

A Chapter by cody

Sixth chapter of "The Legend"


"Well we better be off. You said that you are looking for the hydroreptus?" Hurnek ask raising out of his seat.

"Yes. you said that you been there?" Isaac ask.

"Thats right. I'll fetch my wolf and we will be on our way." Hurnek replied. The group left the temple and went to the stable. The group was off again in search for another member. Drake, and Shadow rode with Grimlock on Xiuhcoatl. Hurnek lead the others with Isaac riding Espon, and Tal'Vex riding thunder in the back.

"We're going to follow the mountain trail, it'll be safer, than being out in the open where dwarfs and gnomes could attack us!" Hurnek shout. The weather change frequently making the group stop to take shelter in the cliffside. Once the storms pass they would set off again. The group travel three days stopping in caves through out the mountain range. On the third day of travel they finnaly reach their destination. Sea-Baron.

"We must swim about five feet down." Hurnek stated, then dove in. The others jump in as well. The water was warm, and crystal clear, as they swam further down they saw the bright lights of the city. The city was in what looks like air bubbles, and the walls were crystal clear. You can see all of the mystical creatures that are called the Hydroreptus. The Hydroreptus are a unique race. They are a reptilian race that mostly focus on keeping the world in peace and healing the life forms that lives in the same region as them. Although they may be the ones for peace they also have a strong defensive army. Hydroreptus's are extremly intelegent. The history of the Hydroreptus race dates back since the beginning of time; when the world begain to change from being peaceful. It is said in legend that the Hydroreptus tried to stop Bismuth when he found out how to corrupt the other races and conjure creatures, but failed. As a last resort they left to the eastern ocean where they lived in harmony until the dwarves and gnomes migrated to the mountain side and begain building towns and cities close to the ocean. The dwarves and gnomes had made a treaty with Bismuth, which was he will not harm them as long as they would kill any race that would not bow down to Bismuth. This was a big problem for the Hydroreptus for they wanted peace, but didnt like the idea of bowing down to Bismuth. This created a new war. The Hydroreptus had to defend their ocean, and they was successfully defending under the leadership of King Neptune. King Neptune lead a successfully defense party into the dwarves and gnomes largest city Red Stone. Thanks to the help of the extordinary healing powers of the Hydroreptus race they manage to force the dwarves and gnomes into surrender. As the Years pass Bismuth grew stronger. Bismuth came to the mountains and took control of the dwarves and gnomes. Under Bismuth control the dwarves and gnomes were stronger than ever; they raided the Hydroreptus's under water city leaving a destructive wave, and capturing King Neptune the first King to be captured. Only a few survived, one of them was Prince Sea, King Neptune's son. Prince Sea took the role of "King", with his leadership and knowledge he restored the city back to its natural beauty. Althrough with the capturing of his father left a hole inside King Sea. King Sea worked on a plan to rescue his father, but he also had to consentrate on keeping peace and order in the city. King Sea as prince studied mostly in healing, and curing the corruption of the world. As time progess the city expanded further in the ocean and King Sea had builders build a Meditation room in the palace. The Meditation room allows healers to meditate in peace and remain there over long period of time.

As Hurnek and the others enter the city the citizens walk on by casually. King Sea came up.

"Welcome back Hurnek. Who are these creatures?"

"This is Isaac, Grimlock, Drake, his brother Shadow, and Tal'vex and his pet tiger Thunder." Hurnek introduced.

"Welcome. What are you doing here?" King Sea asked. Isaac stepped forward.

"We are getting a group together to stop Bismuth."

"Stop Bismuth?!" King Sea exclamine.

"Thats right and we heard that Hurnek has made friend's with one." Isaac said.

"You must be talking about Xenon, she was my finest student. I'll go see if she's done meditating in the mean time make yourselves at home." King Sea walked off to the meditating room.

"Now wat?" Asked Tal'Vex.

"We wait." Grimlock said.

"Lets go see who's at the baracks." Hurnek said. Hurnek lead the group to the baracks which wasn't to far from the entrence. Hurnek knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Asked a gaurd behind the door.

"It is I, the orc Hurnek."

"Hurnek?" The gaurd asked openning the door slowly.

"Hurnek!" Master Aqua exclaime.

"Hello Master Aqua, its good to see you again."

"What are you doing here?" Master Aqua asked.

"I'm with these guys. We are going to kill Bismuth once and for all, but we had to stop by to see if Xenon will be willing to go." Hurnek said.

"I think she is in the meditation room, but you arent allowed to go in there. You will have to find King Sea." Master Aqua said.

"We ran into him when we came in." Hurnek said.

"I see. Well come on in we'll wait here until they come back. By the way what are your names?" Master Aqua asked.

"Im Isaac."




"Tal'vex and this here is thunder."

"Welcome to Sea-Baron. This is where we eat out meals." As they entered the commons.

The commons was a huge room that contained six long rows of tables and each row had ten chairs five on each side. The soldiers were already eating, and at the very end of the commons was three tables where the leaders sat.

"Are you guys hungry?" Aqua asked

"You bet." Hurnek said.

"Follow me, we will eat at with the leaders." The group follow Master Aqua down a row to the "leader's table"

"Welcome Master Aqua, come sit down and enjoy this fine meal." One of the Hydroreptus leader offer.

"Thank you Commander Rex." Master said sitting down next to him.

"Please join us travellers." Commander Rex said. The group sat down across from the leaders.

"What brings you to our under water city?" Commander Rex asked. "Wait. Orc you look familar. Hurnek? Is that you?" The old Hydroreptus asked as he begain to study Hurnek.

"Yes." Hurnek said smilling.

"Hey everyone Its Hurnek!" Commander shouted. The other soldiers begain whispering among themselves. Commander Rex return his attention back to the table.

"How long has it been?" Commander Rex asked.

"Five years." Hurnek said.

"Five years. How is the other orcs doing?" Rex ask.

"Thorak was wanting to become warchief and went to Kor'on's burial chamber. Me and Thunder stop him with the help of the spirit of Kor'on. Thunder stood behind to continue protecting the main gate." Hurnek said.

"I see, Thorak was a great orc. So what brings you here?" Commander Rex asked.

"We're waiting on Xenon to see if she could join us."

"I see." They all finished eating, and left the barracks. King Sea was waiting with Xenon outside.

"Hurnek!" Xenon exclaim, leaping into Hurneks arms.

"Xenon." Hurnek said embrassing Xenon.

"Well if you two love birds are done we need to get going." Shadow said.

"Right." Xenon said.

"What have you been up to?" Hurnek asked.

"Well if you have the time i can tell you." Xenon said finding herself a place to sit.

"Lets see where do I begin? Lets start with my early years of healing. I began when I was seven...

Story of Xenon

Xenon was a young bright pupil, she was drafted into the healing arts like most young female Argonians, some would rise to become great battle preistess, others healers for those in the city, but Xenon wanted to learn all there is to know of the mind and inner body. As she begin her training she would spend countless hours meditating.

Xenon woke up one morning and ventured into the Healer's Hall. She sat among the many young priestess such as her self and they found themselves looking at Master Aqua. Master Aqua was the one of a few men that could heal, and he was one of the greatest.

"Ladies, I'm honored to stand here today to tell you that your day to start your first training excercise. I will pair you off into groups of three." Aqua begin to getting the preistess into groups. Xenon was pair off with two other priestest name Athea, and Anae.

"Hello, im Xenon."

"Hello, my name is Athea."
"My name is Anae."

"Ladies, may i have your attention. These will be your room mates. You will be escort to your rooms here in alittle bit. First we will adress a few rules. first rule is that you will be require to take the beginners healing classes, and you will be given time to study in your rooms. Second you will not fight with your room mates, any violence will result in imediate expulsion. Now you will be escort to your rooms I will see you tomarrow in class." Xenon and her room mates follow a priestess. They went into a long passage way with doors running along the side of the walls. The priestess took the group to the last door on the right.

The room was an adverage size room with three beds place next to each other. Xenon and the other girls spent the remainder of the afternoon putting their clothes and other personal belonging's away. That evening a maid came to the door.

"You three are requested to go with me." Xenon and the others went with the maid. The maid escort the girls to the Healer's Temple where Master Aqua was waiting.

"Thank you." Master Aqua said motioning the maid to leave.

"Please come and sit down. I have been interviewing the other priestest's, to get an idea of what your purpose is. Lets start with you Athea what is your purpose or goal to achieve as a preist?"

"My purpose here as a priest is to become one of the high-priest." Athea explain.

"What is yours Anae?" Master Aqua ask.

"My purpose here is to become the head preistest of the healing school."

"And what about you Xenon?"

"My purpose here is to become the best battle healer ever."

"You three have high standards to achieve here, all three of your goals are very achievable as long as you work hard and study. You are demiss." Master Aqua said, then went back to his studies as the girls left.

