Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Ellay

Thomas couldn't believe it. How was it possible that their parents weren’t their parents? He remembered  growing up with them, seeing Mother, or who he thought was Mother, became pregnant with his brother and sister.

“Impossible! I know who my parents are.” he said.

“Look, you don't understand. I’m telepathic. I can read your mind, and I can clearly see that you two have different parents than who you think they are. Simeon and Sally are not your parents.” Liz could not believe it. This day had gone from bad to worse. She just wanted to sit in a corner and cry, but she felt like tears were far away now. She was too sad to even cry, if that was even possible. She couldn't take all of this.

She ran into the forest and did not stop until she crashed into a tree. Falling to the ground, she could finally feel the tears fall. She curled into a ball, feeling like life hated her. He wasn't just a bully now, he was an abuser, trapping her in his basement and beating her until she would feel numb.

“Who are you?” Liz heard from behind. She quickly snapped around, catching a strong smell of tree sap and grass. A girl with wild red hair was sitting in a tree, legs dangling and swinging. She wasn't even wearing a dress, just a small leaf top that only covered her upper chest and a small skirt made from animal fur and, once again, leaves. She looks like a hermit Liz thought. Maybe she got lost?

“Elizabeth. Do you need help?”

The girl looked extremely insulted at that last question. “Help? What do mean by that? You would do well to respect me, Elizabeth.”

Liz almost laughed. This small girl looked barely her age, and she was shorter. And since Liz was 5’4”, that was saying something. She looked half her age as well. How could she ever think she could overpower Liz?

“I don't believe I caught your name?”

“Ellie, Ellie Le Cordier. Nature Witch. And I don't believe I’ve ever seen you. You new or something. Or are you like Caspar, staying inside your dorm all day.” Ellie said this Caspar’s name almost with an air of love behind it. Whoever this Caspar is, Liz thought, Ellie must love him.  

“I don't know. Just got here. Some Anya girl and Gordo came to get me and my brother. But I don't know if I’ve staying.” And that was the truth. At any sign of trouble, she was high tailing out of there.

“Have fun trying. We’re not stupid, we have perimeter patrol.” Ellie dropped to the ground in front of Liz. Liz almost gasped in surprise; this girl’s eyes were the brightest green ever. What was it with these people that they have different hair, skin, and eye colors. Strange people, these witches are. And she had yet to meet a wizard.

“Never said you were stupid. Now, I should be going.” She tried to walk away, but Ellie stopped her.

“You're not going anywhere, newbie. You don't know the layout, you’ll most likely get lost. And I’m not as heartless as most people think I am. C’mon, I’ll show you around.” Ellie took her hand and began to lead her out of the forest. But Liz didn't want to go back. Who knows what they would do. Scold her? Whip her? Kill her?! She didn't know, and she didn't want to know. Liz tried to pull away, but Ellie’s grip was like iron.

“Don't think about it, girly. I may be smaller than you, but I’m like the great oak. Strong till the very end. You get me?” Liz did not understand a word of that, but nodded anyway so she didn't seem ignorant. She felt that too often, and didn't feel like it right now. All she wanted was to be allowed to sit in a corner and weep.

“What’s it like here?”

Ellie went straight into describing the schools. “Okay, so there are twenty schools. Well, more like eighteen, but its a long story. So there’s flame, ground, nature,  metal, sand, rock, telepathy, empathy, food, flying, witch...” Liz had already zoned out. She thought what Ellie was saying was interesting, just not right now. She didn't want a full description of the schools; just the normal stuff that people do. She zoned back in when she heard Ellie say something unusual. “There are also two other schools that have gone extinct in the long run. Water and time. Water is obvious; there has been no real water ever since the Blaze, so water witches and wizards became useless and died out. Time witches and wizards, now thats a longer story. There used to be a lot of them. But one day on their annual trip into the town to collect data on the peoples...they were discovered. They were all either sentenced to death or sent to Gris. I don't know which one is worse.”

“But, wait, isn't that Anya girl water? I saw her do magic...she created it.” Liz had no other words to describe what Anya had done. It was frightening, yet fascinating.

“Yes, well, she is an exception. She turned up...10 years ago, confused, yet happy for some odd reason. Strange combination, I know, but saying what I remember.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Long enough. And please, don't change the subject. I haven't finished yet. Now, about the Time magic. Well, they went on their trip, got captured, yada yada yada. That was all about two years ago. And just like water, there is only one user left. Her names Becca Vieuxpoint, you’ll probably meet her. Just make sure you ask someone who already knows her to come with you.”

“Why?” Liz asked. She started to get scared of this Becca girl. What, was she some kind of monster? Would she eat her?! The possibilities were endless.

“She’s mute, has her own sort of language. But once you get the basics, you can eventually go on you're own. Its actually quite simple. But now is not the place and time to talk about her. We need to take you to Mistress Thornton.”

“No thanks. I think I’ll just be on my way...”

“No, you are not going anywhere. I get it, first day nerves. We all have felt that. But right now is not the time to chicken out. Nows the time to meet the girls dorm advisor.”


“So, this is our new student. Elizabeth Corlette, I believe. Everyone’s been talking about you, my dear. Say you ran into the woods, got eaten.” Mistress Thornton said. She had horn rimmed glasses perched on an old, wrinkled face. Her white dress was humungous, taking up half the room practically. Her brown hair was piled on top of her head, almost like a beehive. Liz would have thought it comical if it wasn't for the woman practically mocking her. That just set a fire to her temper.

“Well, clearly I’m alive. Now, why did you people bring me here.”

“Why, you're a witch of course. I hear that Anya tried to tell you and you freaked out. My dear, do you truly believe those horrible rumors about us?”

“I don't know who to believe anymore. Seems everyone is not on my side but myself.” And Liz hated that it was like that. She wanted people whom she could trust. She didn't want to have to look over her shoulder every five seconds to make sure no one was trying to capture her.

“What you need, my sweet, is an element of trust.” That was the last thing Liz wanted now. Everyone she trusted, like her Mother, betrayed her ultimately in the end. If she had to live her life alone because of her cautioness, then so be it.

The woman turned to Ellie, a frown appearing on her face. “And please tell me, my dear, what compelled you to interfere with this girl? You usually don't care about people. What changed?”

Ellie started to blush, almost as if the answer was embarrassing. Liz felt sorry for her; she was only helping Liz back to the “common area”. At least, that was what Liz liked to call the main courtyard. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Nothing has changed, though. So please, don't worry. Now, I must be going.” She nodded to Liz, then walked out. Liz could cut the tension now with a knife. The woman kept on staring at her, as if looking for some flaw. Liz stood there, awkwardly staring out the window. A few children were playing with some sort of disk, tossing it back and forth. It seemed trivial, almost pointless to Liz. Shouldn’t they be working in the fields.

“Now, Elizabeth, you are going to tour the schools. Tomorrow, you shall be chosen for the school that is right for you. Do not be mistaken though; you do not get to chose. The school chooses you. Now, you're guide is waiting for you outside. And please, don't mention his family. He is very sensitive.” The woman all but pushed her out of the room. Standing outside was a boy, about her Liz’s age. His dark brown hair went to his shoulders and covered some of his face. He seemed like the guy you would cross the street to avoid. But since Liz was stuck with him, she thought she might as well make small talk.

“Hi, I’m Elizabeth. You must be my guide of the school.”

“Yeah.” He started walking away, expecting her to follow him. When she didn't, he turned around. “What are you doing? C’mon!” She started to follow him out of the building, trying to catch up with his long strides.

“So, whats you're name?”

“Sortal.” He lead her towards the center of the courtyard, near a gazebo like contraption. He turned around and faced the building they just exited. “That building is the House of Neutrality. There is no fighting in the House, unless you want a punishment. That is where the queen comes annually to collect 10 witches and wizards.”

Liz was shocked by this fact. “But, wait, don't you want to stay away from her. What does she do to them?!”

“No one knows and no one wants to know. It makes it too painful for the people if they knew what happened. And the people are picked randomly; no one would volunteer the one time we tried.”

“Don't you feel any sympathy for them?! You sound as if you don't care!” Liz couldn't believe this guy! The only emotion he seemed to have was contempt for everything and everyone.

He turned on her with a menacing look on his face. How dare she talk to him like that. “Don't talk to me about caring! I know more than you will ever know. You’ve never lost anyone. All you’ve been is pampered at you're little home, so you feel justified to tell that to me! Well, you know what, screw you!”

Liz stepped back, truly scared of this kid. Tears started to blur her vision. “You think I’ve never lost someone?! I’ve lost almost everything and everyone I loved.” She ran over to the gazebo, sat down, and felt the tears run down her face. She buried her face in her hands, thinking of everything she lost. Father. Sam. Her Mothers love. Her home. Everything. And this kid had the nerve to say she never lost anything?!

Sortal felt really bad. Lately he had been such a jerk to everyone, including his own sisters. He walked over to Elizabeth and felt really awkward. What do you say to a crying girl. “Look, I..I’m sorry. Its just...” He didn't want to think about who he lost either. She was everything to him, and then poof. She was gone.

“Just what?” Liz picked up her head. He clearly had some secret, and she wanted to weed it out. She didn't know why, but this guy compelled her. He was handsome, yes, but that wasn't why.

“I don't want to talk about it. But I can tell you want to talk about your problems. I’ll gladly listen.” Liz was surprised by his statement. Why was he suddenly so nice to her?

“Yeah, I guess.  My Father is dead, and who knows if my six year old brother is gone. He was sent to the army, and I have no way to get him back to me. My other brother, Thomas, is around here somewhere. Probably embarrassed to even be related to me.  And my Mother...probably glad I’m gone. She worked me like a mule. We always had stupid fights, but I still loved her even though she never loved me.”

“There is saying my older sister likes to say. There is no such thing as stupid fights, only stupid people.”

“Are you calling me stupid?!” Liz felt so hurt. She thought they were having a heartfelt conversation, and now he was making fun of her!

Sortal cringed. He hadn't really thought that through. “No, no. Nevermind. I wasn't calling you stupid, I promise.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before. Now, can we continue with the tour, please? I would like some sleep.”

Sortal almost felt bad that their conversation was over. Something was compelling about her. It was some deep feeling he had. “Yeah, sure.” He led her towards the next building. It was made of brick and was covered in sconces filled with fire. “This is the Flame Institution. Here students learn about the fine art of flame, better known as fire. Probably the most packed school; it is the class most selected.” Liz felt that although it seemed like a nice school filled with opportunities; it just wasn't for her. It seemed interesting, but not right.

Sortal led her to the next school, almost identical except that the wall was packed with dirt and the building was surrounded by giant boulders. Again, Liz didn't feel drawn to it. “The ground school. Where you learn how to manipulate the ground. But don't, and I mean don't confuse it with the Nature school. They will kill you.”

“But what’s the difference?”

“The ground witches and wizards can only do things with the ground, which includes rocks, dirt, mud. Nature witches and wizards can do things with nature; plants more specifically. Now, lets move on. Do you have any questions?”

“One. How will I know which one will chose me? Or will I know at all.”

Sortal pondered that for a moment. He had heard rumors, but wasn't sure if they were true. “I believe that some can feel deep inside them what school is right. Some can't. No one knows.” And with that, they continued to the other schools, skipping over water entirely.

“Haven't we missed a school? Isnt there water? That wet stuff.”

Sortal cracked a smile. Liz almost gasped, but held it back. Not once had he smiled, and even when she wasn't even making a joke he smiled! “Yeah, that wet stuff. There is no building for it, never has been. Only once in the history of this school has there been a water witch; Anya Manalis. Water doesn't even exist anymore, found once in a while in the soil. So, naturally, there was no need for water witches. So I wouldn't worry about that school, although you will be put in front of it when Choosing comes. Now, I must be going. Important duties to take care of. You can go to the dorm, ask for the advisor. She’ll help you find your way.” He walked away, towards what Liz remembered as the Animal school. She was surprised he was in that school; he didn't seem the nurturing type. More of the Death school or even Flame.

Walking towards the dorm, Liz wondered where Thomas went. The dorm, perhaps, or maybe he was touring the schools as well. She really wanted to talk to him about their situation. Things seemed nice here; serene even. But this could all be a veil; a trick set up to kill them or something just as painful.

Liz reached the girls dormitory; a giant brick building like all the rest. She walked inside and was greeted by the sweetest scent ever. Words couldn't describe it. A rotund woman with greying hair came out of a swinging door and her face brightened when she saw Liz. In her hand was a plate covered in circle-shaped things. They smelled divine!

“Why hello! You must be Liz! I’ve heard so much about you.” She bustled over to Liz, holding out the plate. “Cookies, my dear? Fresh out of the oven. Better get them before they run out. God knows these girls will maim to get even one nibble.” Liz was skeptical of the cookie food. They smelled good, yes, but so could certain poisons. She tentatively took one and bit off a little. It was delicious! Nothing had ever compared to these!

“Thank you. They’re very good, Ms..”

“I’m a Mrs. Mrs.Vuuren. I’m the dorm advisor. Come to me with any questions, concerns, problems you may have. I can fix up more than just cookies, you know!” She laughed a hearty laugh. Elizabeth liked this woman; she had a kind spirit and a good sense of humour. “Now, at the moment I am very busy helping to prepare for the feast, but I can employ the help of my daughter. Just wait right here.” She went past Liz to a large door labeled The Lioness’s. What a strange title for a door Liz speculated.

Mrs.Vuuren came back in, a girl with auburn hair in tow. She looked surly; Liz instantly disliked her. She looked  depressed and mean. She didn't need people who would drag her down.

“Here we go. Now, Elizabeth, this is my daughter, Loveday. She will guide you through the dorm. Ask her any questions, don't be shy, either. Now, ta ta!” She ran off back to the swinging door.

“So, you're the girl that ran off into the forest?” she asked, a hint of humour in her voice.

“Yeah. Why do you ask?”

“Well, everyone is talking about you. Sayin’ you're chicken and stuff. Are you?” Liz knew she disliked this girl for a reason.

“No, I am not! A lot of things happened before I came here. It was purely justified, okay! Now, can we please start the tour.” Liz just wanted to sleep. She was so tired of running and being scared; she wanted to escape to the world of dreams.

Loveday was surprised with this girl. Her small frame held the heart of a warrior, she could tell easily. She led Liz towards the main dorm room, with over a thousand doors leading to dorm rooms. The next room contained a mess hall and bathrooms. The others rooms were a gym, game room, and a pool. Liz had never seen anything like these contraptions. She hoped she would have time to do things with them. They seemed interesting. Loveday led her to her room, then ran off. Liz opened the door and looked around her new room.

“Wow.” That was all she could say. The room was pretty big, consisting of two sets of bunk beds. One was on the right side of the room, the other on the left. Three of the beds were already filled up with some of the other girls stuff; blankets, pillows, etc. Liz’s bed was the bottom one on the right. It was covered in plain blankets and white, boring pillows. Everything else in the room was pretty normal; four small dresser-drawers, small desks, and a window.

Liz ran over to her bed and was asleep in an instant.

© 2015 Ellay

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Added on July 3, 2015
Last Updated on July 3, 2015




I'm a young human interested in writing, not as a career, but as a hobby This is a little bit about me I'm now a senior in high school, after having started this account when I was a sophomore. Sc.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ellay