Chapter 6: New life

Chapter 6: New life

A Chapter by Dad Dragonfire

Two days later...
The doctor came into the room... "How's our crazy skier patient doing?" she asked with a smile...
Val had his mouth full as Jenny was feeding him breakfast... so she answered for him. "He's doing great" Jenny smiled.
"Well, that's great news, because we were planning to discharge you today" she said handing Jenny some forms... "If you could sign these for him, please... then you two can be on your way."
She took the papers. Setting the bowl aside she quickly signed the forms and handed them back.
"There. And thanks so much for everything." Jenny said shaking the doctor's hand.
"You are welcome, hun... you'll want to help your fiancé get dressed. A nurse will come shortly with a wheelchair, and our courtesy shuttle will be ready to drop you both at your address of choice, as long as it's within town."
The doctor smiled at them once more and then left.
"Come on Fly Boy, let's go home, shall we?" said Jenny cheerfully.
"Yes... can't wait to sleep on my own bed again..." answered Val with a dreamy expression on his face.
"Well, I guess it's time to cut our vacation short and go home then" Jenny said as she started gathering her stuff.
Val smiled enigmatically but said nothing... instead he looked down at his legs, both in casts from the knee down "these are the times when I envy you girls for being used to wearing skirts" he said and laughed.
Jenny laughed too. "Well, that will be a problem then" she said as she looked at his legs.
"Don't you even dare thinking of it, Missy!" he said affecting an obviously fake severe tone "I'm not wearing a kilt."
She laughed "I wasn't thinking that, but now that you mention it..." Jenny got a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Oh no... no way! You are not going to..." he said laughing "besides, my lose sweatpants you brought from the cottage should work... the legs are wide enough and they are stretchy."
"I'm just teasing you" Jenny smiled. "I have your clothes here." She pointed to a bag by the foot of the bed.
"Phew... for a moment I almost thought you might have been serious" Val said smiling... "come here, you! Give me a big kiss."
Jenny rolled her eyes but came closer. "Ok fine, just because I like you." At his expression she shook her head. "You know I love you, right?" Then she kissed him quickly.
"Of course I know you love me" Val said. He then grabbed the front of her blouse and pulled her to him for another longer kiss. "But you are not the only one that knows how to play teasing games" he added after the kiss.
"Is that a challenge?" She asked smirking.
"Me? Challenge you? On my honour, my Lady, that I wouldn't dare."
"Come on Fly Boy, get dressed." She held out a shirt for him.
He obediently grabbed the shirt... the right arm gave him a bit of work, but eventually managed to get the shirt on. Jenny buttoned it up and at the top kissed him quickly again.
"You are so sweet, my Love" Val said smiling.
Jenny handed him his pants and then went into the bathroom to gather up anything left there.
After a while trying to get his casted legs into the pants, he gave up... "Hmmm... I think I'm going to need help here, Princess."
"Coming!" Jenny came out carrying their other things. "Oh I see." She deposited the smaller things into the bag and knelt down.
"Thanks, sweetie... Gosh! I hate feeling so useless."
She loosened the ties on the cuffs even more. "No problem. Is that better?"
Val nodded.
She then went and fetched his shoes. "I'm going to put them in the bag. Just letting you know. And... I think we are ready to go." Jenny bit her lower lip in thought.
Val looked around best as he could. "Yeah, I think so. Oh, wait... the magazine you bought and were reading... I think it ended up on the floor under the bed last night."
"Oh. Hold on" Jenny bent down and looked. "Oh yeah, you're right..." She reached under and pulled it out but stashed it away before Val could see what she'd been reading.
There was a knock on the door. "May I come in? I brought the wheelchair."
"Yes of course" Jenny went and opened the door.
The nurse walked in pushing the wheelchair. She positioned it by the bed and locked the brakes...
"Do you need help?" Jenny asked concerned.
"Probably" said Val eyeing the wheelchair dubiously, and wondering if sliding off the bed onto it would be a good idea.
"Here" Jenny offered him her arm.
"Thanks again ,hun."
"No problem."
"What would I do without you, my Love?" he said smiling.
"I don't know... What would you do?" affecting some curiosity.
They were lead out of the hospital.
"Probably feel miserable, lonely, lost, unhappy..." said Val pouting.
