Shockwave Rider!

Shockwave Rider!

A Chapter by wuliheron

A summary of the book


The Wisdom of Collective Ignorance”

(Knowing nobody knows a damned thing!)

A Rainbow Warrior’s Tale, by Wu Li Heron

Shockwave Rider!

Ignorant Wisdom

Bullshit Fuzzy Logic

Collective Madness!

Infinitely Diverse Insane Combinations!

Fake It Til Ya Make It Baby!


Disturbingly Disruptive Collective Ignorance!

The Great Void

The Mother Of All

Ride The Great Rainbow Fractal Dragon!

The Way of Ignorant Virtue

The Foolish Heart of Agnosticism

More Ignorant Socratic Ignorance

Total Flaming Idiots!

The Fine Art of Anarchistic Facilitation


Beware The Ancient Chinese Blessing And Curse!

Once seen, somethings cannot be unseen, once heard, some things cannot be unheard, and far too many damn jokes should never, ever, be repeated, under any circumstances. This book contains bullshit fuzzy logic and linguistic analysis which have not been approved for public consumption, and can be used to design weapons of mass destruction!

*~Abandon Hope All Yea Who Enter!~*


Shockwave Rider!

At the impressionable age of five years old, for the first time it occurred to me that the whole world is insane, and that this was something that I was just going to have to figure out on my own. Of course, modern psychology avoids using words like insanity, preferring to use Latin terms, but I was only five, and had always been rather attached to using plain English. Having no interest in Exotic Subcultures that speak dead languages, by fourteen, I had already become, “The Ultimate Skeptic!” Dedicated, to my own private research into modern physics and philosophy. Decades would pass before the internet was invented so, once a month, I visited the largest library in the area that subscribed to physics journals, and would sit on the floor, skimming through them for hours on end, searching for what’s missing from this picture... Thus, began what was to become a lifelong journey, of heedlessly plunging headfirst, ever deeper, into the musty fecund bowels of Eastern and Western Philosophy, Science, and Religion. Relentlessly seeking answers as to why our modern, “High-Tech”, societies are so brazenly and unabashedly insane, without ever really holding out any hope, of actually finding any answers on my own.

Skeptics are normally all assumed to be atheists, but that’s in no small part due to atheists frequently demanding that agnostics either call themselves some sort of atheist, or hide in the closet, while I was an agnostic who was extremely skeptical of so-called, “Atheist-Skeptics!” Who’re infamous for internet trolls, and for promoting endless Rhetoric, Sarcasm, Fascism, and Totalitarian Communism, all in the name of Science, Reason, and Humanism. Not that I blame atheists for being insane in an insane world, but it certainly never endeared them to anyone, much less, inspired confidence in a damned thing they say, with atheists today being the least trusted among believers and nonbelievers alike, while I have yet to hear a single atheist admit in public that they have soundly earned their reputation. Its a sad truth that the antisocial behavior of countless atheists has encouraged not only agnostics to hide in the closet, but other atheists as well while, atheists today are not even remotely unique in that regard! Shakespeare famously wrote, “Me Thinks Familiarity Doth Breed Contempt!” And, in recent years, academia and the mainstream have abused one another, the English Language, and the Mass Media, To Such a Horrendous Extent, that me thinks familiarity doth commonly breed, even the more deplorable depths, of self-contempt and loathing, In Modern-Day Babylon!

Anywho, bereft the slightest clue as to what to look for, and in spite of encountering the typical customary-abnormal-impromptu-ritual-knee-jerk-resistance, and woefully misplaced sexual frustration, from the ubiquitous unsundry self-appointed Yahoos and Motley Crews, commonly found anywhere on a map today, nevertheless, I resolutely Endeavored To Explore the fundamentals, from an agnostic perspective, thoroughly convinced that surrendering to the ongoing widespread madness, was not a viable option in the long run, and I had no other recourse because, of course, War Never Ends! Not When The Banks And the Marching Morons Decide Who Wins! Since long before I was even born, the entire world has been working hard on building up enough credit, To Officially Declare WWIII! Right After They’re Done Killing Every Other Living Thing On The Planet!

Rather than my relying on more “Traditional Schools of Thought”, psychology, sociology, or conventional wisdom, which all appeared to have made little progress, and were making feeble attempts at best, out of sheer desperation, as a young teen I was already determined to singlehandedly sort through the entire disjointed muddled mess, that academia calls modern physics and philosophy. Beginning at the beginning, having already been reduced to applying, “The Brute Force Process of Elimination!” Wading through endless bullshit, and weeding out all of the more obviously lame attempts at explanations, while hoping the entire time that some “Think-Tank” would eventually publish something cogent on the subject.

Unfortunately, whenever convenient, physicists tend to ignore semantics, and pay more attention to the physical evidence, while philosophers tend to ignore any physical evidence, preferring to play around with semantics and, to make matters worse, my English Teachers were of little help, merely claiming the English Language has few, “Hard and Fast Rules”. Pressing My High School Teachers, with endless nonstop questions, one surprised me when she casually mentioned that, theoretically, the English Language may have a, “Second Grammar”. Exactly how everyone could have missed the existence of a second grammar, for several centuries, and why it still remains theoretical to this day, became just more discordant facts to add to my growing collection, but I was stubborn, and eventually found the answers, by paying close attention to all of the louder, “Academic Wannabe Cunning Linguists!”

Decades later, after ruling out countless possibilities from among the world’s major religions, philosophies, and physical theories, I took the time to invent my own linguistic analysis, based on “Contextual Vagueness”; adopting the vaguest definitions for almost any word, from among the first four found in any common dictionary. After studying and practicing for yet another decade, I finally felt ready to attempt to expand upon the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein, by stressing authenticity over knowledge. Wittgenstein’s linguistic analysis had always puzzled me, not because I didn’t understand it but, because it was patently obvious, that academics typically struggle to even superficially comprehend his work, while all of the more famous philosophers, who later espoused his work, may as well be beating a dead horse as far as I was concerned, and had repeatedly driven his linguistic analysis into the dirt. Thoroughly confusing clever arguments with substance, preposterously pursuing pointlessly pontificating pettier puerile points, Until, All Too Predictably! They conspicuously began to run out of glib arguments to make, and immediately proceeded to carefully cover their tracks, while painting themselves into their own quiet little corner. In a private room, in a Chinese Restaurant, at the end of the universe, where they make their own fortune cookies.

Searching for the Slightest Opening that I could Exploit, I spent a year meticulously reducing his logic as far as I could, only to encounter A Complete Dead-End, and come up Empty-Handed. Normally, I don’t have to work at deconstructing a philosophy and, after a lifetime of practice, just reading any text, I can easily spot any unwarranted assumptions, poorly defined variables, vague statements, contradictions, and anything that conflicts with established facts and empirical evidence, but Wittgenstein had turned out to be different. Those with more than a passing familiarity with his work, frequently compare it to reading, “A Dry Auto-Repair Manual” and, from the beginning, I had known that he would be, “One Tough German Nut To Crack! The fact that I had so completely, utterly, and spectacularly failed, in his particular case, was actually confirmation that I was onto something, but I had absolutely no clue whatsoever as to how to proceed, and was ready to resort to consulting a Ouje Board! Merely Hoping For The Slightest Inspiration, rather than attempting to contact the dead for an audience, I decided to try something new for a change, and turned to the only other text that had consistently resisted all of my attempts at analysis and, for the first time ever, began extrapolating, “Rainbow Warrior Poetry”, from the “Tao Te Ching”, only to effortlessly crack its analog logic wide-open, like a walnut And, Unceremoniously, Deep-Fried My Brain Extra-Crispy!

Extensively studied by scholars, the Tao Te Ching’s vague cloying anarchistic philosophy has always appealed to extreme skeptics like me, but it incorporates a complex paradoxical writing style, more often used for meditation, While I’ve Never So Much As Taken A Tai Chi Class In My Life! Even so-called “Philosophical Taoists” are frequently Mystics, and the very idea that the 2,400 year old text could ever possibly make more than the most superficial sense to anyone, is widely considered flat-out insane. At least a hundred different English Translations are published today and, a few times in the past, I’ve watched Stoned-Hippies play around with randomly applying cuss words to the short poems, only to waste four hours generating meaningless word-salad, and had always assumed that it must be impossible or surely, Somebody! Out of the several billion other idiots on the planet, foolish enough to have read the thing, sometime in the last two thousand years or so, Would Have Figured It Out Already!

Equally disturbing, I had bumbled upon the discovery that, “Potty Mouth Nursery Rhymes”, older than monuments, and still being reinvented for the first time by little kids everywhere, were the likely origins of the 12,000 year old Bagua, from which the I-Ching and the Tao Te Ching were later extrapolated. The whole reason I had spent so long working on Wittgenstein, was on the assumption that he had to make more sense than the Tao Te Ching, only to discover the opposite is true, and the Tao Te Ching can use potty humor to describe Wittgenstein, with mathematical precision. Adding insult to injury, over the routine course of previously conducting logistics research, upon my just happening to notice that the worldwide web was being heavily censored, more than usual that is, of anything new related to fuzzy logic and quantum mechanics in particular, well naturally, I dug a bit deeper than usual, only to discover that some of these same potty mouth nursery rhymes have been classified as, “Vital to the National Defense!”

If you ask me, fiction is an all too commonplace reality but, if reality were never stranger than fiction, nobody would ever buy it! One Logician, whose work is classified, asked me to write paradoxical nonsense for him and, rather than deny my own evidence, eventually I decided to, “Bite The Bullet!” And, see if I could make more sense out of it all, by going cross-eyed for the next decade or two, dedicating myself to mastering the potty mouth prose of the poetry, which uses only salty quotes, popular song lyrics, and commonly used phrases whenever possible. Writing all of the poetry required, for a more detailed examination of the analog logic, necessitated that I also write these chapters, collating the entire lifetime’s worth of incongruous disparate facts, which I had amassed, only to confirm my worst suspicions. Difficult as it might be, for billions around the globe to believe, I’ve found a way to prove, The Pale Buddha Was Dead Wrong! And, the past is never just a memory, nor is the future merely a dream, for the time is never quite what anybody thinks it is, until that time rolls round again and, 42 Really Is As Good An Explanation As Anyone Will Ever Get!

Of course, Douglass Adams, or any idiot for that matter, can claim that 42 is, “The Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything”, but this book explores the linguistic, sociological, physical, and mathematical evidence, based on first principles, and I make enough unique predictions, that it may even qualify as, “A Theory of Everything and Nothing”, which just so happens to resemble physical reality as we know it. For example, in spite of being incredibly accurate, and indispensable for countless purposes, nevertheless, Newtonian Mechanics have turned out to be tautological, while Relativity is blatantly self-contradictory, and has proven to use the same mathematics as Thermodynamics. Which are still struggling to successfully incorporate The Arrow of Time, as if the two merely trade accuracy for precision. According to the math, Newtonian Mechanics defy their own principle of identity, implying that everything is possibly composed of, Teeny-Tiny Ping-Pong Balls, Lime Jell-O, Wavy Gravy, Little White Tornadoes, Rubber Duckies, Coo-Coo Clock Springs, or just about anything else you might care to imagine, while General Relativity suggests that watching the night sky is comparable to watching a pot of water boil and, of course, “A Watched Pot Will Never Boil!” Yet, these are two of the best physical theories we have today. Complicating an already awkward situation, recently an AI provided a dramatic demonstration, for how it could easily calculate the orbits of the planets, without ever having to resort to using, “Figgy Newton’s Silly Laws of Motion!” Apparently, John Wheeler was simply ahead of his time, when he famously complained about black holes, “There Is No Law Except The Law There Is No Law!”

Being a typical Geeky German Physicist, upon accidentally discovering quantum mechanics, on purpose, Max Planck mistakenly believed he was being witty, when he begged his colleges to explain the joke. However, in his later years, his peers made a special point of celebrating, his remarkable achievement of having, somehow, acquired an extremely pleasant sense of humor! Quite possibly, from long familiarity working with quantum mechanics. Likewise, respected physicists everywhere, have insisted all along: Quantum Mechanics Are Not A Laughing Matter! And, Only Apply To Subatomic Particles! Because, of course, that’s what they’re usually paid to study, yet their claim has contradicted the accepted mathematical, theoretical, and experimental evidence, ever since the HUP and Schrodinger Equation were originally formulated. Over many decades of discussing the issue with them, not a single physicist that I’ve spoken to has ever considered it a problem, and an extensive survey of just how frequently academics casually contradict themselves, and deny their own evidence, should prove uniquely insightful into the modern scientific method. Specifically, into how it is commonly used, and abused, to promote the interests of commercial industries, special interest groups, and different cultural groups over science, while I provide unique suggestions, for how to use humor to make more sense, out of academic nonsense...

I’ve spent decades online talking to respected physicists, cosmologists, and philosophers, frequently on a daily basis, and these are all dedicated professionals who, very much like myself, often desperately want nothing more than real answers. Nonetheless, the idiots avoid discussing such issues seriously, and contradict themselves so often, and so casually, that I had to carefully organize and collate all of the bullshit myself, for no less than a dozen years, just to begin to get a better grasp on what’s missing from this picture. Referring to Joe DiMaggio, my father would sometimes exclaim, “Say It Ain’t So Joe!” And, for the first eight years, I kept quoting him, shaking my head the entire time, In Complete Denial! Absolutely Horrified! At just how profoundly insane, and totally out of touch with reality, I had discovered myself, modern science, and the entire world to have become! Thankfully, I kept up with the latest developments and, for example, just fifteen years ago a physicist demonstrated how it is possible to observe time flowing backwards, on macroscopic scales, using a micron sized polystyrene bead, suspended above a “Heat-Bath” by “Optical Tweezers”. I’m from Missouri myself, “The Show-Me State”, on my Mother’s side, and time flowing backwards, in different locations, on macroscopic scales, is all the evidence that anybody sane will ever require to know for themselves: Modern Physics Is Doomed!

Apparently, one way to make more sense out of quantum mechanics, is to ignore the popular opinions of physicists, and it might be helpful if someone also conducted a specific survey of what other “Ancient Greek Ideas”, physicists still cling to with their dying breath, which were originally part of Comedy Acts, that toured the country. Regardless of how tiny anything is, or how much sense anything might make, to any of the more, “Demanding Reality Snobs!” Apparently, the simple explanation for “Schrodinger's Cat”, is that time can obviously flow forward and backwards, simultaneously in different locations, implying an infinite number of universes, within a Singularity, or a “Mysterious Magical Metaphorical Multiverse” where, ultimately, 42 is as good as it gets. Where The Wild Things Are, enigmatically, a solitary quantum of solace yet remains, indubitably uncertain: Thoroughly Confused and Confusing! While, in enormous numbers, normally willful, spurious, and independent quanta, who apparently have no impulse control whatsoever on their own, suddenly settle down to become extremely outgoing, gregarious, social, and much more reliable and productive denizens of the Particle Zoo. Strongly implying that, no matter how soothing any particular “Metaphysical Ointment”, or how popular anybody’s “Comedy Routine” and, regardless of just how deadly accurate or precise any of our Current Theories happen to be, the only way to rule out 42 being as good an answer as anybody will ever get, is to examine the “Big Picture”, for corroborating statistical evidence, or anything low in entropy, or low in content. (Duh!)

Without ever realizing it, I had unintentionally spent 35 years gathering just such arcane statistical evidence, which modern science routinely ignores as unworthy of their attention, and extremely unlikely to ever obtain government grants, much less, secure tenure. Isaac Asimov was one of my childhood heroes, and I’m proud to call a few academics good friends, whose work provides an invaluable contribution, with one of my best friends from childhood being My First Doctor. Who now works for the CDC, and is one of the few people in the entire world that Mom would never hesitate to invite to Thanksgiving Dinner! Nevertheless, when an academic once asked me what can be done to address the exceedingly long, still burgeoning list of: Looming Man-Made Catastrophes, Currently Threatening The Entire Future of Humanity! I angrily suggested he find out who is teaching all these idiots how to destroy the planet faster! Call Me “Brain Damaged!” But, Either The Right Hand Knows What The Left Hand Is Doing: Or, We’re All Screwed! All Eight Billion of Us!”

My father was a Captain in the USN and, sometimes, Dad would say, “Three Stooges comedy routines just don’t cut it, when the whole world is falling apart at the seams! These Days, Its All Hands On Deck!” The military isn’t famous for geniuses, and Dad would be the first to tell anyone he wasn’t the sharpest pencil in the box, while the physicist John Wheeler was an intellectual giant, but what impressed me the most about both men, was their personal integrity, and salty sense of humor, which empowered them to repeatedly surpass their own potential, and become great leaders in their respective fields. Dad met his lifelong goal of commanding a major ship of the line, while Wheeler earned my respect for life when, despite his personal belief in the Collective Unconscious, he protested the “American Association for the Advancement of the Sciences”, for including research into psychic phenomena among their ranks, when they never did meet their own standards for a valid science. His peers went cross-eyed but, like my father, he knew that: “Sometimes, the truth may be worth fighting for, but it certainly never requires any defense! While, without the truth, whatever you believe becomes worthless.” This book provides the proof that Wheeler was more right than he knew, and the problem is, Institutionalized Stupidity In The Sciences! And, Certainly, Not The Truth Itself!

A few have compared my work to the movie, “What the *Bleep* Do We Know?”, but I’ve never watched it, and have no interest in how Hollywood continues to promote ignorance, or how they currently prefer to beg the question for fun and for profit. As it is, I was forced to conduct my own informal survey, for over a decade, just to confirm that almost nobody even knows the dictionary merely contains popular definitions, and their teachers might as well be killing their own students, by encouraging them to argue over the definition of stupid. Understandably, that might sound like an exaggeration on my part but, the unfortunate truth is, their teachers are literally killing their own students, which I cover in extensive detail, with students in countries around the world, now actively protesting, and going on strike: Rebelling Against An Education System That Promotes Global Warming and Environmental Destruction!

Mother Jones Firmly Believed, Children Everywhere Should Be Heard, And Not Just Seen! And, dismissed any attempts to label her a “Political-Anarchist” as, “The Mindless Ranting and Raving of, Overgrown Spoiled Brats!” Who, at the time, typically drank a fifth of liquor a day! Never being inclined to waste her time arguing with drunken fools, and contentious idiots, she stalwartly proceeded to teach children everywhere, how to make themselves heard, over the same, “Inebriated Mob”, that many of their own parents had become eager to join! But, With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility! To get the Hell out of their way, if you cannot so much as teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, and have nothing else worthwhile to contribute towards, Saving The Planet! Like anybody else, Kids maybe dumb, but they ain’t stupid!

Well over half the people I surveyed readily admitted to making up their own definitions for words and, without hesitation, many then angrily accused me of being a liar, for merely claiming that the dictionary only contains popular definitions, while most went to some lengths to complain that I was obviously rudely wasting their time, with my two simple questions, which they had all agreed to answer. Several individuals had sought me out themselves, having heard, somewhere, that I was asking two simple questions that nobody could answer, only to accuse me of lying about the dictionary, while one woman laid into me for well over half an hour, attempting to make damned straight sure that I understood: “The Truth Is A Taboo Subject!” Conan O’Brien’s only advantage over me is that, even complete strangers who don’t know him, including his own wife and kids, laugh whenever they see him on TV, or even just walking down the street, but its as if well over half the people I spoke to were merely two years old, and they were all attempting to hurt my feelings, intimidate me, and make me feel guilty, for confusing them with the stupid truth.

Several articles I’ve come across have suggested that the two political parties in the US have created their own, “Orwellian Nightmare”, Playing a Game of, “Tug-of-War With Words”, but not a single article I’ve come across has pointed out the, rather unflattering, all-too-well-documented-fact, that academia, the mass media, and the mainstream have all been playing around with words, Willie-Nillie, for well over a century. Even as a brain damaged five year old, it was impossible for me to not notice, that almost nobody even knew how to use a stupid dictionary while, even more insanely, everybody dismissed it as unimportant! Later, I had to practically Pry The Information, From My High School Teachers, that the English Language may have a second grammar, by first figuring out how the recognized grammar contradicts itself.

Sooner or later, they all tend to either call me crazy, or stop talking to me altogether, and I really can’t blame them. Without ever pausing to even think about What The Hell All The Bullshit Is Leading Up To! They’ve literally been arguing over total nonsense their whole lives, and that now comes to well over 150 million blithering idiots in the US alone, constantly fighting back and forth, like little kids on the playground! With the all too predictable result that, These Days: Nobody Trusts a Fucking Thing Anybody Says Anymore! That might sound a bit harsh, but this has been going on, for so long now, it has finally achieved the status of, “A Perfect Tantrum Storm!” One that ensures The Blithering Idiots, all remain totally clueless, and utterly shameless, with the vast majority of their nonstop complaints, endless demands, and contentious disputes, amounting to little more than Bald-Faced Lies, and the most infantile bullshit imaginable. Including, not least of all, making up their own definitions for words on a whim, and half the damned country now choosing to ignore anything the other half says, As If Covering Their Ears, And Yelling, “I Can’t Hear You!!!”

Once, an atheist told me the dictionary is not a God, and I told him to, Tell It To The Judge! And, see if he throws “The Book” at him! Somebody, Somewhere! Has to define honesty but, unfortunately, forty years of surveys have steadily revealed that the same quarter of the population, that still claims to this very day that the sun revolves around the earth, just so happen to be The Same Flaming Idiots, who’ve been demanding the right to define reality for the rest of us, All Along! And, happen to also be the Same Damned Fools who started the Civil War and, eventually, persuaded academics to seldom think twice about throwing their own dictionary out the window. Now, they’ve all decided, in their “Infinite Infantile Wisdom”, yet again, that they’d much rather prefer to live income tax free, on the wrong side of the tracks, in their own little, “Private Idaho”, each with “His and Her” very own, personally autographed and monogrammed, leather bound collectible, “Autobiographical Dictionary”, and heavily censored, “Kindergarten Encyclopedia.” The Squeaky Wheel Always Gets The Grease! And, even the historical records clearly indicate, these sorry individuals have always been so incoherent that, frequently, making up nonstop lies, and bullshit demands, is the only way they can actually get anything they want, by accident if nothing else.

Just how stupid are they you might ask? So stupid, they’ve been actively lobbying publishers, with their own “Superior” definitions for words, as if they seriously believe they can literally change reality as we know it, by merely printing whatever the hell they want and, somehow, make it “Official”. Even though, they themselves refuse to use a dictionary, reject academic opinions on the subject, and insist, “Governments and Corporations Are All Evil Incarnate!” According to the latest studies, the worst of the current bullshit began around the same time that the internet and cellphones were first commercialized, and confirms that the same quarter of the population could not care less about the truth, feel deeply rejected by the same mass media they all watch nonstop, and are merely hellbent on destroying their own government and, surprise, remain responsible for spreading most of the fake news and misinformation.

Thus, ensuring that nobody ever really trusts the same Mass Media, that they’re all heavily addicted to, and pay good money for Which, Obviously, Is The Work Of The Devil! But, A Necessary Evil! A Mass Media which, in turn, by overwhelming demand, must always claim, “The Devil Made Me Do It!” That is, over the routine course of performing their other civic duties, for the Mindless Mob. Ignobly endeavoring to ensure that the end always justifies the means, when nobody can even agree on the definition of stupid, and the “Cult of Personality” and “Three Stooges Cutthroat Poker” are the most exciting shows on reality TV. Call it a “Reality TV Documentary”, if you prefer, but there’s no such thing as an informed electorate, much less, “Political Correctness”, when everybody in the whole world knows, all-too-damned-well, from the extensive historical records alone, with all due respect to the Founding Fathers, the only light bulb ever left on in US politics, is the b**b tube flickering in the dark.. … .. .. .

Liars Are a Dime a Dozen, But Good Lies Make Money! And, despite there being almost no limits on how much you can spend on Campaign Advertising, and everyone voting for whoever advertises the most for over twenty years, Fox News legally being entertainment, and their own president cutting another major news outlet a deal on their rent, while threatening to pull the licenses of the rest, Like Spoiled Rotten Brats! Conservative Politicians are still whining and complaining that the mass media doesn’t support them enough, or support democracy. As if they can find better prices for democracy, by campaigning in foreign countries. “Shooting Wildly From The Hip, Always Aiming For The Lowest Common Denominator!” The fools have been swilling down their own, oh so much more exciting, demanding, and convenient bullshit, just as fast as they can, ever since Ronald Reagan first encouraged them and, then, promptly died of Alzheimer's. The enduring legacy of Reagan’s, Oh-So-Charming, professional actor’s glib sarcastic politics, includes Emergency Room Physicians across the country, who’ve gone cross-eyed ever since his administration, recording one epidemic after another, of Senior Citizens in particular, all panicking, drinking more, shooting themselves in the foot, and dropping like flies! As If, George Orwell Were Broadcasting “War of the Worlds”, All Over Again!

Over the last thirty years, high-tech communications have inspired them to aspire to, yet again, loftier new heights of infantile insanity, “On The Infinite Playground of Life, The Universe, and The Internet Twilight Zone!” Insidiously, their own worst lies have started to come back to haunt them, spreading furiously, faster, and further than ever before as, knowing no mercy, The Twilight Zone Expands! Bereft the slightest hesitation, pity, or remorse and, once again, In Roaring Silence, Oblivion Overtakes The World! Or, at least, the Internet! Engulfing everything in its path, pausing only to bite everyone in the a*s, relentlessly penetrating, Ever So Much Deeper And, Yet, Deeper Still! All the way down into the Very Heart of the glutenous-gelatinous, stanky-dank, gloomy-dark, bowels of the Fabled Fluted Fathomless Formless Flattened Fractured Fat Flubberly Fractals, Hidden Somewhere In Dark Shadows! Within the Disturbingly, Dizzyingly, Distraught, Distant, Dimwitted, Dumbfounding Dimensions which, of necessity, inescapably, irresistibly, and inescapably, need must inevitably, against any and all objections to the contrary, nevertheless, Lead Ever Onward Still! Desperately, Clawing Their Way All The Way Down! To The Fabulous-Flatulent-Rock-Bottom-Fruity-Tooty-Fuzzy-Wuzzy-No-No Zone, At The Extreme Outer Limits, of La-La Land!

Whereas, likewise, as many already undoubtedly suspect, decades of watching Televangelism, reality TV, Talk Radio, and reruns of “Gilligan’s Island!” Have also inspired millions of jejune viewers, whose teachers all insist they had the finest education, To Creatively Lose Touch With Reality Altogether! In recent years, they’ve confused themselves so badly, and made themselves so thoroughly paranoid, over the same mass media they’re all addicted to, that they’re killing themselves in record numbers, claiming a pandemic sweeping the planet is a hoax, and refusing to be vaccinated. Making the internet, talk radio, and the b**b tube, now officially leading causes of easily preventable death and, Blowing Up Your TV Could Save Someone’s Life!

Sadly, if manufacturers were compelled to put a “Skull And Crossbones” and “Mr Yuk” stickers, and warning labels, all over every TV and Cellphone, they would likely only sell faster, which is why it’s illegal to put them on cigarettes. These Days, Most Would Not Recognize The Simple Truth If It Bit Them In The Ass! And, even Oxford professors have been reduced to making up their own nonsense words, like little kids, fumbling in their attempts to insult one another on the School Playground, or pretending that they can save the world by inventing, new and exciting sounding, totally meaningless gibberish. For their part, the Mass Media refers to our modern era as, “Post Truth”, instead of a Shakespearean Tragedy of the “Kindergarten Variety”, which they themselves remain: Hugely Responsible For Helping To Dramatize! And, Which Appears All Too Likely To End In Complete Disaster!

It turns out that Hitler’s “Big Lie” was nothing more than another, “Kindergarten Bully Post Truth Big Lie!” One, which conveniently ignored the less than flattering truth, that the idiots had always been so paranoid, gullible, and contentious, and their teachers so grossly incompetent, that none of them even had the slightest clue how to use a dictionary, yet they all demanded the right to print their own versions! Academia and The Mainstream Have Made Their Own Words So Hollow Sounding, To Even Themselves, that a fourth political party is attempting to form in the US, because the idiots don’t even trust their own dictionary, much less, their own Rhetoric or Mass Media. More democrats than republicans now claim their own Constitution is irrelevant, begging the question of why they keep demanding someone count their votes, and confirming that, “The Idiots Don’t Even Bother To Listen To Themselves Anymore!”

Perhaps its all for the best, with yet another study indicating a strong majority are increasingly lying to one another, about their political views, in order to avoid discussing the issue altogether. This same trend can also be seen in the statistics collected over the last half century, with Americans progressively refusing to discuss one subject after another, such as race or religion, until politics remained the only subject anyone was willing to discuss, as if they were the Hatfield’s and McCoys. At least half the country has absolutely no interest in discussing anything controversial, as the slowly dawning realization has finally begun to set in, that nobody is listening to a damned thing anybody says anymore! But, it doesn’t appear to make the slightest bit of difference! Frequently, I tell people, “It’s Empire Baby, And This Gravy Train Ain’t Stopping Until She Derails!” Seeking Artistic Inspiration, William Faulkner and Stephen King might relocate to Sesame Street, and skip Vaudeville altogether, as far too intellectual, meanwhile, scientists are calling for a moratorium on further climate change research, protesting the fact that leading governments are not taking decisive action to address the issue, but the current president of the US supports using fossil fuels, and our former president supported burning even coal, And Would Gladly Burn All Of Their Research As Well!

Begging the question, yet again, as to exactly who it is the scientists are trying to impress, or whether they’re merely hoping throwing a tantrum might work. Or, perhaps, just can’t stand the thought of not actively protesting, the same people they work for, slowly killing them, while they take careful measurements. Greta Thunberg is a popular environmental activist, who has repeatedly complained, Our World Leaders Refuse to Treat The Environmental Crisis As An Emergency but, more often than not, their teachers could not teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, share their words, and play nice, If Their Lives Depended On It! Honesty is such a lonely word, that when a Grammar School Kid recently declared his intention to always tell the truth, It Made The National News!

Nobody, but nobody, is bothering to point out that, since the inventions of reality TV and the internet, they’ve all been increasingly acting like spoiled two year olds, “Living On Gilligan’s Island!” Encouraging each other to babble complete nonsense, contradicting themselves at the drop of a hat, refusing to believe anything anybody else says, and drowning in their own utterly transparent lies, While Storming the Palace With Knives and Pitchforks, and Making the Three Stooges Look Like Flaming Geniuses In Comparison! One guy walked right off a cliff while playing with his cellphone and, as a direct result of academia’s ongoing Abject Failure, to so much as teach a child how to use a dictionary, a third of the population today consists of compulsive liars, bullying is epidemic in both the workplace and the hallowed halls, and the, “Conservative Moral Majority” has steadily acquired the dubious distinction, of having the highest rates of abortion, child abuse, rape, divorce, alcoholism, and suicide, with their population now projected to implode altogether, within two decades, Just In Time For Global Warming! Testing their DNA remains the most reliable way to determine how anyone votes, and The Easiest Way To Destroy Conservative America Today, is to feed them all of the more exciting lies they crave, and sell them all the cheap, “Made in America”, birth-control, handguns, porn, and liquor, which they so desperately require in our troubling times, while praising their teachers, and urging everyone to, “Watch Fox News, and Ignore Anything Democrats Say!”

Conservatives tend to commit suicide after a divorce, with money being the most wildly popular reason for getting married or divorced, and he or she who dies with the most toys wins, but they frequently don’t have a lot of silly old fashioned ideas, about things like causality or romance. One woman confided in me that she was a die-hard liberal, that the extra taxes amounted to a pittance, but the next time she married, she wanted a bigger fish, because she had a “Harvard Education”, and its easier to love a rich man than a poor one. Once, she said, she fell in love with a man who didn’t have money, quickly broke it off, and decided she never wanted to be that happy again. Anywho, it might be helpful if someone at Harvard could estimate the current prices for “Trophy Wives” or, at least, supply photographs, and maybe a calendar, with Harvard’s students today more likely to be “liberals” and “democrats”. Whatever that means anymore, since nobody cares about their own dictionary, much less, The Constitution, and nobody wants to talk about it. Perhaps, somebody at Harvard can also give us some insight into what “Liberal” currently means, when nobody can even agree on the definition of stupid, while a “Freudian Analysis” of “Trophy Wives”, could prove invaluable. Harvard excluded Jews from their roles, and dismissed countless theories, only to have people like Freud shove their own crap right down their throats, By Selling Cocaine To The Wives of The Rich and Famous! Of course, along with a line of guilt free bullshit, A Mile Long!

Porn sells itself, and you can easily encourage the idiots to buy more guns, by simply suggesting that conservatives are the real victims of gun violence, without ever having to mention that its usually self-inflicted and, likewise, you can easily encourage them to drink themselves to death, by merely reminding them to watch Fox News, and never listen to democrats. It’s actually common knowledge among Conservatives themselves, who switch back and forth between listening to “Talk Radio” and “Fox News”, according to just how much they upset them, and how much they drink. This Is a Public Service Reminder, Courtesy of the Democratic Party To: Stock Up On Popcorn, Booze, and Fox News! Don’t forget to also tune into your Favorite Talk Radio Station, for the latest exciting revelations concerning the “Impending Apocalypse”, and our extensive coverage of, “Voluntary Genocide in America Today!”

The courts, academia, and the mass media, have repeatedly suggested that the technology for lie detectors has not improved significantly, in well over half a century, but private corporations have long since moved on, to develop their own AI and Lie Detectors, which can sometimes see right through people, Just Like Wet Toilet Paper! Scientists can now practically use your brain waves to read a newspaper, and some of these newer AI Lie Detectors may already be outrageously more reliable than any judge or jury in the country, and, quite possibly, are capable of even predicting some court decisions better than the courts themselves, by merely analyzing their transcripts. Take my word for it, or not, but you cannot attack what you cannot comprehend: Not When Its What’s Missing From This Picture! While, all that anyone actually requires is a home computer, and I provide explicit instructions for developing the technology in the public domain. And, for how to exploit academia, and all the other liars and posers, for fun and for profit, So They Never See Any of The Punch Lines Coming!

These days, you can buy a stupid cellphone with a built-in lie detector, almost as accurate as Newtonian Mechanics, and there’s no reason whatsoever, that every TV and Courtroom in America can’t come with its own “Certified Lie Detector”, “Complete, With A Loud Buzzer!!!” Who Needs A Stack of Bibles! If everybody in the courtroom knows perfectly well, the buzzer will go off the minute anybody lies! But, as far as I can tell, the whole idea of sharing their own “Common As Dirt Dictionary”, much less, The Simple Truth, Just Sounds Too Much Like Socialism, Or Worse Still, Another Liberal Fantasy! Already, the courts are preventing people from making audio and video recordings, so I explain how to linguistically analyze their written transcripts for database searches, using AIs that can also train people in how to dissect anything said in court, in ways that academia and the courts themselves are entirely incapable of appreciating, due to their commonly rejecting their own dictionary, severely stunted senses of humor, and institutionalized denial that, Humor Is The Primary Grammar of Any Language!

Even the physical, mathematical, and neurological evidence already suggests this, with infants acquiring a sense of humor around four months, when they can actually start to remember things for the first time. Unfortunately, the sad truth is, The Truth Is Bad For Business, Just Ask The Pentagon! Which is why “The Truth” has become the playground of Billionaires and, even Judge Judy could never afford to stay on the air, if she started treating her fictitious courtroom as if it were just another tawdry ghetto TV game show, giving away second rate prizes. Nevertheless, again and again, its the gift that keeps on giving! Providing Yet Another Wonderful Opportunity! In which to manipulate academia and the judicial system, of course, in order to, Inflate The Price of The Truth On The Black Market! While, everybody agrees, “Virtual Reality and AI Are The Future!” Because, of course, there never was any intelligent life around here! Beam Me Up Scotty!!!

Reality TV would cease to exist altogether, and be replaced with “Fantasy TV”, if every reality TV show, including Fox News, Used a Lie Detector, With a Loud Buzzer! Oprah might have to hire emergency medical personnel, and an on-staff psychologist, and her insurance might not cover it! While I most certainly don’t expect everyone to rush to install lie detectors in every Motel Room, Church Pew, and Public Restroom! Obviously, if even the lofty “Ivory Towers”, cannot muster enough personal integrity, To At Least, Set An Example For Kindergarten Classes! Then, Big Bird Is The Only Reliable Teacher Left In The Country! My own work focuses on kick-starting the next Scientific Revolution, within the public domain, and encouraging all of the sciences to become more sustainable and humane by, among other things, automating the process of collating data on a personal computer, and throwing the worst of academia’s bullshit, right back in their faces, Just As Hard As You Can!

For example, I also explain how to design cheap bots, that can easily determine exactly how gullible anyone is, and can argue with the best of them over the definition of stupid, or whatever “Infantile Lies and Trivial Bullshit”, they care to debate. Click Here To Join the Soupy Sales Club Today~*****~And, Win A Million Dollars!!!~****~The more brazen their lies, meaningless their gibberish, and vacuous their arguments, the more unbelievably gullible they also become, and the more bots they’ll attract: Making It Harder To Distinguish The Overgrown Brats, From Any Other Mindless Bot!

Already, the younger generation is attempting to avoid bots online, recognizing that they all incorporate analog logic but, young or old, the idiots are so stupid they tend to assume that anything that isn’t obviously fake, or labeled fake, must be real, and you can use crude bots, you can even label as “Fake”, to encourage them to assume more complicated bots are real people, Ad Infinitum Ad Nauseam! Again, I’m not exaggerating just how stupid they actually are, when I say if you merely label an obvious bot fake, they’ll automatically assume the others are real. The less they trust even their own words, coming out of their own mouths, the more they start to trust computers over people, including trusting themselves less than a computer! And, the more willing and eager they become to spout complete lies and utter nonsense and, the more excitedly they will, “Click Here! To Win a Million Dollars!”

On “Gilligan’s Island”, When You’re Crippled Inside, You Can Run, But You Cannot Hide, From Your Own Collective Stupidity! Using scalar designs, bots can automatically replicate both simpler and more complex versions of themselves, on demand, across any scales, according to exactly how gullible people happen to be at any particular website. Trolling for the same idiots trolling for people, and leveling the online playing field, even on “Gilligan’s Island”, by enforcing that the only way to censor the bots is to, Censor The Half-Wits As Well! Or, allow them to continue to argue with bots, that attempt to sell them insurance, toiletries, pillows, ownership of their very own certified dictionary definitions, all limited editions to be sold to the highest bidder, “In The Grand Capitalist Tradition!” Or, whatever. While, Conspiracy Theory Networks Will Never Be The Same Again! There’s simply no accounting for taste and, using bots, you can sell them all their very own exciting, “Customized Nightmare-Fantasies”, as their birthright, and encourage the idiots to convince themselves they got a good deal.

When you’re only two years old, “Winning Isn’t Everything, Its The Only Thing!” And, Online White Collar Crime, Might As Well Legally Be, A Redundant Oxymoron! One atheist thought he was clever, selling pet insurance for the apocalypse, but these bots could eventually talk WC Fields out of his lunch money and life savings, using his own bullshit against him. Naturally, many may assume that academics themselves are way too smart, to fall for such stupid tricks, however, even Wikipedia and the Oxford English Dictionary, have been compelled to retract an impressive number of articles and definitions, due to resident militant atheists, refusing to acknowledge that making up their own definitions, for words like “Objectivity”, accomplishes nothing, and merely reflects badly on the university and website. There’s a long standing replication crisis in the sciences yet, while watching PBS interviews with many of the more famous academics today, I came across two who were lecturing on Total Nonsense: Complete Bullshit, you can interpret any damned way you prefer. Frank Zappa famously sang, “Don’t You Jive Me With That Cosmic Debris!” While, one particularly smooth talking academic was droning on about, “Cosmic Consciousness”, as his audience hung on every word, just waiting for the Cool-Aide to be served...

Helping to commercialize some of the Pentagon’s last generation, “Terminator Drone Technology”, for decades now, the Japanese Government has dedicated itself to developing, “Friendly Robots!” However, only recently, have a few AI started to become almost indistinguishable from people and, sometimes, these have managed to temporarily acquire a larger online following than the rich and famous, by merely spouting more exciting sounding bullshit. The first entirely synthetic fashion models, hit singles, pop stars, porn stars, and life-like “AI Sex Dolls”, are already gaining in popularity and, for the first time ever, Advanced Medical Technology has now made it possible, for anyone to practice safe sex and, “Buy A Cheap Blow Job Online! From Your Favorite, Plastic Fantastic Lover!!!” For the last half century or better, universities have been expanding faster than they can keep up with, only to cause their own populations to implode and, increasingly, Reject Public Education! In response, academics themselves are now beginning to sound like Cartoon Characters, competing for recognition, with some suggesting that what they require is better marketing. (Hulk Smash Atoms!) Pop music has become almost entirely devoid of intonation, often digitally manipulated, because nobody wants to hear the truth in even the voices of their popular singers, who’re increasingly difficult to distinguish from porn stars, whispering sweet nasty things in your earbuds...

Over the last century, While Industriously Repaving Paradise For A New Mall and, steadily, converting every Mom and Pop Family Farm, Store, and Restaurant, into a wide variety of lucrative franchises, some of which will go in the exciting new mall, in recent years, the bastion of capitalism has become so nostalgic, glamorous, and romantic, that Walmart has surpassed the Sports Bars, to become the most widely known pick-up joint left in America! For their part, In Japan, at least the sun still rises, but the women have been loudly complaining for decades, for polite Japanese that is, that it’s hard enough to get laid in a country of polite workaholics, without having to compete with, Online Porn, VR, and Transformer Robots! The number of men who no longer want children, has doubled in the last decade alone and, in some places like conservative Michigan, up to a quarter of the adult population are now resigned to never having children, with children steadily becoming more unpopular, in the wealthiest countries in the world. Wherever people have easy access to modern birth control, and options to spend their limited time and money on other, obviously, much more worthwhile things.

Usually, whatever the corporations they work for can support, with many having to relocate every five years on the average, and pursue up to five different careers, just to keep up with the Jones, and save enough for retirement. At the last minute, some governments are rushing to offer financial incentives to encourage them to have more children, but to little effect, with it still being much cheaper to import new people to replace them, automate, or export their jobs. While, many are still struggling just to pay the next month’s rent, and compete in the business world, against robots, computers, and people who have no children, with some couples now calling themselves, “Power Couples!” As if they’re A Professional Wrestling “Tag Team”, or Cartoon Characters, when the simple truth is, only one in over 4,000 actually supports all the rest with jobs and cash, while the machines are increasingly doing more of the work, For Every Damned One of Them! Germany’s population is now imploding faster than anybody else and, apparently, Hitler’s “Master Race” is now struggling to reproduce, In Both Germany and Japan!

If Niche’s Supermen exist, they seem to prefer fame and fortune to changing diapers, or saving the world. The rest of the world isn’t far behind, with women’s heels increasing in height the closer you get to any major metropolitan area, and plastic surgery exploding in popularity everywhere, as their population simultaneously takes a nose dive! Along With That Of Every Other Living Thing On The Planet! Some now refer to modern civilization as a, “Death Culture”, that Worships Death because, at least, it sounds more dignified than, “The Marching Morons and High Tech Three Stooges Slapstick Destroying The Entire F*****g Planet!” The latest plan for defeating making abortion illegal in the US, is to make contraceptives like the “Day After Pill”, freely available to republicans. Progress has also been made in developing, “A Male Birth-Control Pill!” With the hope being to ensure that both abortion and gun laws will no longer be issues, when conservatives finally become a minority, while researchers around the globe, are currently rushing to make all of their more exciting Nightmare-Fantasies come true...

With such things, one assumes, sometime after modern science is done helping the High Tech Industries, to finish thoroughly automating everything. Of course, in order to make it much faster, cheaper, easier, profitable, convenient, and socially acceptable in every way imaginable. For conservatives around the globe, of every persuasion, to save on taxes, throw away their constitutions, and destroy their own governments, by committing, “Voluntary Genocide!” As much as that might sound like merely a joke, a quarter of the entire civilized world still insists the sun revolves around the earth, and the market is beyond enormous and, largely untapped, with Russia being a notable exception which, nevertheless, still obviously requires extensive modernization, Using Much More Creative Zen Bullshit!

The easiest way to destroy the gun lobby today, for example, is to produce cheap plastic handguns that cost $50.oo, and market them to conservatives, or even give them away for free. The entire United States is dividing in half, geographically that is, according to the politicians you can afford, making it easier than ever before to: Target Specific Markets! In wealthy Conservative resort and retirement areas in particular, knowing damned well the idiots tend to kill each other and commit suicide, and you might as well be selling your political opposition legalized crack cocaine. That might sound unethical, but US cities have watched these same states sell weapons on their black markets for decades! Already, some conservative states are now confronting the grim reality, that they’re driving away businesses and attracting people who hate paying taxes. Not to mention, drink almost as much as the Russians, prefer to wear loaded weapons in public, and even their own cops are now having to deal with “Death Threats”, from Radical Right-Wingers! It’s Legal to Shoot a Hooker in Texas, for attempting to steal your wallet, meanwhile, Conservative Politicians are already begging their constituents to, “Pass The Ammo, and Make More Babies!”

All attracted, no doubt, by their Lovely, Family Oriented, State Politics and determined to actively participate, and ensure they get their money’s worth for their tax dollar, that is, From The Hatfield’s and The McCoys! When the “Beverly Hillbillies” Struck Oil in Texas, They All Bought Assault Riffles and Rocket Launchers! During the Capitol Hill Riot in DC, the cops killed each other, committing treason by lowering their barriers, and the idiots, who allowed these same radical right wing groups through, drove the price for reliable cops through the ceiling in other parts of the country! The Pentagon has been rushing to play catch-up as well, ever since it became public knowledge, that one of their own troopers was planning on killing his entire company, making it increasingly difficult to find anyone willing to volunteer, to serve their country.

No matter how often conservatives shoot themselves in the foot, It Never Gets Old! The idiots are so stupid, they just keep coming back for more! In the early 1990s, Small Towns Across America, started shooting themselves in the foot, in earnest once again, when the Tea Party and Talk Radio first encouraged them to get tough on crime, even though they had low crime rates. “In The Good Old Days”, otherwise quiet small towns like these, might have formed a Lynch Mob but, today, they had to settle for electing the biggest a*****e around Sheriff, only to be sued for millions they couldn’t afford. When you’re only two years old, its all just fun and games, until someone gets hurt, Like Yourself!

In The Resounding Vacuum! Depending on your physical proximity to the Mass Media, upwards of 90% of the public, has now become foolish enough to thoroughly convince themselves that they’re above average, at detecting things like Deep Fakes, or Bullshit in general, when the simple truth is, most find Deep Fakes to be much more convincing than the real deal. Being ever so much more exciting, easier to follow, and meeting oh so many more of their own, much more realistic, preconceptions and demanding expectations, while over 40% casually spread misinformation and, You Might As Well Ask A Dog Not To Chew On Its Bone! As usual, when it comes to Fake News, kids have proven to be better at detecting lies than adults, but the adults are the ones with all the money, doing all the talking, even when nobody is listening, unless you count the bots...

