cbell : Writing

Beyond Romantic Love

Beyond Romantic Love

A Story by cbell

We are at a disadvantage if we don't begin with the 7 principles of Ma'at. Truth, justice, righteousness, order, balance, harmony, and reciprocity in ..
America is a corporation

America is a corporation

A Story by cbell

From an unpublished book - Spiritual Journey Into Greater Love
The modern underground railroad is consciousness

The modern underground railroad is consciousness

A Story by cbell

Love or Fear. Pick a side. Slavery/Fascism or Abolition - freedom for all unconditionally.
Slave Ships Named Jesus

Slave Ships Named Jesus

A Poem by cbell

Uncontrolled Anger
Third Eye Tantric Nuts

Third Eye Tantric Nuts

A Screenplay by cbell

Sexual and Spiritual Highs.
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
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Yes We Can

Yes We Can

A Stage Play by cbell

Reparations for us by us
Reparations FUBU

Reparations FUBU

A Screenplay by cbell

We have everything we need to provide reparations for ourselves in America, the diaspora, and Africa.


A Screenplay by cbell

Was I asking to be pruned although I was fruitless? A kind of spiritual suicide that correctly reflected my physical, and intellectual? The talented..


A Poem by cbell

Before our inhales after our exhale we see God.
Spiritual war

Spiritual war

A Story by cbell

If you’re not doing constant battle in your head and in your spirit, your thoughts are poisoning your pursuits of liberation and happiness

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