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Milwaukee, WI
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About Me

I am an author who has had my first book published and is writing my second book. The first book is a humerous autobiography which was well received by both my agent and my publishing company I have signed a contract with Strategic Books.

I am disabled and once had a solid career in call center management. One thing I know is people. I love music and am a muscian and singer. I love all music except disco and rap.


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Posted 15 Years Ago

The Peace of Wild Things

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

— Wendell Berry

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hello All my friends,

I have been gone for a while but now I am back. You can read more of my writing by going to the online magazine, follow the links to the writers corner and look for my column, "The Ridiculous Side Of Life" It's a cynical/humerous look at everyday life.

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Posted 16 Years Ago


Have a Happy Holiday, Nancy

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hi Everyone

My book is finally published and for sale at the following website for now. In about four to six weeks it will be available in stores


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thanks, Nancy. A drumset, huh? That's going to test some nerves. I may never make "A"s, but I want to get a little better than I am. The most important thing, by far though, is the story itself and its effectiveness. Have fun with that four-year old. Sam

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello, Nancy. I need to prove myself to myself and gain more confidence in my writing abilities. That confidence is slowly increasing, but I still need more of it. The real-world education in life that I have is invaluable, and it contributes much, but I'd still like to make an "A" on my grammar and punctuation. Right now I'm probably at a high "C" or low "B."
I have never tried to get anything published, but I think I may have a two or three pieces of writing now that are worthy of it. Money is not a motivating factor for me, but just the sheer joy of doing something well and sharing it with others. Later, Sam

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hello Nancy. Iwas in the Navy from '67 to '88, so I never got be a hippy, but I always related to them and many of their ideals. I had an unsuccessful heart sugery in '91 that left me with half a heart. It's a miracle I've made it this long, but I guess it just hasn't been my time yet.
That's really great about your writing, and I wish you success with that. It's important to stay busy and have something to dedicate yourself to. I've had lots of interests to keep my gears turning all these years. Most of my creative energies over the years has been devoted to art, music and restoring old motorcycles. I always thought I could write stories if I put my mind to it, but never tried until about two years ago. A drawback I have in regards to writing is my lack of formal education. I only have a highschool GED and haven't attended any kind of English class in over forty years. I will be happy to help you with your writing any way I can, but please don't think I'm any kind of expert. I know what sounds good, but I can't always explain why. I was at another writer's site for several months before coming here, and they were very, very critical of everyone's work. When you submitted something there, you knew it was going to get gone over with a fine-toothed comb. They helped me to improve a lot, and the accepted rules of writing that I now know, I learned from them. With that said, I still consider myself very much a rookie. If my writing is any good, most of that is due to something I was born with.
Well, I must get back to my granddaughter. I only see her briefly about twice a year, and we've got a lot of children's movies to sit and watch together. Later, Sam

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I became a fan of all the artists who recorded on the Windham Hill label back in the early eighties--George Winston, Alex DeGrassi, and yes, Michael Hedges. He was the warm-up act for CSN when I saw them in 1992. I hear his influence in the styles of some of today's guitarists. I believe Michael was from next door to here in Oklahoma. It was very sad about his passing. So, music runs strong in your family, too. That's fantastic. I'm disabled with a bad heart, so I stay home all day and have lots of time for communicating with my internet friends. Must go now, my granddaughter is wanting my attention. Later, Sam

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I certainly have heard that one, Nancy, and I love it. His early songs like that are my favorites. Another fantastically sad/emotional song is "Empty Chairs." I own about twenty acoustic guitars and have been playing folk/soft rock style music since I was in my late teens. My earliest influences were Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul and Mary, Joan Baez, etc. Later, I got into Neil Young, CSN and such. My late brother, Bob, was an excellent rock guitarist. Funny--I couldn't play a riff if my life depended on it, and he couldn't finger pick. My two oldest sons play guitar, (Stephen is really, really good) and my oldest sister's son is awesome. My youngest son, Tommy, plays piano, sings in the highschool choir, and used to be in the band. I don't know which parent gave us the art and music genes, but dad was definately the source of my interest in writing.