Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

They eventually reach a fairly sized complex

Noble plans their infiltration route

Noble: Ok Cyara take Brit and Charlene with you and scout for an entrance. Me and Allie will provide Overwatch.

Juno: Fine.

Juno Athena and Artemis start sneaking towards the facility and Minerva starts talking to

Noble while they look through their scopes

Minerva: So what happened last night?

Noble: Do you mean?

Minerva: Dude c’mon you can’t hide moans of pleasure.

Noble: Oh that. I don’t wanna talk about it.

Minerva: Dude just tell me cause as far as what I was hearing last night she may be pregnant.

Noble: F**k ok fine. We had sex alright? Happy now?

Minerva: Alright. How did it start?

Noble: Well don’t go invading my privacy now!

Minerva: (Scoffs) Dude we’ll eventually find out later.

Noble: I’ll tell you when we’re done here.

Minerva: You better keep your word.

Noble: Yeah whatever.

Juno: Ok we’ve found an entrance.

Minerva: Alright go we’ll catch up with you guys.

Noble and Minerva start sneaking into the facility

They find the same entrance Juno and Athena used

They enter and start sneaking around again

Noble talks to Athena through his earpiece

Noble: Where are you?

Athena: A floor above you.

Noble: Gotcha.

Noble and Minerva see a staircase nearby and go up one flight

Juno: Pssst over here.

Minerva and Noble walk over to them

Rep. Jaramillo speaks to them through their earpieces

Rep. Jaramillo: Are you in?

Noble: Yeah send it.

Rep. Jaramillo: Your objective is to find the head of the government in the complex and kill him.

Noble: Simple enough. We’ll get it done.

Rep. Jaramillo: Alright call back when it’s done.

Noble: Roger.

The squad sneaks through the hallways of the complex and starts looking for their target

After a 20 minute search Juno finds their target behind a door

Noble: Alright stack up.

The squad takes up positions at the door

Noble: 1, 2, 3!

The squad breaks open the door and confirms their target

Noble: Sorry mister.

Noble shoots him with his suppressed pistol and their targets lifeless body falls over

Noble: Alright it’s done lets go.

The squad try’s to sneak out of the complex but gets caught by a guard

He immediately sounds an alarm

Noble shoots the guard in the head and the squad proceeds to run

They run into heavy resistance down a hall

They take cover

Noble: Well looks like we have to unfuck ourselves out of this.

Athena: So what are we going to do?

Noble: Im thinking.

Noble: I got it! Did anybody pack a flashbang?

Artemis: Yeah I got one.

Noble: Toss me it.

Artemis tosses her flashbang to Noble

Noble: Everybody look away from the hall!

The squad does so

Noble arms the flashbang and throws it down the hall

It detonates and a big white light flashes in the hall and disorientates their enemies

The squad leaves from their cover and kills the enemies

The run towards a set of windows and jump out of them

Noble jumps out first

He lands safely on the ground and rolls after to absorb the shock

Athena jumps after him and does the same except she twists her ankle

Noble helps her up while the other jump of the windows

They all run into a nearby forest and hide there for a few hours

They wait out search teams sent to capture them and head back to their safe house

They discuss what happened

Artemis: So uh I think we have to right to ask… WHAT THE F**K JUST HAPPENED WE ALMOST GOT KILLED!

Noble: How the f**k am I supposed to know!? We don’t exactly have the UAV to help us so
how were we supposed to know there was a f****n army waiting for us when the alarm was

Artemis: Jesus Christ I don’t know we could have found out if we would have done some Recon beforehand!

Noble: Well f**k nobody didn’t think of that when we were sneaking around did we?

Artemis stays quiet

Noble: Exactly.

Juno: He does have a point Charlene.

Artemis: I know I just wasn’t expecting to run into that mess.

Noble: I understand. Next time we’ll Recon the place beforehand.

Artemis: Alright.

Noble walks over to her and hugs her

Noble stops hugging her and steps away

Noble: Alright. I gotta call Cyara’s dad real quick.

Noble finds Rep. Jaramillo’s frequency

Noble: Alright it’s done.

Rep. Jaramillo: Good job Sigma that’s one down 3 more to go. You’ll start back up tomorrow.

Noble: Ok.

Noble: Alright guys we have to do this two more times then it’s over.

Juno: Are you serious? Two more f*****g times?

Noble: Hey if it were up to me we would go back home.

Juno: Fine ill deal with it.

Noble: Alright. Everybody get some sleep.

Everybody heads to their rooms and goes to sleep.

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

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A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel