Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(The next day)

Noble wakes up first to make sure the area is secure before moving about the safe house freely.

He sees the house is safe and wakes everyone else up.

Noble: Ok guys let’s get our gear and get back to HQ ASAP.

They come out of the house, lock the door and get into the car they used the day before and pull off. They get back on the main highway back to HQ when Artemis notices that it has been awfully quiet during the drive so far.

Minerva while driving the car looks and sees Artemis’ nervous look through the rear view mirror.

Minerva: Artemis what’s bothering you?

Artemis: Its way too quiet here something’s wrong.

Noble: Yeah, I see what you mean. Keep an eye out everyone! We could be heading into an

The squad stays on high alert for 75 more miles when Juno notices that there are people appearing ahead of them with Assault Rifles and Pistols.

Juno: Stop the f*****g car!

They exit the car, take cover on the rear of their car and ready their weapons.

Minerva: How many people do you count Juno?

Juno: I count 15 people and their coming fast!!

Minerva: Alright drop’em!

Juno kills 4 four of the enemies and then takes cover to make sure she has enough ammo left. Then Minerva aims and kills 3 more of them then she takes cover. Artemis gets from behind the car and takes cover behind a destroyed fire truck. She peeks out then gets back behind cover. She steps out from behind the fire truck and fires upon the hostiles. She kills another 3. Then Noble ready’s his pistol and peeks his head out from the side of the trunk of their car. He then steps out and fires upon them also. He kills the last 5 remaining enemies.
Noble surveys the area. He sees that they have eliminated all hostiles.

He turns to his team to check if everyone’s alright.

He bends down to check if Minerva is ok. She shakes her head yes. He then checks on Juno.

He bends down and puts his arm around her.

Noble: You ok Cyara?

Juno: Yeah im fine.

Noble then rubs her shoulder then walks away sensing Juno’s shock and speak to Athena.

Noble: Brit, tell Cyara’s father to meet us at the front door, she’s shook up.

Athena: Ok Yaz ill tell em.

Noble: Thanks brit.

Athena: No problem Yaz.

Noble then walks over to Artemis and puts his arm around her also.

Noble: You ok Charlene?

Artemis: Yeah im fine Yahzeya thanks for asking.

Noble: No problem Charlene, im always here for you guys.

They gather themselves together and get back into the car.

(Five Hours Later)

Noble: Brit we’re inbound get her father ready.

Athena: Will do.

They arrive at their headquarters in Pennsylvania. As Athena said Juno’s father was waiting for her at the front gate. They both embrace each other in their arms.

Noble walks up to Juno’s father

Noble: How are you doing Mr. Jaramillo? (Holds out hand)

Rep. Jaramillo: Pretty good son, head on inside we have new gear to give to you guys.

Noble: Right away Mr. Jaramillo.

Minerva and Artemis walk through the halls of their headquarters until they reach the

Weapons Development Wing. They see Athena standing with a scientist.

Noble: Hey Britt.

Artemis: Hey Britt.

Minerva: Hey Brit

Athena: Hey guys. I heard about what happened is she going to be ok?

Noble: Yeah she’s tougher than you think she’ll pull through.

Athena: Good to hear.

The scientist pulls out an Assault Rifle and puts it on the table.

Scientist: Ok guys what we have here is a heavily modified version of a M4 Assault Rifle.

Noble: What’s new about it?

Scientist: I have modified it to fire .50 Caliber bullets, upgraded your ACOG Scopes, extended your laser sight and flashlights battery life, improved the recoil so you won’t have too much jump when you fire it, I have also improved your suppressors and invented these.

(Scientist hands them touch screen phones)

Minerva: What are these supposed to do?

Scientist: These are small targeting systems for the stealth UAV Athena uses to help you
target enemy positions and observe the area before you enter it.

(Juno walks into the room)

Noble: How you holding up Cyara?

Juno: Better.

Scientist: Ah miss Jaramillo good to see you, your cohorts will tell you what I have just given them and explain how they work.

The scientist walks out the room and the squad explains what the scientist has upgraded and what new gadgets he has given them.

Juno: I swear he’s underpaid.

Minerva: I know right.

Noble: Seriously. Guys firing range, 30 minutes lets test out these new guns.

The squad agrees and heads to the firing range.

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

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A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel