

A Chapter by Pugtaco

Will woke up laying on a cement floor. He got up and looked at his surroundings. There was a mattress on the floor and a steel toilet. The one thing that standee out was the dead body. It was a body of a police officer, no wounds in sight. Will screamed in horror. He had no idea how he got here. The last thing he remembered was going to bed. Will turned to the bars on the door. Outside, there were dead bodies, most of them employees, and there were some prisoners out there. Will questioned their sanity. One looked like he was eating a body. Will shuddered at the thought. An inhuman scream came from one of the cells.
Will was determined to get out. He kicked at the bars and begged the prisoners to help him. No one paid attention to him.

Will then heard someone clear his throat outside. Will turned around to see a short man in a prison outfit looking at him. Will's hope lifted.
"Can you let me out?" Will asked. The man spoke.
"Your safer in there than out here. Most of the employees are dead or are being picked off one by one. "
Will was confused. Picked off one by one?
"Who's killing them? Where am I?" Will asked.
The man motioned him to come near. Will obeyed. The man smiled, and before Will can do anything, he stabbed Will in the shoulder with a syringe. Will staggered back and fell down. His vision blurred.
"Be careful what you wish for," The man said," You might just get it..."

© 2016 Pugtaco

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This is definitely a great beginning to a story. The atmosphere is dark and cryptic, evoking mystery as well as a sense of horror. Amnesia is a typical thing to give the protagonist, but I feel in this situation that it will work fine. There is one thing in the fourth sentence: I think you meant to say "stood" instead of "standee". The ending is effective because it wants the reader to figure out what on Earth is going on. Great work so far!

Edit: Oh yeah, this story (and title) remind me of a game called Outlast that took place in an asylum. If it's based on that, then I'm really excited!

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 25, 2016
Last Updated on October 25, 2016



Denver, CO

Former writer but got kicked. more..

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