Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine

A Chapter by Bianca King

Odd Moments


At Montague Park, sitting on the swing set, neither Edmund nor Jen spoke. Jen’s guitar case was in between him and she thanked him greatly for retrieving for her. He didn’t ask about why it was on the roof of the portable buildings, nor did she ask how he knew how to get up there.

Both of them waited for the other to talk but neither of them did.

The sun rose and Jen felt her mobile vibrating, as did Edmund, but the two of them ignored their friends and just sat there.

Eventually, Edmund looked over at her. “Would you like to come in to my house?”

Jen raised her eyebrows curiously. “Excuse me?”

“In reality, I live just there.” He pointed to the shabby apartments just behind the park. “I simply prefer living out here.”

“Because that’s not weird.”

“Who said I was normal?” he asked. They both fell silent, staring at each other intensely. It was Edmund who turned away first. “Anyway, the fact that you have tiny cuts all over your body shows just how normal you are.”

Jen looked down at herself then back up at Edmund. “You do have me there. I am cold.”

Edmund stood up and took her guitar case in one hand and offered his hand out with the other. “Come on.”

Uncertainly, Jen took his hand. It was twice the size of hers but he could wrap his fingers around hers, covering it perfectly. Jen blushed at the thought of her hand being perfect in his and let him lead her towards the back gate of the park. “Can you climb?” he asked.

Jen scoffed. “Can I climb?” She let go of his hand and grabbed her guitar case off of him. He frowned and watched curiously as Jen grabbed the top of the fence and easily hauled herself over. She dusted her hands on the other side and turned around, waiting for Edmund to pull himself over. He smirked at her. “Can I climb?” she repeated. “Please.”

Edmund took her guitar case off of her again and started towards the apartment blocks with his keys. He opened the door to the apartment and led her upstairs to the fifth storey. He opened the door and let her into an overly warm living room. “Mum left the heater on again.” he muttered, walking over to the heater and switching it off. “She does that a lot.”

He put her guitar case down gently on the coffee table as Jen looked around. The carpet was orange and brown, from a different era entirely. The couches were brown leather with plastic coverings and there was a single lazy-boy facing the box TV. There was a small kitchen attached to the dining room which was in turn attached to the living room. A small hallway led to what Jen guessed was a bathroom and the bedrooms. The wall paper was peeling and there was a musty mould smell underneath everything. “Where are your parents?” she asked.

Edmund shrugged. “Dad is at the pub from the time it opens and Mum works at the library during the weekdays and sometimes stays there. She’s pretty committed to her books.”

Jen sat down on the edge of the lazy-boy and smiled tightly. There were magazines and newspapers stacked in every corner of the house, going as far back as 1980. “She collects papers?”

“Dad does.” Edmund shifted them to the side, off of the coffee table. “Sorry about them. He won’t ever throw them. Says he likes to remember the news. Would you like a drink?”

“Water, please.” Her phone started vibrating against her leg again. Edmund paused and looked at her, hearing the vibrations.

She smiled stiffly. “I’ll get it later.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to just tell them you’re safe?” he looked at her probingly.

Without second thought, Jen opened the phone and pressed it against her ear. “Hello?” Edmund looked panicked for a second then turned on his heel and went into the kitchen.

“Jen, where the hell are you?” Chase shouted into the phone.

“I’m safe.” She blinked and the power that made her pick up her phone was gone. She looked after Edmund then back at her mobile. “I- I’m really okay. Trust me.”

“Where are you? I’m coming now.”

“Don’t. I’m okay, alright? I’m fine.”

“Jennifer, tell me where you are right now.”

“Don’t come searching for me. I’ll be home soon.” Jen slammed the phone shut and glared at it for a second. Where does he get the right to call me Jennifer? Where does he get the right to boss me around?

Edmund came in with two glasses of water and handed one to her. “Brother?”

Jen shook her head. “Boyfriend.”

“Oh.” He sat on the couch next to Jen and stared into his cup. “I was sort of hoping you’d made that up.”

She smiled and blushed, looking out the small window. “No, I have a boyfriend.” She tried not to laugh, but she didn’t know why she wanted to. She chuckled and looked at Edmund who was smiling. They both started laughing, though neither knew why. Maybe it was nerves or frustration, bubbling over the edge into madness but soon, they were forced to put their cups down and were in pain from their laughter.

Edmund grabbed Jen’s back, holding onto her so he didn’t fall to the ground and Jen held right back onto him.

Why does this feel so normal? Jen couldn’t put her finger on exactly why she felt so comfortable with Edmund. He knew everything about her, he could ruin her yet there she was laughing at absolutely nothing as if they had been doing it their entire lives.

There laughter died down after a long while and Jen excused herself, chuckling all the way, to go to the bathroom. She found herself in a small cramped bathroom but didn’t mind or judge any longer. She felt safe and comfortable, if only because Edmund was in the apartment with her. It was strange for her to trust someone apart from Jeremiah or Chase so fully, but she accepted it. She washed her hands and opened the bathroom door. As she did, she was met with Edmund’s face.

It was absolutely serious and Jen stepped back. He stood there silently, just staring at her. “I’m not going to lie.” she murmured quietly. “This is uncomfortable.”

“In a bad way?” he asked.

Jen frowned, thinking about it. He was close to her, his body centimetres from her own his face just as near. “No.” she let out a long breath. “I don’t know why, but nothing is bad with you.”

“I don’t know how to take that.” he said honestly.

She stepped closer, daring herself so if he opened his arms, she would be inside of them. “I don’t have many good things in my life, if you haven’t noticed.”

Edmund raised his hand hesitantly. “I want to kiss a murderess.”

“I save people.”

“You’re crazy.” he leant down and pressed his lips against hers. Jen inhaled deeply, but the only air she could find was the air pouring from Edmund’s lips. With one hand cupping her face and the other wrapped around her waist, Edmund pulled her away from the bathroom and the two walked towards his bedroom.

Jen stumbled over clothes discarded on the floor then felt her knees buckle on his bed. Edmund was lying on top of her, leaving no room for anything but their clothing between them. He ran his hands up and down her side and Jen twitched in ecstasy underneath him. All other thoughts but those of Edmund flew out of her mind and she was wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

Edmund rolled off of her without disconnecting their lips and pulled her on top of him. He moved hand up the back of her shirt, his metal rings causing her scars to sting. She let him move his other hand over her hair and pull her hair tie out. He started to massage her head and she relaxed under his fingertips. It felt amazing. Better than when Chase massaged her head.

And with that, Jen remembered who she was making out with, where she was and who her boyfriend was.

She gasped and pulled away, jumping off of the bed and stumbling back and away from Edmund.

He bolted up straight, staring at her with wide eyes. “Did I do something? Did I hurt you?”

Jen shook her head, grabbing her own mouth and trying to wipe away her swollen lips. “No, no… I did… Oh lord, Chase.”

Edmund blinked a few times then turned as red as the frosts in his hair. “Your boyfriend, right?”

Jen nodded panicking. Her thoughts ran to his phone call not even half an hour earlier. “My boyfriend of three years, Chase.”

“Sorry.” Edmund groaned, pulling his knees up. “Sometimes, I can’t help what I do… I get carried away with my own emotions and desires and I…”

“No, it’s my fault.” Jen sat down on the edge of his desk, rubbing her eyes. “I’m supposed to know better… I mean, you don’t have a girlfriend.”

Edmund looked hurt by that but didn’t say anything. “Um… I believe I came to… Came to talk about something.” Jen tried smiling but then it failed. Tears sprung into her eyes.

Edmund leant over his bed and looked under his bed. The room wasn’t as messy as other boys but it still had a lot of things thrown haphazardly under the bed. He removed a box of tissues and tossed it at Jen who caught them and thanked him. She wiped her eyes hastily then smiled properly. “What do you want to know?”

Regaining composure, Edmund focused on the corner of the bedroom rather than Jen. “Did you kill Tarnette and Stephen?”

Jen breathed in deeply and paused. “Yes and no. I killed something and it in turn killed them. It was my fault but it wasn’t them I was after.”

“That doesn’t answer much.”

“It answers enough.” She looked at him pointedly. “You’re going to have to accept I can’t tell you everything.”

“Okay.” Edmund stared at his hand then looked back at the corner above Jen’s head. “Can you call you cop friends and get Tobias out of jail, like you did for me?”

“Yes.” Jen said, well-assured. “That would be easy.”

“How did you find out all that information on Tobias?”

Jen hesitated then repeated her text message. “I can find out anything.”

“That one isn’t good enough.” Edmund’s eyes flicked from the corner then straight at Jen. “How did you find the information?”

“I can access any police, doctor or prison file from around the world from my laptop.” She replied without pause or question and Edmund felt the guilt of accidentally commanding her to do something.

Jen got rid of the feeling of being controlled them glared at Edmund. “My turn. What are these things you seem to know about me?”

Edmund opened his mouth to say something when his mobile started to vibrate. He put his hand up in apology to Jen then opened it up. He stayed silent like that and eventually screaming started on the other end. He closed his eyes tightly and didn’t say a word. He just waited and waited, listening to everything yelled on the other end.

The yelling finally stopped and Edmund waited a bit before shutting off the phone. “It would seem, my father never came home last night.” Edmund said. “He is stuck in the other park down the road. He didn’t know where he was and is know shouting abuse.” He got up and walked to the back of his door, tugging on a thick black hooded jacket. “I need to go pick him up.”

“You owe me answers.” Jen got up and started following him to the door. “You also owe me a promise.”

Edmund frowned. “How do I owe you a promise?”

“Well I’ll owe you one in the future.” Jen looked at him seriously. “I need you to promise me you’ll never breathe a word of what I have said today, nor tell anyone that I was there in the hall. Unless of course you already have and then, I would appreciate the warning.”

He looked at Jen carefully, taking in her posture and her every move. She was quite confident but at the same time, scared he’d tell her secret. He leant on the doorway of his bedroom and just watched her. “I haven’t told anyone. Not even the boys.” Jen’s shoulders relaxed. “I will though if you’re not here when I get back.”

It took her a while to respond. Her eyes flicked to the bed where moments ago they’d been making out as if their lives depended on it. “I can’t have a relationship with you. I love Chase too much.”

“I don’t want a relationship.” His eyes flickered too, but towards the ground. Jen knew he was lying. “I want answers though.”

She reached out and took his hands, opening his hand and pointing to his ring with the pentagram. “Why do you wear this?”

Edmund leant over and grabbed her necklace, similar to his ring. “Why do you wear this?”

Recognition flashed between them and Edmund let go of her and walked back. “I’ll be back soon.”

Jen knew it was wrong and knew she shouldn’t have done it, but she squeezed Edmund’s hand, took two steps forward and kissed him again. He didn’t move or respond to the kiss. He just smiled at her. “I’ll be back soon.” he repeated. “If you stay, stay in here.”

He let go of her hand and went back into the living room. When she heard the front door close panic seized her like never before. Not just because she had kissed him, but because she had kissed him again. Jen was quite sure that, if given the opportunity, she would kiss him a third time.

She had no idea why but Edmund felt right. He felt more right than Chase ever did but she would never admit it out loud. There was something about him that simply called out to her and even though it was horrible, being just in his presence didn’t feel wrong. From the time she’d met him, it felt as if that was where she belonged.

It feels like I belong with Zeke, Tony, Angel, Greg and Saint… It feels as if I belong at Blue Sky.

I’m leaving tonight.

She looked at her mobile and saw five missed calls. She pulled out the keys to her bin and stopped herself. There, on the keychain was the heart that Edmund had given her on the first day. She hadn’t been able to believe he would give her a gift, the first time they met.

Sitting on his bed, Jen started to look at the small thing carefully. Her eyes widened as she realised it was a real ruby, not a cut diamond. Around the heart was black iron. She hadn’t had real time to look at it closely with the fact she’d had to run around looking for a case that had seemed empty. “Why would you have a ruby wrapped in iron?” She knew for a fact no demon would be able to touch her if she kept it against her skin because iron burnt demons and rubies weakened them.

Curiosity got the better of her and Jen started to do what she was best at.


She started looking through his drawers firstly, finding nothing but clothing and a lot of lighters. She found no traces of drugs or cigarettes but did find a hoard of empty beer and wine bottles under his bed. He didn’t own any expensive clothing but did have a lot of black. He had black sheets on his bed and a small brown teddy bear she was sure was a leftover from his childhood.

Unlike most boys, Edmund had candles in his room amongst the messy desk. On his bookshelves was tons of left over red wax and incense holders. The curtains were drawn and the walls were spray painted with various colours in various designs. The shelves were etched with names including the boys tags. He had a TV cabinet on the furthest wall from his King sized bed that had a few old horror films on it. She was more than sure the flat screen was a leftover from his criminal days, but apart from a few pieces of jewellery with pentagrams, iron, rubies and onyx gems, all things that deterred demons, she found nothing that pinned him as anything but a stereotypical subculture.

She was about to give up on her search of his bedroom and started looking through the various books he had. Jen liked books and had on many occasions attempted to read them. But she would find words she couldn’t understand or read or things that made no sense. She would get horribly frustrated every time but the idea of sitting with a book on a rainy day always enticed her.

It’s because that’s what I remember Mum doing.

On long drives or when Jen and Eric had been too young to join a hunt, Rae Matheson would curl up with a book and just read. Sometimes she would read to Jen and Eric and other times she would sit Jen on her lap and read quietly while stroking Jen’s hair. She couldn’t remember much else about her mother but that she read.

As she tried reading the various long titles of all of his books, she spotted one that had no name on the binding. She withdrew it, thinking that it was a book with the wrapping missing. But on the front cover, printed in gold letter was the word: Diary.

Jen’s eyes widened and she slid it out further and opened the binding. It was thick, almost as thick as a phonebook. She opened it up and found almost half the book filled with pages and pages of words.

She looked up and listened out for the sound of the door opening or feet outside. She sat on the edge of the bed and opened to the front page.

Instantly, she got frustrated.

The date was signed two years previous and that much she understood. She could read bits and pieces of it but not the entire thing. What she did gather was that Edmund was intelligent because he used quite a few large words and could sustain an entry for four or more pages.

She couldn’t understand a lot of it and would flick for pages at a time out of sheer irritation. She would find a few words she could understand but then Edmund would you long words such as ‘tem-per-a-ment’ or ‘in-con-gru-i-ty.’ And she was left in a world of confusion.

Eventually she slammed the diary shut with a loud snap and glared at the green thing. “Having fun?” Jen jumped up and looked at the doorway where Edmund stood with a small frown on his face.

Jen looked down at the diary in her hand then back up at Edmund. “I-I…”

“You can’t read.” he said simply.

She opened her mouth then closed it again then just nodded. “How’d you know?”

“‘Rat-I-on-all-I-sat-I-on’ is not a sentence I remember writing.” He walked over to her and sat down beside her. He took the book off of her and started flicking through. Jen noticed him flinch slightly as he did. “Oh… I get it.” He held the book out for her and showed her the word she’d mispronounced. “Rationalisation. When there’s the letters ‘t’, ‘i’, ‘o’ and ‘n’ together, it makes a ‘shun’ sound. Ra-shun-nul-i-za-shun.” He closed the book and looked at it.

Jen looked away and sat up straighter. The fact that she was illiterate never bothered her, Chase or Jeremiah before. They had never made a big deal about it but now she felt embarrassed. “It’s not a big deal I can’t read.”

“How old are you? Sixteen?” he nudged her gently. “That is a big deal.”

“I never learnt.”

“Didn’t you ever go to school?”

“Blue Sky was my second. I went to primary for about a month.”

Edmund picked up her wording. “Was?”

Jen looked at the door then back at Edmund. “Is your dad here?”

He nodded stiffly and stood up. He put his diary back in his bookshelf and then turned back to Jen with a frown. “You texted me fine.”

“I text speak is easy. It’s how it sounds.”

“So you know letters.”

Jen nodded. “I know letters. Where’s your dad?”

“In his room.” he easily bypassed the question. “So how’d you find out all that stuff about Zeke’s brother?”

“I have some friends in very high places.” Jen stood up and walked to him. “Why won’t you let me see you dad?”

“He doesn’t like people.  Have you gotten Zeke’s brothers name cleared with your police friend?”

“I’m doing it tonight.” Jen pushed him in the ribs. He flinched and doubled over. “Why does your dad hit you?”

Edmund looked up at her, his eyes fiery. “What?”

“I’ve been doing my job for a very long time and have met a lot of people. I may not being able to read books, but I can read people.” Jen took him by the shoulders and levelled to his eyes sight. “You’re silent. You act hysterically towards violence. Every time your father calls a brief flash of fear ripples through your eyes and then you calm yourself because people are watching.”

Edmund breathed heavily and pushed her away. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“He’s drunk so you put him in his bedroom. I would have heard if he punched you in the living room so he did it when you were walking him. You love him but when he’s drunk, you fear him. He screams pointlessly, that’s why you just answer the phone.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” he repeated.

Jen raised her eyebrow. “I don’t? I don’t go to school, I do other things.”

“Like kill people?”

“Yes. Bad people.”

“Don’t go near my dad.”

“He’s not the kind of bad I go for.” Her eyes flickered towards his pentagram ring. “The type of bad I go after wouldn’t be able to touch you.”

Edmund walked over to his door and grabbed it. “You need to go.”

“Because I discovered your secret? Don’t you want me here so you can hear mine?”

He shifted from foot to foot uneasily. “You really don’t understand.”

“Where’s your dad?” she whispered.

Edmund’s eyes flickered up towards the ceiling for a brief second. He swallowed and shook his head. “He lives upstairs.”


“Because I took him up there when I realised he was too drunk to come in here.” Edmund closed his eyes and shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Really, it doesn’t.”

“To me it does.” she said softly. “You can let me help you. I help a lot of people.”

“Do the people you help usually end up dead in a school hall?” he snapped. Jen stayed silent and Edmund snorted, “You should just go.”

With a sigh she stood up and walked towards him and the door. “If I go now, I’m never coming back. I’m leaving Sydney tonight.”

“You killed the people you need kill?” he guessed.

Jen shook her head. “I failed, actually. I failed by meeting you and Zeke and Tony and Greg and Saint and Angel. I failed because I did the one thing I’m never supposed to do.”

“Yeah?” He leant further back against the door. “And what’s that?”

“Care.” Jen headed out into the hallway and took her guitar case from the living room. “Goodbye Edmund.” She called out to him. She waited a bit for some sort of reply.

When she didn’t receive one, she stuck her chin up high and left the apartment.

Jen would have kept walking out of the apartment, head held high if she hadn’t heard glass shattering and a thud behind her.

© 2011 Bianca King

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Added on May 16, 2011
Last Updated on May 16, 2011


Bianca King
Bianca King


I am Aquarius. I don't know what that means. I write. I sing. I party. I never take myself too seriously. That's about it really. more..

Run Run

A Poem by Bianca King