Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight

A Chapter by Tripp

                Two years had passed as Nikki laid on her bed, Without socks or a shirt, Wide awake, Staring at the ceiling and thinking and wondering why Bakura hurt her so. She pulled up her wet hair off her neck and dropped it on her pillow and sighed.

“You’re just ASKING to get raped, Aren’t you?” Bakura asked, Leaning on the door frame.

“Huh?” Nikki asked being dragged from her thoughts.

“I mean, Just look at you. You’re half naked, Staring at the ceiling and sighing and for Gods sake, You’re on a bed! So, Do you want me to rape you now… Or later?” he smiled sadistically. ‘This will teach her not to stay up late unless she has an evil deed to commit.’

"O-Okay then?" she thought for a moment. "I-I think I'll wait 'till later..."

"Okay. Good enough for me. I have plans for you later anyways." he chuckled as he left the room, Shutting the door behind her. Nikki moaned as she looked out the window and up to the full moon in the dark sky and then back at the clock. It was only midnight. 'This isn't going to end well... I should just run away...'


                Two hours past and she tossed and turned, Still unable to sleep. She looked outside when there was a sudden silence. A chill ran down her spine and back, Attacking her senses. Her head whipped to the clock that shown 2:07 A.M. in bright red colours. She stood up, Stepping on the ground carefully and walked slowly to the door. She reached for the doorknob and opened in carefully as Bakura attacked like a lion, Making Nikki scream, Falling to the ground in fright. Bakura ran around, Closing and locking all doors and windows and pulled the blinds shut and curtains closed.


                Nikki looked up and shook her head as Bakura closed in on his prey. He walked over and licked his lips slightly and picked her up, Throwing her on the bed. He deliberately punched her over and over, Giving her a black and blue eye and a swollen lip. He scratched up her arms until he reached the cuff and tore them off. He searched up and down her body and finally laughed at her neck, Biting into it like a vampire and sucked some warm blood out, Letting it drip down her neck. He traced his finger down into her cleavage and ripped it in half, Tossing it on the floor. He smiled a twisted smile and looked down at her body, Chuckling. She kicked and screamed, Beating on his chest for him to let go when finally, He snapped, Slapping her in the face, Duct tapping her wrists to the bed posts and her mouth shut. He took off his own shirt as tears started to stream down her face as she thought of all the horrible things he would do.


                He looked down into her eyes for a split second and then down her body again. He pulled her hair out of her face and traced his fingers down, Past her bra and down her silhouetted figure. He ripped off her pants and played with the outline of her panties before sliding them down her smooth legs. He chuckled to himself slightly as her took off his pants as well and worked on his boxers. Nikki struggled, Lashing around until Bakura bit her arm, Ripping out a small chunk. She screamed in pain through the duct tape, Tears rushing out of her eyes and her head towards the fresh wound. He smiled, Looking down at her and yanked his bottoms off the rest of the way.


                ‘Please let him stop!’ Nikki screamed through her thoughts, Knowing no one could hear her. She squeezed her eye shut as he showed her his engrossed member before shoving it into her. He moaned slightly to himself and kept thrusting in and out and in and out, Over and over, Making her nightmare grow stronger. She screamed through her bonds, Trying to break free from the tortures of his hard shaft kept penetrating her. Finally, After half an hour of terrors, He was finished and stood up, Wiping sweat off of his brow and smiled down at her.

“Good, Wasn’t it?” he laughed, Pulling on his boxers and searched for his jeans. She shook her head with bloodshot eyes. “You were wet… Admit it…” She glowered at him and turned her head, Still trying to break free. He found his jeans, Pulled them on and bit the binds off of her and ripped off her gag, Making her scream. “Get dressed.”


                At that moment, She ran and grabbed her pants and pulled them on and then grabbed a tank, Turned and rushed to the window.

“I don’t think you’re going anywhere for a while…” he smirked, Pulling her back and throwing her against the wall. She slid to the ground and tried to catch her breath. “You think you were going to go and get help from your so called “Friends” who say you copy them and act like them, And, In the end ditch you? Yet… You STILL come back?” he kneeled down to her, Whispering into her ear, “Well… Guess what? You have no friend because you’re pale, Silent and weak… Just like your brother used to be.” He grabbed her arm as she struggled, Screaming at him.


                He pulled out a knife and grabbed her arm again and looked at her.

