Chapter 7

Chapter 7

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(The next day)

Everybody gets up makes themselves a breakfast from military rations in the kitchen

They start making a conversation

Artemis: So what do you think will happen today?

Minerva: We’ll probably have to go through an army to get our target.

Artemis: You think so?

Minerva: Well who ever we’re going to kill today had to have heard all the noise last night.

Artemis: True but you never know.

Noble: Charlene has a point. Whoever we’re going to kill today is probably miles away so there’s a high chance they didn’t hear it or see it.

Rep. Jaramillo calls them

Rep. Jaramillo: Alright. Today if you choose, you can take out both targets in one go or wait till the next day to kill the last person. What do you choose?

Noble: Guys it’s up to you, either way we get it done.

The discuss it for a few minutes

Noble: Alright we’ll take out both.

Rep. Jaramillo: Ok target one is located 4 miles southwest from you and target two is 7 miles
northeast. Call back when you’re done.

Noble: Ok.

Noble: Alright people we gotta big day ahead of us we gotta split into teams of two to get it done quicker.

Noble: Me and Athena will team up.

Juno: Fine. Me, Artemis and Minerva will team up.

Noble: Alright. Whenever you’re ready you’re free to go.

Juno’s team sets out first

Noble and Athena leave a few minutes after them

On Noble and Athena’s travel they start conversing

Athena: So Yaz I gotta surprise.

Noble: You’re pregnant?

Athena: Yup.

Noble: That’s out-f*****g-standing.

Athena: I see you’re not happy about that.

Noble: I’m happy but look at the s**t we’re in. It’s not the time.

Athena: I know but I’m pretty sure you can keep us safe.

Noble: That’s not the point.

Athena: Then what is it?

Noble: What if we get into heavy s**t out there and you’re perfectly fine but the little life in your womb isn’t? Then what?

Noble: I couldn’t sleep at night knowing that.

Athena: Don’t worry about that.

Noble: Alright, but if our child gets harmed in any way… I will kill you.

Athena: Deal.

(Shift over to Juno’s team)

Minerva: So, Brittany might be pregnant.

Artemis: Really?

Minerva: Yep.

Juno: And how would you know?

Minerva: Are you shitting me!? You didn’t hear those moans and screams the other night?

Juno: Apparently.

Minerva: Well f**k…

Artemis: Can’t say I can blame ‘em. When was the last time we were with a guy?

Minerva: True.

Artemis: Gotta get what you can get right.

Juno: I guess.

Minerva: Speaking of that… Can’t wait to get back stateside.

Artemis: (Laughs) Allison, you crack me up.

Juno: I just can’t wait till we can get back home.

Artemis: Yeah I feel you.

(Shift back to Noble and Athena)

Noble: F**k that was a long walk.

Athena: Well what do you expect for seven miles?

Noble: True.

Noble contacts Juno to see if she has reached their target

He finds out they do

Noble: Alright. Radio silent this mission. We don’t want the enemy to know who we are.

Juno: Roger WILCO.

(Juno in background)

Juno: Guys radio silent.

Artemis: Copy.

Noble and Athena scout the perimeter for exits and escape routes

Noble: Alright if things go haywire we’ll jump out the windows like we did the other night but we’ll throw a smoke grenade after to mask our escape.

Athena: Copy that.

Noble and Athena start sneaking around the perimeter

Noble: F**k me.

Athena: What?

Noble: They have a f****n’ tank.

Athena: What models?

Noble: An M1 Abrams and a f****n T-90.

Athena: Holy s**t.

Noble: Yeah. Pistols only silence is key.

Athena: Alright.

(Shift over to Juno’s team)

Juno: Alright. Allison, Charlene go sneak up to the fence.

Artemis: F**k that!

Juno: Why?

Artemis: Remember what happened last night?

Juno: Good point. Alright me and Allie will scout first.

Artemis: Good.

Juno looks through her scope and takes note of how many sentries are posted and what kind of weapon they are carrying

Juno: Alright. Seems pretty light. They’re carrying AK-47’s and pineapples.

Juno: Ok now Allie, Charlene sneak up to the fence, ill provide overwatch.

Artemis: WILCO.

Artemis and Minerva sneak up to the fence

Artemis: (whispers) Juno we got a guy in front of us take em out.

Juno: I can’t

Artemis: Why the f**k not.

Juno: No suppressor.

Artemis: Are you f*****g joking?

Juno: No.

Artemis: Well f**k me sideways.

Artemis takes out her knife and walks up behind the sentry. She holds the knife to his throat and slits it open. She drags the body out of sight.

Artemis: Cyara, remind me later to slap the s**t out of you.

Juno: Yeah whatever.

(Shift back to Athena and Noble)

Noble: Alright let’s get this guy.

Noble and Athena continue sneaking through the enemy facility

Athena sights an enemy guard

Athena: Yaz I got one.

Noble: I’ll take ’em.

Noble sneaks up behind the guard and put him in a chokehold. The guard passes out. Noble drags the body out of sight.

Noble: Alright let’s move.

Noble and Athena make their way inside the facility

They eventually make their way inside the main building

They find their targets room

Athena: Here it is.

Noble: Alright moment of truth.

Noble counts down on his fingers. They breach the door and find no one to be inside.

Suddenly, Noble and Athena are knocked out from behind them

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel