A Hidden Room

A Hidden Room

A Chapter by 13 Black Cats

They are moved around a lot, and there are some laughs in this part!


As my body moves of it's own accord I can only gaze helplessly. When we arrive at the temple of Andraste, I hold my hand to a column, on the inside. We step through a door and are in a dirt walled room with a stone ceiling. It has two beds and a curtain separating them. On the side that is obviously Ánrothán's there is a brightly colored bedspread, and beautiful flame colored robes, Identical to the ones Ánrothán has on now. My side is the same colors as my outfit is now, with the exact same robes, only there is no belt so I believe mine is the only belt for my clothing. When I notice the small garden I wonder just how long I will be here. Suddenly Andraste shuts of my hearing and mumbles a spell that I think locks our bodies in this room. Then she flows out of me, after turning my hearing back on, to take a form of her own. She looks like my mother when she is fully formed, and from Ánrothán's expression the sun god looks like his dead father. I'm about to walk out the door when a spell arm reaches out of the door and places me on the bed. I glare and ask "So we're stuck here? Nothing to do, no one to talk to? I have to be ready for my sister!!! She will be here soon!" Andraste places a hand on my forehead and calmness flows over me. "My Beloved, there is nothing to worry about when the Morrigan leaves, that is when your Sammy will come. She can only come after she leaves if Abellio wishes his-soon-to-be host to stay alive" My mouth drops and I start sputtering. Ánrothán bursts out laughing at my face, and then Andraste says "your brother is the Morrigan's favorite host, Violent, Bloody, her kind of soul." I laugh at the look on his face. Then we are both laughing hard enough not to notice the two gods chanting a spell. When we do we are already slipping into the dream world. I'm able to hear one thing as I sink into unconsciousness "I am sorry my beloved, I can't keep you safe any other way. You can't be taken when in slumber, it is the most important rule. Not like Selene when she was my host. I will NOT lose you to that flying corpse" Before I'm gone. In the world of sleep, safe from harm. As I slumber I'm oblivious to the world around me. So I dream. In my dream I encounter a few strange creatures that i'm calling Moon Cats, because of their glowing gray fur. Suddenly someone speaks in my mind as Andraste. "It is time to awaken from your slumber. Your sister will be hear soon. I'm up and changed before Ánrothán is woken up. I decide to keep them separate and call the mortal form Ánro, the god form  Ánrothán. Andraste reads my mind and faintly smiles at the names. Suddenly I see Sammy.It goes down exactly as my vision, the only difference is at the end I see what happens. Abellio appears and names her Oilithir, pilgrim, Then the God enters her and she becomes the host of Abellio. I’m curious about what has been happening to my sister so I begin to think when suddenly, I feel Andraste’s presence I slump for a moment, then realize she is just hanging out. Then I straighten up and ask about where her temple is so I can “begin to learn”. A young man comes forward and guides me to the temple. I act like I have never seen it before, and thank him before heading inside. When I’m inside I notice there is not a shrine so I growl and head to the forge in the center of the Temple city to create one. As I work I see it’s shape in my mind’s eye. when I’m done I realize I didn’t use gloves on the metal, yet it felt like a warm autumn day on my hands. No one noticed so once I’ve built the shrine, I carry it to a cart and deliver it to the temple. When I arrive I notice a girl that looks like me. When I go closer I see she is turning into the Morrigan’s host. On the plaque next to her it says “Selene, original host to Andraste”. I imagine healing her and hold out my hands over her body while muttering under my breath a spell. Suddenly the black recedes from her and her face turns serene instead of as if she is battling her conscious, then she sits up with a cry of “MORRIGAN!” I move forward and wrap her in a comforting hug. “There is nothing to worry about she is gone from your body.My name is Arianrhod- you have no idea how weird it is to have a name- and I am the current host of Andraste. I believe you are not supposed to be Andraste’s