

A Chapter by Lady Miyako-san of the West


"Are you ready to go?" I asked as I rushed down the stairs. "We're going to be late! C'mon Jane!"

"Hang on!" She yelled from in the bathroom.

I sighed and shook my head. Demetri was looking stunning in his black button up shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his form fitting, but not tight black slacks, and his hair looking as perfect as it always does. "You look amazing."

He smiled and stood up from the couch. "As do you baby."

I was wearing a tight white strapless dress that stopped mid-thigh, a gold belt on my waist, and white, gold-trimmed peep toe heels. "I don't look that good Metri." If I could've blushed, I could have.

"The hell you don't. Bella you don't know how good you look." Demetri stood up and crossed the small amount of sidtance between us. "I love how beautiful and sexy you are." His voice was deep in my ear.

I giggled and turned to face him. As soon as our lips met, Jane burst out of the bathroom. "So, how do I look?"

She was wearing a one shoulder baby blue dress that clung to her well, with matching heels. Her hair was up like mine, and her light make-up was flawless. "You look like a baby doll." Demetri said.

"Thanks...that's good right?" Jane asked.


"It's whatever you want it to be." Demetri rolled his eyes then turned to me.

"Jane, you look beautiful." I smiled when she did a full turn, giving view of her from all angles.

"Thank you Bella. I knew you'd tell me." She glared at Demetri.

"Yeah, whatever. Bella, you driving?"

"Yup." I grabbed the keys off the table. "Let's go."


"You're not seriously going to that party are you?" I asked Emmett.

"Yes, we are. We all are. I didn't like the way that Steven guy was looking at Bella." Emmett said.

"I have no idea where you were, but we all know that Bella can take care of herself. Very well, I might add." I reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah. That was only because Victoria was there and she was pissed 'cause he killed Charlie. Man, that made me feel bad that we weren't there."

"I know." I sighed.

"But we're going to make up for it. We are going to be there for her now. Whenever she needs us, we will be there."

"Why don't you get it?! Bella doesn't need us anymore! She has her....her....fiance." I spat out the word. "And she has Jane. I'm not going to that party Em, and that's final!" I plopped down on the couch.

Emmett looked at me. "Fine. If you're going to be so damn stubborn about it, I'll make you go."

"You wouldn't."

"Oh but I would brother dear." Emmett smiled after yelling, "Esme!"

"Yes Emmey?" Esme dashed down the stairs.

"Edward is being mean and he won't go to the party with me, Rose, Jazz, and Ali."

"Edward, why won't you go to the party with your brother and sisters?" Esme asked in her sweet motherly voice.

"Because Bella is going to be there." Emmett said.

"You don't want to see Bella?" Esme asked.

"Of course he does." Emmett said before I had a chance to answer. "But he's too scared because Demetri is going to be there. We all want him to win Bella beac, but Edward is being an unfair coward. Plus it wouldn't be right for us to go to a party without being a unit."

"Emmett's right dear. You are going to the party and that's final. Now get u pand go get dressed."

"Fine." I said and went upstairs. I dressed in a black shirt and rolled the sleeves up to my elbows. Bella liked to see me dressed in black when she was human. So maybe this will make her see that I remember everything about her before I left...before she was changed.


We pulled up at the same time as the Cullens. We all spoke politely and I took notice of Edward's outfit. He and Demetri were wearing the same thing. It was actually kind of disturbing. "Here." I went back to the car and pulled a dark purple shirt out of the back seat. He changed shirts in front of them, then we went into the house. I heard Emmett think, 'What are those scratches on Demetri's chest?' And I smiled. I had placed those scratches there the night before. They would be gone by the morning or so.

"Hey Bella!" Rebecca screeched as we walked in the door. Demetri was right behind me, one hand on my waist. "Demetri! How nice to see you!" She tried to get pass me, but I wouldn't budge. "Hello Jane." She said.

"Hi Rebecca." I sighed.

Demetri looks so yummy! She thought.

I snarled and glared at her. Demetri tightened his grip and led me to the other side of the room. We heard someone yell, "Hey, Bella's here!" And a mob of people came running towards us.


"Bella, must you be so damn sexy?" Demetri said in my ear.

I smiled and looked at him. "It's not like I try to."

"Hey Bella. Come dance with me!" a boy by the name of Brandon asked.

"Bella, now that you're here, this party can really get started." someone said.

"Move people! This is my party, and Bella is my guest!" Steven pushed his way through the crowd and stepped in front of me. "Glad you could come Bella!" He said and took my hand then kissed it.

"Glad you invited me. This is a nice house you have here Steve." I smiled, looking around.

"Thank you. It belonged to my parents. But they disappeared a while ago. The house is mine and my sister's." I could tell the subject was something he didn't want to talk about. "We live here with our aunt. But she's gone away for a couple of days."

"Okay." I nodded.

"Well, like I think someone said a second ago, now that you're here, we can get this party started!!" Steve exclaimed and pointed to the DJ booth. The music was changed to a more up beat tune and the volume was turned up.

Everyone began dancing except for the one Cullen. The one that I hated with every fiber of my being. The others, I was more or less, forgiving over time. He stood in the corner, staring at me. A few bold girls worked up the gall to ask him to dance, but he refused them with a smile. I danced with Demetri and Jane most of the time. When Bryan came over and asked Jane for a dance, she looked at me and I smiled. "I've got an idea." I whispered to her.

I looked up at the DJ booth and concentrated hard to make my way into the young boy's mind. I smirked once I'd entered.

Play a Tango song. Dedicate it to the Cullen siblings. I said in his mind. I'd learned that I could instill thoughts into other people's heads one year after Demetri had changed me and I wanted Aro to buy me a car. I thought about the type of car I wanted and everything, about twelve minutes later, there was a car waiting for me outside the palace. I'd worked on the timing, and found that I could et people to do it immediately.

The DJ came on the microphone and began talking. "This next song is dedicated to the Cullen siblings. Where's the lucky couple?"

A spotlight found Jance and Demetri. Jane looked at me and narrowed her eyes. What the hell did you just do?

"Nothing Janie dear." I said.

The song came on and we all rushed to the center of the dance floor, which was really the living room. "Ask him to dance." I whispered to Jane.

"B-Byran, will you dance with me?" Jane studdered. I couldn't believe that my Janie actually studdered.

"Sure." He smiled. Bryan was a cute guy. I ran a quick background check through his mind and saw that there was nothing wrong with him.

We all began dancing in the middle of the floor, turning and twisting. It was more of a sexy dance, and Bryan was getting more and more nervous. He was fighting off an erection. I giggled.

"What is it love?" Demetri asked in my ear.

"You and Demetri have the same thought process right now." I threw my head back in laughter as I felt Demetri pushing into my stomach.

"Well it wouldn't be this hard if you weren't so gorgeous. And your dancing isn't helping a bit."

"What's wrong with my dancing?" I turned around and dropped to the floor, swaying my hips as I came back up.

"That's what's wrong with your dancing. It's too....too..."


"Yes. Perfect. It's too sexy. And it's turning me on. In a second, I'm going to-"

Demetri was inturrupted by a hand on his shoulder. "May I dance with Bella, please?" Steven asked, slightly nervous when Demetri growled.

"Of course you can!" I smiled and nudged Demetri in the ribs. He stepped back reluctantly and Steven took his place, with his hands on my hips. The song changed to one that wasn't quite as fun as the previous, but we made it work.

"Boy, Demetri's really protective of his sister, isn't he?" Steven smiled.

"Sister? Oh Heavens no!" I laughed. "We aren't really related. Jane and I are twins, but Demetri is a friend of the family. He's been with us since he was younger, and since his parents died a while ago, my parents decided to let him stay with us."

"Oh." Steven looked sad at the thought. So they do have a connection. I knew I wasn't seeing things.

What are you thinking about?" I asked with a smile.


"I'm thinking about how beautiful you look tonight." He lied uneasily. That smile. I've got to ask her. "D-do you and Demetri have know...on the side?"


"Kinda. We've been on and off since we were fourteen." I said. Of course it was a lie. Demetri and I had had our occasional rough patches, but we loved each other.


You know that's right. I heard Demetri's voice flood my mind. I smiled and shook my head.


"I kinda thought you two had something. close are you?"

"Very. He's my best friend. Along with my little sister Janie. And to tell you the truth, she's older than me." I looked over to where she and Bryan were beside the punch bowl talking and laughing. She saw me looking at her.

You're the best Bella. She smiled at me.

I smiled back, my answer to her thoughts. Bryan was thinking about how he could ask Jane out on a date. Aw. How sweet.

The song ended and Steve stepped back. I faked a frown and looked at him.

"You still want to dance?" He said with a slight grin.

"Yes." I nodded. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

"Mind if I cut in?" Edward's voice came from behind Steve.

"Um....n-no....not at all." Steve studdered under Edward's fierce glare. He walked away, mumbling. I looked behind me when I felt anger rush through my system. Demetri bounded across the floor in three quick steps, leaving Rebecca standing alone in the corner. Of course, he's going to Bella. She scoffed and rolled her eyes, following behind Demetri. He reached me before she did, of course.

"Excuse me. Too much testosterone." I slipped away from their glares and darted to the punch bowl before going to Rebecca. "Um...Rebecca, where ya going?" I tried my best to sound nice.

"I was going to the punch bowl." Get out of my way. I'm going to get Demetri.

"Here, have mine." I handed her the glass of punch.

"Oh...thank you." She tried to think of another reason to go to Demetri, who was still standing in front of Edward. They hadn't moved, and they weren't going to until I got over there.

"I think Jane wanted to talk to you. She and Demetri were talking earlier when I got dressed. I think he mentioned you!" I squealed and rolled my eyes on the inside. It was going to be so wonderful when I got to tell everyone that Demetri and I were engaged. Or at least seeing each other. I was looking foward to seeing the look on Rebecca's face in person.

"Really?!" She jumped up and down. "Okay!" She speed walked to Jane, who looked confused and pissed.

What the hell did you do? Jane asked as I went back to Edward and Demetri.

"Just play along. Tell her Demetri said she was cute or something." I said, knowing she could hear her.

Jane sighed. Oh fine.

"Yay! Thank you!" I smiled and turned back to the boys who were glaring at each other. "Metri, calm down."

"No." He growled. "He wants to take you from me." Demetri's eyes turned red. He was tapping into my powers and I could feel a slight pull. "Let'd take this outside."

"Good idea." Edward smied. We slipped out of the house unnoticed by everyone except for Jane. I heard her excuse herself from the conversation. She came to stand behind Demetri.

"Demetri, calm down." I begged. The pull was growing stronger. How was he doing this?

"He's going to hurt you again."

"Baby the only one that's hurting me is you." I bit back the scream as pain engulfed my body. I grabbed the front of Demetri's shirt as my knees gave out.

"Whatever you're doing, stop it! Can't you see that you're hurting Bella?!" Edward's voice was worried and he looked at me. His hand reached out to touch me, but it was blocked by an invisible barrier. Jane tried and succeeded. She held my arm up to keep my body from hitting the ground. The Cullens came out of the house with worried looks on their faces as I cried out in pain.

"H-hurting B-Bella?" Demetri looked down at me. "Bella?" He reached down and picked me up. "Bella, I'm so orry." He breathed into my hair. "I had no idea."

"Bella, are you okay?" I heard Alice's soft voice.

I pushed away from Demetri and stood up. I hated feeling weak. "I'm fine." As soon as my feet touched the ground, though, I fell to my knees.

"Demetri, what the hell did you do?" Jane asked, kneeling next to me.

"I-I don't know. I w-was mad at Cullen.....I was so mad." Demetri was at a loss for words.

Edward had pulled out his cell phone and was talkign to Carlisle. "Carlisle will be here in ten minutes."

I shook my head. "That won't be nescessary." I cried out in pain again as the pull returned. "Calm down Demetri!" I barked at him.

But he was already consumed in his anger. "You think that doctor father of yours can do more for her than I can?!"

Edward thought about it for a second. I could still read his mind through all the pain I was in. His mind was the only one I could still read thorugh all the pain I was in. He knew it was best not to upset Demetri, so he said, "No. I just want him to check her out."

"For what?! Bella is fine!"

Carlisle's car pulled up, then he and Esme jumped out. "Bella, are you okay?" He asked.

"Ungh!" I called out. I didn't think it could get any stronger than it was, but it had. It felt like I was being drained of my powers.

