Lloyd Tenebrae Pacific -Informative- B.Light

Lloyd Tenebrae Pacific -Informative- B.Light

A Chapter by Slaynoir

Lloyd Tenebrae Pacific is the main protagonist in the SciFi/Fantasy story of B.Light


Character Reference Sheet 1.6

Last Updated was 6/20/20


a. Age: 27

b. Name: Lloyd Tenebrae Pacific

c. Alias/Handle: 'Tenabae' (Ten-Ah-Bay)/ Code Name 'Umbrian Moth'

d. Gender: Male

e. Religion: N/A

f. Birthplace: Ashengard

g. Date of Birth:

h. Death-place (if at all):

i. Date of Death (if at all):

j. Gender Orientation: Heterosexual

k. Power Element Affinity: Ro'tulaa (Death)


Biological Information


a. Ht: 5’8

b. Lb: 165

c. Mother: Unknown

d. Father: Unknown

e. Siblings: N/A

f. Children: N/A

g. Marriage: N/A

h. Friends: Yael, Ansen Parkes, Kurt Monarch, Helena Morrigan, Arlene Argent, Hazel Nierono, Martimus Familiu'saa, Lee Glyph, Zeus Opal'aa

i. Enemies: The Skinners' Guild

j. Related to Who: N/A


Physical Traits


a. Eyes: Light purple with a faint gold circlet around the outside of pupils

b. Skin: Light

c. Body Type: Slender, not strong, but not thin either

d. Scars: ‘Long vain like slashes’ from his wrists to his elbows

e. Other: Has dark blueish/black hair that has white hairs from the back of the neck to the middle of the back of his head, that is usually well groomed

f. Unusual Notes of Interest: The lines that appear to be scars on his arms are not actually thought to be scars, but they don’t seem to be birthmarks either. He doesn’t really pay them any heed, but they tend to ‘stick-out’ like blood veins when he’s emotional or agitated. They are hardly visible and only upon close inspection can actually be seen. The 'veins' wrap around his wrist, to the tops of his arm, and to the joints of his elbows. They're not very visible unless emotional and a very special select few know why they appear/are a part of Lloyd. They turn 'black' and 'glow' when his Power abilities are in use.


Mental Traits


a. Month and Year Traits:

b. Persona (Major): While not overall outstanding in any particular trait of character, he does have a rye sense of humor and is very blunt, but typically too dense to notice much of anything alluding towards romantic interest or anything of the kind, that isn’t obvious to him. He’s sometimes needs a bit more of an explanation to help him understand confusing situations. He also tends to act first and think later. One wouldn’t assume this however given his position as a secretary for a large corporation firm. His raw talent for analyzing data seems to out weigh his usual dull sense of perception around him and proves to be useful in more than one situation he ends up getting involved with.

There are times, on the rare occasion, his eccentric nature shines through, revealing a very morbid but curious person that is more than willing to lend his intelligence (despite him being less than intelligent than he jokes to be; he’s quite smart in a tight spot).

c. Persona (Minor): While he is clumsy, unsure of himself and down right dense, he isn’t actually any of these things privately. His issue to balance his anxiety brings out the worst parts of his personality. In the back of his mind he is always struggling to master controlling his instinctive drive for understanding and curiosity. While outwardly he seems incompetent and rather childish, he has dark thoughts about himself and those around him. These thoughts are few and in-between, but they arise out of random moments to which he quickly dispels from feeling anything for. They can be rather violent or even somewhat strangely nostalgic.

Though he oddly is indifferent in more than one factor towards these thoughts, as they seem rather, put there, and not of his own actions. He cannot explain why, but, it’s almost as if he feels like he has experienced these ‘memories’ and ‘thoughts’ second hand, but not he himself doing so, in those particular situations.

d. Trauma: Despite not having any kind of family or stable relationship with his multiple foster parents when he was younger, he isn’t really any worse for the ware, but he does hide some serious emotional dysfunctions. His emotional fluctuations mainly come from his own thoughts and feelings and no other sort of trigger causes them. Thus his often ‘dense’ comments, as he cannot seem to fully grasp things that are not of his understanding, at the time.

He’s quite timid in more than one way, but is friendly and open to those he slowly, very carefully, comes to trust. While his upbringing wasn’t very child-friendly, he never experienced anything that could be considered inhumane or ‘doubtful’ of those he encountered. He was bounced around a lot from home to home, but not because of his nature or even his actions. For some reason, those that took care of him always seemed to have an air of distrust or even coldness he never really understood the reason behind them for. No one wanted him for very long for some reason or another. He became inwardly closed off to feelings of personal attachment to others or things, in this sense.

Truth be told, his only personal hindrance is that of being left to his own thoughts and feelings without consult of others his own age or those with emotional value at the time. Thus he became distant with anyone he came into contact with, eventually keeping emotions he didn’t always ‘find the right reason for’ crop up in times of annoyance or confusion. While he experiences are on a fairly sympathetic line of right and wrong, he isn’t shy to state opinions, be they his own or what he assumes to be correct. This line of thinking has gotten him negative attention more than once. But it was attention, so he finds himself drawn to speaking out of ‘line’ with others, be it a rude comment or insensitive bluntly made statement. He doesn’t do this to hurt or have approval of others, it is a habit that gets him in trouble for various things throughout the story.

His judgment isn’t clouded by those he deems less than approving nor those he can confess to believing are true in their statements. He is a bit of a stingy person in matters of Slivers and Human relations, as he seems to be able to understand both ends of the recent political issues of the two ‘races’ but also the public’s actions against Slivers themselves. He finds these acts of crime and hate aimed at the Slivers as disgusting and uncalled for. Though he cannot agree with many things the Slivers are for and against, he doesn’t see any reason that they be treated anything less than a regular human. He keeps these kinds of matters to himself, as it is a very sensitive and sometimes dangerous line of thinking if spoken aloud to the wrong person or groups of people.

e. Nature: While he gives the appearance of being straight forward and lacking the sort of common-sense that’s natural, he is quite reserved and yet also aggressive in his views of right and wrong. He often seems to think in ‘black and white’ terms, where emotion has no stance in the matter at hand. Though he himself is quite emotional on various topics, he refrains from expressing himself, by even holding himself back, as to not make himself stand out of the crowd. Hence his mundane job and despite being a ‘pawn’ he feels no need to be anything more or less than as required by his superiors in the work place. This quickly changes when he is introduced to Yael, and the events shortly after, when he finally begins to see the world for what it is, not just how he sees it being shown according to the mass media.

f. Nurtured: Due to the imbalanced family life of being constantly ‘juggled’ instead of ‘loved’ for, Lloyd grew cold and distant to those around him. He’s aloof and the sometimes piercingly strong comments of his own thoughts and feelings concerning others and his relationship with others, gave him an air of both being distrustful of anyone and an unapproachable sort of emotional wall between himself and those that wish to be more involved. He has done little to make friends and has no real interest in them. He plays off many of these things he does as ‘being uninterested’ or even at worst, ‘uncaring’. As time plays out, his heart resolves his prickly emotions, and a much more fun and carefree attitude shows through.

g. Interests: Very little interests him. He does his routines for daily needs, goes to work, and goes to sleep without any real care for anything that goes on around him. His one weakness however, is the ongoing political dispute over Slivers and human relations and the impact it has for both kinds of societies. He keeps tabs on important events concerning these things and has attended different kinds of conventions in regard to the public’s opinion of the “Sliver Laws” between humans and their ‘kind’. While he has no intentions of having any kind of personal interest with the more radical movements, he watches them closely, through various kinds of media and word of mouth.

Plus, his position is unique in said events, as he is a neutral party in his work place, a rarity among his fellow humans. His job requires this kind of indifference however, as he works with both Sliver and human associates that are carefully observed by various sorts of public enemies, as well as political ‘hounds’, and his only task involving these two parties is exchanging of sometimes sensitive information. He has a surprisingly good idea of what really goes on between the two groups and their affiliates.

h. Dislikes: Lloyd despises being made to be of topic or interest. Yet he draws attention to himself when he makes an outlandish remark or snark to those around him, much to his dismay. He can’t help but express himself at times as he understands much more than the media or public has access to. Though due to this, he is also very cynical and distrustful of those around him. Though he lacks any sort of class of being sly or applying brakes when irked by wrongful opinion. Other than that, he’s content to let the world be itself, and has no real issues with others. Mainly, he dislikes himself and that annoys him greatly.

He would very much like to be able to make a difference, but he accepts that he cannot, and thus, lives mundanely, blissfully ignorant of the pain around him, despite knowing deep down it is wrong to ignore.

i. Fears: Of any fear, he fears his own lack of power to do anything helpful, other than be sort of a messenger, passing one lie, bribe, threat, and contradiction to the next laggard in line. Somewhere he feels he has lost his own sense of belonging, though he sometimes wonders if he really ever did have such a thing to begin with.


Power Abilities


a. Power Strongest Against:

b. Power Weakest Against:

c. Learned Powers:

d. Inherited Powers: The 'Restrict'

e. Resistant Against:


Role in Story


a. Appears in what Story: B.Light (only)

b. Main or Minor Character: Main

c. Relationship to other Main or Minor Characters: Lloyd is particularly stern towards anyone he doesn't know, but still retains a sense of politeness and honesty. While he isn't entirely liked he isn't hated, but some dislike him for his behavior and/or attitude of Sliver related affairs. While the majority fear or see the Sliver people in disdain, he sees them as just people with obvious problematic issues, but still deserve to be treated humanely regardless of their altered self. They were human and are still human, albeit the obvious gene-altered appearance/abilities.

d. Important Situations Involving Character and/or Others: Lloyd lives a boring life. He does mundane tasks and is a messenger, or, a secretary in his job title speaking, between the public eye and those of the Sliver factions. He’s well informed of the issues brewing and of obvious media outlet but does little to really cause any interest of the truth or the lies he sees daily. He keeps his nose out of the dirt and maintains a squeaky-clean slate to assure his daily routines are pristine and any non-interest gathering on his behalf stays that way. Though this is just a facade and a lie to make himself feel better for doing the very said notion above.

Chapter 1 Summery

This all changes when a Sliver by the name of ‘Yael’ appears to have an appointment that is canceled for ‘ungrateful’ reasons. As Slivers, humans that have been forcefully gene-altered by human-caused reasons, are becoming more and more common and have had their rights stripped due to their ‘non-pure-human’ status. Yael is one of these beings known as a Sliver and has been fighting for justice and equality for his ‘people’ for decades. Yet lately, every time he seems to find an open door, another closes in front of it. This particular scenario was no different and he had expected the outcome from the start of his attempts to reach an agreement to raise Sliver awareness to the public.

However, what he did not expect, was Lloyd. Lloyd, being a rather aloof and yet curious person, decided to make small talk with the disgruntled Sliver out of shrewd empathy for Yael’s problem. He had no real reason to speak to the Sliver, nor did he really care either way what was said. Yet upon Yael gazing upon Lloyd's gaze and the strange gold circlet around his pupils; in a manner that he looked at all humans the same, did Yael discover he had a divine opportunity fall right into his lap. Yael, appearing nonplussed by the fact he noticed something different in Lloyd’s eyes, asked a simple question that Lloyd was immediately confused by. This particular question raised the hairs on the back of Lloyd’s neck, as if sensing danger.

“What are you?” Yael asked, which by all means is a simple inquiry of another…yet sounded wrong in more ways than he felt comfortable answering. When Lloyd tries to play off the feeling and asks if Yael meant ‘Who’, Yael gives a rather non-comforting silent stare, as if trying to read Lloyd’s thoughts, trying to pick apart his nature. Greatly bothered by this exchange of words, Lloyd asks if something is wrong, to which the Sliver has an odd reply, being a simple and curt ‘no’, though the Sliver only displays this, and doesn’t actually say it with a typical cold response he's used to.

Yael then proceeds to comment that Lloyd has an unusual eye color among the humans he has met, to which he also makes a note to point out Lloyd seems unlike his other mainly barbaric human brethren. Yael has sensed no hostility nor interest from Lloyd, which is strange, as Yael has something of a sixth sense when reading others. The human has no sort of warmth, only a very bitter cold aura around him.

Lloyd blinks in surprise, as he’s never actual has ever had an actual conversation with a Sliver, even rarer being the fact the Sliver seemed interested, seemed odd and out of place. Plus, he had never been truly complimented by anyone, let alone about his eye color being of difference than others. Lloyd had never actually considered he was different in any way. He also wasn't sure to take the Sliver for real or simply a jest of humor on the other hand.

Yael then makes a startling comment to Lloyd; “You don’t know, do you.” Not even stated as a question, but as a statement, Lloyd feels an odd shift in the Sliver’s tone that he greatly dislikes and begins to feel a strange writhing pain in his body, where the scar-like veins reside. Lloyd maintains his demeanor all the while, while asking if Yael has any further need of assistance. “We will meet again.” Yael says in a quiet whisper and walks away, leaving a mortified Lloyd to chew on his thoughts. Later that same day, he receives a notice that he is being transferred out of state to a new location and job, much to his dismay. Though he has no interest in the change of placement, he cannot deny he needs this job to stay afloat in a difficult time of job finding.

Chapter 2 Summery

While typically in this story's settings people who have a job are in that job for life, the oddity that he would be given a new one was certainly absurd. Someone from the upper crust of society had to have made this happen, which gives rise to even more feverishly worried concerns. Did it have to do with that oddly talkative Sliver? Though he isn't in any position to really ask any further questions, he is approached by another yet curious person a few days later. This person whom he doesn't even get a name out of, tells Lloyd that he is to attend a convention on behalf of the company's board of directors. It seemed meeting and speaking with that Sliver hadn't gone unnoticed and though he couldn't tell if he was being targeted or praised, made to go to this particular convention with the goodwill of his company's upper crust figures.

Though he's obviously baffled by all of these changes and the like, the person who delivered the news, though without a name given, looked oddly familiar. Putting it out of his mind, he prepares for the convention, as it seems to be for a largely anticipated signing of Sliver rights and Human cooperation in doing so. The head of the convention being none other than the same Sliver that seemed have interest in Lloyd. He could literally feel the tension in the air around him while he tried to piece together all of this sudden interest in him. It was something he was not approving of but also a bit odd that anyone would take notice in him to begin with. Sure he said some rude things and done maybe not the best choices in his life, but why now, he couldn't even begin to guess.

Chapter 3 Summery

The day of the five day long convention between figureheads of human society and acolytes of the Sliver people (as they seem to have some sort of practice to send Slivers that are budding into adulthood into situations involving important matters for some reason or another) are gathering the security is at its' highest level and funny enough, being taken place in the building that Lloyd works in as a secretary. The building is a massive skyscraper and one of the tallest in the city of Ashengard. Ashengard on another note is the capital of Thera and where he was actually born. The whole of the convention was to be held on the top floor of the building in the CEO's suite. Lloyd has never taken the time or had the interest to know who anyone is, other than the fact that Yael, the Sliver he met before all of this started to unfold, is heading the talks of the Sliver movements being mentioned in the meeting.

While he assumes himself of no real importance, when he arrives by taxi (as he can't drive very well and it freaks him out, though he does know how to drive) he arrives just before the meeting between Yael and the human figureheads of Ashengard's highest authority are to speak. He feels totally out of place as he seems to stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of the highest most important people of the city and here he is, a lowly secretary among them. Though this may be the case, he is almost instantly hit by a wave of that similar writhing, wriggling feeling of pain under his skin where the scar like veins are located. Determined to ignore the sensation and pass it off as simple nerves, he makes his way to the entrance when he is stopped by a outrageously lavished Sliver by the name of Ded. Appearing to be some sort of fusion of peacock and anaconda humanoid, the Sliver seems to know him by some means.

The Sliver turns out to be a 'he' apparently and was the one responsible for his invitation in the first place. It seemed that Yael was a sort of high status figure in Sliver and human circles and the fact he even took heed of Lloyd was enough to get him attention of higher powers. This Sliver calling itself 'Ded' is curious in Lloyd and seems to know everything there is to know about him: which is squat. Seeing as Lloyd has no outstanding events and the fact he was a foster child seems to fascinate the Sliver. Ded doesn't seem to be able to believe someone of no status was of Yael's interest. Though if that was a good thing or not, he couldn't really tell at this point.

Ded titters on and on about himself and then seems to recall Lloyd standing there silent and in a daze. Ded then requests that Lloyd accompany the Sliver as to not get lost, and as the Sliver's newest curiosity, be dragged around and shown to everyone at Ded's leisure. When Lloyd mentions he wasn't interested in being toyed with, Ded seems even more thrilled with his defiant behavior. He asks if all humans are so honest and direct, to which Lloyd gives a disgruntled sigh in return. For being a high class Sliver, just where was Ded's handler? Sometime after the start of the debate of Sliver rights and human cooperation, Lloyd has been nearly dragged to the top of the tower in hopes that Ded would catch sight of Yael and tell of his wonderful human friend had come. While Lloyd wasn't exactly keen on the whole 'friend' part, seeing what all this fuss was about could at least be somewhat satisfying in terms of his own political viewpoints.

By the time they both arrive, all the while dragging a reluctant Lloyd along the way, Ded tells the human to take a break (even though all they did was go up in a elevator for several minutes to reach the second to last floor on top) in a unoccupied room before they would greet Yael in the backstage after the meeting. Left alone in the spacious room that he could only assume was for attendants to take break in, Lloyd paces the floor, dressed as best as he could, now in the middle of total silence and utter confusion. He checks his watch as what feels like several minutes pass. When the odd Sliver called Ded appears to have either forgotten about Lloyd or maybe got lost himself, he pokes his head out to see into the hallways for any sign of people otherwise not engaged with the meeting.

Scrunching his face in annoyance he goes to return to the room when Ded seems to appear out of thin air behind him, but looks incredibly worse for ware. Ded seems to be awfully ruffled and even somewhat frightened by something. Lloyd's heart feels like it nearly leaps from is chest and asks what the heck Ded has been doing. Ded's only response is 'here is the human' to which Ded shrinks away from another figure that seems incredibly tall and menacing shadow looms over Lloyd. The figure easily stands eight feet tall and Lloyd blinks in total dismay; he was lured here to die for his involvement, was his first thought. His second was being grabbed by the left arm and hoisted to meet the brutish face of some sort of strange mixture of warthog and bear humanoid in the air.

They stare at one another momentarily and the Sliver nods as if it approved of something. Lloyd was dropped heavily back to his feet to which he stumbled and fell down. He sat on the floor in shock, while he watched as Ded was given a large brief case of what he assumed was of some worth inside, and shooed out. Back to the matter at hand, the grizzled creature stared down at him with a snarl-like smile. It merely seems pleased with itself when one of the Sliver's henchmen, from what he could tell, scolded Lloyd to stand up. In haste he quickly scrambles to his feet and his mouth has gone dry. Was this it for him?

