Lyn Anderson : Writing



A Poem by Lyn Anderson

it is a love story ... image courtesy
forgive me father

forgive me father

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

the words we wish we did not utter sometimes are things we had to say
the joyous ache of you

the joyous ache of you

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

Inspired by comments on my recent works
Less than all who came before

Less than all who came before

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

sometimes less doesn't need to be more
painting you in words

painting you in words

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

more insufferable love lines from a smitten kitten
u muse me

u muse me

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

collective love notes
bed soup

bed soup

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

a mad woman she is somedays
Pretty words and little things

Pretty words and little things

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

singing in the shower
dandelions & pink memories

dandelions & pink memories

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

the sky is quiet
unfinished business

unfinished business

A Poem by Lyn Anderson

some things are better left undone