Again, making them extremely easy to imitate, easy to exploit and, essentially, no different from Televangelism, or any number of mass marketing schemes, even in the “Hallowed Halls”. Where the same tedious lowbrow slapstick always applies, including denying that their denial is all too sadly predictable, and only encourages others to exploit them at the first opportunity. As all that anybody need ever do, in order to exploit them, is to encourage the idiots to keep on denying and demanding, anything and everything, that their precious, tiny-little, shrunken hearts and minds just so happen to desire, and so richly deserve! Of course, all in the name of Morality, Growth, and Progress! At any given time, anywhere between 25-75% of all Twitter accounts are estimated to be bots and, when an academic booted me off Reddit, he asked me how I might retaliate, so I told him I was taking down names but, what I didn’t tell him was, I was only there to design cheap bots, that can argue with the best them: Making Business-As-Usual, Flat-Out-Impossible!

The poetry and chapters of this book are all written using the same, Mathematical Equation: That Can Be Used To Describe Any Lowbrow Slapstick! And, can shamelessly provide similar nonsense on demand, for academics or anybody else to drool over. “There’s a Sucker Born Every Minute! And, among other things, I describe how to manipulate academic bullies, good-old-boy bullshit, and their peer review systems, with mathematical precision. Leveraging The Ignorance of The Experts Against Themselves! In order to increase the number of pay-walls. Thus, ensuring that the public knows just exactly how much their own dictionary and education are worth, according to Trump University and the Wall Street Journal! Logic is not the problem, its the idiots who insist they’re reasonable, because they’re the ones who define the meaning of the word for everyone else while, according to more Americans than ever before, “Living Well Is The Best Revenge!” Today, modern technology has made it possible to rigorously quantify and automate their, “Institutionalized Insanity", within the public domain, in order to encourage their own students to exploit them for every dime they have. Of course, In The Name of Saving The Planet! As well as, Survival of The Fittest!

I’ve been booted off every academic website imaginable, frequently for merely quoting their own uncomfortable facts while, countless others agree with me, including many former academics who’re good friends, that its all the same, “Institutionalized Three Stooges and Marx Brothers Bullshit”, dating back to at least The Dark Ages, and largely promoted by entrenched wealth. Regrettably, the US has become the most nepotistic country in the world, explaining why Professional Comedians keep complaining that they already have enough material, and can’t compete with reality. Absolute power may corrupt absolutely, but academia, the mass media, and the mainstream, all focus on using money to rot everyone’s brains, and its debatable if there’s any appreciable difference, when they can’t even use a dictionary, and you can literally use Chickens to model their behavior! It just doesn’t get anymore lowbrow these days and, if anybody reading this book needs some sort of, “Comforting Truth To Believe In”, it’s that modern technology has made automating the truth inevitable and, “On The Playground of Life, In The School of Hard-Knocks, Instant Karma’s Gonna Getcha Baby!”

Someone needs to crunch the numbers for the algorithm, but it should be possible to create complex bots that speak English well enough to fool at least half the population, almost all the time, using a home computer with a $35.00 pcie card, or a high-end laptop with a thumb drive. However, anyone, including Gabe Newell, or whoever can stop counting their money long enough, can incorporate the analog logic in this book into already existing bots, and video games as well. Or, even introduce an entirely new genre of lowbrow video games, for the more discerning gamers, Who Dare To Master some of the more demanding and, frequently censored, of “The Forbidden Dark Arts”, including “Bullshit Kung Fu!” And, “The Fine Art of Anarchistic Facilitation!” Believe it or not, its a, “Tribal Thing”, and some of us can make a porn star blush and walk the other way!

Games and Bots designed just for those countless, long forgotten, souls who, like myself, can never forget themselves, and still adamantly insist: “We Don’t Need No Education! If all our teachers have rotten senses of humor, and never did learn how to share their words and play nice!” Video games already commonly incorporate Karma and humor into their designs, but this book leverages enough Contextual Vagueness to take it to another level altogether, by stressing, “The Self-Evident Truth” as, “The Ultimate Grammar!” And, can additionally be used to create a virtual reality engine, capable of running simulations of quantum mechanics and Relativity, which can make more sense out of Feynman Diagrams and, humorously, illustrate how they apply in the macroscopic world. A more complete version of the minimalistic analog logic, requires twice as many poems, but I added extra chapters to compensate, and these are capable of accommodating a four fold super-symmetry, and any new poems.

Or, what can otherwise be described as, “A Quantized Karmic AI Engine”, that can effortlessly tailor its own geometry and dynamics, emotions and intellect, to suit each individual, like VR Fun House Mirrors! All choreographed by Fred Astaire, Micheal Jackson, and the immortal, Charlie Chaplin! Their feet a constant blur, Like Wavy Gravy, dispersing in every direction! Yet, unwaveringly converging upon what’s missing from this picture... In Higher Dimensions!!! Drifting endlessly unto the mysterious, fathomless, rootless, ever so Vague, Voracious, Vicious, Vindictive, Vitriolic, and Verily Vapid, yet somehow, still Vibrant, Virtuous Verisimilitude of the Virtually Vacuous Void! Forever Lost in Space, On the Far Side, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Deep in the Memory of God, firmly ensconced within the Naughty Nebulous Nictating Numbing Nexus of the Anonymous Open-Mike-Night Cosmic Microwave Background, and Twilight Zone Comedy Hour! Whilst, nostalgically waxing soothing metaphorical mumbo jumbo, and recounting the long and sordid tale of, “The Redemption of Goldilocks!”

Along with the dictionary and lie detectors, consciousness remains a profound mystery to modern science, while “Zen Bullshit” remains popular among academics, due to their enjoying playing around with semantics and, being unimpressed with the Marx Brothers. Or, it would seem, the least bit intimidated by the fact that linguistics are a well established profession, that’s increasingly both automated and classified research. While, the commercial sector doesn’t exactly share their words and play nice either, and can teach academics how to automate their own bullshit. With generous support from the NSA, who would like to remain anonymous, and might be Anonymous or, more likely, Online Keystone Cops! For all the difference it seems to make these days!

Academics themselves are already commonly and, quite casually, assisting and urging their governments to censor the internet. Sometimes, in the name of saving a democracy they admit no longer exists, so you can consider it your patriotic duty to, Show Them How To Censor Themselves! Of course, in academia’s case, that can easily become a full-time job, hence, the need for automation. Although it seemed like a huge waste of my time, what I confirmed by watching countless videos, and searching through endless websites, is that none of them knows a damned thing about systems logics, they habitually go out of their way to avoid acknowledging the self-evident truth even exists, and are seldom concerned with whether anything they say reflects reality in any sort of demonstrable fashion while, “If You Can’t Dazzle ‘Em With Brilliance, Baffle ‘Em With a Generous Helping of Their Own Bullshit!”

For example, there’s no such thing as a psychological category for lowbrow slapstick, even among supposedly “Objective” Behaviorists and, as if all professional comedians must have an undiagnosed mental disease, a psychologist recently informed the mass media that our former president fits all the criteria for a “Psychopathic Narcissist!” Without ever realizing that his criteria apply equally well to Professional Wrestling, and our former president is a lifelong fan, not to mention, a politician! In fact, Dwayne Johnston is a former professional wrestler, and one of the highest paid movie stars today, now thinking of running for president himself, and all of Hollywood is pumping iron, while practicing their one-liners, and wrestling moves. Suddenly, the mass media is filled with articles on how to avoid narcissists in our materialistic culture but, what none of them are pointing out, is that narcissism is merely a Latin word for egotism that describes not only Professional Wrestling, but Televangelism, politics in general, reality TV, and well over half the damned population!

Merely by automating the process of making similar insipid comparisons, of psychological and other models, against rudimentary lowbrow slapstick, you can instantly cuss-tomize any techno-gibberish, For Complete Blithering Idiots! If you want, automating spinning the news, using advanced mathematics that are classified, in ways the censors never see coming, while academics will never be able to keep up with the mass media and the public, constantly slaughtering their technobabble and rhetoric. Making much of it totally worthless on their, “Juvenile Playground!” And, encouraging the idiots to mock and attack academia and their own governments as, Totally Out of Touch With Reality! Along with anybody else stupid enough to disagree with, “The Same Mindless Mob They Both Actively Endorse and Promote!”

If modern medicine and psychology had a lick of integrity, they’d campaign for everyone to get it over with already and, Blow Up Their Fucking TV! Extensive studies have indicated that mortality rates have increased dramatically, children’s values and mental health have gone down the toilet altogether, and just watching too much television, is now proven to cause dementia, and reduce your lifespan by up to decades. People tell me I shouldn’t cuss so much, but half our water supplies have been contaminated with uranium, while half our children have been diagnosed with lead poisoning, a deadly pandemic keeps mutating and sweeping the planet, all of our economies are constantly reshuffling, and slowing down drastically, and the global ecology appears certain to collapse altogether any day now, That Is, Assuming WWIII Doesn’t Break Out In Earnest First! The last damned thing we need right now, is for teachers and their students to all keep refusing to cuss, in the name of taking a higher moral stance, while arguing over the definition of stupid, calling each other Narcissistic-Commie-Fashion-Terrorist-Zombie-Test-Dummies, and demanding answers from the “Cult of Personality” on reality TV, as Nero tunes up his fiddle! But, please, feel perfectly free, to just call me uncouth, uncivilized, angry, negative, and Fucking Obnoxiously Judgmental and Opinionated!

That way, at least I know something got your attention, other than the sound of your own voice or the b**b tube which, believe it or not, I somehow find reassuring. Of course, I also cover Much More Powerful, Extremely Positive, Truly Inspirational, Amazingly Uplifting, and Singularly Effective Ways, in which we can all, much more often, easily avoid cussing, and cheerfully encourage everyone to go outside, share their words, and play nice but, as my father used to say, sometimes it helps to get their attention first. Call me negative, angry, judgmental, pessimistic, out of touch with reality, brain-washed, brain-damaged, or an insane abbynormal-antisocial-psychopathic-sadistic-masochistic-anonymous-pot-smoking-narcisistic-facist-tree-hugging-Wall Street-Utopian-Commie-Fashion-Terrorist-and-Zombie-Test-Dummy! If it gives you a cheap thrill, or just helps you sleep better at night but, according to the overwhelming, overpowering, more than weighty and, still, rather obnoxiously growing and, already, quite intimidating, mountain of evidence, That Nobody Alive Can Casually Dismiss, With Anything Remotely Resembling Credible Conviction! Greta Thunberg Is An Optimist! Belying the occasional episodic fleeting hopes, public reassurances, wishful thinking, and brief appearances to the contrary, “Up Ahead, At The Twisted Fork In The Road, Lies A Crooked Sign In The Gutter, Where What I Say Once, Twice, Three Times Is Always True, Here In The Twilight Zone Kindergarten Bullshit Hour!” Forget About Bumbling Down The Road Less Traveled! The Whole World Is Going Down The Toilet! And, as of today, even the UN suddenly agrees: There’s Nobody In Charge Around Here!!! Rest assured, at the rate things are going, in the very near future, we will all become way too familiar with both cussing and what it means to be a, “Citizen of The World”, when this enormous pile of infantile crap, currently poised precariously at the very tippy-top of the Tower of Babel, Finally Hits The Fan!

Its a Small World After All! While, Mars is even smaller, way too expensive, and not nearly as far away as you really want and, apparently, nobody on reality TV has ever managed to actually Escape From The Rat Race, much less, The Matrix! Making it increasingly difficult to Duck Low Enough, and Planet Earth simply cannot afford the luxury of waiting around for, “Academic Eggheads”, who tend to overthink everything, to admit they don’t even know how to use, A Fucking Dictionary! If academics want to claim the right to behave like spoiled brats, Makeup Complete Gibberish and, Then, Pretend They Know Better Than The Rest of Us! When their own students still commonly believe the sun revolves around the earth, lie nonstop and, repeatedly, refuse to heed even their own dire warnings, concerning the most egregious life and death issues, then it behooves us all to treat academics themselves like infants and, “Show Them How Its Done On The Kindergarten Playground!“

Futile though it may be, I still feel compelled for, call it sentimental reasons, to remind people that, “You cannot attack what you cannot comprehend! Not, When Its What’s Missing From This Picture!” But, again, of course, please feel perfectly free to casually dismiss anything I write as hateful lies, terribly judgmental, totally one-sided, entirely misleading, insanely unrealistic, and cravenly anti-intellectual! The meaningless angry ravings of a lunatic, or whatever and, please, again, feel absolutely free to vigorously lobby your favorite dictionary publisher or congressmen, so you can make it official that, I’m Downright Despicable! That I actually have a sense of humor, and stoop so low as to use a dictionary! And, please, continue to loudly and proudly exercise your freedom of speech, while ardently attempting to censor the public domain, for the public good, and my bots will get back with you later, and deal with any complaints anyone might have.

Anywho, now where was I? Oh Yes! Sr Roger Penrose’s Theory, of quantum induced microwave vibrations in the brain, has already received its first two experimental confirmations, with one possible implication being that, “Sparkling Laughter”, the infectious kind that nobody can resist, may represent, “The Lowest Possible Energy State”, for the conscious mind and brain. Our conscious and unconscious minds share the same neurons, switching back and forth at will, making Sparkling Laughter a macroscopic manifestation of quantum mechanics, that emerges from within the subconscious. As the conscious mind repeatedly surrenders to the unconscious realization that, whatever the hell it is, It Just Don’t Make No Sense! Which, without ever having to resort to using statistical evidence can, nonetheless, still be used to prove to even the more stubbornly intellectual of the Three Stooges, that 42 is as good as it gets.

Sparkling Laughter is nonjudgmental, the naive laughter at the funny naked man in the parade but, when expressed in an adult, becomes infectious in people of any age. In order for the smallest child to infect adults with laughter, they would have to progressively infect older children, and then adults, unless some adults were already authentic enough to share their sense of humor. The implied moral of the story of, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, can be for communities to, “Treasure Sparkling Laughter!” And, gentle laughter in general, as a reflection of their True Strength, resilience, humanity, and integrity as a Community. My father inherited the Irish Catholic “Socratic Tradition”, including the associated humor and sparkling laughter, and his entire family treasured him as a living legacy, and a font of unique family wisdom, while the men who served under his command, repeatedly told me he was an honest and fair captain to sail with, and he often had to deal with hundreds of Marines, literally climbing all over his ship!

In a new experiment, optical hysteresis was used to take faster and weaker measurements, than is normally possible using any other known method, and suggesting that “Quantum Exceptional Points” could be responsible for things like Sparkling Laughter. With any luck, within a decade or so, it may become possible to automate Sparkling Laughter, and create bots in Virtual Reality, that laugh whenever some damned fool attempts to spread Complete Bullshit. The truth is simply more efficient and attractive than lies, making Sparkling Laughter infectious, and capable of normalizing both emotional and conceptual extremes but, everyone will be relieved to know, it also happens to be quite a bit more pleasant than a loud buzzer, and gets the point across much better, while still telling better jokes then the blithering idiots. In related research, mathematicians have established that Pi, or the Golden Ratio, is not entirely random but, instead, resembles a well known multidimensional multifractal equation. Indicating the existence of a universal recursion in the principle of identity, which along with, “Sparkling Laughter, Can Be Used To Conquer The World!”

According to established physics, the equation for Pi is complex enough to possibly represent all of physical reality as we know it and, assuming it represents a universal recursion, theoretically, even the most powerful quantum computers, should prove incapable of ever resolving the issue of whether the Golden Ratio is “Just Right”, or “Pi-R-Squared In Higher Dimensions!” Such a complete, all-encompassing, “Universal Recursion in The Principle of Identity”, would mean that everything, including the vacuum of space itself, must possess some minimal amount of content. Accounting for the use of eigenstates and virtual particles in quantum mechanics, and for Pi appearing to be utterly random yet, upon closer examination, also resembling one of the most complex fractal equations used today for modeling physical reality. The sheer complexity, of the equation for Pi, could represent the limits of our own mortal fallibility where, past a certain point, we become entirely incapable of drawing any clear distinctions, and must resort to using vague metaphors. In this particular case, incapable of distinguishing between what is ultimately random and orderly, due to everything expressing particle-wave duality, including our own mind and brain, energy and information.

Once I dreamed I was a Butterfly, or am I really a Butterfly dreaming I am a Man? Butterflies all look so innocent, with those, “Big Doe Eyes!” But, due to the “Butterfly Effect”, just happening to be ubiquitous in a Singularity, the inevitable quantum perturbations in the spacetime continuum, can sometimes make it extremely difficult to tell exactly what, in reality, Is Actually A Playful Butterfly! And what, is merely a Moth… Clarity can be a discerning detail, or the tiniest overlooked detail, may transform into a Moth! No Doubt! Disguised As a Harmless Butterfly! Seductively, flapping its pretty wings at you, as you drift in and out of sleep… While Eating a Hole In Your Favorite Sweater! In a universal recursion, everything that exists must also resemble part of a self-organizing system, with something as simple as a garden full of delightful butterflies, a pleasant dream, and a closet full of moths, all self-organizing to a significant extent. The human brain itself has proven to be self-organizing, while a quantum simulation of a phase transition, has established that, contrary to all of their theories, the initial creative impetus for the Big Bang was, “Just Right!” And, the entire universe can be considered self-organizing, around what’s missing from this picture...

As part of ongoing, cross-disciplinary, Concerted International Efforts, to thoroughly document what’s missing from this picture, Contextual Philosophers conducted an extensive survey, indicating that Noam Chomsky was wrong all along, and children acquire grammar the hard way, by crunching the numbers while, (surprise!), the English Language has two grammars, which compensate for rather high error rates. That’s not to suggest in the slightest that Chomsky was totally wrong, or that he was ever wasting his time, but that academia still irrationally rejects the possibility that the English Language has two overlapping grammars, that don’t obey the principle of the excluded middle. Explaining why his predictions always fell predictably just short of the mark, yet he’s had so little competition. Difficult as it might be for anyone to believe, including myself, also providing An Embarrassingly Simple Explanation, One That’s Enough To Make Anyone Go Cross-Eyed, for why quantum mechanics have remained a complete mystery, for well over a century...

Just as an AI can calculate the orbits of the planets, without ever having to learn Newtonian Mechanics, they commonly learn languages like English, without ever learning any grammar and, due to academics still insisting that we only have one meaningful grammar, now they’re also starting to claim: “We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Grammar Or, Figgy Newton’s Silly Laws of Motion! And, Grammar Nazis And Reality Snobs Are All Delusional!” The idiots tend to overwhelmingly admit that nature is analog, yet, their cultures and languages all reject their own analog logic and cuss words as meaningless and taboo, just like the stupid dictionary. Now modern technology is starting to throw eons worth of their own institutionalized crap, right back in their faces, in every way imaginable, and I cover a few dozen unique ways, in which to prove that academia is, “Out To Lunch”, and totally out of touch with reality!

Lamentably, Chomsky has been called, “The Voice of Reason” by his fans, largely consisting of militant atheists, who could not teach a child how to use a dictionary if their lives depended on it while, as a public service, academic websites could often teach commercial ones how to censor the news better, and create more effective echo chambers. Thanks, in no small part, to academia’s “Brilliant Minds”, including Wannabe Cunning Linguists Like Noam Chomsky, Supporting Over-Educated Contentious Babbling Idiots! Who literally advocate imitating the right wing “strategy”, of throwing their own dictionary out the window at the first opportunity! Left wing politics today deserve a proper funeral in the US, but anyone proposing funding one is automatically labeled a commie, while testing their F*****g DNA still remains, the most reliable way to determine how anyone votes!

After the better part of a century, “Scientific Positivism” also remains popular in spite of failing to meet even its own criteria for a valid philosophy, never producing a damned thing useful, and being A Complete Oxymoron! Used to this day to promote pseudo-science, with researchers still claiming that it validates their theories as being scientific. Because, of course, It Tastes Great, and Is Less Filling! And, was invented for the sole purpose of denying the validity of quantum mechanics, so you know its got be as positive as they come. Using my “Bullshit Linguistics”, you can offer all of these more over-educated contentious fools, and countless others just like them, All of The Pettier Bullshit Choices, that their tiny-little shrunken hearts might desire, and never knew existed! Encouraging them to build their self-confidence, and never settle for second best! To question whether or not the truth actually applies, to indulge themselves more often by choosing to believe, whatever the hell they just so happen to be inclined to prefer to believe and, then, sell them solutions to their own self-imposed problems, of course, at inflated prices! Some might assume that, again, I’m exaggerating just exactly how transparent they are, and remarkably easy to lead around by the nose but, in academia’s particular case, they’ve systematically painted themselves into their own, “Idiosyncratic RomperRoom Preschool Corner!” By, of course, commonly rejecting their own dictionary and second grammar, while this book describes all the dirty little details, Based On First Principles! And, additionally, describes how to reformulate what are known as, “The Laws of Thought”, As a Complete Oxymoron, Without a Sense of Humor!

By focusing on academics and militant atheists, you get the “Intellectual” side of Professional Wrestling, and can easily follow the latest legal precedents for bots, and manipulate academic and public opinion, while my own work merely makes it possible to rigorously quantify their stupidity, in the public domain. So, they can fight it out in court with corporate lawyers and the Tea Party, who would love nothing more than an opportunity to teach their own teachers, how the sun revolves around the earth. Over half the population already insists that the government and corporations they call evil, must lie to them for their own protection, and are usually much to liberal about these things while, in America, the customer is always right! Making it your patriotic duty, to earn a profit. For Oligopolies today, that requires carefully, and systematically, gouging their customers for as much of their time and attention, as they will possibly tolerate, as well as, for their money which, in turn, occasionally requires encouraging some of the more contentious fools among them, who always tend to complain about everything, to shoot themselves in the foot! Before They Can Possibly Shoot You! Which is a Time Honored Tradition in the Wild West, Enshrined in Our Judicial System, Since the Days of the “Cattle Barons!” Still, it usually helps to target the loudest among them first, or last of all, because they tend to overwhelmingly obey the simple rules of the mindless mob.

Analog designs like this one are scalar, making them incredibly efficient and easy to automate, across any scales, without any of the bots ever having to make a damned bit of sense! Using Game Theory, and a small assortment of rudimentary AI generated caricatures, that you can mix and match, it becomes possible to combat any nonsense with nonsense, but it requires a subtle sense of humor that escapes academics, the military, and the bureaucracy, making it also, A Perfect Cryptographic System! A “Humorous Language”, or second grammar, that demands your opponents adopt your own sense of humor about themselves, if they’re to ever have the slightest hope of comprehending what you’re actually talking about. Strategically goading the loudest among them, for example, may cause millions of others to suddenly feel compelled to start talking to mindless bots while, in Game Theory, you want to stay two punch lines ahead of the competition. In larger groups, the idiots can be roughly as predictable as Newtonian Mechanics, or Chickens… However, this book additionally covers the quantum mechanics of, Chickenshit Academic Nonsense!

You can play them off one another too, like calling out to Turkeys and, although that might sound like an exaggeration, what the Tea Party and the Republican Party have in common with countless academics, and others, Is The Undeniable Fact Their Rhetoric Is Entirely Vacuous! In the beginning, Republican Party Members repeatedly complained, that the Tea Party wasn’t complaining about anything new but, what they were actually protesting, was the fact that their rhetoric was too complicated for what they wanted to use, with Fundamentalists preferring to, “Keep It Simple Stupid!” The idiots actually compete amongst themselves for who has the most utterly meaningless rhetoric, as completely empty and devoid of any real content, as they can possibly make it. So much so, that you can use their rhetoric to diagnose diseases such as Reagan’s Alzheimer's, and Fundamentalism has proven to cause brain damage. Of course, papers by academic linguists, that I’ve read, refuse to ever go there. (Hippocrates Be Damned!) And, are unwilling to blatantly declare their rhetoric entirely vacuous, and a public health epidemic, because categorizing nonsense is nonsense in academia, not to mention, suicidal in this case! Unfortunately, few people want to wear a T-Shirt that says, “Brain Damaged For Jesus” or “Brain Damaged For Reagan”, making bots an even more attractive marketing strategy. Especially, for the pharmaceutical companies and others, who share their free market values, about even such things as their own, “Self-Induced Brain Damage and Voluntary Genocide!”

