Chapter 10 The Halloween Dance

Chapter 10 The Halloween Dance

A Chapter by KLH

The night Scarlet's been waiting for


As the week went by the girls couldn't believe the guys asked them to the dance. Before they knew it they were dress shopping. The night of Halloween came, the girls were in Scarlet's room getting ready for the guys who would be there in 30 minutes.

“Oh my god, this is going to be fun!” Luna said as she applied her make-up.

Scarlet and Rose were helping each other lace up their corsets. The Halloween dance had a Mascaraed theme this year and each girl had a beautiful dress with a corset top. Luna had a long white dress with black details, her mask was black and white with black feathers at the top, her corset had one strap that crossed over to the other shoulder.

Rose had a dark purple dress with black details that looked like it was torn off right above the knee, she had torn up fishnet stockings, her mask was purple and black with black feathers on each side fanned out, her corset was strapless.

Lastly Scarlet had on a red hi-low dress with black details. Her mask was red and black with some feathers on top and black silk strips on each side, her corset tied around her neck. She wore black opaque tights.

All three of them stood up and looked into the mirror “Girls, tonight is going to be wild” Rose said as she put her arms around Scarlet and Luna pulling them into a hug. They were pulled from the hug by the sound of the doorbell, the guys were here. “Girls! Your dates are here!” Scarlet's mom called up to them. The three made their ways down the steps and stared in awe at the boys.

They were all in very hansom tuxedos, Damon had a blue shirt on, black tie, black vest, black overcoat and a blue mask, his hair flowed down his shoulders like a stained waterfall. Talon had a green shirt on, a black tie hung loose around his neck along with a green mask, his usual Mohawk was slightly combed back. Lastly Salem had on a brown shirt with a black bowtie and brown mask, his hair in his normal braid. As the girls approached them they noticed how awe struck they were as well.

After Scarlet's mom got a load of pictures and her dad formally met Damon, the boys escorted the girls out to Talon's van. Talon and Rose sat up front, Luna and Salem sat in the middle row and Scarlet and Damon sat in the back. Shortly they arrived at the school. Talon parked the van and the guys got out to help the girls out. As the three got to the gym trying to ignore the looks and stares they got, the boys gave the principle who was ushering the dance the tickets and headed in.

The gym was decorated with black and orange balloons and streamers, a few plastic bats and pumpkins, some ghosts and skeletons, some fake blood and even a fake head in the punch bowl, they did alright Scarlet thought.

“This is amazing!” Luna said as she held Salem's hand.

        “Yeah you got to admit they did pretty good” Rose said, arm in arm with Talon.

        “I think they could have used more body parts here and there” Damon stated as he held Scarlet's hand ever so gently causing her to blush. They all agreed with Damon on the body parts and Talon stated he could win any one in an arm joust, the six laughed and Scarlet knew this night was going to be fun

        After a few dances and a few cups of punch everyone started to unwind. Scarlet and Damon sat on the bleachers and watched Luna and Salem slow dance, and Rose and Talon attempting to put a fake rat in the punch bowl “You know they couldn't be more perfect for each other” Scarlet said with a smile.

“You know; I was thinking the same thing. But about us” Damon said as he grabbed Scarlet's hand, putting an arm around her shoulders “It’s a bit stuffy in here, let go outside for some fresh air” he said with a smile that could charm a snake. The two walked out of the gym and out onto the school track, the cool October air was soothing on Scarlet's skin. The two sat down at one of the picnic tables “It's a beautiful night isn't it” Scarlet said as she huddled closer to Damon.

“Not as beautiful as you, my fallen angel” he said as he kissed forehead. Scarlet blushed bright red from both what he said and what he did. Most of the night the two spent their time getting lost in each other’s eyes.

        As the night went on Scarlet and Damon, Luna and Salem, and Rose and Talon danced up a storm whether it be slow or not. It was the second to the last dance of the night, it was a slow one and Damon decided to take it so he grabbed Scarlet and brought her onto the dance floor. He took her hand in his and placed an arm around her waist. He looked into her eyes and she looked into his and at that moment Damon could have sworn he saw a sparkle in her eyes. The two danced like they were each in sync with one another. ‘Kiss her you fool!’ he thought as he slowly leaned in. Scarlet couldn't believe what was about to happen she closed her eyes ready for it to happen. Damon was inches’ way until something caught his eye. It was the full moon shining down through one of the sky lights in the gym, ‘Wait the full moon was tonight!?’ Damon panicked in his mind. “Damon? Is everything Ok?” Scarlet asked when she noticed he withdrew.

“Y-yeah, I have to use the bathroom, be right back” he said as he kissed her on the cheek instead.

Scarlet was wondering what was going on, she sat on the bleachers waiting for Damon. Luna and Salem were on the other side of the gym and Rose and Talon had gotten caught with the fake rat and was getting talked to by the principle. Alone. Scarlet thought.


        In the bathroom Damon was freaking out ‘OH GOD! WHY TONIGHT!’ He screamed in his mind, he had his mask off and was splashing water into his face. ‘Stay calm stay calm...’ Damon could feel his gut twisting and turning, he had to stay calm, he locked the door so no one could get in, and retreated back over to the counter. As he looked in the mirror he was horrified at what he was looking at, not him but above him, a sky light was open and soon the full moon illuminated the bathroom. Damon fell to his knees as the power of a demon army scourged through him. His tattoos gave off a merciful heat that soon burned though his shirt and jacket. The sound of cloth ripping, and the tile floor cracking filed his ears ‘damn it…’ he thought as he gave one last glimpse in the mirror what he saw made him fill with rage.

Scarlet was still sitting on the bleachers waiting for Damon ‘He’s been in there a long time...’ she thought as she swished around the last bit of punch she had in a cup, looking down at the ground she thought ‘What did I do wrong?’ she let out a big sigh.  Suddenly the ground shook and the sound of a wall smashing filled her ears. Dust filled the air. Scarlet coughed as some of it filled her lungs she desperately looked around for Damon "Damon! (Cough) WHERE ARE YOU! (Cough)" she searched though all the smoke and dust until her eyes locked on something...something big. All she could see was a shadow but she could tell what it looked like. It had to be 8ft tall, it had large wings, very muscular, and had horns on its head. As the smoke and dust cleared she could see it more clearly, Scarlet's jaw fell to the floor. The thing she was looking at had ice blue tattoos going up both arms, and Scarlet could only get a glimpse at the cross like tattoos on the inside of his wrists. "Damon..." Scarlet said at a whisper. She just stood there looking at him ‘What is he? H-how did that happen!?’ she thought to herself. Just then she saw him look at her, she could see the sadness in his eyes, and heard him say "I'm so sorry..." but his mouth didn't move he just kept staring at her, he then looked down and in one quick move he spread his wings and took off smashing though the roof.

Scarlet couldn't believe what had just happened, in all the mayhem she managed to find Salem and Luna “I have to go! I need to find Damon!” Scarlet said as she turned to the back exit of the gym.

“Scarlet no! That thing is still out there it’s not safe!” Luna yelled at her. Scarlet desperately wanted to yell back at her saying ‘That thing is Damon!’ but she promised him she would never tell. “I'm sorry! But...I have to find him...I just have to!” and with that Scarlet left.

Now that she was outside a thought popped up in her mind that made her come to a halt. 'Where would Damon be?!' Scarlet thought and thought until she managed to think something up 'I have to try it…it’s my only option' she said at a whisper and ran full speed towards the woods.

