Zombies'n'S**t Ep. 22

Zombies'n'S**t Ep. 22

A Chapter by wagonburner


Have you ever had one of those weeks?  You know, when nothing goes your way?  Kinda seems like the whole world is against you.  Well that is how mine was going.  At this point, I've been crushed by a piano, made fun of relentlessly, been forced to work with my arch-nemisis, captured, surgically violated and now this.

Can I get some sympathy here?  If you ever think you've had the worst week, just take a look at mine.  Pretty sure no one can top that.  As it is, I have this nagging feeling that mine was about to get even worse; if you can believe that.

Mary and Sophia stared at me with a look that was half surprise, half horror, half disgust and all deer-in-the-headlights.

"Ahem.  I mean BLEEEAAARGGHH!!" I really hope this works.  They didn't move.

Silence reigned.

Whoo boy.  This wasn't good.

Sophia made a small squeak.  Kinda cute, really.

Nobody moved, except me.  Desperately trying to distract them, I was writhing around and gnashing my teeth at them.

Sophia spoke in a whisper I could barely hear, "I knew I didn't hear things.  It can talk."  She turned to Mary, "It can talk, I know it can."

Well, s**t.  Might as well go all the way, now.  "Yes.  I can.  Now if you would kindly stop referring to me as 'it'.  'He' works just as well.  And you, put my heart back, please."

Silence stretched.  Mary had a look on her face like she was about to be sick, Sophia just looked scared.  I probably looked worried and irritated.  I was actually worried.  I mean, I was expecting to be struck down, spontaneously combust or cease to be any minute now.  Everyone knew something bad would happen, but nobody knew what.  Probably because none were here to tell of it.  Now it looked like I was about to find out.

© 2016 wagonburner

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I like that despite his horrible week, John isn't whining about it. Sure he asks for sympathy, but that is humorous.

Super excited for more clues about how zombies work in your world. I'm really glad this mystery is spread out so much.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

To be perfectly honest, I am figuring this stuff out as I go along. When I write it, it is just as .. read more

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1 Review
Added on March 23, 2015
Last Updated on November 1, 2016

The Living Impaired



Fancies himself a storyteller. Misanthropic and blunt. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by wagonburner