host but Airmid’s host- I can see you healing the thousands with a single word- Rise, sister, and let us go to her temple”. When she has stood she asks me a question “How did you heal me from her? I heard people chanting all sorts of spells-” She is interrupted by the scream of outrage from the crows. My eyes widen and I mutter a sleep spell that will effect only hosts of gods. We fall asleep instantly, and we won’t wake until the danger has passed. I reach out with my mind to Selene, and tell her a spell that would put her to sleep if crows every tried to kidnap her, before telling her to finish her question “And none of the spells worked! How did your’s work?” I blink, “Mine worked because I am the host of the goddess you once hosted. She was so sad when you were taken over, I think the moon disappeared for three days, behind her veil of mourning. Every moon cycle now starts with three days of the moon mourning, and the veil is drawn slowly from one side to the other.” She nods in understanding, and we relax. After a while Anro comes out. He looks confused and asks “Why are we asleep and who is that?” I grin and punch him in the shoulder. “The Morrigan is after Selene and the only way to protect gods’ hosts is to put them to sleep. This is Selene, the original host of Andraste. Selene, this is Anro, host of Ánrothán.” She grins and shakes his hand. I end up telling them about how the spell works. Suddenly we start to flicker and I say “The threat has passed. We are waking up” Anro asks “will we remember the dream when we wake up?” I nod, And he kisses me on the cheek I’m about to slap him, when, suddenly he’s gone. I slip back into reality and find my self, once again, trapped in that stupid room. I roll out of the bed and walk towards the door- only to be picked up and put on the bed. I scowl. “Stupid spells, stupid magic, stupid Anro...” Suddenly I feel myself teleported to the sun temple. “What do you want Anro? What you did earlier I wasn't ready for, you have to give me some warning!” He smiles sheepishly “I couldn't help myself, you’re just so... you” I roll my eyes and say “so original” he blushes and suddenly we both stiffen. I think, not again, right before they begin to converse through Anro and I. “We have to move them, this temple city is too close to the Morrigan’s nest.” “Yes, we should find-” “A new hide away? I already found one for all the Hosts. Abellio’s, Airmid’s- wait Airmid’s is Selene? How is it possible? Anyway, yours’ and mine. We will be safe until the Lunar eclipse when they are crowned for each of their countries.” Ánrothán nods and calls out “Abellio, Airmid, we must leave collect your hosts and we will exit this place so that we may save our Beloveds” Oili (my sister) appears followed by Selene. They thank Ánrothán and we all leave for a hide away in the mountains. One day the king’s messenger appears and says “My lord and ladies the king is in grave danger! a plague has struck our kingdom and none can heal them! please save our kingdom” Selene is about to go when I notice his eyes and see they are Morrigan black. I apologize, “None of us are who you seek, Airmid’s host stayed at the temple, and this is our servant. We would love to help but we can’t heal. And Please tell the Morrigan we are not fooled so easily” The person looked shocked then grinned. “I’ve been given permission to capture you seeing as you’re awake” I smirk and cast the spell over us. We fall to the ground fast asleep. As I drift into the dream world I hear an angry crow’s kaw and suddenly I feel Andraste move me back into the cabin. Then I awake and see I’m in a cage of moonlight. I sigh, “You know I hate cages Andraste, please let me go.” She appears and shakes her head. “You must stay in there until the time has come to be queen.” Finally I groan and just fall onto my back “You are way too overprotective. I need some freedom” but it falls on deaf ears. I look over and see Oili, Selene, and Anro in cages of water, trees and sunlight. At last, I just relax and wait.

© 2014 13 Black Cats

Author's Note

13 Black Cats
I hope you enjoyed this bit!

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Added on May 27, 2014
Last Updated on May 27, 2014


13 Black Cats
13 Black Cats

Narnia, SC

I love writing drawing and creating, I take crap (from people online) from no one. I am weird, and no stalkers a please! Thanks! PS age is fake!!! more..