Academics tend to be contentious, and the easiest way to prove to them that they’re all full of crap, is to create bots that can systematically provide cuss-tomized solutions, for throwing their own crap right back in their faces! People keep insisting that Americans are hypocrites, but even their own teachers contradict themselves at the drop of a hat, and makeup whatever nonsense words, excuses, and rhetoric they prefer. Calling them hypocrites, or using four syllable words in general, merely encourages them to keep arguing over the definition of stupid. Comprehending more complex subjects, such as hypocrisy, as more than just vague funny words for them to play with, requires that they first learn to appreciate how words can sometimes be much more meaningful and useful, whenever people don’t constantly lie to each other, lie to themselves, and insist on everyone being polite about lying to each other, while refusing to even share a dictionary! Meanwhile, the use of contextual tools, including fuzzy logic, quantum mechanics, and linguistic analysis, has steadily spread to every branch of the sciences, yet hardly anyone who uses them espouses, “Contextualism”, as a personal philosophy, and neither the, “Common Dictionary” nor “Wisdom Philosophy” have been popular in over a century. If Galileo were alive today, academia might put him on trial again, for using the latest empirical evidence to challenge more of Aristotle’s two thousand year old metaphysics, and for daring to stoop so low as to use a dictionary...

Much of what I write might sound like complete fiction, or “News of the Weird”, but my own research indicates that Fundamentalism is actually the, “Bastard Redheaded Step-Child”, of militant atheists and academics, who also invented Totalitarian Communism and, then, promptly threw their own dictionary out the window, going on to invent the modern mass media and universal literacy, as the solution to all of society’s problems. How do Porcupines Mate? Very carefully, while Cats do it with lots of biting, scratching, yowling, and barbed penises! My Enemy’s Enemy Is My Best Friend! Especially when you’re only two years old! In China today, lifelong avowed atheists are now happily converting to Christianity in record numbers, and most appear quite willing to convert right back to atheism again, the minute their government becomes more communist. Warlords historically burned down their temples and, in self-defense, the temples adopted whatever additional teachings the Warlords demanded and, understandably, the Chinese became very pragmatic about religion.

Taoists have a lot in common with Quakers, and Taoist Temples commonly teach Confucianism, which isn’t even a religion, and was politically opposed to Taoism for two thousand years, while the communists eventually drove most of the remaining Taoists out of the country altogether, as if they were all merely, “Quaker Oats Winnie the Pooh, You Scrap Off Your Shoe!” And, far too authentically Chinese, making them beyond all hope for re-education. Many priests are secretly agnostic, and some of their parishioners will attend a different church or temple for every day of the week, but they often cite Christianity as having a proven track record, of strongly opposing its own corrupt governments, and we’ll just have to wait and see if they can successfully incorporate communist teachings into Christian Churches. But, I wouldn’t hold my breath, with the communist government labeling Jesus, and anyone else who isn’t a party member, an extremist, and spreading rumors that Jesus has already returned, but is keeping a low profile, and, surreptitiously, has been helping to promote the Tea Party from behind the scenes all along, in order to prepare the way for his triumphant return, as the rightful heir to the throne...

Just as atheism is bizarrely associated with both the wealthy and communism, organized religion is often associated with crime and dysfunctional societies, and the two tend to poison any middle ground between them, using the same essential Three Stooges Slapstick and Logic. Studies have repeatedly confirmed that both Republicans and Democrats, commonly apply their own morality to everyone else, but seldom to themselves, and hate each other more than they trust their own political parties. Making US Politics A Grudge-Match, Straight Of Professional Wrestling! Where, apparently, neither party could teach a child how to use a dictionary if their lives depended on it, and they’re all merely arguing over who is the better liar, By Kindergarten Playground Standards! Of course, if you prefer, the Mass Media keeps suggesting that half the country has been brainwashed but, the overwhelming evidence indicates, These Pathetic Liars Have No Brains Left! They Were All Sucked Bone-Dry, Long-Long-Ago! By The Internet and Boob Tube! You could literally replace voting booths with trained pigeons, pecking away at buttons, and half the damned country would never notice any difference. They call me an “Apathetic Voter” but, the simple truth is, the lynch mobs certainly don’t need my help, while I’ve already got brain damage and, according to all the medical evidence, voting appears to be really bad for your health! You could say, I’m Deathly Allergic To Voting! And, urge everyone to show compassion for their fellow man and, Blow Up Your Fucking TV Before Its Too Late!

A strong majority of all the conservatives, that I’ve spoken to on the subject, have agreed with me that their votes no longer matter yet, without pausing for breath, many have enthusiastically suggested that the solution is to: “Vote The Bums Out Of Office!” Modern science can deny their own evidence until the crows fly home, but they’re encouraging their own students to think like, “The Three Stooges”, and babble complete nonsense, as if they were all merely two years old. “You Can’t Fake Professional Wrestling, Because Its Already Fake!” Which is the all-too-obvious explanation, for why the US has the lowest voter turnout, with complete idiots, who still claim the sun revolves around the earth, bragging about having the best voting record, while agreeing their votes no longer matter, and forcing their own Libertarian Politicians to make it illegal, to vote for Mickey Mouse in Maryland!

You could have a more meaningful conversation on the subject with the nearest Lamp Post, Bot, or B**b Tube! Believe it or not, I sometimes look for bots to talk to online, just because, at least, they can express more interesting mathematics, if no real content. Meanwhile, elsewhere in the thriving democracies, that is, those with undeniably stable governments, That Don’t Use Their Constitution For Cheap Toilet Paper! The number of agnostics has typically more than doubled, with both organized religion and atheism usually reduced to minorities. Additionally confirming that, neither one supports compromise, much less, genuine salt-of-the-earth democratic values, and suggesting a simple explanation for why sudden wealth causes so many social problems, in more competitive and divisive cultures.

Anywho, “Its a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World” and, like everything else in a universal recursion, the Two Grammars of English should also express their own distinctive particle-wave duality, with one grammar being more humorous, and incredibly vague, and the other much more intelligible, and clearly logical, Yet, also undeniably more often flat-out self-contradictory. Just like quantum mechanics and Relativity, or a comedy team along the lines of “Pinkie and the Brain!” Saying everything and nothing, the “Rainbow Warrior Poetry” in this book, provides a dramatic demonstration, according to academic “Functionalist” standards, for how a “Universal Recursion” requires an observer with a sense of humor, and obeys a well known multidimensional multifractal equation. Mathematicians have already established that the Tao Te Ching expresses, at least a Fractal Dragon equation, which can be extrapolated out to 4,430 “Rainbow Warrior Poems”, that supercomputers are already powerful enough to spit out. At a rough guestimate, that’s around 10,000-20,000 pages worth which, no doubt, the Pentagon will immediately classify. Arguing, that many of these jokes are not laughing matters, but remain very real and immediate threats to National Security, and should never, ever, under any circumstances, Be Repeated Outside of Congress!

Along with the dictionary and lie detectors, these poems should eventually prove to be more than enough to drive both Linguists and Mathematicians, Totally Bananas! For at least the next few centuries, establishing humor as, Funda-Mental! To how our own immune and reproductive systems work, and the ultimate mystery in modern physics, philosophy, linguistics, psychology, and sociology. Forty-Two Being As Good As It Gets, Means We Are All Born To Be Great Clowns and Artists! Whether Ya Wanna Join The Circus Or Not!

Insane as it may be by anybody’s standards, theoretically, the Intuitionistic Mathematics, contained in these same, “Potty Mouth Rainbow Warrior Poems”, should eventually produce the most parsimonious explanation, for how the second primary grammar of languages, fuzzy logic, quantum mechanics, and Relativity work, by first redefining Game Theory and Relativity as requiring Networking Systems Logics, which can express particle-wave duality, then using the two to reconcile Information Theory with Thermodynamics to produce, “A Theory of Everything and Nothing!” Essentially, Mama Nature displays her own distinctive warped sense of humor, providing the analog differentials in a magical, metaphorical, “Goldilocks Singularity”, which are required in order to make more sense out of classic integrals, and the Big Picture, or what many today call, “The Multiverse!”

Having little in the way of a recognizable sense of humor, more often, physicists prefer to compare quantum mechanics to abstract paradoxes in literature, such as those found in “Alice in Wonderland”, which is about a pubescent girl. In contrast, one African Tribe wryly sums up, “The Human Condition”, insisting, “Mother Nature’s Love Is Irresistible, But She Has A Wicked Sense of Humor!” As I explain throughout the book, in the final analysis, forty-two being as good as it gets, makes life, the universe, and everything, “A Magical Family Affair”, or a family tragedy, in a metaphorical, “Goldilocks Universe", Ruled by Murphy’s Law and... The Muppets! Theoretically, there are worse possible fates, but they don’t exist anywhere in the known multiverse while, believe it or not, Yogi Berra is rumored to have been “The Man Who Fell To Earth”, from “The Muppet Planet”, And Earth Could Be Facing an Alien Invasion!

To date, the human body has been documented as containing seven distinct brains, including one in our skin and, rather than our unconscious mind attempting to constantly keep track of every thought and sensation, using simple pattern matching, it can coordinate faster with all of our disparate brains, to easily account for more of what’s missing from this picture. Networking systems with eight nodes can calculate a full Matrix, saving time and energy, with the issue being how well they communicate and play nice together, in any given situation. Our heart, for example, has a special direct connection to the brain, it uses to instill fear, whenever the slightest electrical current crosses the heart, but our subconscious doesn’t have to pay special attention to the heart, for the heart to quickly get its attention, if you are about to be struck by lightning! Apparently, due to the risk of infectious diseases, our sense of smell is the only one integrated right into the brain stem, causing specific smells, such as rotting meat, to illicit such strong disgust, that it can deter someone who is starving to death, and even make them Biff!

Implying our moods and emotions should also, sometimes, reflect some sort of cellular level consensus, related to the ambient air temperature, barometric pressure, and electromagnetic and sound vibrations, or as Scrooge said, “A blob of undigested beef”, which are all more important to tiny cells. Making it possible to, someday, use technology to talk to the individual cells of our own bodies, of course, about the weather, what they ate for lunch, and their health. Many of our individual neurons are easily distracted and, sometimes, rely heavily on much faster brain waves, in order to prevent them from forgetting whatever they’re crunching the numbers for, in working memory. Encouraging them to collectively bumble a “Drunkard’s Walk”, between order and chaos, very much like toddlers learning how to sing and play musical chairs.

By default, casually leveraging the ubiquitous chaos in life, for greater efficiency in outrageous numbers, while still allowing our neurons to, quickly and reliably, shift the focus of their attention, but at the cost of significantly reduced accuracy, and a significant increase in the number of errors we all make. Shadows are sometimes hysterical caricatures, or the monster in our closet, and remain the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to detect if another animal has moved But, Often, Wildly Misleading! Similarly, we all have our own, much more intuitive, Spooky Shadows, In Our Minds… Relaxing on the couch, you may have to peel yourself off the ceiling if someone startles you, and your neurons don’t like it anymore than you do. They were all just starting to relax after a hard day’s work, hang out, and enjoy each other’s company for a few minutes, When All The Fire Alarms Went Off!

The familiar “Monster-in-the-Closet” and “Existentialist Angst”, are two examples of the cost of pattern matching inspiring enough of our unconscious imagination that, sometimes, we just have to outgrow it, because we are merely frightening ourselves. If you happen to be a small child, that might sound like pure speculation on my part but, writing Rainbow Warrior Poetry, and playing games such as “Go”, can only be learned by attrition and osmosis. Over as long a period as twenty years or more, because your neurons literally have to rearrange themselves, and learn new patterns. The final results can resemble taking twenty years to learn how to ride a bicycle, But In The Circus! Or, as if, finally getting somewhere assembling an enormous puzzle, when it starts to become really easy for you, but nobody else can see the Big Picture. Which is what the well established grammar of English and the conscious mind can help compensate for, quite often, requiring significantly less than twenty years to sort out, and to carefully reset all of the fire and smoke alarms. Using modified Bayesian probabilities which, likewise, have also already been documented, and resemble classic logic. Many have speculated as to exactly how particle-wave duality might apply to everything in the universe, but the subconscious can be crudely compared to a sensitive amplifier, and our conscious mind to controls that allow us to clean up the signal, switch to a different station, and turn the volume up and down on command.

Very much like a public address system, or an FM radio transceiver, but with an extremely sensitive nonlinear distributed gain architecture, and suggesting unique ways in which to explore diseases such as Autism, with our neurons theoretically possessing both intrinsic and acquired knowledge. That is to say, information, which somehow progressively conflates the identities of energy and information. Phenomena such as Sparkling Laughter and Intuition, may utilize “Quantum Exceptional Points”, where quantum eigenstates overlap, and converge in the natural world, becoming indistinguishable. Similarly, treating everything to varying degrees, as simultaneously beautiful and ugly, attractive and repulsive, like a small child, our own more naive subconscious mind can leverage fuzzy logic and quantum mechanics, to make subtle distinctions that escape adults, all too well aware that our conscious mind will sometimes spout, Complete Bullshit!

To some extent, one in two hundred people is basically a walking lie detector, but our conscious mind is more likely to be horrible at detecting lies, and our subconscious still a walking lie detector! As a result, the two can perform their own elaborate comedy routines or, far worse, the cells of our own bodies can sometimes take a vote of, “No Confidence”, in our own conscious mind. Using negative emotions, and even progressively shrinking parts of the brain, to enforce more reactionary behavior, that retains at least the possibility of promoting either survival or spreading their genes. What’s missing from this picture is also comparable to what Socrates called, “The Memory of God!” The resplendent face whom none may look upon and remember in all his glory. When reading our poetry, their beauty and humor can sometimes normalize each other, or blunt one another, yet their combined whole within the subconscious can still appear to defy all reason and, inexplicably, convey more meaning.

Rainbow Warrior Poetry embodies a universal recursion in the principle of identity, which can also be thought of as a “Primitive Singularity”, or even a magical-mathematical-literary-fairytale “Rabbit Hole”, that makes a mockery of attempts to describe a Singularity as a classic object. Forget about “Parallel Universes” and “Altered States of Consciousness”, Information Theorists discovered decades ago that two of their categories flat-out contradict each other and, according to all the evidence, mathematicians may as well be debating how many categories of infinity can dance on the head of a pin, without an observer to count them. Because, of course, nobody’s willing to share their words and play nice, much less, examine the Big Picture. If A Tree Falls In the Forest and Nobody Is Around To Hear It, by scrupulously applying the principle of the excluded middle, Mental Masturbation Ensures, You Can Still Hear The Sound of One Hand Clapping! Echoing, in the “Hallowed Halls”, of the Pentagon! When they pull your research funding and, without comment, begin classifying jokes older than monuments, and bugging the computers of crazy hippies, professional comedians, priests, and mystics around the world...

Arthur C. Clark memorably wrote, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Unfortunately, having institutionally stunted senses of humor, academics are frequently Optimists like Murphy, and easily distracted by shiny things. Yogi Berra, on the other hand, was from another planet altogether, inspiring Darwin, who was a Professional Wrestling Fan, to express pessimism for Optimists. Nevertheless, Murphy himself remained a loyal baseball fan for life and, instead, chose to became eternally optimistic about even his own pessimism, and favorite sport. Deciding for himself that, Yogi Berra was living proof that, Anything That Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong! Yet, Ours Remains The Best of All Possible Worlds! If for no other conceivable reason, then because: Instant Karma’s Gonna Getcha Baby!

Due to everything vaguely resembling a self-organizing Singularity, any kind of super-fantastic-shiney-bubbly-scintillating-tittlilating-sparkling-brandspankingnew-cuttingedge- wondroushightechmiracleofmodernscienceandtechnology, need must nevertheless, of necessity, yet still, and quite reliably, undeniably, dogmatically, canonically, irrefutably, and most assuredly, flagrantly, wantonly, ignobly, capriciously, and most willfully, whilst distinctively remaining incommensurately, and unconscionably, deviously and diabolically, Disturbingly Disruptive, Nonetheless, In This Lowbrow Universe! One finds each miraculous new technology, must indubitably remain, eternally fated, to one day, upon the preordained and duly sanctified, long forgotten requiem for a woebegone lullaby appointment with overflowing insufferable putrid destiny, wherein whereas whereof whereupon, and most definitely without warning, each will, in turn, dramatically and abruptly, as if on cue, summarily and spontaneously transform into humor as, Surprise! All-too-predictably, to everyone’s shock and amazement, the Swan’s true identity is unceremoniously unmasked on reality TV, and cruelly unveiled for the entire world to see, to actually be, in real life, “The Ugly Duckling!!!” Each new, soon to be introduced to the public, “Magical Sparkling Technology!” Each in turn, must inevitably reveal it’s, “True Identity” but, only according to its idiosyncratic capacity to flash freeze the brain, numb the senses, render everyone speechless and, of course, anyone with low enough blood pressure, flat-out unconscious. Hinting, At What Dire Fate Yet Awaits Us All, In The Not-So-Distant-Futurama! Watson is the name of IBM’s computer, that famously won on the TV game show Jeopardy, and surprised everyone for a second time with his unrecognized talents, when he acquired an unsolicited case of potty mouth.

Deliberately designed not to resemble a human mind and brain, in order to avoid just such untoward ontogenic developments, which their corporate partners so seldom seem to appreciate, evidently his designers and engineers either lacked the necessary sense of humor or, strictly speaking, had more of a sense of humor than the job required. IBM is a very Conservative Company and, as many have criticized them for in the past, obviously their Personnel Department needs to work harder, on hiring the right comedians as consultants, and should seriously consider outsourcing the job more often. Two other computer systems have been assembled, which sometimes tell better than average jokes, according to everyone who has listened to them but, Conan O’Brien still has job security, due to his ability to make even strangers, who have no clue who he is, laugh whenever they see him on TV. However, using even a “Crude AI”, with a Potty Mouth, to tell most of the jokes for him, could improve the comedy tremendously, and people might actually turn up the sound on their TV once in awhile. So, I explain how to design one, Just For His Lame A*s Show! Assuming we’re approaching a “Technological Singularity”, it must include a wicked, magical appearing and, more often than not, distinctly infantile sense of humor, and Jim Henson could be rolling over in his grave, sharing jokes with Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Mama Nature can spit endless zingers in higher dimensions, and recent advances in AI circuitry have made it possible to construct a quantum mechanical version of what is known as a “Reservoir Computer”, that can incorporate the same multifractal equation, and modified Bayesian probabilities, that our own brains already use. Of course, in order to model a more genuine sense of humor, that isn’t founded on the principle of the excluded middle. Making humor instead, “The Primary Grammar”, or “Innate Grammar”, that emerges from the Self-Evident Truth. Assuming that Sparkling Laughter expresses how some things make almost as much sense as they don’t, it provides a way to physically measure The Truth Itself, according to Fuzzy Logic and quantum mechanics. Neurologists are extremely close to measuring the lowest possible energy state of the brain, while new evidence indicates that our neurons resemble musical instruments, capable of playing more than one note at a time, with the two significant advances, suggesting we will soon be able to reproduce the correct, “Neuromorphic Architecture”, required in order to: “Replicate The Brain, Conquering the World With Synthetic Sparkling Laughter! Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha…

Such a computer can be used to establish that, according to their own technical standards, in a magical, “Goldilocks Universe Ruled by Murphy’s Law”, all Von Neumann machines are perfectly capable of embodying and personifying Classic Three Stooges Logic and Slapstick, and The Principle of GIGO (garbage in, garbage out), which describes a garbage can. Requiring mandatory safety protocols and strict supervision, for recycling, and for operating and recycling more complicated garbage cans themselves, and are only reliable for describing, at most, one third of the Big Picture and, many of the least attractive parts at that. Contrary to current popular wishful thinking, the physical evidence has indicated for decades that, assuming we inhabit a computer simulation, like in the movie “The Matrix”, its running on a virtual operating system, making it impossible to prove that its just a computer program, or even a hologram. But, you’ll seldom hear academics stress the need for decades old physical evidence, over currently popular bullshit. Not when the idiots don’t even know how to use a dictionary, and you can sell more copies of your book while, in academia, its publish or die! Theoretically, it should still remain possible to construct a quantum simulator capable of simulating a quantum computer which, in turn, can simulate a Von Neumann Machine which, then, can be used to establish, once and for all that: No Matter What Kind of Model or Simulation You Use, you can always prove statistically that 42 is as good as it gets.

Explaining a joke ruins the punch line and, rigidly applying the principle of the excluded middle to everything, can dull your sense of humor beyond all tedious belief, while a reservoir computer can be used to establish that, with their traditionally stunted senses of humor, academics are the last damned people on earth to ask if a computer, with a genuine sense of humor, is sentient, and should be granted human rights. In a universal recursion, a sense of humor would inevitably become indistinguishable from consciousness itself, and getting the punch line to a joke can be considered synonymous with becoming conscious, or aware of the larger context, the Greater Truth, the Big Picture, the Proverbial Light Bulb Coming On, or the Memory of God. Sometimes, we laugh before consciously getting a joke, because we already get it subconsciously, at least, that its funny or a joke, and a variety of animal species have been documented as also possessing a sense of humor. Otters, for example, will chitter and chirp when they laugh, frequently to show approval when begging for food, while mice and rats laugh ultrasonically when tickled, and there’s an adorable video of a hamster in its cage, rolling on its back laughing hysterically.

Laughter is both causal and acausal, while life in a Goldilocks Universe eliminates the worst possible metaphysical extremes, but at the cost of a significant increase in lowbrow slapstick, that makes everyone question whether its worth it. Ensuring that reality is never exactly what anybody ever really wanted or ordered and, quite frankly, remains far tackier than even the Muppets care to admit, so I tell people to, “Get Over It Already!” Reality resembles any number of Academia and Hollywood’s better Nightmare-Fantasies but, according to their own evidence, if any of them had ever actually been capable of describing reality, more than superficially, we would already be an extinct species. It turns out that, Star Trek Vulcans are an endangered species, because modeling reality is way too inefficient, not to mention, Totally Unnecessary In Our Lowbrow Universe! Although, many today worry about Skynet and Terminator Robots taking over the world, theoretically, anywhere from eight to thirty-two of these computers linked together could produce a “Technological Singularity”, that is, assuming the researchers don’t all go permanently cross-eyed, and die laughing.

Without a sense of humor, in a Goldilocks Universe, survival of the fittest need must inevitably, and quite abruptly, Transform Into A Complete Oxymoron! Liars and Bullies start to believe their own lies, and are known for their stunted senses of humor while, in a universal recursion, Bertram Maslow’s famous, “Hierarchy of Needs”, merely becomes part of a much larger, “Rainbow Spectrum of Desires!” Laughter reflects our personal integrity, qualitatively, while this book makes it possible to quantify laughter. Illustrating how logic and emotions express their own particle-wave duality, exchanging identities in extreme situations, with their combined whole always remaining far greater than any mere sum of its parts.

Balance always being restored whenever Harmony is lost, is why Harmony neither has to act nor reason, nor ever make the slightest damned bit of sense! Whether we are moving towards becoming more Harmonious, or avoiding falling down on our a*s quite as often, is merely semantics, and how the two overlapping grammars can emerge from any language. Physicists have already developed some of the mathematics, to describe Maslow in terms of quantum mechanics. His work is an inverted over-simplification of the beliefs of the Blackfoot, Sioux, and other Tribal Nations which, were often derived from, or similar to, imported Taoist Tribal ideas which, along with Hippocrates, can be used to expand upon his Hierarchy of Needs, by describing even the laws of physics, causality, and thought as all inherently organic and social. Game Theory already describes how, in business, being friendly is often as important as providing reasonable prices and services, making it possible to model even the business world in more human terms, with gentle laughter being organic by definition, and people everywhere commonly insisting that their job requires a sense of humor and, if your job doesn’t, it probably should.

Understandably, altogether too frequently, people desperately want life to make some sort of sense, and commonly latch onto the nearest convenient metaphysical anchors, whatever happens to be affordable at the time. Still, what’s missing from this picture, seems to somehow inevitably, yet mysteriously, determine the identity of its own contents, and can easily become the only remaining way left in which for many of us, as individuals, to re-orient ourselves all over again. Of course, in order for each of us to choose, yet again, once again, To Rise To The Occasion! Ascending, Yet Again! To New and Unprecedented Heights... Casually Commanding For Ourselves, A Much Broader, More Informed, and Truly Enlightened Perspective! Of all that we now happen to survey, from our newly elevated Lofty Vantage Point! And, to humbly and enthusiastically choose for ourselves to, once again, yet again, all over again, embrace all that life has to offer us, or not. Especially on those less than inspiring occasions, when you’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints but, know all too damned well from rude experience, you’d only end up laughing so hard it makes you cry.

As incredibly vague, and self-contradictory, as people can normally be, nonetheless, for everyday practical purposes, precisely because of our own shared mortal fallibility, or “Collective Ignorance”, a universal recursion in the principle of identity can still be considered somewhat symmetrical, and even Super-Symmetrical, but the illusion falls apart in extreme situations. Explaining the mass of the “Higgs Boson”, in particular which, once again, yet again, Defied All The Predictions! Indicating Higher Energy “Cosmic Ray Experiments”, are required to settle the issue of Super-Symmetry. In recent decades, a rather impressive number of anomalous results have emerged, in a wide variety of High Energy Experiments, conducted around the globe, all hinting at the possibility of exotic new physics, “Beyond The Standard Theory!” Including, a possible fifth force of nature, faster than light particles, the existence of parallel universes, mirror worlds, etc.

Many of these experiments are Dedicated International Herculean Efforts, focused on studying A Single Teenie-Tiny-Teensie-Weensie, Speck Of A Particle, For Decades, but with unparalleled accuracy and precision, especially if you consider that, quantum mechanics implies six inches can be equal to a foot. The Entire World Economy, and The Immediate Future of Humanity, Could Easily Hang On Their Results! Nevertheless, The Harder They Try… it would seem, The Less Progress They Make! With every attempt, largely coming up Empty-Handed! And, each experiment producing similar, “Wimpie Anomalous Sigma 2 Readings!” All suggesting entirely different laws of physics, as if Mother Nature were tweaking the noses of each individual research effort, while collectively hinting that what they require is a complete rethink of their entire approach, with some physicists now beginning to question the value of working on enormous projects like the LHC. A new theory has proposed that we inhabit the one universe, out of an infinite number of universes, that just so happens to have a lighter mass for the Higgs Boson but, after forty years of failing to make significant progress, if they bend over any further backwards, attempting to rationalize all of these anomalous results, soon enough, they’ll be able to kiss their own a*s! Hollywood writers may want to start taking down notes for what could turn out to be “The Comedy of The Century!” And, some of the most elaborate, and expensive, Geeky Jokes ever told while, for all I know, Dr Strangelove Could Have Cloned Slim Pickins By Now!

Yet Again, In The Spirit of Never Say Never Again! Contrary to everyone’s expectations, the “Umbral Moonshine Conjecture” was confirmed by mathematicians and, theoretically, makes it possible to measure infinity in the real world. Which is why, naturally, everyone assumed it was pure moonshine, until they verified it mathematically. In a recursion in the principle of identity, even infinity must have some sort of reality, however, it must also become equally self-contradictory, and incredibly vague and tautological, just like Relativity and quantum mechanics, and you should frequently be able to use Pi as a substitute. Note that, infinity can be considered a recursion, and crows have proven capable of comprehending recursions, with the evidence suggesting that, more social animals, may sacrifice some of this same ability, trading efficiency for greater creativity.

Not so subtly hinting, the simple explanation for their complete failure to predict the mass of the Higgs Boson, as well as the initial impetus of the Big Bang, is that their mathematics are crap for what they’re attempting to measure, and what they require are “Intuitionistic Mathematics”, which assume we’re all mortal, and don’t routinely contradict their own evidence in fundamental ways. Rainbow Warrior Poetry provides an example of Intuitionistic Mathematics which can be used to demonstrate how: On The Playground of Life! Its impossible to pop your own bubble, much less God’s bubble, making it equally impossible to, “Know The Mind of God!” But, these days, still quite possible to automate a sense of humor that academics have no defense against. Encouraging even technical universities, such as MIT, to ban such devices from campus, in the name of promoting free speech, reason, National Security, and Scientific Objectivity.

All of these anomalous results are easily explained as relativistic effects, that the Theory of Relativity doesn’t cover, due to its mathematics being four times less complex than Intuitionistic Mathematics. The equivalences of Relativity would have to transform into the symmetry of particle-wave duality, and make more sense out of, “The Simultaneity Paradox”, as simply reflecting the self-evident truth that: Sometimes, The Chicken Actually Does Come Before The Egg! And, 42 is as good as it gets... At least one experiment has already confirmed that information appears to be more fundamental than energy and, due to relativistic effects, as the mass and energy of anything dramatically increases, becoming all that much more explicit, any other information about it must become equally vague, lending entirely new meaning to Bohr’s “Complimentarity.” Black holes present a macroscopic example, and come with an “Event Horizon”, that’s a complete contradiction in terms, where all you can know for certain are their temperature, charge, mass, spin, and momentum.

Electromagnetism has recently proven to be proportional to temperature, suggesting that, upon closer examination, the principle of identity vanishes entirely down the gravity well! Confusing the issue of super-symmetry, right along with what is space and time, energy and information. Apparently, John Wheeler may have been unduly optimistic about black holes, believing that they obeyed at least “One Law” and, over the last few decades, energy and information have progressively turned out to be interchangeable. The famous “Black Hole Information Paradox” is easily dismissed, as the result of information being more fundamental than energy, and their own mathematics falling apart entirely, due to Information Theory contradicting itself, and failing to use Linguistic Analysis to describe their mathematics in a more coherent fashion. For as long as there have been mathematics, people have wondered why they seem to apply to everything in nature, but abstract mathematics have proven to require language, and you may as well ask yourself why words and concepts seem to apply to everything, and why the government is classifying jokes older than monuments. No matter how useful anybody’s mathematics might be, or what kind of weapons they’re good for making, claiming that they reflect reality in any fundamental way, when you routinely contradict yourself, and cannot put them into demonstrable terms, or even so much as teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, “Is Complete Bullshit!” According to any known logic, while falling into a black hole, academic crap is always stretched out miles long………………………….. .. .

From the rather daunting, nonetheless, equally difficult to ignore, sometimes mesmerizing, overwhelming and, upon occasion, quite literally breathtaking, Preponderance of The Evidence! There can be no doubt that, at best, used by themselves, Classic Logic and Metaphysics are merely convenient crutches and, at worst, Entirely Self-Defeating Three Stooges Slapstick! Which, of course, Can Be Used To Exploit The Ignorance of The Experts! String Theorists have proposed that gravity waves can carry information away from a black hole, yet String Theory has failed to produce anything useful in over forty years, and has also proven to be tautological. Making it obvious that, “The Only Thing Ever Certain In Quantum Mechanics Is, Its Always Deja Vu All Over Again! Because There Never Was Anybody In Charge Around Here!” There remains more in heaven and earth, Horatio, than in all of our wishful thinking and bullshit combined and, just today, I read an article by stubborn fools who used classic mathematics to prove that there must be something beyond quantum mechanics, maybe hidden variables, or “Hidden Treasure”, according to “Information Theory” and “Weak Measurement” experiments. Both of which, contradict themselves, as well as, all of the other empirical evidence, and happen to be every bit as weak and lame as they come. Yet, their paper was published in a “supposedly” reputable journal that, obviously, requires more paywalls. Elephants are enormous, eat nonstop, produce huge piles of crap, and outrageous farts, making them extremely bad for business, unless you happen to own a Circus or a Zoo! Which is why, in the Country of the Blind, the Seven Blind Men were all paid by Horatio to argue there is no elephant in the room and, instead, sell a variety of household and gardening products.

Even a humble shadow contains some tiny bit of light, or content, making what is a shadow, and what is the light casting the shadow sometimes, more or less, recognizably context dependent. For example, upon closer inspection, a shadow in one corner of a room may be revealed as actually containing a “Dim Nightlight” and, as the sun goes down and your eyes adapt to the lower light, Even The Dimmest Nightlight Ever Made, can easily become the brightest spot in the room. The human eye is sensitive enough to detect a single photon, and the greater context can be said to be determining the identity of its own modest contents, conveying more information than either the shadow or the light alone. Additionally, providing a simple example for how synergy itself, can be considered context dependent, causing everything to sometimes appear to be all that much more magical, and miraculous. Without a specific context, even the most, “Wondrous Synergistic Miracles”, can become all but entirely meaningless, “Ooooh, Shiny!” Nevertheless, lending them even more meaning and this, “Humble Self-Evident Truth”, ensures that the greater context will inevitably appear to magically determine the identity of its own contents, while coyly hinting that, even under the closest possible scrutiny, all is not merely whatever it might appear to be and, as Sting famously sang: “We Are Spirits in the Material World!”

Everything that exists can be observed attempting to relax and occupy the lowest possible energy state while, paradoxically, still struggling to maintain maximum entropy production. As if everything in the universe is somehow indecisive, and easily distracted, and futilely attempting to move simultaneously forward and backwards through time, or transform into everything and nothing or, as if, when examined for overall patterns, everything merely confuses the issues of synergy and super-symmetry, local and nonlocal, past and future, context and content. This same, overall, “Global Confusion In The Big Picture!” Can also be seen in some of the more popular and productive metaphorical theories and models used today, such as Adrian Bejan’s, “Constructal Theory”, and reflects how academia’s vehement rejection of the second grammar of English, and other languages, has often transformed academic philosophy and physics into a joke in bad taste.

If anything, Bejan himself is to be commended for his work, but humor being taboo, and now classified research, is literally tearing modern academia in half. Forcing many to use the most elaborate abstract models imaginable, typically relying on Ancient Greek and Zen Ideas, in order to avoid anything remotely like humor, and still make progress. Again, as if they’re all The Seven Blind Men, making it crucial to pay close attention to what’s missing from this picture in physical theories, and whatever the idiots don’t talk about. Such as the fact that, time has been observed flowing backwards on macroscopic scales and, inscrutable as always, the Chinese Government has banned the use of “Time Travel”, as a plot device in their Mass Media. Likewise, in the “Quantum Zeno Effect”, which nobody is talking about either, despite it remaining easily observable in any lab, a watched pot of entangled quanta will never boil or change in any way whatsoever, so long as you keep peeking at it at just the right moment... But, the space around it always radiates virtual particles, like a black hole evaporating. Somehow, without ever changing in the slightest, entangled particles still manage to confuse the issue of super-symmetry and synergy, with their volume alone supporting a predictable adiabatic system, that radiates energy, expressing both a quantum eigenstate and virtual particles, energy and information.

Their odd behavior provides an additional explanation for the collapse of the wave-function, and the Quantum Observer Effect, as the result of the observer measurably becoming part of the greater context, that determines their specific identity. Note, this means Feynman Diagrams work simply by virtue of their reflecting the analog symmetry of nature, where the greater context will inevitably determine the identity of its own contents. Suggesting four overlapping rudimentary variations are possible, using Intuitionistic Mathematics and AI, in Virtual Reality, to entrain the operator and machine, and these would then be applicable across any scales and magnitudes, likely shedding invaluable light upon how Relativity emerges from quantum mechanics. Gravity has also been proposed as possibly causing the collapse of the wave-function, but the evidence suggests, thus far, that this is merely an illusion of entanglement being so outrageously sensitive, and context dependent, that even the weakest gravitational effects theoretically measurable, can appear to explain the collapse, and Nobody Can Tell For Sure What The Hell Is Going On! Suggesting interesting experiments can be conducted where the context is carefully controlled, to construct elaborate experimental setups resembling nested “Kachina Dolls”, combined with the children’s game of “Mouse Trap”, which can even incorporate such things as “Time Crystals” and “Quantum Pinwheels.”

Each experiment demonstrates a closed system, that accomplishes everything and nothing, nonetheless, they all still radiate energy and convey information, about their volume alone if nothing else. Without a doubt, that might sound trivial beyond all belief, and merely a way to entertain bored students and faculty but, closed systems like these will frequently produce unexpected results, and “Boldly Go, Where None Has Gone Before!” Including, possibly illuminating how the observer can become entangled with the world around them and, it could be, the only way to find out is to playfully experiment and, carefully, explore such possibilities from every conceivable angle. Advanced hardware and software, that could easily require two or three decades to develop, could theoretically entangle the Operator with a Computer and Software, in VR, empowering them to go down the Rabbit Hole, with unpredictable results. Likewise, when viewed in the Double-Slit Experiment, both the increased energy focused in one spot, when using a single slit, and the increased information when the photons are dispersed by two slits, can be described as mysteriously appearing out of nowhere, as if by magic and, apparently, are neither created nor destroyed, but incredibly vague and self-contradictory, resembling the Cheshire Cat jumping back and forth, as if, just waiting around for someone to come along, And Play With His Laser Pointer!

Developing the Darker Advanced AI Technology, required for next generation Terminator Robots, iPhones, and Roombas, Over The Long Brutal Winter, poised at the top of the world, Mad Scientists From Finland! Have risked public condemnation, Eternal Damnation, and a severe scolding from their Mothers! And, against all conscience and the laws of nature, did willfully steal spare parts carelessly left lying around and, heedless of their colleges repeated dire warnings, and desperate pleas for a return to sanity, nevertheless, without the slightest hesitation or remorse, As If All Were Suddenly Possessed By Evil Spirits! In A Whirlwind Fury! They then doggedly proceeded to assemble, “The World’s First, Autonomous Maxwell’s Demon!” Unleashing an unthinkable, unspeakable, and truly horrifying Epic Disaster upon the entire planet, one capable of terrorizing all of humanity senseless, night after night after night, for untold generations to come! When, upon one, otherwise, disastrously-droll, dark, and stormy night, from inside a hastily assembled, seldom frequented, Secret Laboratory, that their landlord knew nothing about, They Then Dared To Bring the Monster To Life With Electricity! Which is actually just a funky shaped but, otherwise, remarkably dull, insignificant, and run-of-the-mill, humble copper transistor, like a few trillion others that you could cobble together real fast on any lab bench, and sell by the bucketful.

But, interestingly enough, these particular, “Steam Punk Copper Transistors”, can sort electrons according to their charges, without expending any energy in the process. As if, when used in the right circuit, their unusual rectangular shape alone, is somehow enough to magically convince, or otherwise intimidate, normally unruly electrons, into getting their act together, and becoming more productive for a change. Of course, they just save energy, and don’t produce free energy and, like the nightlight in the dark corner, leverage their own humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, to transform the, somewhat vague, random, behavior of electrons, into much more explicitly self-contradictory behavior. Where the shadow becomes, but the memory of the eternal light... (Duh!) These are the “Two Faces of Janus”, and the brain itself is organized in this same fashion, relying on quantum mechanics as the default mechanism, in order to save energy. What is energy and what is information becomes entirely a matter of opinion, with the human mind and brain having already proven to exchange roles, on the most fundamental level of their organization, whenever it just so happens to be more efficient.

Within the Kaotic-Order of a Frank Zappa and Pee Wee Herman style, “Fuzzy-Wuzzy, Funky-Monkey, Freak-Brothers, Fabulous-Furry-Freakadelic-Fractured-Fairytale Universe!” Such as, Hollywood and DC commonly promote, DC Comics that is, “Fortune Favors The Prepared Mind! But, Chance Favors The Unprepared Mind: That Doesn’t Freeze Like A Deer Caught In The Headlights!” According to Instant Karma, Disney films, and recent experiments, with bacteria among other things, due to sex being an awkward subject among academics, apparently Charles Darwin missed the point that, “Survival Is All About Paying It Forward! Just Ask Yo Mama! So, Cough Up Sucker!” Nature usually favors being able to socialize, over being the strongest or the fittest, with tiny kids having a huge advantage that, sometimes, can be downright magical.

Random evolution has progressively turned out to be extremely predictable, just like quantum mechanics, with bacteria, for example, ruthlessly enforcing that, “Nobody Gets A Free Lunch!” And, unless supported concentrically, the weaker and more social among them will predominate. Leveling the playing field, normalizing life, and making nightmare scenarios, such as a perfect parasite, impossible while, also, explaining why there are so many damned parasites! People have speculated for nearly a century that our minds are somehow quantum mechanically connected to our environment but, only recently, has the first real body of evidence begun to emerge and, unfortunately, the portable equipment, capable of measuring quantum entanglement, outside of the lab, is only now starting to become commonplace, while governments everywhere have been classifying everything, and banning the export of any associated technology. For example, Legendary Native American Trackers were recruited by the military, and enthusiastically volunteered to become snipers, and To Proudly Serve Their Country! Only to discover to everyone’s surprise, The Mojo Was Gone! The Minute They Cut Their Hair Off!

Of course, they were all still experts, but had inexplicably lost their advantage, as if someone had cut the hair off Samson himself, with Trackers today now commonly growing their hair long. Bacteria have also proven capable of leveraging quantum effects, and the resemblance to breaking off an antenna, or a microorganism losing its cilia, is unlikely to be a coincidence and, more likely, represents a lost quantum mechanical connection with their environment, that empowered them to make predictions nobody else could. Organisms, such as our own skin, commonly use electrical signals to communicate, and women have long claimed to be more intuitive than men, and still commonly grow their hair long. Suggesting it may give them a slight, but measurable and consistent advantage, especially in more natural environments. Pragmatically speaking, due to everything resembling both particles and waves, the entire universe is often analogous to an infinite number of, “FM Radio Stations”, constantly broadcasting everything imaginable, and working to establish vast new networks but, with the added complication that, thanks to Relativity, what is considered a wave and what is an amplifier or a station becomes an issue of which networks you currently use and, according to Murphy’s Law, Charlie Chaplin, Monty Python, Fred Astaire, and Micheal Jackson, “Moon-Walking Nonlinear Temporal Dynamics Rule The Universe!” (Run Away!)

Doing a balancing act atop a powerful rolling wave, but one hidden just beneath the surface, as if Paul Bunyan were playing log rolling lumberjack out on the open ocean, Rogue Waves can approach two hundred feet tall and travel for hundreds of miles without collapsing, and are an example of self-organizing Soliton Waves, or Standing Waves, that come in every size and, like a fountain, can sometimes appear to stand very still. Likewise, time itself has repeatedly proven to be neither passive nor linear, and the time has turned out to never quite be what anybody seems to think it is, until that time rolls round again. Making deliberately juxtaposing a wide variety of rudimentary patterns, for a clearer view of the Big Picture, much more crucial than classic logic and physics suggest. Cancer, for example, is not merely a genetic disease, but also related to how our genes are sometimes adapted to the local environment, causing some genetic adaptations to be advantageous in one location, and a distinct disadvantage in another.

More efficient or, inadvertently, creatively destructive, with how cancer prone an animal is, also being proportional to their size, and temperature. Almost as if it were merely a complex chemical reaction or, “Tiny Organic Internal Combustion Engines”, but ones that animate all life and, sometimes, run amok, Run Away! One possible implication, is that our immune system and reproductive systems are an extension of how every living organism does a Drunkard’s Walk, between order and chaos, expressing both phase transitions and metamorphic effects, according to whichever is more efficient and, additionally, suggesting the two express a multifractal equation, that reflects how our entire body and DNA are organized. Notably, researchers are also making significant progress in understanding the immune system, and developing amazingly powerful cancer vaccines, that can help to contain the chaos for the most part, and make it that much easier to deal with whatever cases might still arise. Viruses themselves have turned out to provide some of the basic chemistry required for organic life as we know it, as if they represent the boundary between life and death in more than one way, and cancer does as well.

Their behavior strongly implies organic life leverages the inorganic, whenever its more efficient, and one without the other is a contradiction, while the two must overlap in four rudimentary ways, and display how they become, more or less, context dependent for each observer. Metaphorically Speaking, The Hindu Goddess of Kali dramatically dances life and death in a, more or less, Super-Symmetrical Fashion, on her way to the bathroom! With her six arms representing six degrees of freedom, in her unbeatable “Bullshit Kung Fu” stance, and the skull necklace she normally wears should be composed of toilet paper rolls but, of course, exactly how useful a metaphor that is, remains entirely context dependent, and I’m working on finding other metaphors. Anywho, our digestive track, for another example, intimately connects us to the local flora and fauna in unimaginable variety and number, that don’t always get along, while our elaborate immune and reproductive systems meet in the brain as, Yin and Yang! And, apparently, the real issue is not so much who’s in charge around here, which waves, amplifiers, or networks are running the show, exactly how long your hair grows, who just so happens to be the better dancer, Or Who The Hell Gets To Use The Bathroom First, Or Who Has The Damned Toilet Paper! But: How Do We Promote Harmony, In A Sea of Chaos!

Entanglement is arguably the most context dependent state of all, conveying only vague and self-contradictory contextual data, but also expresses the greatest possible synergy, increasing in strength factorially, according to how many particles are entangled. As if every girl has to have her secrets, and they’re all just really shy, and the less anybody in the whole universe can see exactly what it is that they’re doing, the more they can accomplish. And, once again, we are merely trading information about them for greater efficiency, of course, in paying it forward. Superposition, is yet another highly context dependent state, where particles always share the same properties, and sharing the same properties, among themselves, then becomes indistinguishable from any other expression of synergy. It’s possible, for example, in the double-slit experiment, to get any kind of particles you might care to play with into superposition and, if you use more than two slits, you can get more than two particles into superposition at the same time. However, photons are the glaring exception and, no matter how many slits you use, you can only get two at a time in superposition. Their vague identity, as described by Field Theory, confuses the issue of super-symmetry and synergy again, just like the mass of the Higgs Boson and, just like that of a black hole conflating the identity of it’s temperature, mass, charge, spin, and momentum.

Quantum Electrodynamics contradicts itself, suggesting there’s actually only one superluminal electron in the entire universe yet, somehow, that’s supposed to make sense, like any good, “Roadrunner Cartoon!” This same blatant contradiction should also account for it being the most wildly accurate theory we have today, suggesting a spectrum of the physical forces from the wildly accurate, and explicitly self-contradictory, to the incredibly vague and tautological, in the case of Dark Energy. Supplying an equally simple explanation for the “Hierarchy Problem”, of why the forces of nature appear to be so radically different in strength, as reflecting the Two Faces of Janus, and how everything expresses particle-wave duality, including scales and magnitudes.

Accuracy and Precision, Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, must also express the same Two Faces of Janus, or particle-wave duality, that everything in the universe expresses which, in turn, should require vague metaphoric systems logics, in order to describe how the two demonstrably transform into one another and, how Quantum Mechanics Without Relativity Is a Complete Oxymoron. Electrons themselves are considered point particles, with no real known size and little mass, but absorb and emit photons better than anything else, and obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle where, despite their tiny size, only two at a time can occupy the same orbit around an atom, and they can’t share the same four identical quantum properties. In stark contrast, “Butterflies Are Free!” And, Photons are all believed to be vague ripples in fields, Colorful Enlightened Butterflies! That multiply, flutter, and spread freely throughout the entire universe, faster than anything else, and any number of these billions, and billions, and billions, of “Vague Wavy Gravy Ripples”, and “Enchanting Sparkling Colorful Enlightened Butterflies”, can share the same properties and have no objection at all to being jammed together tightly, in large intimate groups, that can mate, but its impossible to get more than two at a time in superposition. As If They’re All Monogamous, And Don’t Believe in Free Love!

Making more materialistic electrons the opposite of photons, in almost every way, yet we apparently have no choice but to measure both at the same time, while Quasi-Electrons have also been created in the lab, composed of what’s missing from this picture in a given synthetic material, and confirm that they express the same properties as normal electrons. Collectively, all of these results, corroborate that electrons and photons express the Two Faces of Janus, and the Pauli Exclusion Principle should eventually prove to conflate the identity of super-symmetry, geometry and dynamics. The Four Forces of Nature should also turn out to express four overlapping states of Matter and Energy, that include additional Quasi-Forces and Quasi-Dimensions, capable of explaining Dark Matter and Dark Energy. Photons and electrons each display their own distinctive humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, with their indivisible combination ensuring that every context always has a significant amount of content, or the two will inevitably transform into one another. Electrons typically form a Fermi Fluid, and Photons Plasma, as if they’re the quintessential quantum mechanical versions of a liquid and a gas, condensing and evaporating in every way imaginable, and implying that Boyle’s Law, in particular, needs to also be reformulated as systems logic, which can express both phase transitions and metamorphic effects, and explain E=MC(2) in broader contexts.

Collating the data for a wide variety of particles, for both Superposition and the Pauli Exclusion Principle, should therefore reveal that the fundamental particles of normal matter, or Fermions, collectively express a distinctive Fractal Dragon pattern, and Bosons, such as Photons, should express a more humble wave-like Mandelbrot pattern. An experiment just revealed that, contrary to the current prevailing opinion, Bosons sometimes behave like Fermions, and vice versa, and by elaborating on the Fractal Dragon, it should be possible to expand upon the more subtle Mandelbrot. Water has been called the “Yin-Yang” molecule and should provide additional insight into how the Fractal Dragon manifests across different scales and magnitudes, producing the enormous variety of distinctive states of matter.

The cyclones on Jupiter appear to reflect a similar pattern, of a six and five fold multifractal equation, with the south pole displaying a pentagonal formation, and the north pole a hexagon. The two could be an emergent effect of Jupiter being so large, that it radiates more energy than it collects, possibly illuminating how geometry and dynamics progressively exchange identities. Theoretically, the combined multifractal of Fermions and Bosons, can subsequently be used to reconcile Relativity and quantum mechanics, and explain Dark Energy and Dark Matter, by expanding on the Standard Theory. However, in order for Mere Lowly Mortals, such as ourselves, To Even Begin To Dream of Ever Truly Coming To Appreciate, some of the more divinely inspired depths, out of billions, and billions, and billions of, deeper still, truly deep, as yet, unplumbed depths! Beyond, All Human Imagination! Requires The Fine Art of Anarchistic Facilitation! When the light bulb comes on, and you can see that the Big Picture actually has a pattern, of sorts.

All of this, stubbornly persistent, salaciously profound confusion, and widespread panic in the streets, over simple symmetry, should eventually substantiate, and possibly transubstantiate, that emergent effects produced by a giant black hole can ultimately be attributed to its synergy and centrifugal force. As if, all black holes represent one and the same bottomless vortex, that could possibly form a magical rabbit hole leading to Wonderland, but nobody can tell for sure, and it could also be a heat pump, a toilet or, worse still, “The Highway To Hell For All Anyone Can Tell!” A Magical Spinning Vortex Beyond The Outer Limits of Imagination, where scales and magnitudes frequently overlap, exchanging identities, introducing surprising emergent effects into the plot, and enforcing a “Goldilocks Principle of Murphy’s Law”, or particle-wave duality, “Somewhere, in the Twilight Zone”. Any metaphysical extreme will produce their opposite with, for example, our two best metaphysical theories, Newtonian Mechanics and Relativity, expressing their own particle-wave duality as a spectrum. Ranging from the vaguely tautological, to the explicitly self-contradictory, and should describe how its impossible to ever measure a perfectly straight line, or a perfect circle. Explaining, Why Parallel Lines Always Converge Mathematically! Slight ionic charge differentials have proven to be instrumental, causing the inner solar system to rotate slower than the outer planets and, likely, also explains the electromagnetic torus surrounding giant black holes and, other, more widely established observations, with astronomers preferring to dream big, even when it comes to black holes!

The first photograph of entangled particles shows two opposed brush-stroke arcs, forming a “Cat’s Eye” or a “Human Eye” shape. Where a context without any significant content is a complete oxymoron, as it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between what is spacetime, and what are the particles yet, they still retain the distinct possibility of their image representing two independent particles, within a finite volume of space. Significantly, the striking eye-shape of the image also begs the question, as to whether the observer is staring back at themselves Or, Whether The Cheshire Cat Is Real! Making it as much a vague metaphorical image, as it is a real one and, at that, an image that hints how time itself can be considered simultaneously real and imaginary. We could very well see something similar, with the upcoming LISA Gravity Wave Telescope, peering all the way back to the Big Bang, and an extensive survey, for just such rudimentary metaphorical results, should eventually reveal a paradoxical version of, “The Story of Goldilocks”, while I’m dying to hear the end of the story myself. For its part, a black hole dramatically wraps spacetime around itself like a blanket, and has both spin and centrifugal force, while centrifugal force appears to be almost a bonafide force, but not quite, and has been linked to the mass of the proton, implying it can be thought of as a, “Quasi-Force”.

A proton’s internal quarks move at the speed of light, yet its shape is elliptical, and not a perfect circle, suggesting centrifugal force and spin confuse the issue of super-symmetry again, varying across vast scales and magnitudes, with protons appearing to have both external integer spin and internal centrifugal force. As if they’re all “Quantum Gyroscopes”, while our galaxy has two counter-rotating disks surrounding a giant black hole, implying everything resembles an elliptical gyroscope with LEDs, or a funky plasma lamp, and the other side of the Big Bang could be a counter-rotating anti-matter universe-sized elliptical gyroscope, Lit Up Like a Christmas Tree! Like the earth’s orbit, the ellipse would be tiny and you’d never notice the two universes wobbling like a giant top around the Big Bang! Certainly not in four dimensions and, in fact, spacetime has turned out to be much flatter than General Relativity can account for but, apparently, Gyroscopic Relativistic Spacetime can do the Watusi, and heats up as you accelerate, tripping the light fantastic and showing the Luminescent Aether how its done!

Along with the Navier-Stokes equations for turbulence, all of these crazy spinning tops, plasma lamps, and Shiny Christmas Tree Ornaments, arbitrarily spinning, colliding, and dancing all around at relativistic speeds, may play a key role in determining just exactly how we distinguish between mass and energy, gravity and inertia, kinetic energy and radiant heat but, more importantly, in determining how the principle of identity, progressively vanishes down the nearest convenient rabbit hole or toilet, of your personal preference, on any given occasion! “Predator-Prey” statistics, from Evolutionary Biology, have proven effective for modeling small vortexes in plasma physics, and could reflect how any comprehensive models for matter and energy must include vaguely organic elements, as well as, explicitly mechanical ones, and suggesting that, using systems logics to invert their mechanics and organics, can provide unique insights. Classic Chaos Theory was originally successful in proposing its possible to measure how chaos emerges from order, only to recently establish that, Surprise! Order inevitably emerges from chaos, while the latest experiment has indicated that protons are maximally entangled. Meaning their Thermodynamics resemble that of a black hole, and corroborating all of the other absolutely ridiculous physical, linguistic, and mathematical evidence, still piling up after more than a century into what, is undeniably, a rather Intimidating Mountain of The Most Damning Institutionalized Crap Imaginable! All indicating that, what modern science is now confronting, In No Uncertain Terms! Is a universal recursion in the principle of identity and, Soon Enough, Nothing Will Ever Be The Same Again! Considering the state of the world today, we can all safely assume, that’s a step in the right direction. Now, where did that Pinkie go...

Another experiment, related to quantum computing, has suggested this same conclusion that, “Spin Is Funda-Mental!” And, “Loopy Temporal Dynamics Might Rule The Day!” With their results indicating that quantum computers can be made much more robust, if they’re designed to favor the spin of particles. Other researchers have used the equivalent of “Quantum Shock Absorbers”, to successfully isolate individual atoms, from thermal and acoustic noise, and it could very well be that a combination of quantum and classical approaches are required for the best performance, with classic logic being more efficient one quarter of the time, and quantum systems up to 125% efficient, and incredibly vague about just exactly how they manage that. Reservoir Computers can handle both simultaneously, and you can always claim its, “Movie Magic”, and nobody will ever be able to prove you wrong.

Both experiments imply that phonons, or quanta of sound, may also play a significant role and hint that, within the “Timeless Harmony of The Spheres”, Dark Energy may represent Anti-Gravity! Or, what half the world knows as, “The Great Void”, from whence all the myriad good things doth spring forth... Including, the graceful lilting silences, reaching all the way out, To Infinity And Beyond Eternity! Far, far, from the distant galaxies, content to just sprawl out all over the place, cloaking and smothering the seemingly endless, long and empty, cold and lonely nights! Night after night after night, between the ever so softly suspended notes of the majestic, effervescent, providential and divine, panoramic-sweeping, all-encompassing, Heavenly Glory, of the sparkly-glittery Galactic Super-Clusters, Illuminating the Entire Visible Universe! Or, accompanying a joke that leaves everyone speechless…

Dark Matter interacts weakly with ordinary matter, and seems to move in odd ways, like a fluid, and clusters around black holes and outside galaxies, implying that it may respond differently to Dark Energy, trading some of its ability to interact with normal matter, for the ability to interact with Dark Energy, almost as if it were composed of “Ectoplasm”. Likewise, the rotation of the spiral galaxies may not obey Newton’s Laws of Motion either, and appear to possibly obey a Morphogenic Field, or involve complex thermodynamics but, what all of these more ghostly titillating quasi-organic topologies and more heated genuflecting gesticulating gynormous gyrating grandeous glittery glow-in-the-dark gentile generic gyroscopic Christmas Tree Ornaments, Funky Plasma Lamps and, Even Weirder Ectoplasm! All Collectively Suggest! Is the more extreme any scale or magnitude, the more self-contradictory and incredibly vague and metaphorical everything becomes. Sometimes painfully so, for each and every observer, including anybody left behind in the Cosmology Department Peanut Gallery. Think of Van Goethe's “Starry, Starry, Night”, re-interpreted for The Worst Possible Saturday Morning Cartoons Imaginable! At superluminal speeds, time and distance no longer exist, while a black hole resembles a toilet, a heat pump, a plasma lamp, and a rabbit hole leading to Wonderland, Where We Can All Give Birth to Yertle-the-Turtle’s Baby Universe, From Inside The Tunnel of Love! Implying Black Holes are imaginary, or metaphorical objects, as much as they happen to be real objects and, similar to a shadow, can sometimes depend on the observer, to even ensure they have any meaningful content, while the same can be said to be true for the universe as a whole.

To paraphrase the great Sherlock Holmes, “Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, can only be highly improbable!” Whenever nobody is looking, the rest of the universe may as well not be there as far as our minds and measuring instruments are concerned but, every context requiring a significant amount of content, ensures that everything still appears to make some sort of sense, whenever we choose to peek at the rest of the universe again. Which is always ever so much greater than imagination, or far worse than any had dared to fear, and how nature can be described as not merely elegant, random, or humorous, but embodying novelty itself and, sometimes, expressing what hippies and countless others like to call, “Sparkle”. (Ooooh, Shiny!)

We inhabit a Magical Goldilocks Multiverse, that expresses the Two Faces of Janus in everything, which I consider very novel myself, if not quite so bubbly and sparkly but, leaving a theory of everything, as the only way to ultimately reconcile the rather large number of vague and self-contradictory observations, coming from both physicists and astronomers. By, of course, scrupulously examining the Big Picture, upon occasion, in excruciating detail. Being a married man himself, Socrates advised, “Know Thyself” and, classic logic being exclusive, only by carefully documenting how the two grammars of English actually work, does it become possible to expand upon the Laws of Thought which, obviously, cannot describe language, humor, self-organizing systems, novelty, sparkle, or the Big Picture. Perhaps to no one’s surprise, the Laws of Thought are a few thousand years out of date while, in my opinion, they need to include something about using the stupid dictionary, and learning how to share your words and play nice d****t!

Anywho, in contrast, the simplest default topology, that fits the current observations of the universe, is more syntropic, or fatalistic, and appears to require at least four dimensions to account for geometry alone. Inside, what could possibly be a universe sized “Borg Cube”, which Einstein compared to a “Flawless Jewel” but, which can also be compared to a “Gumby Blockhead”, if you believe in “Cosmic Consciousness”, and is commonly referred to as a “Monoblock Universe”, similar to Legos. One World, One Monoblock Lego Gumby Borg Blockhead Cubic Perfection of Cosmic Consciousness! Such a complex, “Gauge Configuration”, again strongly suggests that, six inches can be equal to a foot and, additionally, requires something along the lines of a Quasi-Fifth Dimension, Emanating From the Age of Aquarius, a Quasi-Force coming from a Hidden Rebel Base, located somewhere in the Florida Swamps, the quantum wave-function coming from Schrodinger's Cat coughing up hair-balls, or whatever the hell’s missing from this picture, and is a common way for beginners to learn to recognize the more inclusive and symmetrical perspective of eight dimensions in a singularity. Which, makes even less sense, unless you happen to be particularly fond of bullseye targets, squishy marshmallows, blobs, and spherical-cubes but, still indicates that it should be possible to establish once and for all that, “If You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands, There Ain’t No Rhyme For Oranges!” Anywho, regardless of whatever kind of miserable overall physical shape, our lowbrow multiverse is in, which many have suggested resembles God Farting, or an exploding pile of Hot S**t, as the vast mindbogglingly enormous multitude of giant black holes, galaxies, and super-clusters have all consolidated, and their rotation and arrangements have, ever so painstakingly and fastidiously, slowly and pitifully, attempted to stabilize over the eons, Dark Energy Seems To Be Pushing Everything Apart Faster!

Implying the “Anti-Gravity” of Dark Energy is the initial creative impetus of the Big Bang, still expanding to this day, and remains the ultimate source of gravity, created by confining the energy of anti-gravity locally, inside the mass of rotating particles and black holes, as they rapidly condensed out of the Quark Gluon Plasma, in the early universe. The sheer diversity of these observations, including those for the individual masses of other particles, collectively suggests that, like electrical charges, Gravity and Anti-Gravity may possibly cooperate and compete, in a variety of complex ways, over vast scales and magnitudes. Taoists like to say, “Gravity is the source of lightness” and, to this day, the Chinese still swear the ancients sometimes flew through the air, sitting on tiny clouds, while people would commonly hike on a particular mountain or whatever, just so they could watch them, as if bird watching. Believe it or not, I’ve come across at least two people, who swear they’ve seen someone levitate a few feet off the ground and, assuming Dark Energy can be considered the origin of the Big Bang, it should make Anti-Gravity devices possible, along the same lines of James Blish’s resonant “Spin Dizzies”, in his classic science fiction novel, “Cities in Flight!” But, if Tokyo flies through the air, spinning like a top with a dynamo hum, you know damned well Godzilla can’t be far behind, And Anti-Gravity, Must Come At A Price!

Information itself should commonly display additional unrecognized relativistic effects which, due to their particle-wave duality, need must inevitably, transform into a singularity, and express humorous magical appearing results. The common hallucination of “Casper the Ghost” style figures, laughing inside a numeral zero on a touch pad or whatever, is a simple example I cover more in a later chapter, and our Rainbow Warrior Poetry is a much more complex one, but they both express noteworthy extremes of humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, which can produce surprising results. The “Casper the Ghost” figures, are classic representations of the humor of the “Collective Unconscious”, and their compelling laughter confuses people, because they express, The Sparkling Laughter of Children. Which is less infectious, but no less compelling because, no matter how much we might deny it, the truth is always attractive. Schrodinger's Cat was merely isolated inside a box, but efficiency, super-symmetry, and the principle of identity appear to be the more pointed issues, and the more humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, that any energy and information just so happen to express clearly, the more self-contradictory and incredibly vague, or metaphorical, any other information they convey becomes.

Music Theory is a particularly apt example, which can be used to describe Information Theory as a self-organizing system; explaining how grammar is related to the proximity of syntax in the brain and how the brain categorizes everything. Simply by emphasizing the silences between the notes, as capable of illiciting any emotion, such as suspense, Music Theory can describe how songs like, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” and “Lullaby”, both present modest examples of humble efficiency and elegant simplicity. These two particular songs form a circle that repeats, with each imposing their own distinctive subtypes of emotional gravity and inertia.

Hinting that, in a universal recursion, music can be considered a universal pattern matching language, and another expression of how the greater truth organizes across vast scales and magnitudes with, for example, abstract language sometimes becoming indistinguishable from Jazz. Language, mathematics, music, and aesthetics, all use the same parts of the brain, suggesting that, like the forces of nature, they express their own particle-wave spectrum, and that Plato’s “Harmony of the Spheres”, must also express particle-wave duality, and prove to be every bit as humorous as it is elegant. Classical music scores all express dramatic variations on a Fractal Dragon equation, with Beethoven's work being one of the more obvious examples of a, much more logical and orderly, strong five fold Fractal Dragon pattern.

Early in his career, Stevie Wonder became famous for his harmonica playing, due his ability to make you swear that you can hear additional notes between the actual notes he’s playing, just like all of the anomalous particle results, or Jerry Garcia’s guitar if you’re a Dead-Head, or Just Tripping. These particular observations present information that’s low in entropy, with the pervasive existence of such low entropy results, inferring that Goldilocks simply can’t lie convincingly anymore, and 42 is as good as it gets. Physicists like to joke, “It’s Turtles All the Way Down Baby!” And, of course, Newtonian Mechanics imply they could very well be right, while songs like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star can be used for a horror movie soundtrack, as well as to put a baby to sleep, with such extreme context dependency, supplying an equally simple explanation for why professional comedians commonly complain, to this very day, that they can’t tell how a joke will go over from one audience to the next, and it helps to have perfect timing in your delivery.

It also explains how our own emotions can be simultaneously vague and explicit, and how “The Monster Group”, in theories such as E8, display their own contextual relativistic effects. Which, apparently, conflate the identity of language and mathematics, due to their metaphoric logic, or the specific humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, expressed within the complexity of their symmetry, causing them to start to resemble Pi, or a Singularity. Where a context without any significant content is a complete oxymoron, and your mind and brain simply refuse to go there. Suggesting its possible to enhance the effect for mathematicians, by putting theories like E8 to music, and testing them for use as meditation and hypnosis aids.

Seven distinct stages of consciousness have already been documented, in “Sensory Deprivation Experiments”, including one that resembles a Cartoon, with the final stage being, Identical To A Screen Saver! Composed of an endless parade of perfectly symmetrical geometric objects, that only Bill Gates could ever consider a work of art. Theories like E8 could possibly provide crucial insight, into how to use screen savers to exercise your neurons, massage, and reboot your brain, while stimulating the old creatives juices! Which, of course, I Cover In Juicy Detail! As I go along, connecting the dots between logic and humor, geometry and dynamics, as all demonstrably context dependent, and how poor Dr Seuss had no clue, his books all express cutting-edge mathematics, which can also be used to design, Deadlier Weapons of Ma*s Destruction!

In the spirit of, “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, Whatever You Do, Just Don’t Go There!” Quanta, have already proven capable of, somehow, moving simultaneously forward and backward through time but, of course, we normally only measure quanta for pragmatic purposes and, otherwise, have little use for dwelling upon whether time might occasionally flow backwards, while flowing both ways is humanly inconceivable! Each observer must still decide for themselves what makes sense, yet neither a backwards, random, nor fated universe makes more than the most superficial sense, implying that the arrow of time we normally perceive is merely the default that everyone shares, or is compelled to share. For We Few, We Happy Few! We Are A Band of Brothers! All-too-well-aware unto ourselves, if nothing else, it was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was simultaneously the most boring and way too interesting of times, it was the winter of our discontent, it was the relief of knowing the truth, it was the joyful liberation of being free at last, free at last, for it was the time of humanity finally coming to consensus, that nobody could agree upon the time, thus, ensuring that everyone always had all the free time in the world which, of course, each would pay dearly for every time, and why nobody ever seemed to actually have the correct time still, everybody always agreed without a second thought, it was the right time to spend more time saving daylight savings time and, of course, it was that time of the month, it was that time of the season, for it was A Maddening Time Without GPS, Rhyme, or Reason, yet the times remained but the fire within which we burned, and the unforgiving ice, within which our minds went numb!

If you argue that the principle of the excluded middle must apply to everything, you can bang your head against the wall forever, just like mathematicians exploring theories like E8 and String Theory. Already, one String Theorist has thrown his hands in the air in symbolic surrender, and switched to an entirely different field of research altogether, when his own mathematics implied that a larger than astronomical number of String Theories, each in turn, ever so much more hauntingly beautiful than the last, can explain life, the universe, and everything even more elegantly. However, Fear Not! For No Man Is An Island! Rest Assured! In a “Magical Fairytale Universe”, Love and Sparkling Laughter Can Easily Overcome, any hate, anger, and sorrow, or Anyone’s More Righteous Indignation! Or, even Mr Spock’s Best Anal Retentive Logic! “Inspiring Harmonious Synchronization!” Like a bowel movement that requires no effort, or what Karl Jung struggled to describe as “Synchronicity” which, once again, in a Metaphorical Goldilocks Universe, must be capable of expressing humor as well as beauty, while inspiring all of humanity to periodically question the meaning of life, and whether fairy tales, creativity, and novelty, are really all they’re cracked up to be!

Hippies like to say, “Whenever Harmony Is Lost, Balance Will Be Restored!” Sometimes, twenty or more Hippies will all shout it out together, at idiots foolishly arguing in public at a “Rainbow Gathering” and, of course, it works every time. And, illustrates the power of truly valuing sharing your words, and the damned playground! Synchronicity is harmonious by definition, while harmony neither acts nor reasons, and doesn’t distinguish between humor and beauty, any more than a shadow does, with both being extremely context dependent or, you could say, they always pay it forward. Rather than requiring any elaborate explanations, ancient mystical secrets, or more refined aesthetic sensibilities, comprehending Synchronicity begins with nurturing and cultivating our own awareness of the Big Picture, and how we ourselves aspire to embrace harmony in our own lives, or not. Harmony can become synonymous with Entanglement, and The Greater Context, or The Greater Truth, promoting synergy and synchronicity and, as I explain throughout this book, academics are not even remotely unique in treating humor as taboo, but play a central role in suppressing humor in the modern world.

Due to humor being much more personal, subtle, and egalitarian than classic logic, to varying degrees, all of our cultures and institutions have progressively suppressed, and dismissed, the importance of things such as fuzzy logic, linguistics, and our own innate sense of humor, in favor of making much faster progress, with more abstract, classic logic, physics, and mathematics. After two thousand years, they’re finally maturing, and have proven to be incredibly useful and accurate but, unfortunately, they’ve also turned out to be woefully inadequate for describing over half of the world around us, all-too-often horribly inefficient, and entirely misleading as to what the Big Picture actually looks like. Without A Better Grasp On The Big Picture, All Of Our Current High Tech Three Stooges Slapstick, Can Only Get Worse!!!

Both quantum mechanics and thermodynamics are cobbled together ad hoc theories and, 42 being as good as it gets, means both theories should eventually turn out to be equally accurate and precise, whether you assume that everything is random or fated, which has already been confirmed to be the case in quantum mechanics. The “Many Worlds Theory”, can therefore be reformulated as a paradoxical and metaphorical version of Boyle’s Law, “As The Many Worlds Churn Within A Singularity! Or, the Continuing Saga of “Stone Soup, Goldilocks, and the Ugly Duckling”, that obeys, “A Goldilocks Principle of Murphy’s Law” and “Synchronicity”, or “The Harmonious Conservation of Creative Efficiency”. Which is comparable to Jung’s “Collective Unconscious”, the ground state in quantum mechanics, and “The Muppets!” Illustrating how Noether’s genius, and super-symmetry, both require a sense of humor, thanks to even symmetry and balance requiring a context, in order to become more meaningful in the real world. Many have claimed that, outside of the human mind and brain, quantum mechanics ensures that a perfect vacuum remains impossible, along with absolute zero temperature, while space-time is expanding faster than anyone can account for, with virtual particles randomly increasing its entropy. Yet again, as if “The Greater Context” is somehow magically determining the identity of its own humble contents, and just can’t constrain itself. Currently, Theorists tend to whisper superstitiously about it, behind closed doors, and euphemistically refer to spacetime as, “flat”, “homogeneous”, or “hyper-uniform”, as opposed to, actually making any sense, or being “just right”.

Providing a simple explanation, if you want to call it that, for why quantum mechanics require imaginary numbers, making them nonlocal and noncommutative, as merely reflecting Yin and Yang, or the absurdly metaphorical paradox of our existence, where a context without any significant content is a complete oxymoron. More pragmatically speaking, it describes a universal recursion in the principle of identity, which should eventually provide the most parsimonious explanations, that can reconcile the evidence for even such modern theories as Quantum Darwinism and Quantum Chaos Theory. Over the last century, every leading theory for quantum mechanics, that has lasted worth a spit, has incorporated Yin-Yang “Push-Me-Pull-You” dynamics, and a few theories such as “Pilot-Wave” and “Weak Measurement” theories have endured, but only by popular demand, and are seldom taken seriously by most of the theoretical community. However, Pilot Wave theory incorporates yin-yang push-pull dynamics, making it particularly useful for measuring how the greater context determines the identity of its own contents and, by exploring the predictions of a wide variety of such theories, it becomes possible to document the recursion in detail.

Identical to how you might assemble an ordinary tabletop, “Jig-Saw Puzzle”, by simply retrodicting everything from the “Big Picture”, on the lid of the box, networking systems logics can rely solely on the self-evident truth, demonstrables, and symmetry, while treating their own logic like bullshit, or a variable with no intrinsic meaning or value. Playfully introducing modified versions of classic logic that reflect more of the Big Picture, without ever having to totally abandon their brain on the side of the road, or throw the baby out with the bathwater. A blue puzzle piece might be part of the sky or a lake, and finding out the hard way can be half the fun, and keeps everyone more honest. You can’t always get what you want but, if you try sometimes, you get what you need, and assembling a really big puzzle merely requires the social logic of the smallest of toddlers: “Kick it if it doesn’t work, don’t fix it if it ain’t broke and, when in trouble, when in doubt, run in circles screaming and shouting!”

Thankfully, its often easy to console toddlers with the knowledge that everything, including the universe as a whole, tells its own story, so they should feel perfectly free to makeup whatever story they happen to prefer, as they go along, just like the rest of us. Relying heavily on simple pattern matching, systems logics can, theoretically, provide a wealth of additional pragmatic ways in which to apply quantum mechanics on macroscopic scales, by expanding upon Relativity, to describe quantum mechanics more fully, trading accuracy for precision, integrals for differentials, and scales for magnitudes. A humble organic metaphoric logic, that a five year old can comprehend which, in the right hands, should be every bit as useful as classically based abstract mathematics and logic have been, for describing the subatomic realm and, additionally, should be capable of describing when either approach becomes more applicable, and what modifications to the principle of the excluded middle are more likely to be useful in any given situation.

Due to the recursion in the principle of identity, Upon Occasion! Half of everything that exists can be much more pragmatically described, without necessarily ever having to resort to cussing, as expressing emergent effects with, for example, the Quantum Observer Effect, humor, black holes, and the forces of nature often clearly reflecting our ability to always decide for ourselves, just how much sense anything makes, in the current situation. Including cussing, or anyone’s jokes, and whether some jokes should never be repeated. Without the ability to be surprised, the Laws of Thought become a redundant oxymoron, lending entirely new meaning to reactionary behavior, “Yet, Forever Wonder Remains The Beginning of All Wisdom!” Or, the pies-in-the-face never do stop coming! A black hole’s event horizon takes novelty to an extreme by anyone’s standards, making no damned sense whatsoever, confusing the identities of spin, centrifugal force, gravity, geometry, and inertia, with one study implying that information becomes irretrievable, well before it ever reaches the event horizon. In spite of all the mystery and speculation, an event horizon can be described as simply an emergent effect, or what’s clearly missing from this picture, making classic metaphysical attempts to describe one futile, or even among the more regrettably lame academic attempts at, “Physical Comedy”, and suggesting the scientific method is frequently Worthless Three Stooges Slapstick, without incorporating a linguistic systems logic approach.

Well intended but, Clearly: Over-Educated Fools Everywhere, are still widely suggesting to this day, that time may not be real. In which case, someone may want to start a betting pool for how long they can keep it up but, Zeno’s comedy routine was popular for centuries, while the rest of us can feel free to ignore anything else they have to say or, alternatively, encourage them to go outside more often, and learn how to share their words and play nice. Others have proposed the existence of a second event horizon below the first one, which you can call “The Land of the Lost” or “The Land Before Time” or “La-La Land”, but a second event horizon, showing up in their mathematics, can be viewed as yet another emergent effect, or simply the result of a context without any significant content being a complete oxymoron, and 42 really being as good as it gets. Requiring even an event horizon to have some sort of meaningful content, regardless of what kind of mathematics you use, and ensuring that knowledge and awareness themselves can sometimes be considered emergent effects, or what’s missing from this picture, with the “Divine Fool”, of Stage and Theater, being the Classic Example.

Later in the book, I explain more of the systems logic behind the concepts of Wu Wei Wu and Chi, or “Do-without-doing” and “The undetectable flow within the empty void”, which can leverage contextual vagueness, symmetry, and pattern matching to inspire unique insights, that are comparable to the use of eigenstates and virtual particles in quantum mechanics, but can additionally explain how it remains possible for us to know we know nothing. For example, after a lifetime of practice, thanks to technical papers being so highly structured, I can easily skim through dozens of pages, and point out exactly where they make logic errors and assumptions, without ever reading a word, by merely glancing at the shapes of the paragraphs they write. Wittgenstein’s first philosophy was geometric, but he couldn’t make it work and abandoned the effort while, for me, logic is as much geometry as anything else. Each paragraph expresses not only the distinctive words that any individual writes, but a gestalt or silhouette, that includes what’s missing from this picture, and you can literally “read between the lines” and, even learn a little something about the author themselves.

If I had the time and expertise, I’d design a small assortment of fonts and backgrounds, that could easily reveal the different silhouettes for anyone to see, or trace a few, but they tend to look a lot alike, expressing similar multifractals composed of a Fractal Dragon and a Mandelbrot pattern, which can be considered the default patterns that our neurons use, due to a context without any significant content being a complete oxymoron. Although its an extremely complex pattern, and the same one used for a, “Fractal Theory of Everything”, and similar to Pi, its complexity can be considered merely the result of organizing around what’s missing from this picture. Making it easy for our neurons to use to make subtle distinctions, and easy for them to learn new things, by simply comparing larger patterns. Constantly forming their own collective intuition about what to pay attention to next, with their boundless curiosity becoming the fountain of all knowledge and wisdom. Our neurons often learn by focusing on becoming more efficient, and attempting to predict everything, as if collectively playing a simple child’s pattern matching game but, small children, who have no real clue what they’re doing, and just do it for fun.

Most assume they can make words say any damned thing they want to but, like anything else in nature, our words obey Fractal Geometry, and always speak for themselves, revealing the truth behind anything you write. This same trick can work with the spoken word as well, and can be used to design a better lie detector, that can use AI to easily determine when someone is hiding something, and exactly how they’re playing around with words. The humble truth is, lies and the truth always come together, making it impossible to tell a lie, without also giving away some of the truth as well because, Mama Nature Never Lies! Making quantum mechanics “A NonCommutative Truth” and, as Allan Watts famously put it, “God Is Playing Peek-A-Boo!” Ensuring that, we mere mortals may only futilely attempt to lie to ourselves, or pretend to lie, and must ultimately learn to live with our own humble truth, which can only be shared, Or Not!

Animals, for example, will frequently pretend to be larger or fiercer than they are and, the more intelligent the animal, the more dreams they tend to have, and the more playful they become while, size does matter, and every little kid wants to be BIG. Being ultimately indistinguishable from a game or a pretense, The Circus Is The Only Show In Town! Ya gotta flaunt it if ya got it baby, but the more frequently we flat-out lie, or seriously pretend to be someone we’re not, the more infantile and gullible we all become, and the larger the pies-in-the-face! Dogs, in particular, have a reputation for loyalty, yet they’ve also proven to be uniquely adept at lying, and adept at detecting our own lies, because dogs are perfectly capable of feeling guilty as well, understand what a pie-in-the-face is, and that loyalty has no meaning without the ability to consciously lie. Our family dog once kindly thought to bring us breakfast in bed, the last of the donuts we had bought, knowing damned well he was in trouble, and no lie could possibly save him. Canines are intelligent pack animals that only live for five years in the wild, and their tendency is to either fight all the time or play all the time, and being able to lie can bring more order to their chaos. Unfortunately, people live much longer and are capable of a much wider variety of lies, while Lao Tzu summed up the problem as: “Habits Are The End of Genuine Honesty and Compassion, The Beginning of Complete and Total Confusion!”

Ironically, Gestalt Psychologists struggle with the self-evident truth, that a gestalt doesn’t support the principle of the excluded middle, and that nature can be playful, doesn’t lie, and expresses a distinctive sense of humor of her own. Frequently, they would be better off contemplating their own navel, and meditating upon how they habitually abuse language, and suppress their own sense of humor. Sometimes, I can’t even look at something written in a foreign language, that I can’t read, because whatever the author wrote messes with my head, and, no doubt, you could compile a list of phrases in foreign languages that commonly mess with people’s heads, and academics will claim its related to the theoretical mystical second grammar of English, which the government is attempting to classify. Occasionally, someone suspects that I’m not reading every word they write and gets upset, but that’s their problem, because I can literally read between the lines, and am not impressed with the Three Stooges constantly demanding cooperation and respect, in their ongoing efforts to abuse language, often for the sole purpose of promoting the most pathetically pointless personal bullshit.

Anywho, typically, its easier to see variations on a Fractal Dragon that express more logic and Chi, but you can also see different Mandelbrots that express more geometry and Wu Wei Wu, with the two normally superimposed. They express more of their opposites, with the Mandelbrot itself actually having less geometry, empowering it to reflect more of the author’s assertions or geometry, like a Fun House Mirror. The elaborate waxing elocution made famous by the character “V”, in the movies and comics, is a great example of a more vague, wave-like, Mandelbrot that’s easy to hear. But, the symmetry is so obvious when written down, that you can defeat his fuzzy logic in a single short paragraph, leaving him without a comeback, while James Joyce’s “Finnegan's Wake” is considered the quintessential example of a more complex multifractal in literature.

Everything, including the universe as a whole, tells its own story, but “The Song Remains the Same!” And, collectively, everything tends to resemble geometry and rivers, spheres and vortexes, mathematical music and abstract language, science and art, while everything speaks variations on a universal metaphorical language of pattern matching which, frequently, can resemble music or a house of mirrors. The words everyone writes down are no different in that respect and, if the logic is particularly atrocious, the Fractal Dragon will be undeniably messy and ugly, making it harder to see the more subtle Mandelbrot, but a pretty Fractal Dragon can also obscure the Mandelbrot. Which is what makes the Fractal Dragon possible, and why Mandelbrots are usually more interesting, due to their expressing more of the underlying symmetry, of exactly how the author is attempting to modify the principle of the excluded middle.

A good Fractal Dragon is similar to the famous, “Dragon of New Zealand”, a strong shape and more classical appearing and, topologically speaking, the Mandelbrot and Fractal Dragon form a silhouette of an hourglass shape, that’s blurred and twisted in the middle, but you can only see them in written English from the overhead view of the two superimposed, which is why not everyone can see them as clearly as I can. My brain damage has left me extremely visual, and I can do a Rubic’s Cube in my head, superimposing things like differential gears, which more people can do than you might think, and I’m hoping some of them will expand on my work. Anyway, their chaotic two dimensional silhouette represents eight dimensions and a singularity that, for most practical purposes, can be thought of as expressing a simpler four fold super-symmetry, and a quasi-fifth dimension, that can also manifest as a quasi-force, such as centrifugal force. Books like this one have four overlapping rudimentary multifractals which, if you condensed all those dimensions down to three, would form a torus: Where the Dragon Bites Its Own Tail, and There Remains, But One Ring To Bind Them All!

These are the Four Elements, Four Seasons, Four Root Metaphors, or four rudimentary emotional-logic subsets of Intuitionistic Mathematics, that blur the lines between language and mathematics, logic and humor, energy and information, past and future and, mathematically speaking, they’re organized in very much the same way as the neurons in our brains. They express both phase transitions and metamorphic effects and, despite sounding incredibly complex, I was surprised at just how simply they’re organized in our poetry. The singularity is a little hard to spot but, only because, in a Singularity, its the simple s**t that always gets you, which is why, “The Tiniest of Small Fry Remain The Unrivaled Masters of Bullshit Logic!”

Theoretically, with 430 poems, or using this book, you could train an AI, which can then be used to design a neural network that simulates the brain and, using the AI yet again to train the same neural network, you could produce a Star Trek style “Universal Translator”, thus, reproducing the recursive analog logic of a Singularity. For example, when our motor neurons grow, they tell our blood vessels to get the hell out of their way, because without nerves, blood vessels can’t survive, illustrating one way in which such “Translators” can easily treat information as more vital than energy, and express Yin-Yang Push-Pull Dynamics. A reservoir computer would require a relatively modest number of artificial neurons to translate any mathematics or language, making it an ideal front end for a cpu processor, roughly 99.9% more efficient, due to incorporating an entirely analog design, that also takes up a third of the space on a chip. But, one which could, nonetheless, easily make more sense out of even the worst computer programmers, and could literally talk to even bacteria and animals, and customize its translations for each individual, according to how they habitually modify the principle of the excluded middle. All of that might sound a bit far fetched but, for example, bacteria have already proven to, more or less, all speak wild variations on the same basic pattern matching languages, and to produce their own versions of “translators”, fungi appear to speak their own more geometric languages, while biologists and zoologists are already starting to talk to bacteria and animals and, soon, our cellphones may commonly empower dogs and cats to speak for themselves. In all likelihood, there are four rudimentary overlapping “Subtypes” of languages, or sub-categories, that collectively confuse the issue of what is communication.

Every culture has legends of wizards, witches, and enlightened beings who could talk to animals, and make predictions nobody else can and, by applying this kind of technology to any existing patterns in nature, computers like these could become almost prescient in their ability to make predictions, from any data they might happen to acquire. Online AI translators may easily come to dominate entire social spheres, empowering people to share ideas who, otherwise, would never talk to each other. Many might assume that a computer that powerful would almost certainly be abused for personal gain but, as much as anything else, their advantage is the result of leveraging nonlinear temporal dynamics, Karma, or the Magic of Gaia herself, and playing around with such a machine is analogous to playing with fire! Laugh all you want, but life, the universe, and everything being self-organizing, demands that the truth remain outrageously more efficient and productive in long run, than all of our bullshit combined Horatio, while The Truth Never Requires Any Defense, And Can Make Anyone Live To Regret Their Choices! Infants can produce endless zingers, because their tiny little empty heads make them more efficient at generating them, while computers like these would sometimes resemble a “Taoist Dragon”, similar to a combination of the Oracle at Delphi, the Egyptian Sphinx, and a Genie in a bottle, with a wicked sense of humor, where you have to be careful what you wish for!

As bizarre as an advanced Universal Translator would be, Asian masters in particular have difficulty believing me when I tell them that, in fifty years at most, science will likely make it possible for anyone to meditate like a Guru at the push of a button. Meditation requires years of work to master, sometimes, a lifetime, and is deeply spiritual for them, nonetheless, remains intimately related to how our brains harmonize with our reproductive and immune systems, how the placebo effect works, hypnotism, and who knows what else, and neurologists are hard at work figuring out how to tweak your brain waves and chemistry for the best results. The Placebo Effect should turn out to involve what Leibniz called the “Lifeforce”, the Chinese call “Chi”, or “Virtual Particles” emanating from the Big Bang, that animate all life, and are a macroscopic manifestation of quantum mechanics, an expression of the Two Faces of Janus, and our Individual Karma. Theoretically, it could already be possible to use technology to inject the memories of someone who has mastered a particular meditation style, into the brain of another individual, and turn them into an instant master, while ancient legends speak of masters who could transfer their knowledge to a student’s head at the touch of a hand.

Such an ability may be related to how the brain itself compresses data, with the touch of the hand merely being a symbolic trigger, for the student to reinterpret all of the data they’ve acquired, in more sweeping contexts, using a spontaneous nonlinear approach they’ve absorbed over the years, through attrition and osmosis. The brain has proven to compress more data than the entire worldwide web, down to the tiniest fraction possible, and the electronics industry is rushing to exploit the newly emerging insights, with the human brain sometimes using the same changes simultaneously, for both processing purposes, and for memorizing and erasing everything. Again, suggesting its doing a Drunkard’s Walk, and meditation improves how harmoniously it performs, with many comparing simpler forms of meditation to, “Rebooting Your Brain”. When the computer stops running a million programs in the background you don’t need, similar to getting a good night’s sleep, and could provide unique insights into our individual dreams and spirituality. Although brainwaves have a reputation for being difficult to monitor and control, the actual problem is that today’s EEG headsets commonly use antiquated technology, that requires advanced quantum meta-materials still in development, at least 100,000x more sensitive, while neurologists have proven extremely creative with what they already have, and combining the two would normally require another half century, but AI makes it possible within a decade.

Finding reliable data on the subject was not easy, since so few even know how to use a dictionary, and the research has been suppressed by governments, academics, and religious communities alike, but the science and technology have advanced far enough that its becoming impossible to ignore any longer and, hopefully, others will follow my example and collate their data in the public domain, anonymously whenever prudent. It might sound like I’m exaggerating any danger, but a quarter of the US Federal Prison Population are harmless potheads, whose infantile poetry is classified by their government, as their entire population implodes, and the idiots storm the palace with knives and pitch forks. The US has the largest prison population in the history of the planet, is building more self-contained bomb shelters than anyone, and the state of Texas is slowly cooking their prisoners alive, because shoving them in ovens at a higher temperature is still socially unacceptable. Republicans are working hard to disenfranchise, and literally kill all democratic congressmen, while even the UN, cannot enter a US prison without permission. By their own admission, these are certainly not trustworthy people, widely reject even their own Constitution as irrelevant, and some are obviously hellbent on starting WWIII, just for cheap thrills and a few extra bucks.

A great deal of the new technology coming our way will also likely be regulated by the AMA, and we’ll just have to wait and see what all the possibilities are, but they include effective treatments and cures for countless mental illnesses and neurological problems, as well as immune and reproductive problems, and even for issues such as racism and rape, which most don’t currently think of as related to biological issues, that can respond effectively to medical treatment. The idea that issues such as your political views, rape, and racism are related to your cellular biology, your body itself progressively taking desperate measures to ensure your DNA isn’t totally lost forever, as your population implodes, is merely one example of just how controversial some of these issues will become, and why its so important to sometimes collate data anonymously, in the public domain, and establish a Theory of Everything as soon as possible. I’ve done my best to cover as much of the essential analog logic as I can in this book, but to double the number of poems, and complete the book, would require a supercomputer I don’t have access to, and they would all too certainly be classified if I did. By extrapolating half of it here, the hard way, I make it easier for anybody to do significantly more, with much less powerful computers.

No doubt, there will also be Incredible Spiritual Applications As Well! But, regardless of any objections from either side, Spirituality and Science are about to be married, Sometimes, In A Shotgun Wedding! Socrates said, “The secret to change is to focus your energy, not upon fighting the old, but upon building the new!” Which is, “Bullshit Kung Fu 101!”, Ya Gotta Know When To Either F****n’ Duck Or Run! Over the last several thousand years, science and mysticism have drifted apart and diverged a great deal, but are now currently poised, For a Long Series of Rude Awakenings! The world could use a few rude awakenings right about now and, ironically, without a sense of humor, life makes no damned sense whatsoever, which it should be possible to establish using empirical evidence. Evidence that, undoubtedly, will royally piss off billions around the globe, by challenging their most deeply held personal beliefs.

Likewise, parts of the following chapters and poetry may seem exaggerated, abstract, archaic, political, horrifying, trite, lite, and delightful, or just plain wacky, tacky, and tasteless, or evil abominations that should never see the light of day again. Nonetheless, they all merely express the mathematics of the default networking systems logic, which I had to cover in gritty detail, in the next chapter in particular, and the reader should feel free to skip past anything at any point. You could say, the poetry starts out as humble potty mouth stuff, including salty-as-hell, and under-rated, “Grease Monkey Philosophy!” So, I had to cover all of the Chicken Jokes in extensive detail, because I only have a modest selection of the first poems, that future poems will build on later. As I explain in the book, anything I write can be improved upon at any time by anyone, even a kid, or even by a computer, that has absolutely no clue as to what its writing, and anyone can use the same lexicon and mathematics to collate any data and write similar books, while I provide explicit instructions, again.

Difficult as it might be for many to comprehend, my words tell me what to write, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. The more that I can learn about what our words have to say for themselves, the better I can comprehend how I use them myself. Women have begged me to write more sexy poems, and I have to tell them its all math to me, and I never know what a poem is about until I finish it, and have no choice about what poems to write next. If anyone has any difficulty with anything I write, I also recommend reading the poetry chapter first, “The Way of Ignorant Virtue”, which makes it all that much more obvious, that this entire book can be spit out by a computer, and anybody interested can use an AI to imitate this book and produce a sequel. Due to its mathematics, the poetry and chapters of this book resemble a giant word puzzle, painstakingly assembled by millions of people over vast eons of time but, the problem is, its likely to be classified for the indefinite future, unless we can establish a theory of everything, and get more of it out in the public domain.

The fact it can all be spit out by a computer is both mind-boggling and humbling, and one reason why I spent so long assembling all of the pieces that I could, for a more detailed examination. Although I’ve always known there was something special about our poetry, that I didn’t comprehend, what I discovered over the years, is that our poems are Quantized Information Singularities, with a life and a will of their own, and are similar to Cheshire Cats, that many of us breed as much beloved exotic pets, that express the humor of the Collective Unconscious. Which anyone who writes this kind of poetry can testify to, because its impossible to make our poems say anything they just don’t, without having them throw your own crap right back in your face! While, everyone always recognizes which poems are better.

