Broken Pieces

Broken Pieces

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

mostly spontaneous ... not my norm :)

Shattered Mirror Sunset Reflections That Look Like Stained Glass Windows »  TwistedSifter
compliments of Twisted Sifter

Broken Pieces 

We can see them all around us
...........................look .................................

shattered scatterings like
dead winter leaves blowing and breaking                        crushed                        burning

We can smell them and see them in pieces and 
singed hair

scalding over blisters healed

unfolding every day
all around us

bullets to the head as they say                                                            They say a lot of things
don't they ............ 
                                                                        and then there is silence

in the screaming.


© 2023 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

My Review

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Such a darkness to this piece. Yet so relatable for now...Bullets to the heads....People take bullets to their heads as calmly as we would take a hat to our heads! No patience, no endurance, no fortitude. They say a lot and then there is silence. Their screams drown unheard. The shattered casing of their heads, their 15 minutes of fame. A Poem from you after so long, dear E and certainly one to remember and return for re-reads. Loved it and the lovely artwork too! ❤🙋‍♀️❤

Posted 1 Year Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Year Ago

I wish you all the best for the sonnet, dear friend. If you love the process of creating one then le.. read more
Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

:))))))) thank you Divya!

1 Year Ago

Cheers! ..... :))))))


There is so much pain in the world. It’s seems we thrive on violence and solve problems with violence from top down. We live in a deep seated sick society. We have lost a general consensus of truth and so much more. Humanity has lost its way. Your last four lines are extremely powerful.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

"..for all have sinned and gone astray" ;) what a deeply gratifying review you have given this one L.. read more

1 Year Ago

Yes we can make a difference one small act of kindness . even the smallest of ways as you said. it c.. read more
Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

:) ....................
Yep, it sure ain't all roses and sweet chocolates, while dreams can and do come true, alas only very few experience such a realisation, truth is most fall headlong into the mire, shattered illusions and the rest is history as they say...

Both poet here accompanied by singer Linda Ronstadt testament to that I say 😥

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

much appreciate your taking time to read, review and listen to Linda .. such a beautiful voice says .. read more
I often think I am a broken piece and wonder where I belong, what should I be glued to, who the hell am I? Then I write a poem and have no idea where it comes from and think...maybe that is it, but, it never is, I don't think. Your poem feels like that as well, at least that's what they say...they say a lot of things, don't they? This dark but very cool and very creative.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

yes ... they do say a lot of things :)))))))))))))))) being broken really aint' so bad tho is it!? i.. read more
Profound and powerful exposure of the darkness in humanity.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

thank you for taking time ... and your encouraging review ... we do horrible things to one another d.. read more

1 Year Ago

Sadly, there is too often little humanity shown among humanity.
Dear Einstein this poem of death, injury, pain casts its darkness in a web catching my attention and hauling it in, tangled and tied in its net. Unable to escape from beginning to end, I find myself floundering and gasping for air. The use of your spacing like the holes in a net tie it together and give it more strength. The last few lines are so vivid and give it the knockout punch. Very powerful.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

thank you so much, Soren! that's one hell of an inspiring, encouraging review .. i am truly grateful.. read more
There is much misery to this poem... and we all know about it, but can do nothing about it... and it is all around us, everywhere.... bullets are a common way to literally tear one to pieces.... flesh and rancid stench.... we let them lay there to rot.... and the screams go unheard until the person is already gone for the burn.... This is a great comment on an importance matter which should not be ignored....
Best, B

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

thank you so much for your passionate and empathetic response .. i think even the little things we c.. read more
Betty Hermelee

1 Year Ago

You're very welcome E. So nice to hear from you!!!
Best, B
Life is full of broken pieces. I like to think of it as a mirror. When whole, it reflects in one clear image. When shattered, it reflects so many things at once. I also think of the mirrored finish inside of the bathroom at the personal palace of Shah Jahan's wife at Agra Fort.

During her bath hour, the regal Mumtaz would lie in the bathtub and her handmaids would light up candles at every corner of the bathroom to create a spectacle with sparkling lights.

As per the custom, musicians, who are only eunuchs, would play music outside the ghusal khana or the Mughal bathroom, while the queen enjoyed her long bath. So much so, the walls of the queen’s bathroom were made to produce different musical notes when tapped by the hand.

The tiny mirrors used in the bathroom were imported from Syria. All this was done because Shahjahan wanted to have enough of his beloved wife and enjoy her beauty by beholding several images of her.
This part of the fort is called Sheesh Mahal, or the Palace of Mirrors.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

wow! thank you for the education on Agra Fort!! i looked it up ... wow! what a palatial structure!! .. read more
Linda Marie Van Tassell

1 Year Ago

My pleasure. No, I've never been to Pakistan. There are particular things about history that reall.. read more
Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

:) .......................
We all have our greatest hits moments that somehow manage to keep our heads above the greatest misses we endure as a whole, as well as an individual through this crazy little thing called life E, but it seems to me at least that broken is becoming the new norm, whether it be war, strikes or even sifting through the news for the lesser spotted "unfake" piece.
It's enough to send people off down their own rabbit hole of "it wasn't like that in my day" as we fondly recall cold wars, the acceptance of domestic violence and the time when orange soda was good.
Perhaps it is that we all just miss the fact we were made to grow out of our innocence whether we wanted to or not, when the biggest worry we had was if we wanted to see someone we had to use our legs to actually go se them!
If you were five minutes late for a date, chances are you would never see them again.
Now I'm wishing for some of that orange sofa.
They don't make things like they used to! 😊

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

i feel you Lorry .. thank you for sharing your thoughts and reactions to this poem .. no .. the whee.. read more
The awful things that the living endure, the dead never have to suffer. But, to quote a very old Arabian proverb, "Even a living dog is better than a dead lion." Whether we are kings of our jungle or subjugated servants seems to have little to do with the measure of hope. If anything, the hope is greater in the lesser because he has more to aspire to while the "master" may just become a victim of avarice. We see wealth and fame destroy many of its owners. We may suffer so we can understand and have empathy to the suffering of others. If that is the case, then I won't begrudge my own trials so much here. I'd truly hate to be without empathy for my fellow men and women. Bless, F.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

i think you earned what you learned Fabian .. trials and tribulations surely will test our metal and.. read more
Wow! Emotionally powerful. Realistically mournful. Some sad truth dear poet. I hope we can stop that , but it is hard.
Awesome you.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Einstein Noodle

1 Year Ago

Sami! you touch me ol' heart with your review. thank you so much for taking time .. :)
Sami Khalil

1 Year Ago

All the best. You are welcome sir Einstein.

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31 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 20, 2023
Last Updated on January 20, 2023


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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