The giant figure then motions with a lazy gesture towards Lloyd to which a another Sliver aims something, not quite a weapon looking object but still obviously dangerous, at Lloyd, he feels several stinging pains erupt from his arm and chest as the object has shot a sort of dull but hurtful bullet, seems to have penetrated his body. It made no actual sound like a shot, but it was enough to knock him flat again. Molten like liquid seemed to swarm through his body as the bullets were strong enough to actually go into him, not so much through him like a gun's magazine would. It was a horrible burning feeling as both blood dripped from the syringe like tips of the bullets and whatever was inside the bullets seemed to be injected into him.

He laid on his side as he clutched the stings of red hot heat continue to wash over him as it spread throughout his body. Sweat beaded on his forehead but for some reason, the Sliver that stood taller than any human, turned away from him and went on to give short commands and the word 'Yael' was mentioned, though he was a tad bit in a overwhelming sort of pain as he laid half sprawled on the ground. All but one of the Sliver group had left, leaving one behind to watch Lloyd. What in the heck they were trying to accomplish but simply shooting him but not killing him was beyond him. The rat faced Sliver seemed to chuckle at Lloyd's disposition and Lloyd with his rye sort of humor, goaded the rat Sliver. Not really considering the consequences of this, the rat Sliver simply rolled its beady black eyes and slammed its booted foot on his hand, sending shock-waves of reverberating pain all through his arm.

He screamed out in surprise and pain as solid black vein looking lines appear on the surface of his skin. Just then, Yael appears from somewhere and kicks the rat Sliver with incredible force off of Lloyd. Yael then crouches next to him and looks him over, the black lines vanished but the numbing pain was still there. Yael asks if Lloyd is seriously hurt anywhere to which he grunts a no. Yael gets him into a sitting position and sees the needle tipped bullets sticking out of his arm and chest. Lloyd sits slightly slumped with his head hung as Yael carefully plans his next words. What Lloyd had been injected with was a extreme dose of Trigger, a type of gene-altering black market drug that turned normal people or Slivers into Ravagers. A type of Sliver that explodes in a fiery explosion due to the fact their body temperature is accelerated at a super fast rate to the point of self combustion. Lloyd however, seems to merely be suffering slight vertigo and internal types of aches.

Yael then forces Lloyd to his feet and though clutching his arm to his chest in tight waves of pain, Yael directs Lloyd to stay behind him and try to focus past the pain he was suffering.

Chapter 4 Summery

After a long tedious descent, Yael had jumped out of the top floor of the tower while holding Lloyd as they fell. Luckily for both, Yael was part bird of some sort and was able to carry both himself and the additional weight of the human. They land and he immediately is met by further force to which a few humans appear to dispatch quickly, apparently associated with Yael as well. The three humans take over carrying Lloyd from the bird Sliver and hoist him into a nearby vehicle. From there, Yael tells the humans to get as far away as possible and treat Lloyd's wounds quickly as possible.

Along the way, they're encountered by another group of apparently radical Slivers from the tower and seem interested in taking the human party out. A brief struggle goes on, until Lloyd returns to his senses and is undoubtedly scared beyond his wits at the fighting going on. While the three humans are not attending to Lloyd, he quickly bails out of the vehicle to which the humans seem to not exactly approve of and though he suffers slight scratches and bruises, Lloyd manages to get away into a nearby grove. Absolutely terrified and confused, Lloyd runs blindly from the scene, catching his breath when he finds himself located to a large tunnel with water flowing through it.

With a few thoughts of annoyance, he then doubles over in a yell and clutches his head as a loud ringing sound seems to pound at his temples. He stumbles backwards and falls down just inches away from the rushing water below. He lays with his face to the ground momentarily until the ringing stops and coughs and stutters as he tries to shake his head from the odd resounding ringing he heard. He stops this line of thinking when he sees that his arms are weirdly discolored and black vein like lines have covered most of his arms with strange bulges and ridges under the vein-like black lines. He looks at the strange occurrence with himself and grips at them, feeling a sinewy kind of solid, or like that of a bone or whatnot.

The discolored appearance of his arms alarms him, but the sound of human voices echo throughout the tunnel and he quickly turns his attention to fleeing. He runs to the end of the tunnel in a panic and when a figure from above seems to appear before him as if expecting him, knocking him clear off his feet and unconsciousness hits him.

Chapter 5 Summery

He awakens to a smell like that of sanitizer of the sort used in hospitals. Groggy and still not entirely wanting to accept what had happened, he finds himself hunched over in some sort of device that he then realizes to his dismay, is holding him in place, like that of a bound captive. His arms and legs are situated where as his arms are to his side resting on what he can only guess are armrests but with latches of some sort that are bonded to keeping him from moving about. His legs are similarly bound, except they are together and forcefully made to be held ridged. His next worry is a I.V. Needle that is inserted in his left arm's inner crease. Nothing seems to be in it, but he does notice some kind of black viscus liquid in what he could only recall being used for blood bags when donating blood.

The room is stark white with a single wide mirror that he can tell is double sided as it reflects him in its mirror like appearance. He looks at himself with distaste being all messy and bruised, as a speaker crackles to life that then a familiar voice speaks to him. Yael, yet again, seems to be the issue of his current doings. Lloyd doesn't say anything in response to the Sliver's questions but listens intently instead. Apparently, Yael didn't want things to end this way. However, the events at the convention had forced his hand and made to take extra precaution in his handling of both the Radical group that attacked and Lloyd's injured disposition.

Lloyd asks why he is being confined to a examination room when Yael tells him that it is for both of their safety. For Lloyd, to be observed. For Yael, the observing. Yael admits he took an interest in Lloyd the moment their eyes locked. But he had never accounted just how far the company he worked for would force themselves to rather kill Lloyd than for Yael to have him under his protection. While Lloyd doesn't really agree in any sense of being protected, he doesn't find the fact the company so interested in him at all true. He never did anything enough to upset anyone to threaten his life.

Though Lloyd cannot see Yael's expression, he can tell Yael is slightly amused by his voice. When he asks what is so funny, Yael admits he was simply impressed by how blind Lloyd was to his own fate. A sound of like whirring to life activates to his left, where the object that held the black fluid was kept suspended all the while being attached to his arm via a IV. Lloyd's fear instantly makes him jerk physically, as he had forgotten about the strange object. Yael tells Lloyd that he has to undergo a test to show what he's capable of, for what, he doesn't state.

Lloyd yells at Yael whatever he's doing is against his rights as a human being, to which Yael chuckles in a way that deeply unsettles him.

Chapter 6 Summery

The sound of the machine next to him makes him squirm in his bound situation. Yael seems to no long be interested in speaking to Lloyd as the machine that has been activated seems to be connected to the black fluid, which is starting to be dispensed into the IV without warning. Lloyd tenses and makes sounds of extreme distress as the fluid reaches his arm and begins to dispense whatever the heck it is into him. It felt brutally cold at first as the liquid first started to flow into his veins. He could only watch in total disbelief as the black fluid began to outline his blood veins in stark contrast to his rather pale skin.

He continues to jerk as he feels horribly discomforting and winces as he feels it crawl up his neck. He tries to turn away in vain and grinds his teeth as he can sense the strange coldness work its way into his eyes. A all too familiar pain lances through him as the fluid seems to empty itself and is now fully in his system. He can only breath heavily and make strained sounds of discomfort as the bag full of black liquid is now empty. He blinks as something very wrong besides what's happening, happens. The straps of the chair release unexpectedly and he's free to move now. He blinks in confusion but can't seem to get himself to move either, from his sitting position.

