When You See a Stranger

When You See a Stranger

A Poem by JayG

A bit of silliness for the kids. Prosody is a bit off and there are inconsistencies stanza-to-stanza, but luckily, kids don't notice


When You See a Stranger

A question for kids



You see a stranger on the street

Where would you go, if you wore his feet?


Is he kind to his children? Is he nice to his wife?

Or is his day troubled…and filled with strife?


With what kind of treat does he end his meal?

Is it ice cream and pie, or crackers with eel?


Is reddish purple his favorite hue?

Or greenish red, all mixed with blue?


Does he drive a car or row a boat?

Fly an eagle…or ride a goat?


How does he get where he hopes to be?

Perhaps he swings from tree-to-tree?


Is his family nice or zombie-esque?

Do they call to talk or only text?


Do they read a book or do they dance?

When danger calls do they take a chance?


But, asking that, a thought occurs.

Would they like your world?

Would you like theirs?

© 2024 JayG

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"you see a stranger on the street. Where would you go if you wore his feet?" That says it all for me. I was already hooked on the first line. In fact I think I may start asking my children this question to see what they come up with. Its charming and inquisitive. Thank you for sharing it.

Posted 8 Months Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


A question for kids, but adults could ponder some of these questions too. An entertaining write.

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Most thoroughly enjoyed! And most certainly will read out to the littlies. At first the title called to mind the old song: " people are strange when you're a stranger...." lol. But this is what the heart of poetry is about. It's playfulness and sounds make it fun and memorable but also crosses over into deep introspecion and and invitation to think and ponder on things. Thanks for sharing.

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow, this was an enjoyable read. Very imaginative I must say, to envision yourself as the stranger, what would you do and what would you like?

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

oh wow, this is a great speculative, your mind is psychology. You might be a stalker! :D j/k/. Love it. Great imagery, especially, the last questions to denote, that you are of curiousness, but falt in closeness, the unknown is just there, but do you take it, :D

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You've really captured the essence of a children's story with this, Jay. You offer questions that stir a child's imagination which is probably the most important thing a writer can do.

I like the rhymes and the humor involved. I can see a kid laughing at most of the lines.

I'm not sure they would know what zombie-esque meant, but I don't think they would mind. :)

Great job on this, Jay.

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well written with a great message. It flowed well and was fun to read.

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hello. I figured it would only be fair to return the favor after you gave me a review, so here we are.

Right off the bat, I'm loving the rhymes here. It's been quite a long time since I read a poem that wasn't freeform, and there was admittedly a span of time a while back when I thought heavy emphasis on rhyming amounted to "kid stuff". Ridiculous, I know.

In particular, I love the line, "Where would you go, if you wore his feet?" I love it when a writer tries to take clichéd phrases and changes them up, even if it's ever so slightly, and it's something I strive to do as often as possible in my own writing. I also appreciate how the closing line is broken off from its verse for dramatic effect. It's such a cool writing technique, and it's a shame that it mostly pops up in poetry and not fiction prose, at least from what I've read. My only minor issue comes from Line 13, which ends in a period despite sounding like a question. Then again, maybe there's something I'm just not getting.

Overall, this makes for a really nice, pleasant poem that I feel anyone can get into. Kids can read it and gain even more curiosity about the world around them, and adults can learn a useful lesson about how beneficial it can be to take one's surroundings into account. Nice job!

Posted 2 Years Ago

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2 Years Ago

Thank you twice. First, for the kind words, and then for pointing out the typo. No matter how many t.. read more
A well written thought-provoking poem!

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Nice exploration of humanity. Really like the twist in perspective at the end

Posted 2 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh my goodness, first poem I have read of yours, (I am new to submitting... never showed anyone, not even family, what I write and I have been writing for over 60 years...so this is quite an adventure for me.) and what a delight it was to go on your journey.
Funny thing is that I was speaking to my husband just yesterday about all the people everywhere and what were they doing right now (we were watching Netflix)
This same thought has been with me since I was a child...so your poem made complete sense to me.. Would be marvellous in a children's book..

Posted 2 Years Ago

1 of 2 people found this review constructive.


2 Years Ago

Thank you.
Amber Stone

2 Years Ago

Great poem, Jay G, amazing lines and thoughts. A question for kids, perhaps also for any human being.. read more

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83 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 9, 2021
Last Updated on May 13, 2024
Tags: Kids, fun, silly



Elkins Park, PA

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