

A Chapter by Unique1217

A chapter

Why does it always feel like you attract what you do not need 

Biggest epidemic could be treated in various ways mostly death jail loss of kids mental

Illnesses suicide poisoned relationships loss of self loss of feeling empathy at best very little hope exists 

Survivors step forward: 

Serious of meds, obsessions, mania, depression,, obesity financial trouble unlikely to have education, unstable everything  respect alcoholic anonymous always. But for sake of epidemic killing out loved ones why not treat equally  it is now to a point where not only race creed or color coexists so does an entire other realm  

Is science researching a cure or treatment for a sustenance that has and is killing stealing and destroying our daughters brothers aunties?

Are we that blind to see like we do most life killing family destroying demons that instead of continuing this ignorance of addiction alcoholism any kind of habit that anyone struggles with absolute abstinence  it is and has been cheapened  the cunningness it possesses poisons our physical bodies in every kind of way that affects your life here on earth whether it be your cardiovascular dpt your teeth your skin your eyes your liver etc etc  this epidemic requires both treatment physically and spiritually which will enhance your emotions but then what is being done for people that come off ****  I know hundreds put it down but the discreetness it possesses causes deadly sins which direct negative energy that manifests into behavioral issue from simply isolation to switching habits to sanitariums 

Where is the open door policy on confession of drug usage. Amt. ingredients blood test two-4 day come down but also where is the suboxine or methodone for those tweekers that are neglected judged hurt broken poor sick no support too ashamed to ask for help 

Should be widely addressed there is hope there are survivors it should never be frowned upon equality  nation stands in one nation  accept addiction as illness and everyone is Ill  we should be rising together not against one another. Tearing families apart ruining careers n lives creating an economic downfall that we've already splattered to ground will ever so slowly continue to swivel  recognize understand comprehend through people's

Experiences hope stories miracles lives saved support this culture 

Locking up genius chemist who made a bad decision which unfortunately caused ridiculous amount of criminal proceedings should be given chance to share about beginning everyday struggle mainly hope but truly accepting n devoting to man made harmful poisons  educate know signs right away fined for improper use  come up with pill or different system to withdraw with no shame  legal to turn urself in anywhere to be treated. Not to be taken for granted consequences will prevail but Angels will show themselves n fight for our souls as we will meet in the middle with open loving forgiving selfless hearts  kickin anyone when their down is outright sickening  

The more and more it is toyed with misused taken for granted justified deceiving idolized judged unrecognizabke to the sight touch smell hence why so deadly. 

Work for treatment towards mental

Illness from """. Primarily focus on... Strategize on objective towards positive energy into community and full

Support. Educate share hope face facts save our children from this unbearable disease which has and will continue to take lives one by one with no army or tools   

Ego as sick as addict. Mix together. 

Chemical imbalance is expected how to know which has affected what in brain. Serotonin dopamine avg amount? symtoms if damaged LT and ST ? 

Are prior diagnosis accurate along with meds? if not what has this done to your brain chemical balance now and where were before. State of art equipment used to determine genetical similarities  honest intake of usage chemical exposed to length and severity of it. Understand chemistry and individual characteristics that all hold strong elements that can damage what? Where? What to look out fkr? Create early preventative maintenance new system used to detain including officers  zero tolerance for attempted suicide n involuntary homicide child neglect promote easy accessible support and accountability 


Big revelation... maybe beginning of this hellacious story per say first of many tragic life changing not chosen "events" that impacted in such a way that forced I think for a greater purpose for eternity( or everything happens fora reason) whatever these events and everything from beginning to end whether bad or good moral challenges will always exist unexpectedly and in vulnerably weak spiritual spots.... a life planned that was a trusted devoted plan complete with undeniable utter successss

© 2016 Unique1217

Author's Note

Probably ignore grammar, punctuality... Just getting an idea of how the public truly feels about this subject....

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It's a good idea. Have deep thoughts . Still i would like to say that you can represent it in a better way , try to write little but it's imapct must be high enough. Please don't feel bad for that
My best wishes

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 22, 2016
Last Updated on November 22, 2016




Hi! I have loved writing since I was old enough to write but have never shared nor pushed forward with it. I have been in and out of the drug and mental illness world for twenty years while obtaining .. more..

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A Chapter by Unique1217

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A Chapter by Unique1217

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A Chapter by Unique1217