"So the angrier Demetri gets, the more pain Bella is in?" Esme asked.

"Yes. It's like nothing I've ever seen." Carlisle gasped as Demetri's eyes began changing color again. They were beginning to change black.

"Demetri!" I screamed. "Stop it!" My yelling only seemed to make it worse. I stood on shaky legs with Jane's help. "Demetri." I growled. "Let go."

His eyes faultered for a second, then he gave up completely. As soon as his eyes returned to their normal color, the next thing I saw was black.


"Bella!" I called out as she dropped into Jane's arms.

"Don't call her name." Demetri said to me. "Bella is mine."

"We see what that has done, now don't we?" I snarled. "Let's get her back to the house." I said.

"She isn't going anywhere with you!" Demetri took a step towards Jane, who in turn, stepped back. Demetri's head jerked back in confusion. "Jane, w-what's wrong? Don't tell me you trust them!"

"I don't!" Jane said. "But you're..." she shook her head, then squared her shoulders. "Carlisle is a doctor and he can help Bella with whatever happened here tonight. I'm going with them. You may follow if you wish." Jane turned towards us. "But I'm riding with Carlisle and Esme."

"That is fine, as long as we get Bella checked out." I gave a weak smile.

Jane went to Carlise's car and slid in the back seat with Bella still in her arms. Demetri was still standing in the field, looking baffeled, as we got into the car we'd come in.


"I think she's going to be alright Jane." Carlisle said as hour later in the living room of our house.

"D-do you know what happened?" She asked. Jane still wasn't trusting us, but she wanted to know what was going on with Bella. Demetri had shown up and was stanging inthe corner, glaring at us.

"I think that the bond Bella and Demetri share is stronger than you could have ever guessed. When he got angry, the pressure from his anger pulled on Bella's powers, draining her and leaving her weak." Carlisle explained to us.

"Bella is going to wake up in forty-five seconds. I can see into her future now." Alice announced. I looked at her.

Bella stirred and my head snapped back to Bella. Demetri shot across the room and stood behind the couch behind Bella's head. She shifted again and groaned. Her eyes fluttered open. I was the first person she saw, and that would've made my heart skip a beat, had it been beating. "W-what happened?" Her voice was gruff.

"You fainted Bells." Jane smiled and wiped a hand across Bella's forehead.

"Oh." Bella sat up on the couch, then jerked in pain. "Agh!"

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

The look in her eyes told me she was happy to see me. Then it faded. "Nothing." Bella turned her head away from me. "Thank you all for....whatever it is that you did. I truly appreciate it." Bella stood up and grunted.

"Are you okay?" I grabbed her arm.

"I'm fine!" She hissed and snatched away from my touch. "Jane, let's go." Bella and Jane walked to the door. "Demetri, aren't you coming?"

His head came up from its position of looking at the floor with a hopeful expression. "Huh??"

"Are you going to stay here silly?" She smiled. I could tell it was fake, but could he.

"B-but I.....I.."

"Yeah, I remember everything. But you didn't try to Metri."

"Oh Bella, I love you so much." He ran and swept her up into a big hug. I could tell it hurt her, but she wouldn't let that be known. Demetri put her back on the ground.

"I love you too. Go wait in the car for me please."

He nodded and sis what she told him to do.

"I really want to thank you Cullens." She said with a small amount of feeling.

"You can't be seriously going back to him Bella! He almost killed you!" Alice whined.

"He also saved my life. It was an accident. I have forgiven I hope to do you someday."

Those little words made me smile.

"Bella..." I started.

"Don't." She cut me off. Bella's eyes met each of ours and she smiled, nodded once, then left. Jane was right behind her.

We heard the car pull off out of the driveway.

"I think she's beginning to forgive us." Carlisle said with a smile.

"I think so too." I smiled myself and went upstairs to my room. I sure as hell hope so.

© 2009 Lady Miyako-san of the West

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Added on August 31, 2009
Last Updated on August 31, 2009


Lady Miyako-san of the West
Lady Miyako-san of the West

Forks, WA

I am a young inspired writer who is striving for success!!! I don't do fancy and I don't do fake. I am me and I always will be, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it, so deal with it!.. more..