He clutches the arm bars and feels a strong urge to spit up. Nausea wells up inside him as he looks at his arms in disbelief and every blood vein is outlined in perfect detail. So if that's on his arms, he could only imagine how he looked right about now- to which he sees in the mirror and nearly screams. His eyes are totally black save for a slight glowing rings of yellow to which he assumed was around his pupils. Yael's voice crackles over the intercom once again, telling Lloyd to not be too worried about his appearance. It was merely a part of the 'test' that was required to determine his level of 'Taint'. Which apparently, was full blown over the amount thought possible.

He goes to say something when a horrible dry cracking sound like wood being split resounds, which seems to silence even Yael. When he demands to be answered, a wave of bizarre sensations well up from within him and causes him to instinctively jerk back in the chair. He winces again and takes several deep breathes as then he feels something is very wrong with his face, well, his whole body at that. He hears Yael seem to say something in a concerned tone, but Lloyd's perception of himself overwhelmingly takes over every sense he has. He lurches forward in a heaving like pose and squints his eyes tightly, to which he hears something like breaking fabric seem to snap in his hearing. Small but obvious cracks had formed from the veins that where dyed black and had begun to repeat this all over his body.

Something horrible occurred in his mouth where he felt his entire jaw seem to shift, along with his teeth doing something he couldn't quite place. He felt his whole body seem to twitch and shudder as he felt no pain per say, but it certainly wasn't pleasant regardless. Without warning, large white looking protrusions split out of his finger tips like roots seeking water, pure white and hooked, like a hawk's talons. He couldn't much give thought to what he was seeing other than his whole body seemed to fighting against himself as the cracks seemed to begin emitting black smoke. He gripped the arms of the chair tightly, his long talon like nails clicking against the cold steel, making his stomach lurch.

His body wouldn't stop twisting and yanking itself in different directions as he tried to catch his breath, to which he then realized his teeth were literally falling out of his mouth in droves. Lloyd could feel everything with acute precision and even as he felt sharp dagger like points replace gums with brutal sharp teeth, he could also feel his body becoming absurdly distorted in shape and size. At this point, he had managed to get out of the chair only to flop helplessly on the cold floor as this was going on.

He wheezed with every muscle crying out in a literal sense, as what he could only guess was his muscle fibers being stretched and recoiled, much to his disgust. He managed to roll to his side, but even then his limbs continued to shake as the skin peeled off revealing some sort of gruesome flesh under it. He then realized his lower body was extremely awkward as well. He tried to get his feet under him, but they continued to slide haphazardly on the floor, his knees not exactly working like he wanted them too.

Finally after his muscles finally stopped what he could only peg as convulsing, he was able to get to a kneeling position and with both hands splayed across the floor, actually hold himself up. Dreading seeing what had been done to him, he shakily rose to his feet with loud clacking sounds, like something hard was hitting the floor as he did so. He felt incredibly bizarre and everything seemed to be distorted in color. He could feel his ears swivel as a door opened somewhere and Yael stepping inside the room.

He furrowed what he thought was his brow and looked down, oddly enough, at the bird Sliver. How tall was he now, he wondered. Something had happened to him. Yael merely claps in response to Lloyd's stare. Yael then goes on to tell Lloyd he's passed with flying colors. Though he couldn't promise a new set of clothing would be to his liking. All Lloyd could do was blink dumbly. When Yael then proposes that Lloyd take his time adjusting to this 'appearance' he would be welcomed to join for dinner after returning to 'normal'.

© 2021 Slaynoir

Author's Note

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Added on July 5, 2021
Last Updated on July 5, 2021
Tags: lloyd, tenebrae, pacific, protagonist, collective, archives, scifi, fantasy, blight




(All publications of any kind will be also posted on RoyalRoad.com) Hey there, the name is Slaynoir. Or Ally if you prefer, whichever suits your taste. So basically I'm a 28 (29 soon!) year shut.. more..

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A Chapter by Slaynoir

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