find a new normal.

The thoughtless people not caring is true, but not everywhere. i lived that life for many years. After a transitional period in my life I found myself alone and in the end met my current love. She is from another culture and everyone I have met since being with her are thoughtful and honest. And no I am not being deceived.

The "American Dream", that we and so many around the world strive for has no love, honesty or thoughtfulness, but lots of greed.

Thank you for apparently, a piece I liked a great deal, since I could not shut up. Oh well i had fun and what else can you ask for. Peace out.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

Thank you, Mr wells for such a thought- full review :)
Willard Wells

8 Years Ago

I have those moments. If I could just control them. :) No problem. Again great work.
I think I've been accused of the before.
I guess we all fail each other. We are human.
Not an excuse, just an observable probability. ;)
Real or not... Who is the judge. Please don't say it's me. Ha.
Great capture of feeling abandoned and ignored. I have been here. Hope I never go back.

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I'm not always a pessimist, only when I'm tired :)
 David Scott

8 Years Ago

No judgement. Me too.
Promise to pick me up when I fall. ;)

8 Years Ago

deal :)................
what's real..... today, I only find reality at arms length, and the declining facility of my five senses. Drawing analogies to the Matrix saga, is cliche, but the moment of awakening to the charade of media reality and social delusion... that's frighteningly sobering to say the least.

Posted 8 Years Ago

Real is the true and genuine devotion with no conditions or artificiality attached. Just natural, serene and subtle balance within and without. An excellent thought provoking poem...:)..

Posted 9 Years Ago

I think I know what you mean. The pain is great when we find out that someone's love, devotion, or affection wasn't genuine. I try to never be like that, but have probably failed a time or two.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Sadly this is how a lot of relationships/friendships are becoming. All a bunch of fake feelings and selfishness. Glad I can say I'm one of the few that is not becoming one of those people.
Great write Lynn. :]

Posted 9 Years Ago

A interesting poem.
"so what's "real" ?
shrugs...matter of opinion
If bullshit's real for you...then that's what's REAL,
I guess "
I believe the world had changed. When I was young. Mother was alone and poor. The old ladies of the neighborhood brought food to us. A kind school teacher brought bags of food to us. I believe there is kindness. Just not enough. There are real people. Led by concern, kindness and love. Sometime we must be the example. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

:) see, even your reviews are a fantastic story. I love it. thank you
Coyote Poetry

9 Years Ago

You are welcome. I do believe. We must do what we can. A little help and concern can change a life.

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25 Reviews
Shelved in 5 Libraries
Added on April 2, 2015
Last Updated on April 5, 2015




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