The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Tricking Doug

Tricking Doug

A Chapter by Cecile

          Douglas is a kid that has a lot of friends. Everyone that picked Douglas as their friend probably weren’t very good at picking friends.  The problem with Douglas is that he was super nice to his friends and really mean to the kids that weren’t his friends.  He would steal their homework, or push them in the hallway, or even blame them for his actions. (They weren’t very good choices by the way) 
    Douglas was playing and he saw a new kid on the block.  The new kid looked about his age.  He was riding his bike with another kid that was a little smaller then him on his bike. In their parking lot were five long moving trucks.
    They were riding very fancy bikes and had lots of moving trucks full of stuff so Douglas knew they were very rich. 
    Douglas met Peter and his little brother Mat at his house.  “We can play with some of our toys”! Said Peter.  Peter picked up a toy rocket and stumbled over.  “You can call me Doug.”  Peter and Doug started to play with all his toys and after a while they became FRIENDS.
    All three of them went to the same school together. Doug was still treating Peter well. 
    One day Mat joined a race car club, and to be in the race car club they had to wear a yellow over-sized shirt with the words RACE CAR CLUB! On it. 
    Mat was walking with his club when Doug came up to them and said “Your wearing yellow so that makes you weird!” Doug took one of the race cars and smashed it to the ground. He turned around and walked away.   
    After he left the team told Mat that he should tell Peter that he was being mean to them.  Mat agreed and left to go get his brother.
          Peter was out at recess when Mat bothered him in the middle of a game of tag.  Peter got mad and took him behind a wall, “what!?” said Peter grabbing on to his shoulders “Doug made fun of me and crashed my car!” said Mat “yeah right !” answered Peter “no it’s true!” Mat yelled.  Peter stopped thinking about how mad he was and started to think, “ok, I’m going to dress up as you at recess and if my friend, Doug is mean to me I’ll stop being his friend forever.  But if he isn’t mean to me you’ll have to stop bugging me.” said Peter “ok”agreed Mat.
    The next day Peter put his brothers shirt and his sunglasses in a plastic bag.  At recess Peter changed from his normal clothes to his brothers over-sized clothes and went out to Doug.
          Peter couldn’t speak because he knew his voice would give his secret away.  He went towered Doug when Doug looked at him and pushed him away.  Peter frowned at him right when Doug looked at him.  “What are you looking at!” yelled Doug.  Peter backed away slowly and realized that his brother was telling the truth that Doug was mean.  He also realized that he should get away from there as fast as possible.   But before he could back away far enough a teacher yelled”take off the sun glasses!” He found he had no choice and slowly took them off.  Doug was watching him get into trouble until he saw that what he thought was Mat was PETER!   Doug was so unhappy that he stopped being his friend.  Peter also didn’t want to be his friend either.  So they ended up as what they should have been.
                        THE END


© 2010 Cecile

Author's Note

Written when I was seven, again.

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Added on May 27, 2010
Last Updated on June 15, 2010



United Kingdom

To be honest, I'm using this site as a storage device for the old book reviews I wrote as a child that I don't want to throw away. Comments would be appreciated, but I'm not going to push you into doi.. more..

Senior Year Senior Year

A Book by Cecile