“And you’re losing them one,” he slice her arm. “Friends.” He sliced another spot. “At a time.” She said, Ripping apart her flesh one more time. She screamed in horrific pain as Bakura brought the knife to her face. He made a gash from her eye to the crease in her lip. She cried in pain, Crying and bleeding all at once, Her dirty blonde hair matted and messed up from blood, Tears and sweat. He licked the blood from the knife and looked over at her.

“Mmm… That’s good.” He chuckled, Making a mirror image on the other side of her face and licking it again. “They have deserted you, They hurt you, Destroyed you, Hate you. They don’t wanna be around you. You know why? Because you’re a big fat wimp, Just like your older brother. Heh. They’re probably talking about you right now.”


                “No they’re not, Bakura!” she lashed out at him, Hitting the wall as she did.

“Oh! But they are!” he laughed evily. “You have no real “Friends”.”

“Yes I do!”

“Oh yeah?! Name one!”
“There’s Alexis… And, Uh…”
“Yeah! That’s it!”
“And there’s Joey!” she said, Wanting to call him and be with him, Away from the hurt and pain.

“He ditched you, Remember?!”


                Bakura turned her around and lifted her shirt, Cutting her back several times as she cried in pain. He lifted her arm next and cut gashes going down her arm and to her hand on both sides. She screamed, Trying to grab onto the bed to get up and run.

“Nu uh.” He grabbed her by the hair and held her down. “Not going anywhere.”
“No… Please don’t… I’ll do anything!” she pleaded, Sobbing.

“I don’t want anything from you. I just like watching your pain and suffering.” He laughed Looking into Nikkis scared and hurt eyes. He took the knife back and cut into her legs as she started to fall into unconsciousness. Bakura laughed and carried her into the bathroom and set her in the tub where the blood cold drain freely. The walls had blood and hand stains, The carpet covered and the basket broken for being thrown across the room.


                He stopped, Right before she crossed the line of life and death again and like normal, Bakura went to his room and cleaned his blade and cut himself.

“Ha. I don’t understand how this harms the mortal. It doesn’t even hurt.” He talked aloud to himself and stabbed himself as deep as the knife would go in his side. “Still doesn’t hurt. Of course… I AM immortal…” he snickered as he cleaned it again.


                Three hours later Nikki woke up and looked around and stood, Limping to her bed and stared at those four walls again. She tried to think and about the last time she had a good time and started to sob silently to herself and then covered up over her head. Soon she fell asleep but was awoken to Bakura hitting her.

“Nikki… Nikki… Nikki!” he said, Hitting her arm.

“Huh?” she woke up and looked at him.

“Clean up your mess! People are coming over.”
“Yeah, Okay… Just five more minutes…” she said sheepishly and pulled the covers up over her head again.
“No! Now!” Bakura stated, Dragging her out of bed and to the ground.

“Okay, Okay. I’m up, I’m up.”


                She got up and normal vacuumed the floors and then got the power wash vacuum and washed the carpets clean and then washed the walls spotless. She then picked up all empty cups and plates, Washed the dishes and even took out the trash. She put her dirty clothes in the washer in the utility room and cleaned the bathrooms and then started walking to her room.

“I’m going to take a shower!” she said, Grabbing a towel form the hall closet and shut her door.

“Make it quick!” he replied. She looked through her room and grabbed some black baggy jean, A black skin tight tshirt and some undergarments and walked into her bathroom, Jumping into the shower. She examined her cuts as the water temperature came to her liking.


                She took the sprayer and rinsed her hair over and over before shampooing it twice, Making sure she got every inch of blood out and watched it flow freely down the drain. She put conditioner in it to make it soft, Rinsed it out and then scrubbed all the blood off of her body, Making it almost pristine perfect. She turned the water off, Grabbed her towel and dried off from head to toe. She grabbed her clothes and slid them on and blow dried her hair until it was dry. She turned on her straightener and applied her makeup until it warmed. She brushed her teeth and her hair, Straightened it and walked into the living room, Only taking twenty minutes in the bathroom. She walked to the couch and sat down, Pulling on her socks and flipped through channels.


                “About time you got out.” Balura looked at her.

“I only took twenty minutes!” she defended herself.

“That’s a long time!”
“Whatever. You take an hour plus in there!” Nikki replied back.

“You wanna start something with me, Little missy?”
“What did you say?”
“No, Bakura.”


© 2010 Tripp

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Added on April 22, 2010
Last Updated on April 22, 2010




Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Tripp