Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel

(30 Minutes Later At The Firing Range)

Noble raises his new M4

Noble: Ok guys we’ve all played Battlefield and Call of Duty and we all know we have never
seen what a real .50 Caliber bullet can do.

Noble aims his Rifle downrange. He breathes in through his nose, exhales and fires at the piece of plywood. Noble admires how much the recoil has been reduced.

The squad admires how much damage can be done with it.

Minerva: Wow he really is underpaid.

Noble: Ok people now we know we can’t just go in with Assault Rifles anymore we don’t have a choice but to carry a Pistol with us in order to keep missions in stealth mode when necessary.

Juno: Don’t have to tell me twice.

The squad walks out of the weapons range.

Noble walks into his section of the headquarters where he, his dad and mother share it.

Rep Yoel: Hello son. How was the mission?

Noble: Not too bad, Cyara and Charlene were a bit shaken about an ambush we ran into out
there but other than that it wasn’t too shabby.

Ms. Yoel: Well it’s good to hear you’re safe son.

Noble: If you guys don’t mind, im going to bed.

Ms. Yoel and Rep. Yoel: Good Night.

Noble goes to his room, takes off his battle gear and lies down in his bed. He starts to fall
asleep. He eventually falls asleep and starts to dream.

(In Nobles Dream)

He dreams back to when he first joined Sigma Squad.

He sees Athena at one of his training simulations. They are both instructed to go through a
battlefield situation as swift as possible.

Athena goes first.

At the sound of the bell she storms into the course with her M4 in hand and picks off 4 of the enemy dummies. She moves up further into the course without losing a beat. While moving up the course she switches to her Pistol and fires upon more enemy dummies. She reaches the end of the course in 2:35:00.

After she exits the course, Noble takes his place at the Starting Point.

At the sound of the bell Noble storms into the course using only his pistol and takes out 10 enemy dummies with the same Magazine and takes cover to reload his Pistol. He jumps right back out of cover and takes out the rest of the enemy dummies and finishes in a time of 1:55:29.

He walks out of the course and smirks at Athena.

Juno then walks in walks towards the starting point.

Noble recognizes Juno and waves to her before she starts. She sticks up her middle finger
and waits for the alarm to start to course.

Noble yells “B***h!” in retaliation.

The alarms rings, Juno pulls out her knife and stabs each of the dummies just as they pop up. She casually walks through the course taking out all the dummies as they pop. She walks across the finish line with a time of 50 seconds.

Juno walks off the course and walks towards Noble.

Juno: What was that now Yahzeya?

Noble: Ok you got me you’re quick I’ll give you that.

(The scoreboard in the background changes Noble’s and Juno’s times and positions)

They hug each other.

Noble: Wow how long has it been?

Juno: Too long my friend, too long.

© 2012 Yahzeya Yoel

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Added on September 2, 2012
Last Updated on September 2, 2012


Yahzeya Yoel
Yahzeya Yoel

Staten Island, NY

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel


A Chapter by Yahzeya Yoel