Grunt Bear Claws

Grunt Bear Claws

A Chapter by Cecile

Childhood story

    Grunt Bear Claws is a person that is tall with dark hair and dark eyes. Every morning he would ponder while looking at himself in the mirror. He would grunt when he was satisfied. Then he would walk away abandoning the several toothbrushes, combs, and all the other nice gifts his neighbors gave him over the past. He would not stop for anyone, except for the people he cared about, too bad he doesn’t care for anyone except himself.
    He would get hungry often just like anyone else. So he grunted all the way to the snack shop. He looked around trying to find something good. The candy bar seemed awfully appetizing, so he took the candy bar and a fresh bag of potato chips. He stuffed the candy bar into his pocket and slammed the money and the chips onto the counter. The well paid worker was startled, and jumped around to see Grunt Bear Claws. The sorry man opened the cash register, pulled out the change, and gave it to Grunt Bear Claws.                             
    Satisfied again, he walked out of the store. Looking into his hand, he say five dollars extra. Now he was extremely satisfied. He started to think of how good he was, and remembered his own business.
    About ten minutes later he was starting to doubt about keeping the five dollars extra. He knew it was only five dollars, but then he remembered that he was fired for money that wasn’t paid, and his business was shut down because too much money was being lost.
    He had to think about it a little bit longer, but he marched back to the small store and gave the five dollars back.
    “Have a candy bar.”
    Grunt Bear claws squeezed his large hand into his pocket and pulled out the wrinkled and melted candy bar. He shot out his hand, and the worker took it. Grunt Bear Claws turned and walked out the store satisfied.

© 2010 Cecile

Author's Note

I wrote this at the age of seven as a school report. I thought it was the hardest thing to write 6 paragraphs. Oh, the good old days...

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Added on May 27, 2010
Last Updated on June 15, 2010



United Kingdom

To be honest, I'm using this site as a storage device for the old book reviews I wrote as a child that I don't want to throw away. Comments would be appreciated, but I'm not going to push you into doi.. more..

Senior Year Senior Year

A Book by Cecile