"Awwwww" Jenny helped him into a seat in the car. "Well lucky for you... that is not the case."
Val smiled sweetly. "Jenny, our love is the best thing that's ever happened in my life" and after Jenny got in the car herself "and yes, I am very lucky."
They reached the house quickly.
"Ah, it's nice to be back here" Val said once they were inside, and he was seated on the couch.
"Isn't it?" Jenny went into the bedroom with Val's stuff bag. "Hey sweetie, have you seen your suitcase?" She stuck her head back into the living-room.
"Why do you need it?"
"I'm going to start packing" came her muffled reply as she had ducked back into the room.
"Why are you going to start packing?" he asked innocently.
"We can't stay here if you're injured so I thought we'd go back to the apartment." She looked out again at Val. He was smiling enigmatically. "What?" She asked perplexed.
"Hmmmm... did you check in the basement?" he said scratching the back of his head and looking at the ceiling.
"Hmmmm... the basement? No." She gave him another glance and then headed toward the door.
Val was almost holding his breath as Jenny reached the door to the basement. She opened the door and descended the stairs. The tiles felt cool under her bare feet as she flipped on the light. Upstairs, Val could barely contain his excitement. Rows and rows of boxes were stacked and lined up neatly on the floor. Further on she could see furniture in another room of the basement. She gasped and covered her mouth with a shaky hand. Turning she raced back up the stairs... Flinging herself at Val she hugged him fiercely.
"I guess this means you like our new home" he said laughing. "These ones are yours" he added handing her a Tardis key ring with two keys in it.
"Awwwww... thanks." was all she managed to say, eyes welling up with happy tears.
"My wedding present to you, my future wife"
Jenny didn't know how to respond... So she kissed him. He kissed her back, gently at first, but then as the kiss went on longer, more intensely.
Before they knew it, Val was lying on the couch on his back with Jenny in his arms on top of him, kissing with unrestrained passion. Jenny's hands were on the sides of his face, as she kissed him over and over again... Val kept his right arm on his side, out of the way while his left hand rested lightly on Jenny's back. When they finally stopped kissing, Jenny placed her hands and arms on Val's strong chest and pushed herself away a bit so that she could look him in the eyes...
Val looked back at her and smiled... he found her so amazingly beautiful with her hair falling like a curtain about her face, around his face, kind of hiding the room from them. They stayed like that, silent, unmoving, eyes locked in a love spell that seemed could have lasted an eternity.
Bandages, injuries and bruises forgotten, they enjoyed that magical moment as if the whole world had come to a stop.
"I love you" she mouthed the words. For all answer he moved his left hand to the side of her face, pulled her gently to him and kissed her. The room was silent but for the sounds of of their kissing... the sounds of these two love birds cherishing their beautiful union of hearts and souls.
Eventually they stopped kissing, their eyes met and both smiled lovingly. Jenny laughed and cried at the same time, as Val reached up with his good hand to the side of her face, a sweet caress he knew she loved so much. She moved her face closer, rubbing her soft cheek, cat-like, gently to his. Jenny then changed position stretching her body on top of his... she moved down a bit to be able to rest her head on his chest. He gently placed his chin on the top of her head.
Jenny shivered a bit, so Val made an attempt to grab the fleece throw they had left on the couch back. It had been there since the night they had the little fight... so long ago it seemed! Jenny helped him, as he couldn't reach. She then extended it over them and lied down on him again, rubbing her soft cheek to his chest.
"I love you forever and ever" said Jenny in a whisper.
"I love you to the edge of the galaxy and back" was his answer... their lover's secret code.
Then they both drifted off to sleep... relaxed and happy in each other's arms.

© 2021 Dad Dragonfire

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Added on February 10, 2021
Last Updated on February 10, 2021


Dad Dragonfire
Dad Dragonfire

Dundas, Southern Ontario, Canada

Love to read and love to write... yeah I know, doesn't tell much about me. I always find it hard to "tell about myself" when filling up a profile. I'll put a better "About Me" together and come back a.. more..