After about 10 minutes of running Scarlet finally came to the tree line of the woods, slowly she walked in trying to take in every sound hoping one of them would be Damon. Soon she came to small pond, illuminated by the full moon. She ducked behind a tree when she heard a voice, the voice had the same Romanian accent Damon did, but this voice was deeper and demonic. Slowly she looked from the tree and saw the same demon that was at the dance. Damon. He had ice blue tattoos going up his arms and legs, he had long sharp teeth, and claws, his hair was a bit longer at his hip now. “Why?! How could I do that to her!? To the one that I hold so close to my heart… why!?” she heard him cry in a demonic voice. 'she probably hates me now...seeing me like this probably jolted her mind into thinking that being near me was a bad idea...' Scarlet could have sworn she heard him say that, but his lips weren't moving and it was in his normal voice. The next thing she knew she heard a soft muffled sobbing sound, again she looked and saw Damon on his knees sobbing over a tree stump “Damn it......DAMN IT!!!!!” he yelled and with one swing of his hand the stump went flying. Scarlet held back a yelp and hid back behind the tree 'I just wish I could have kissed her before all this happened...' again Scarlet heard Damon say in his normal voice.

She couldn't take any more, she gathered up all her strength, courage, and sanity to step out from behind the tree, slowly walking out from the tree line “D-Damon...?” she said. As soon as she said his name his head jolted up and complete shock was on his face soon turning into complete sadness, slowly he turned his head away and stared at the ground. 'No... Please don't feel that way...please...' Scarlet said in her mind as a ping of sadness arose in her…'Where did this…feeling come from?' she said in her mind as she slowly walked to Damon who was still on his knees “D-Damon...” she asked again, he looked up and saw that she was right in front of him now “P-please...don't feel this way, I don't hate you, and I don't think it’s a bad idea to be around you...I love being around you...” Damon saw the look in her eyes and started to feel even sadder ' would know I said that? I only thought it' he thought to himself. 'Damon I love you, please it hurts me to see you so sad...I just want to make you feel better' Damon heard Scarlet say but he was looking right at her and her lips didn't move...what’s going on? “Scarlet...I heard you say something...but your lips didn't move...” Damon said as he saw her blush.

“Y-you heard w-what I s-said in my m-mind?”

Damon nodded

“Damon...back in the gym I heard you say 'I'm so sorry...' but your lips didn't move. Did you say that in your mind?”

He nodded again.

“Damon. What’s going o-” Scarlet said as she placed a hand on Damon's leg, she was cut off and at that moment Scarlet started to glow a blueish glow, as for Damon he started to glow red. What they each didn't know was they had just swapped emotions, thoughts, and feelings for one another. As the glowing stopped Scarlet’s legs gave out, Damon quickly caught her and the two rested on the ground. They looked into each other’s eyes “ are the one for me...and it means more than you think” Damon said, brushing hair out of her face “You see once someone of my species finds their other half on the first full moon of their friendship or what we call the sealing of the bond, if the other comes in contact after the changing, so what I went through in the gym, instantly their emotions, thoughts, and feelings are transferred from one another. Scarlet, we felt each other’s feelings, thought each other’s thoughts...and if we are happy, agree, and give each other consent then the final bond can be made and sealed...once the high council approves and the seal will last till death do them part” Scarlet sat there looking up at Damon with the most blank stare.

“Scarlet. Are you happy with what I thought?” he asked as he stared into her eyes

“Yes. I am, and a-are you happy with what I thought?” a hint of blush was on her cheeks

“I am” Damon gave a small smile in return made Scarlet smile.

“So how is the final bond formed and sealed?” she asked him

“In order to form and seal the final bond, the two must have full trust in one another” Damon said

Scarlet's cheeks got red hot “A-and how is the bond sealed?”

“With a kiss...that is why I was about to kiss you back at the dance...” Damon got a little pink. “ you trust me?”

“I do Damon” she said as she smiled up at him, he stroked her cheek “Damon you have the softest touch…”

“Only for you my fallen angel” he said as he brought her up into a kiss. The two felt a spark when their lips touched. She wrapped her arms around him and he held her in his arms. In that moment nothing else mattered, because two lost souls finally found one another. For the first time in hundreds of years, a Celestial has bonded with a Human.

© 2016 KLH

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Added on February 4, 2016
Last Updated on February 4, 2016
Tags: Short story, Fantasy, Celestial, Demon



Seattle, WA

Hello, my name is Kayla Lovell Hitchcock. I am a young, passionate artist. I do what I want and love doing it. An Earth without Art would just be Eh. "You have to be odd to be number one" - Dr... more..

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