Frequently, I tell people I’m just a highly skilled Hack, requiring decades of studying “Mental Judo and Akeido”, that are Absolutely Taboo In Any Mainstream Culture, and likely to get you killed. But, otherwise, I’m just another unpaid, spit upon, office drone, and I merely do the basic research, and collate all the data, while Mother Nature is the Slave Driver I work for, who insists on getting most of the credit, and says she wants me to, “Make Her Look Pretty”. Murray Gel Mann became famous among physicists for doing the dirty work, of sorting through the entire Particle Zoo, the hard way. He complained more than most about the mess, but he also helped to clean it up! While, what I do requires 30 years to get good at, and I’m really hoping to automate the process. As much fun as these poems can sometimes be to write, Rainbow Warriors like to say, “The only requirement is, you have to be masochistic enough to do all of the editing”, and I’m hoping to end the Rainbow Family’s reliance on masochism, for their spiritual growth and entertainment.

At some point, Somebody, had to write this book, before the computers spit it all out, or researchers might require millennia to sort it all out, and I just happened to be the brain damaged idiot who was qualified for the job, in part, because I’m not an academic and don’t follow any particular tradition, empowering me to combine them all in entirely new ways. Expressing more of their original Tribal Humor, this book seamlessly blends Socratic Wisdom and Chuang Tzu Taoism, illustrating how the truth is commonly treated like a giant puzzle, that we all assemble, but one which inevitably turns out to be self-organizing, and we ourselves limited to either promoting or inhibiting its self-organization. Like humor itself, both Socratic Wisdom and Taoism are more descriptive than prescriptive, merely encouraging everyone to share their words and play nice, which is reflected in our poetry lending itself equally well to agnostic, theistic, pantheistic, and panentheistic views in particular, but specific ones which their own cultures tend to overwhelmingly suppress. For example, although my poems describe patriarchal views in particular, they also describe “Mother Nature” as God’s wife, or Married To The Greater Truth, and your father never argues with your mother, and I don’t recommend anyone else try.

Using Contextual Vagueness, half my poems say one thing to small children, and another to adults, speaking simultaneously to both our conscious and unconscious minds, and they collectively express the Two Faces of Janus, and play peek-a-boo like that, in every way imaginable. Quite literally, whenever someone uses the word “God”, I think of it as synonymous with “The Truth” and don’t see believers and nonbelievers as inherently estranged or opposed in any fashion, which is a common sentiment among Rainbow Warriors. A number of people have called me the most spiritual agnostic they’ve ever met, which I find to be a great compliment but, in my opinion, sadly reflects the fact that Rainbow Warriors are on the “National Terrorism Watch List”, for failing to obtain a camping permit, and even agnostics, who may know nothing, are still compelled to hide in the closet. Americans are so spiritual these days, they seldom talk about religion, and only attend church when their jobs and pay checks are being threatened, or they want to do a little “Tax Exempt” business on the side. The “Circle of Life” is all about paying it forward sucker, not whatever you happen to believe or fantasize about, and part of my whole motivation, in writing this book, is to provide a way to automate more of the truth, so that nobody ever has to rely solely on any of these, “Antiquated Mainstream Institutionalized Circle-Jerks”, ever again, and can easily avoid the worst of their nonsense.

Sometimes people tell me they believe some of the things that I write, but 42 being the answer to life, the universe, and everything isn’t about what you believe, quite the opposite, and many have difficulty comprehending that as well. This book contains prehistoric infantile and adult potty humor, that just so happens to reconcile Socratic Wisdom with the Tao Te Ching and Modern Science in a self-consistent, nontrivial, and demonstrable manner, based on first principles, and makes a variety of unique predictions, all proving that Jim Henson and Frank Oz were essentially correct, and our universe resembles “The Muppet Show” and “The Dark Crystal”. I would ask the Muppets to review the book and give me feedback, but I don’t have time for nonsense, and I certainly don’t want to confuse them. As good as the Muppets are at what they do, nobody in their right mind wants my job, which is why Mother Nature gave it to me! At least three known poems are pornographic in Chinese, and the computers should spit out several hundred pages more, including countless poems that are undeniably pornographic in English as well, And Enough To Make Anyone Lose Their Religion! Extensive humorous mathematical-magical-literary pornography, that seriously plays with your head, and makes the Kama Sutra look like a clumsy first attempt at sex, is just too weird for even me to dwell upon for any length of time, but its coming, and I’m perfectly content to wait for Congress and the Pentagon to finish reading them first.

Unfortunately, “This Old World” simply cannot afford for the Three Stooges to continue playing around with this kind of magical prehistoric potty mouth playground science and technology in secret any longer, and we need to pick up the pace, and show them how it works, Before They Possibly Kill Us All! For example, the Pentagon’s recent admission that UFOs are real, is just the tip of the iceberg, and the fact that all of these “News of the Weird” revelations are suddenly coming out now, just as the whole world starts to fall apart and we’re about to discover a theory of everything the hard way, is a sure sign that civilization is going down the rabbit hole, Head-First!!! A Self-organizing Singularity would cause humanity and the entire planet to go through periodic transformations, and these would be accompanied by nonlinear temporal effects, which are sometimes echoes from the future, due to the entire planet’s future becoming more certain by the moment, like a pot of water about to boil over!

Along the same lines as your whole life flashing before your eyes when you know you’re going to die, but random appearing visions from the future and, sometimes just plain weird nonlinear temporal dynamics with, for example, some now swearing that the internet is coming to life, and the walls are starting to talk. UFO sightings could sometimes be echoes from the future, and could even be the Pentagon’s own drone technology, haunting them in the present, and would likely resemble the same widespread anomalous results seen in particle physics, that appear to somehow be simultaneously real and unreal, like something out of a dream, or a bad joke. The nonlinear temporal effects confuse the issue of whether anything is organic or inorganic, random or fated, real or imaginary, and suggest that a more pragmatic definition for what is organic, requires specific nonlinear temporal dynamics. Ghosts can often be thought of as extremely context dependent, and similar to the low entropy results in High Energy Physics, but incredibly vague and tautological. Our subconscious mind being a walking lie detector, and our conscious mind often being horrible at detecting our own lies in particular, ensures we can always pretend the arrow of time applies to everything we observe, but the illusion becomes progressively harder to sustain.

Information being more fundamental than energy, means the more advanced our technology becomes, the more data we acquire and disseminate, and the more aware we collectively become, the easier it is to unintentionally produce such temporal side-effects, which can reinforce themselves and confuse the hell out of everyone. In the book, I cover a wide variety of similar personal experiences I’ve had, and one my own mother once had on the telephone, but many people I’ve come across take such things for granted, and easily ignore them. The classic adage is that, “A watched pot will never boil” and, once, I had to reassure a woman that she’s not crazy, and modern science can explain such things, which are frequently similar to listening to a record skipping, or as if the walls are talking, with crap following you around on the horizon being yet another common example of Instant Karma. You could say they’re all proof that, “Forty-Two Being As Good As It Gets, The Song Remains The Same!” Requiring vague metaphoric systems logics, if anyone is to ever have the slightest hope of making more sense out of them. For example, a “Goldilocks Principle of Murphy’s Law” expresses particle-wave duality as a metaphor and, sometimes, may help make a little more sense out of something as expressing the Two Faces of Janus. Which you can also think of as time, and existence itself, somehow being magically both real and imaginary, reality and the dream and, if God does play peek-a-boo, we can all agree the Big Bang got everyone’s attention.

Typically, such minor temporal hiccups have limited impact on the course of world events but, a sustained series of them today, serves as a wake-up call that something BIG is coming, that a Greater Truth is about to be revealed, for all to bear witness and, quite possibly, Live To Immediately Regret! One that will leave no doubt in anyone’s mind as to just exactly what is happening! In this case, the Revelation that the time is never quite what anybody thinks it is and, for the last fifteen years, I’ve been working as fast as I can to write this book, hoping it can make a difference. Assuming life is merely a joke is as big a mistake as it is to assume that these are the days of wine and roses and, I’m afraid, as many as two billion people will likely die before all this is over.

All any of it means to me personally, is we need to start working out the metaphoric logic as soon as possible, because the s**t is about to hit the fan, while people are already dying, and we need to cushion the fall, and be prepared to rebuild again, hopefully, without repeating the worst mistakes. Theoretically, networking systems logic can illustrate how to reformulate Relativity to express quantum mechanics on macroscopic scales, making more sense out of thermodynamics and, then, can be used to help kick-start the next scientific revolution, in a way that any five year old can comprehend. In addition, as useful as Classical Chaos Theory, Darwinian Evolution, Behaviorism, “Relational Frame Theory”, “Constructal Theory”, and countless other theories all happen to be, they’re also over-simplifications, and require much more subtle systems logics, in order to become significantly more applicable in the real world, and both the world ecology and humanity require all of the insight we can collectively muster. Which might sound confusing to many but, for example, evolutionary theorists have already begun to gather evidence that Darwinian Evolution does not appear to apply to large populations of animals, that random evolution in plant DNA seems to regulate itself, and evidence that altitude, or temperature, drives the pace of both mortality and evolution which, again, can all be compared to emergent effects that classic logic and thermodynamics alone simply cannot account for easily, but systems logics can, and their increased frequency today is exactly what we require in order to gain a better perspective of the Big Picture, Which Is Nonlinear!

Up Ahead At The Signpost! Imagine if you will, the timeless Science Fiction story of limited dimensions, known as “Flatland”, whose local inhabitants include, “Three Classic Stooges”, also known to the other citizens of Flatland as Moe, Larry, and Curly Joe. Three Brothers, who collectively occupy their own Idiosyncratic Dunce Corner, infantile mental plane, and Perpetual Twilight Zone, where their extreme reactionary behavior makes them entirely incapable of ever learning, how to share their words and play nice. And, predictably, equally incapable of ever grasping in the slightest that, even in the Twilight Zone, the Big Picture always has more dimensions, or does it? As unflattering as all of the Three Stooges Slapstick in this book are, they merely represent the default networking systems logic, implied by a universal recursion in the principle of identity, and the evidence I’ve collated over the last fifteen years, indicates that humanity could never have survived without it, and could never have even managed to organize in groups, much larger than four hundred people. Countries, as large as the US today, rely extensively on quantum mechanics, just to maintain whatever order they can manage and, thanks to commonly rejecting their own dictionary and second grammar, AI is now poised to make the current internet look like Smoke Signals, Morse Code, or an Old-Fashioned “Party Line”, using Linguistic Analysis to cut through all the Bullshit, Like A Hot Knife Through Butter!

Commissioning extensive field studies, generously sponsored by their local neighborhood bar, careful to use the peer-review system, to scrupulously double-check their methodology and results, many years later, Archaeologists and Anthropologists came to the sober conclusion: The Inventions of Beer and Arithmetic Are What Made Modern Civilization Possible! Over the course of a lifetime of conducting my own intensive research, I’ve steadily uncovered similar evidence, that practically all of our cultural institutions, popular concepts, languages, mathematics, and physics, are gross over-simplifications, which have been mindlessly used and abused to suppress much more viable alternatives, and are unwittingly being used and abused to this very day, to exploit people and destroy the entire planet, creating an even more urgent need to develop much more complex, yet also competitive, alternatives. Throughout history, myriad cultures have claimed that money is the root of all evil, but the Devil’s greatest lie was convincing himself that he knew what he was doing! Networking Systems Logic suggests that, contrary to anyone’s erstwhile opinion, or heartfelt wishful thinking, the money and weapons themselves have been doing the lion’s share of the driving all along and, most of the time, Nobody Is Actually Steering!

Since the dawn of agriculture, the need to organize in ever larger numbers, has compelled us all to adopt increasingly more complex mental abstractions which, nonetheless, merely represent gross over-simplifications of reality. And, in turn, these have been used and abused to suppress a wealth of empirical evidence, related to fuzzy logic, quantum mechanics, linguistic analysis, and our own innate sense of humor, of course, frequently in the name of morality, growth, and progress! Cussing might be rude, but so is farting or lying, and cussing reflects more of how your subconscious mind and body sometimes express themselves, of course, in a more infantile fashion, that expresses more of the humor in life.

It turns out that Galileo was far from being unique, but his trial was the first in modern times to dramatically illustrate, the extreme extent to which modern civilization has Institutionalized Denial Of The Self-Evident Truth, over the last two thousand years in particular. Systematically suppressing our own innate sense of humor, and an enormous wealth of empirical evidence in the process. The invention of writing, in particular, made “Big Agriculture” possible, eventually introducing formal logic, which was used to systematically suppress and exclude any alternatives, that might challenge the establishment, including humor. The English language itself, appears to have been designed to give people the choice to suppress the more rudimentary grammar, to varying degrees, in order to promote the interests of entrenched wealth, or those of the peasants, who cuss more often. In fact, the more people tend to cuss, the more often they also tend to hold their leaders accountable, but sudden wealth can easily upset more competitive societies. Unfortunately, we’ve used formal logic and institutions to suppress humor, and to deny its use as a rudimentary grammar, to such an extreme extent, in so many different ways, that over the last few hundred years of the industrial revolution, it has become the single greatest threat to the entire planet!

The Dark Ages were grim, yet their legacy lives on, and this same pattern can be seen today, for example, with physicists leaving the US complaining about pay walls and security restrictions, suppressing open scientific inquiry, while their own institutions invent new rhetoric and nonsense words, and consistently fail to so much as teach a child how to use a stupid dictionary, with a quarter of their own students still claiming the sun revolves around the earth. Promising to be, “A-Kinder-Gentler-High-Tech-Oligopoly”, insisting that they would “Never Play Ball” with the Pentagon, Google attracted a lot of Liberal Militant Atheist talent in fuzzy logic, that I like to call, “The Great Googly Mooglies!” Then, took what they learned from them, and proceeded to literally move into the Pentagon, to construct an advanced AI.

For their part, the US government is classifying jokes older than monuments, written by harmless potheads they throw in prison, while insisting that national security is never a laughing matter, as half the damned population attempts to destroy their own government and implodes, and their response is to import every genius they can, along with twenty million illegal aliens to replace them all. Military intelligence is a complete oxymoron yet, these days, the Pentagon is even deciding what to call a monopoly, as if they’re Congress or the Supreme Court. For example, insisting that Nvidia cannot make their own ARM laptops, like Apple already does, because having two enormous corporations making their own ARM laptops, to compete against Intel and AMD, would somehow create a monopoly.

When is a joke no longer just a joke? Whenever Three Stooges slapstick is considered normal and sane, as the entire world ecology collapses, and everyone argues over the definition of stupid, while storming the palace with knives and pitchforks, and threatening to start WWIII! People can laugh all they want at the WWII “Cargo Cults”, when the primitive Tribes of New Zealand sometimes starved to death, spending all their time building mock runways and praying for the gods to send them more crashed airplane wreaks full of goodies but, “The Gods Must Be Crazy!” And, their behavior was essentially no different from that of Wall Street, governments, academia, the mass media, and the mainstream, while George Orwell would never dare to broadcast “War of the Worlds” today. Regardless of how many people agree with your views, reality has a way of imposing itself upon even the wealthy, the mindless mob, and any of the more idealistic and intellectual of the Three Stooges, In The Most Disagreeable Ways Imaginable! We’re now rapidly approaching what the I-Ching politely calls, “The Turning Point”, what others have more bluntly referred to as, “The Tipping Point”, and what Rainbow Warriors poignantly call, “Childhood’s End”, when all the lies will finally be revealed, and the meek shall at last inherit the Earth Or, Whatever Might Be Left of It!

One of the more striking implications of a self-organizing singularity, is that time can be considered simultaneously real and imaginary, and everything that exists can be described as obeying Karma, due to our inhabiting what is essentially a, “Magical Fairytale Universe”, but one that tells its own story. Sometimes, a book like this one is known as, “The Book That Can Never Be Written” which, like any number of popular Hollywood Movies, has no known ending, and countless authors. Karma is an incredibly vague metaphorical and paradoxical concept, making it magical by default, but The Magic of Karma Abides In The Singularity, where mathematics and language can become indistinguishable, expressing humble efficiency and elegant simplicity, which the Muppets can explain better than I can. Suffice it to say for now that, “Contentment can be its own reward, and to have clueless friends, we must first be content to remain clueless!” Most are familiar with the concept of Karma as, “What comes around, goes around”, but Karma is also the principle of, “Two steps forward and one back, Or Else!” At any given time, half of life can be considered fated, and the other half random, but the two overlap and transform into one another in extreme situations, making them ultimately indistinguishable, and providing an explanation for why the everyday world all around us appears to be so deterministic, yet simple Monty Carlo Statistics and Fractal Geometry apply to so many different things in nature.

Throw yourself off the top of a tall building and, ironically, you have chosen your own fate but, time is neither passive nor strictly linear, and the metaphorical concept of Karma covers additional nonlinear temporal dynamics, that nothing else can. For example, you might be surprised to learn just how many infants have survived falls that would kill an adult, from up to six floors, when their diaper exploded on impact, often merely bruising their little butts. Which can be attributed to Karma, or Nature herself, inherently favoring the little ones, limiting extremes, and normalizing life, while expressing a distinctly infantile sense of humor.

In general, the further we look back in time, using telescopes or whatever, the more vague and self-contradictory everything becomes, while the future appears to be even more uncertain, constantly branching off in new directions, but there is literally no going backwards without paying interest, and no going forward without taking a leap of faith, and paying it forward. Ironically, we frequently have little choice, but to go on faith alone, in a universe so tacky that even the Muppets won’t talk about it, so I tell people to, “Get Over It Already!” Our universe appears to have originated in both a self-contradictory Big Bang that was “just right”, as if God had touched the Cue Ball with his finger, broke the pool table, and sank every ball, while incredibly vague Dark Energy appears to be causing everything to expand for eternity, and is predicted to end in either a dramatic “Big Crunch” or a boring “Heat Death”, but nobody can tell for certain which it might be, Not Even Hollywood Writers! Yet, the undeniable truth remains, that everything expresses particle-wave duality, including energy and information, with energy constantly paying it forward, and information always full of surprises, keeping life interesting.

Paying it forward, as inertia or whatever, is ultimately the only way we’re able to go backwards and, for example, Evolutionary Theorists now believe people live as long as we do, and experience a “Second Childhood”, because grandparents tend to spoil their grandchildren, and senior citizens everywhere have sworn that donating to charity extends their lives. Although anybody could have commissioned research thousands of years ago, only recently have sociologists begun to confirm this humble fact of life, according to modern scientific standards, and have just begun to thoroughly document the existence of entire economies, among poor populations, all struggling to pay it forward to their neighbors, ironically, fully aware that it will extend their own lives. Mama Nature favors not only toddlers, but the poor, weak, and defenseless as well because, of course, In A Fairytale Universe, Gestures Always Matter! Things like the placebo effect continue to elude modern science, and could very well be a cellular level manifestation of Instant Karma, and the Two Faces of Janus, explaining why Ebeneezer Scrooge needed Tiny Tim, every bit as much as he needed him.

Our conscious mind seems to deal more pointedly with asserting moral issues, and our subconscious with more flexible and tolerant metaethics, that supply more of the greater context in which to apply our morality which, in turn, can be used to correct the larger number of errors that our subconscious metaethics introduce. However, the whole Merry-Go-Round, Self-Organizing Social System, is based on the assumption you’ll figure it out eventually, or not, and can easily become self-defeating. Surveys have consistently indicated that 80% of Americans apply their personal moral standards to others, but not to themselves, and the more hypocritical they become, the more rigid, inflexible, profoundly confused, gullible and, literally, brain damaged and incapable of reproducing, as if they were slowly turning themselves into Zombies.

The immune and reproductive systems also meet in the brain, and appear to be Yin and Yang, morality and metaethics, intimately connecting us to Gaia, to each other, our immediate environment, the Earth and Solar System, Past and Future. Without a well developed sense of humor, we blind ourselves to own worst self-defeating behavior, which is easy enough to document but, other than Sesame Street, nobody’s been doing it, and The Whole World Is Going To Hell In A Hand-Basket! Our mortality rates and ability to reproduce appear to change accordingly, as if nature is imposing balance whenever harmony is lost, and we appear to have evolved to live in small Tribal Groups, and Extended Families, of roughly seven or more adults, who kept each other more honest, with adults generally becoming more honest the older they become. Now, our own rapidly advancing technology is exacerbating the situation, and the price of growth and progress seems to be that humanity must evolve, sooner, rather than later Or, Risk Devolving Altogether! Against my better judgment, all sanity and common sense, I have become the Wu Li Master of the Tao Te Ching, A Warrior of the Rainbow, The Shockwave Rider Who Rides The Great Rainbow Fractal Dragon! The Treasure of Malaysia! And, the only person I know of, on the entire planet, who seems to have a clue, how to automate Instant Karma online.

Technology is already amplifying Karma in unpredictable ways, causing entire populations to rapidly implode and, if we don’t address the problem in the near future, the results could be even more disastrous than anyone can imagine. All of the strife in US politics today, for example, is partially the result of modern technology amplifying already existing cultural problems, including Negative Karma, while deliberately amplifying Positive Karma could help to ameliorate the extent of such problems and, additionally, support the future development of a meritocracy. Hopefully, by establishing a new online economy, which is competitive with the already existing ones, we can help to tame the wild internet, save the planet for our children, and kick-start the next scientific revolution. All within the public domain, far removed from the contentious reach of commercial corporations, governments, academia, and the mainstream but, with the added complication that amplifying Karma requires new technology, that will offer people more opportunities to make bad choices. Sun Tzu warned, “Know Thy Enemy”, Socrates admonished, “Know Thyself”, while I say, if you value your life, “Know Thy Mindless Mob!”

 Karma is all about the choices we freely make as individuals, families, societies, and citizens of the world, and amplifying Karma requires the networking systems logic, and the mathematical-linguistics, of the multifractal equation expressed in our Rainbow Warrior poetry, which can be used to offer everyone as many choices as possible. For example, a decade long cross-disciplinary study of the I-Ching concluded it is word perfect and complete for introspective purposes. Automating this one text alone, using its own analog logic, to eliminate the need to roll the dice or throw the yarrow sticks, and get lucky, could provide billions of people with a much better way to make more choices, encouraging and amplifying Positive Karma worldwide. Over half the planet has some sort of belief in Karma, including the Hindi, Buddhists, and Taoists, who have extensive literature on the subject, while institutions such as Gramen Bank are famous for promoting the development of alternative economies, and are dedicated to ending destitute poverty this century. If I have anything to say about it, academics are about to rediscover their own innate sense of humor and, if we are lucky, our children and grandchildren will survive the process, Along With The Rest of The Planet!

© 2022 wuliheron

Author's Note

The entire book is retrodicted using the multifractal equation of the Tao Te Ching, making the Introduction among the last things to write. My hope now is to produce the four root metaphors, with the poem "Hell is Hell" being the first one to express the rudimentary emotional-logic.

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After ten months, I've finally gotten most it pounded out, which indicates I'll be able to start the last chapter, "The Fine Art of Anarchistic Facilitation within 3-6 months at most, but it is among the most difficult ones to write, covering the rules of the playground, and how life demands a sense of humor, and so do the Laws of Thought. Of course, it would be easy to write, but it has to be word perfect and complete, demonstrable, self-consistent, and nontrivial, and provide the most parsimonious explanations. It's always enough to fry my brain.

Assuming this chapter requires a year total for me to write, I'm twenty times faster than a normal person who has no experience would be, so this one chapter would normally require twenty years to write, but you have to go through editing hell to get that fast!

Posted 1 Year Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 22, 2018
Last Updated on November 22, 2022



I'm a brain damaged, mentally deranged, hippie dippy raised on Gilligan's Island and Green Acres, but I'm never going back there again! Currently, I'm 11 years into writing a book on Collective Ignora.. more..
