Alaskan Savage

Alaskan Savage

A Poem by Chase Dylan

Lemons and elephants...

Manic erratic combative out ah-it element flippin' it rippin' it gettin' it zippin' it dippin' it imminent intricate immigrant
 Now I be sippin' it cinnamon dividend evidence elephants skimmin' it grippin' it ribbons and lemons of heavens
I'm sentient definite devilish effortless semblance of betterment
Gotta be synonyms 
Cinema sinnin' a kitten a mitten a bitter December remember avenger develop ah-leverage
A passage gadget
Passive habit
Rabid aladdin' grabbin' magic rapid' askin' for Alaskan ravage a savage maskin' gaspin' like passion baskin'
A basket is wrappin' for havoc unlashin' rations bashin' taverns
Follow the lanterns
Hollow on Saturn...
The rings are vapor craters that are tapered for able-daters
 I'm a saber ravin' a raven raidin' a labor haven
Craven vampire cravin' a safer empire
An umpire says safe pavement but its fake diamond 
The rough slimin' abidin' hidin' tridents violent
Try to dent a silent rhyme-in half a second
It's past eleven I'm bidin' my second second chance countin' islands as they pass 

© 2017 Chase Dylan

Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...

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such an interesting piece...has such movement in it's beat, and being more about not moving, being apathetic....letting things just happen----we stand too idle these days, i believe...we need more voices to be raised in defiance of what we have become as a society....
nicely done here.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Coming from you, Sir Jacob, tis a compliment of the highest accord... You are still one of the best .. read more


Your writing style if way above standard dear author. Lovely scheme and unfortunately true. Too many fake diamonds are ruling this world...

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Agreed, Ana, so very agreed... Thanks very much for the time
Your poem is always a song and this time the beginning seems an excellent rap.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Thank you, Anj, I am happy that is what you are reminded of

6 Years Ago

You are welcome 😊
I somewhat agree with Iron Horseman. The beginning didn't capture me, but, hell yes, that final stanza, did. This is good writing.

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Thanks so much, Grinder... I feel the same as you both, this was lyrics... So the first part is more.. read more
that title absolutely grabbed me ..had to check it out! love reding your rap out loud to myself ..the music of your words and tempo changes seem effortless ..and oh can get a whole lot of head into just about anywhere in your lines and phrases .. simply enjoyed the sound of the "Alaskan Savage" as i feel a chill of the tundra run through me ... gonna jump off on one of the tropical islands shooting by if i can ;)

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Seeing as this IS an actual rap out loud, I am glad to hear someone is enjoying its dissonance.... V.. read more
Sorry, my friend, the first part of this did not grab me at all; I just thought it was trying too hard.
But then I got down to this:
"Hollow on Saturn...
The rings are vapor craters that are tapered for able-daters
I'm a saber ravin' a raven raidin' a labor haven
Craven vampire cravin' a safer empire
An umpire says safe pavement but its fake diamond
The rough slimin' abidin' hidin' tridents violent
Try to dent a silent rhyme-in half a second
It's past eleven I'm bidin' my second second chance countin' islands as they pass "
This is truly awesome! If it were mine, I would make this a standalone work in its own right! Love it!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

I guess I need to get back into this now summer is officially over! :)
Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

I know right... Perhaps it is time for my return on a more regular basis... Have kept my writing to .. read more
The Iron Horseman

6 Years Ago

Lol! Stay in touch, my friend. I will post some more stuff soon - if I can get my head working again.. read more
All rise! Silente Excellente, King of His Genre, has entered, slayed, and now.......left..... the building.
Respect given!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Ahh... Thank you, both of you'z... I appreciate it, truly...

6 Years Ago

Always a pleasure.
Annette Pisano-Higley

6 Years Ago

You'z welcome my friend!:):)
Sorry, do give me a moment to pick up my brain. It was blown across the room by the sheer amazingness of your work, my heavy metal friend. :D

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Raven! Thanks, friend.... *Metal forever*
Gotta be synonyms. Entertaining write full of visuals
and raw emotion layered with ryhme. Masterful write

Sheer Terror

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Ahh, Sheer Terror, a pleasure to hear from such a gifted writer... Thank you, humbly
Were, or are you working on rhyming, or possinbly multi syllables? can see how this could be great training too. i ought try this out as well. anyhow, i really enjoyed the rhyming. i find that it makes it much more fun to read, to play with words in all..

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Aye, mate, lots of training and practice for actually spitting my verses and such... Plus, like you .. read more
almost like a dance,loved it !

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Chase Dylan

6 Years Ago

Thanks, Mr Man of Words... It IS somewhat like a verbal dance...

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26 Reviews
Added on September 16, 2017
Last Updated on September 16, 2017
Tags: Poetry


Chase Dylan
Chase Dylan

Denver, CO

Words have me, but I never seem to have words. more..


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