Now Rent

Now Rent

A Poem by Cherrie Palmer

Instead, of time, I gave, you mine.

With tears, you laughed, then cried.

I watched, you leave, then sighed.

Instinct, rose fast, your arm, I grabbed.

Your soul, sees me, yes me.

No words, just hugs, together, we clung.

Wild hearts, now tame, foresee.

Love's roots, grow deep, differences, now shrink.

Together, we stand, and bend.

Two hearts, now one, real life, has begun.

Each kiss, a gift, to mend.

Last day, too soon, whirlwind, of loss.

Tears fell, then pain, spilt wine.

One heart, two beats, now rent.

Instead, of mine, I need, more time.

© 2022 Cherrie Palmer

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A journey of love with all its struggles and triumphs. A lovely poem filled with much emotion. I read several times Cherrie, preferring to ignore the punctuation, and pause where I wanted to. It worked much better for me that way.


Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

I'm so glad I do the same our own rhythm setting the cadence.
Love this beautiful poem.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Thank you, Rania dear very much.
Very nice use of words. You create dear Cherrie, a tale of love. You allowed the reader to feel the struggle and led to the strong ending. Thank you for sharing the amazing poetry.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Thank you. I've been reading Emily's poems and wanted to try something a little different. I'm gla.. read more
really like the turn with "time" in your closing .. not a fan of puncuation, my friend, but once i accepted those commas ... the pace was perfect for me .. dramatic pausing in rhythm with two hearts becoming one .. V3 L2 "........... and bend" ... i love the image and intimacy this committed relationship has become .. like dancers in tight "hold" position moving so gracefully .. love it! V4 L2 i think you mean "spilt" ;) humans don't have to life too terribly long to suffer the loss of loved ones ... but loosing ones mate is most horrific says i! no fun at all :( beautiful poem ma'am! even in its pain

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

I'm sporting a couple of cataracts for awhile and I seem to be missing boo boos. :) so thank you .. read more
Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

May hit alittle to close to home. Thank you for reading this one.
Einstein Noodle

2 Years Ago

its beautiful .. i wouldn't change it .. using them in such a way demands the attention needed .. i .. read more
one heart, two beats and a very interesting piece here in how it is presented.
It dances with the stops...
all the pauses for emphasis and then the slight pauses at the end of the lines.
feels like it is doing the jitterbug....I like that.
we owned a love, now I just rent half...since you moved out...either by choice or a passing.
I would love to hear Emily read this....she was so into the slant rhyme, the odd pauses, the dashes...
violating form...I think she would like this.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

I did a little reading first before writing. I still may make a change or two. I just can't decide.. read more
W. Barrett Munn

2 Years Ago

If you decide you can always undecide
This is different. Not the poem. The punctuation. And again, something I was just studying comes up in something I read. Hang on a sec....I'm going to go read it again. Ok. Read it trying to ignore the punctuation. I love the poem but feel like half that punctuation wants to go. For example;

Each kiss, a gift, to mend reads so much better as Each kiss, a gift to mend. I think every line is like that. There was a good pause in each, but only one. I don't mean to pick it apart but we've been reading each other enough I feel I can. This was the perfect example to go with the lesson I just read. The poem is great! I hope you read the same thing I do letting it pause naturally.

Posted 2 Years Ago

William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

Just had another thought. Read it again using the punctuation and it almost sang itself. Like the ha.. read more
William Michael Reeves

2 Years Ago

I was thinking....assuming you even care what I think, that I know what strikes me wrong about this... read more
Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Hello Bill
:) I appreciate your opinion and eye.
There is an attitude and beat that makes me grin. The attitude makes it. Maybe its just me but there is a sense of retribution. Great writing.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

It diffently has its own sense of direction and beat. And I'm so glad you can hear it.
Too sad for this male, and the dashes (?). but the visions are clear. Nice job.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

I meant to take the dashes out. They were holding my beats. I'm not sure I'm done with this one yet.
JE Falcon

2 Years Ago

You'll know when it's done. --- I've changed many of mine, with suggestions, and time changes, I've .. read more
Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Same here:)
I like this one but am wondering what it might be using punctuation and caesura rather than the dashes, and perhaps altering line endings?

Posted 2 Years Ago

W. Barrett Munn

2 Years Ago

Ballad, then. I like that rhythm. It is what Emily Dickinson used.
Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

My humble offering at best but yes.
Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Not my strong suit but I like to give it a go.
A very different poem for you. I had to read it twice. It was Niel Sedaka who sang Breakin' Up Is Hard To Do. This poem illustrates that quite well. Wild hearts now tamed... Never! It is the wildness that attracts. Well written, Miss Cherrie.

Posted 2 Years Ago

Cherrie Palmer

2 Years Ago

Attempting something alittle different. Not sure I like it yet.

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10 Reviews
Added on March 21, 2022
Last Updated on March 24, 2022


Cherrie Palmer
Cherrie Palmer

Springfield , MO

I am a published poet and love poetry. After a lifetime of country living, I'm making a move back to town. I find my surroundings a great inspiration to me. I also have two books on Amazon Kindle: .. more..

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