Part 2

Part 2

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

A shiver-golt traveled through me as our eyes met. He must have felt it too because he jumped away from me like I had burnt him.

“Troubles?” I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He said, “No... not at all.”

I rolled my eyes and stepped away from the tree. “If you wish not to be around me, then leave.” I turned and ran away.

He called after me, “Hey, don’t run away from me!”

He actually started to run after me, but sorry, I have a lifetime of experience running away from people who are larger and, of course, older than I am. I turned around a corner, and my home, a small shack, stood in the way it’s outline shown against the sun.

I ran past it, hopefully he wasn’t to close behind me.  It turned out that he was far behind me. I gave a sigh of relief as I dropped down into a crouch. I was struggling to take a breath. I held my side, and closed my eyes.

Nothing like this had ever happened before, I was lost on what to do. I mean I never had anyone but my family- and they are all dead. I never knew what it is like to love anyone. I liked my family, but I didn’t always need to love them.

So these feelings that are boiling in my blood can only be the work of magic- if such a thing ever existed. Something happened- something I don’t understand. I believe that I am meant to be alone, so I don’t need anyone. But this day changed the way I think.

I rose to my feet, and glanced around the barren world that I called my home. The man was still standing, off in the distance- illuminated by  the icy-blue sky that was behind him. I would be clear, standing against the fiery-red sky that was behind me. Something pulled me, and I started to run to him. I could tell, the closer I got, the more I realized that he was either become uneasy or really excited.

“Changed your mind?” came his snarky tone.

“Maybe,” I whispered.

“Why? Why would you change your mind? Why is being alone so important to you?” he asked me, as if I would answer  his questions.

“Why does it matter to you?! My life has been spent by myself for years alone! No one ever cares about my well being. I have always been hunted, wanted. But maybe, I think that you are different than the rest of them!” I told him, nearly crying from the force that kept me from screaming at him.

He just took me by the hand and brought me closer to him. “What are you doing!” I screamed at him.

“Don’t you trust me?” he asked, looking down at me.
“I barely know you! Why should I trust you!” I half screamed, my voice dropping down to the normal tone it always holds.

“Because I am the only one who hasn’t tried to kill you in your entire life. Do you think has something to do with the fact that I want to protect you!” he said, his tone cold but still managing to hold a flicker of hope.

My eyes burned into the eyes blue ones that were framed by pale skin. “I guess you can be right, but I can not join a normal society. I am an outcast because I am half-fire and half-ice...”

His face turned into a deep grimace as I said that, as if he was pained. “If you can’t join society- I can just join you.”

“Join me? Are you out of your mind? You have a family of your own.” I took his hand away from my arm, and turned away, “You have a home that you can call your own! You have a society that won’t shun you because you are different!.” I started to walk away, and felt as it my heart was being torn in two. “Why the hell would you throw that all away just to be with little old me?”

“Because, in the life I live, there is not a single person I care for more than I care for you right now. I have just met you, but something feels right. Like we are destined to be together. I know that no one in the world believes in that anymore, but there could be a chance of soul mates finding each other- even if it seems that they can’t get along. You are my soul mate Kai. I believe it, as I can feel it.” He jogged to catch up with me and his fingers wrapped around my wrist, just strong enough to stop me- but not to hurt me.

My eyes widen as I felt them around my wrist. I turned around and looked up at him. “Maybe life doesn’t work out and love isn’t meant to be.” I said spitting it out at him.

“Maybe love is meant to be, even if someone is too blind to even see them. I feel the power of love coursing through me. It’s the feeling of what my Elder’s call “soulmates”. I have found mine- so you should have found yours. Are you to blind to see them?” Tallon said.

“I feel it, but I refuse to live by it. I have never needed to feel the love. that I feel now. Nothing feels normal right now. This is strange and abnormal. I don’t like it. I don’t want to accept it. Nothing you can say will ever change this! Maybe I feel complete since I have met you, but I don’t know how to react to that. I am just a strange person who will never fit into either world. I don’t belong in your world, and you don’t belong in my world. Is this simple to understand?”

“Yes, it is easy to understand. Just please take the time to think about. I will return tomorrow,” Tallon said.

© 2017 Catherine Frain

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Added on January 31, 2017
Last Updated on January 31, 2017


Catherine Frain
Catherine Frain

Omaha, NE

Welcome to my profile! I love to write as you can see- so feel free to write a review and check out the rest of my work. I am slowly posting stuff from my Google account here so yeah! I hope y'all kee.. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Catherine Frain

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Catherine Frain