Chapter 10: Past Advice

Chapter 10: Past Advice

A Chapter by Harmony Grace

“Well, thanks for everything. But we should probably get home before we cause to much more alterations.” I said.

“How, About some advice first?” asked future Brent.

“Yeah, that would be great.” We all agreed. 

“I’ll go first.” said future Hope. “Well, when you get married to your husband.” 

“Yes. Taylor.” 

“What? How’d you know?” asked future Hope surprised..

“Oh, come on. All I had to do was look at him and I knew it was him.”

“So this whole time, you’ve known it’s Taylor Stine!”

“What!?” Rachel and I said together. 

“You become Hope Elizabeth Stine?” I asked.

“Yeah, and not Mrs. Ander Colten?” past Rachel asked.

“Nope, he never liked me remember?” said future Hope.

“Yeah, Hey you never did tell me what happened to him.” I said..

“Oh, right. When he was 19 he ran with his girlfriend to Las Vegas and got married.” 

“Yup, sounds like Ander.” 

“Ok, me next.” said past Brent.

“Well. I guess my advice to you is follow and do the right thing.” 

“Ok? Sure.” He said.

“I mean it.” Future Brent said sternly. After everyone received a piece of advice we all got into the time machine and went home. 

“Now, when I return home, I am destroying this machine so we can’t alter anything more.” said future me.

“Ok, I understand. I am glad we met, and I can’t wait to live in that time.” I said. Then in another instant they were gone, until my future self came back. 

“One more thing.” She said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“1: in 2 years, remind Pastor Dan not to eat the wet burrito, number 2: Don’t wish for a time Machine, and 3: She whispered something into my ear. 

“No worries I had already planned on doing all 3.” I said. 

“Good, alright good bye for good now.” So with that she left forever, only until I lived it myself. 

“Well, that was an experience I won’t soon forget.” said Hope. Rachel was all giddy and jumping up and down. 

“What’s up with you?” I asked.

“Oh nothing, except I meet my husband on Sunday!” She said.

“Whatever.” Hope and I laughed.



1 Year Later


I was coming home from kids club one day when  I saw this women at the Schutte house. 

“Who’s that?” I asked Rachel.

“Oh, that’s our friend Cathy Wright. Why?” Well, it’s because that’s the same women I saw in the church that one night when I visited the future. Sure enough one month later they were engaged. That Sunday I walked up to Pastor Dan.

“First I want to say congratulations, and second, don’t eat the wet burrito.” 

“Well thank you, and to your second comment, what?”

“well it’s a very long story, but trust me and don’t eat the wet burrito.”

“Umm, ok.” 


Flash forward of 2 years later


I was on my way out of the school, and Brent stopped me.

“Hey Brent, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Well, do you remember when we went to the future?” He asked.

“That’s kind of hard to forget.” I said.

“Well, my self told me something, and I didn’t believe it till now.”

“What’s that?” I asked.

“Well, he said I would fall in love with you, well I have.”

“Well, Myself also told me something, and that is. Maybe we should just not risk hurting each other. Would you agree with that?” 

“I would be honored if we could live our lives and meet our other people.”

“Great. Keep in touch though ok?” 

“Sure thing..” He said and he walked out of the school a very happy person. I went home and logged on to facebook, a few years back I  had become friends with Micah again, his family was a friend of mine, so we talked a little, but today there was a message from him.

“Dear Melissa,

       I miss you dearly, you need to come visit ok? Call and get directions k?


And so was the conversation that started a beautiful relationship.


Fast Forward Even More the year 2015


I was in my wedding gown, waiting to go down the Isle. Then the doors opened and I started walking, never taking my eyes off of my soon to be husband, the smile on his face, I don’t think he’ll ever mimic again, and I saw all my bridesmaids, and all his groomsmen. But for the most part I was only looking at my soon to be husband Micah.


Back to our Blast in the Past

“I find out who my husband is, I find out who my husband is!” Rachel kept singing as we all walked into division, we only went cause we wanted to see if our suspicions were true. As we were waiting for church to start, Ivory walked in with a very annoyed look on her face.

“What’s up with you?” Rachel asked.

“Oh, Nelson has this brilliant Idea of what he wants to be when he grows up, well if he grows up.” She said. The service went by pretty quickly, and Pastor Dan went back up onto the pulpit. 

“Ok, so Nelson Hayden talked to me and shared with me his plans for the future if the Lord tarries. Nelson, please come share with us.” Nelson stood up and went to the pulpit.

“Well, I have asked the Lord to start showing me what he wants for my life, and finally he’s given me a call, and I’m going to with it.” I looked over at Rachel, whose eyes couldn’t be any wider or mouth more open and Nelson finished with:

“I’m gonna be a doctor.”

© 2010 Harmony Grace

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Added on April 17, 2010
Last Updated on April 17, 2010


Harmony Grace
Harmony Grace

really want to be an actressdirector, but I also really love to write! more..

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