"Do Me A Favour."

"Do Me A Favour."

A Poem by A Risen Heroine.



"Do me a favour... Go slit your wrist."

What have I done to you?

I don't even know you at all

We were at the same school

That's all I know

Yet you want me to go kill myself




A feeling in my chest

Making my heart feel like stone

What's going on?

Why do you want me to kill myself?

Do you even know a thing about me?

I don't think so.



My mind aches

Why should I go kill myself?

What have I done to make you want me to kill myself?

I said what I meant.

"Life's not a game... I know that for sure.."

That's all I said..



I am who I am

You don't like it?

F**k it

I don't really care

Never gonna slit my wrist

Never gonna bow to you

F**k off.

© 2011 A Risen Heroine.

Author's Note

A Risen Heroine.
Ignore Grammar Problems.
Honest Opinion As Always~

My Review

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Although you say you don't really care....something here makes me think you do. Keep on penning. Poetry offers a safe place to vent.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Just because somebody tells us to do something, just so the world, in their mind, would be a better place, dosen't make that individual correct. You have put the emotion that would be left unspoken, in this piece. Some may not agree with the bluntness of the words but if you add lightness to this piece, then the statement wouldn't be so direct. I think you can start with a strong ideal and then expand on that, using the same emotion, just as direct, and still get your statement across to the reader. Very direct and strong opion to happenings in everyday life. Thank you for sticking to your guns and saying how that one spoken phrase can hurt and rage it envokes. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

Bold and Deep.

Keep writing..


Posted 12 Years Ago

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WHOA!! This one is really deep and amazing!
I really loved this write. It is so GOOD!!!!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Strong assertive message - well expressed!

Posted 12 Years Ago

That's right...
"Never gonna slit my wrist
Never gonna bow to you"

A really stunning writing...Love it.. :)))

Posted 12 Years Ago

I love this poem..
I can relate to it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

sounds like some higher archy thing.^-^
I really like it, good work.

Posted 12 Years Ago

As opposed to the other two below me, i disagree with the use of insults in poetry. If you are to insult someone, do it in a poetic way, anyone can say fuckwhatever insult, but only a poet can insult and amuse the person they hate, simultaneously. Other than that good stuff.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I agree with coyote. That is a complete in-your-face type of answer to someone who thinks along such bizzare lines of telling someone to end their life.
I liked it. As always, very powerful poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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18 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on August 30, 2011
Last Updated on August 30, 2011


A Risen Heroine.
A Risen Heroine.


Hello my dear readers, I'm so sorry I won't post that much... God bless you all. (: ~A Risen Heroine~ more..


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