The next day the girls begain the first day of school where they begain learning the basic aspects of healing. The class consit of: Xenon, Athea, Anae, and twenty-seven other fellow preist and preistess. All healers must past this class in order to pursue their own technique as healers. The students took this class for one year, at the end of the year the students each had to be interview one at a time. The maid would come to each dorm pulling each student out. When she finally came to Xenon's dorm, Atae was first. The interview took her thirty minutes to complete. After that thirty minutes the maid came back for Athea, and so no cheating would occur Atae had to sit in the commons with all of the other students. Another thirty minutes went by and it was finally Xenon's turn.

"Xenon will you come with me?" The maid asked. Xenon got up and went with the maid to the training room. Master Aqua, and her teacher Sensi Koku were sitting at a table; Xenon sat at the table.

"Welcome Xenon." Master Aqua said. "We want you to show us what you would do in the case of a single soldier had fallen in combat." Xenon stood up and acted out the scenairo. Xenon ran up to an imaginary fallen soldier and begain to cast a healing spell. Then she pretended to help the soldier up, and made sure he was able to continue fighting, then return to the table.

"Excellent Xenon. That will be all. You have pass." Sensi Koku said. The maid escort Xenon to the commons. Atae and Athea ran up to Xenon.

"Xenon!" The two yell running.

"How did you do?" Atae ask.

"I passed." Xenon said.

"Awsome we both passed as well." Athea said.

"So now what do we do?" Xenon ask.

"May I have your attention please?" Master Aqua said. "For those who pass the interview you will begin your advance training tomarrow. There will be a letter for each of you explaining where you are to go next. I wish you all the best of luck on your quest for achieving your goals."

The next morning Xenon recieve a letter to go to the Meditation room. Xenon gather her belonging and said fell well to Athae and Athea who both were going to the Advance Schooling of Healing to become part of the healer's council.

When Xenon arrive at the meditation room Master Aqua was waiting.

"Good morning Master Aqua why are you here?"

"To be honest im going to be your new trainer, I want you to come to the meditation room because you will be able to meditate for as long as you want and you will become more powerful than you would if you spent years in your consince state of mind or as you are now."

"So how long will I be meditating?" Xenon ask.

"That all depends on how long it takes you to move through your mind and core. You will learn about this as you meditate, just stay focus and beleive in yourself." As they walk through the corridors they finally came to Xenon's room. The room is a circle with all the wall, floor, and ceiling white; and a white mat on the floor.

"This is your own private sanctrum I will keep an eye on you and be here in case if something were to go wrong. Now go and meditate." Xenon sat on the mat cross-legged with the back of her wrist resting on her knee and her thumb and pointing finger together and her other three fingers spread apart and stiff; then drifted into a meditating state.

The Mind

"Where am I?" Xenon thought.

"You are in your mind. This is the first stage of the meditation state. Here you will spend a year focusing on technique. How to controll your power and stregth of your spells will be later when you move to your core."

"Why is it so dark? I thought my mind would be bright?" Xenon question

"You have to make it become bright. That is the first lesson. This will be called "Enlighten the Mind." You will have to look deeper to find the source of light." Xenon begain to look deeper, by meditating and consentrating harder. As she begain moving within her mind she found herself hitting a wall. Then her mind begain to speak to her.

"Xenon. Let me ask you a question. What is it that you look out of in the physical world?"

"The eyes."

"Yes. So now the question is. How does one self get from the mind, to the eyes?" Xenon begain to relax and consentrate even harder. She finally was able to escape her mind and outside of mind region of her brain. She moved Through her brain until she got to the back of her brain where the visual aspects of her physical self uses. As she begain to inspect the region, she used her hands to feel for something to make her mind enlighten. As she felt around she found what felt like a blockage, as she begain to dig at it she could see light almost like seeing light at the end of a long dark tunnel. She finally was able to remove the blockage and was no longer blind.

"Weldone Xenon. You have enlighten the mind. Now that you can see me, we can work on tecnique."

"So you are a mirror image of me?"

"Well you and everyone you met. Now that, that is out of the way. Lets begin. First we will work on the stance of a healer. Stand shoulder width apart, right leg forward, now bend your knees some. Next is the hand movements. I know that you have learn some of this in your physical world but, this will improve your tecnique. To cast your normal healing spell, Healing Light keep your elbows by your side. take in a deep breath as you move your hands from your waist up to your eyes. Once your hands are in front of your eyes, thrust your hands forward. This will help increase the effectiveness of your spells. To cast this on yourself you will do the same except instead of thrusting forward you will thrust upward. Xenon did both motions, casting a Healing Light on Xenon's mind and on herself. Xenon worked on improving her technique for the remainder of the year.

"You have come along ways Xenon, but it is time for you to go to the core of your body. That is where you will be learning how to controll the strength and power of your spells."

The Core

Xenon left her mind and began to make her way through her body and found core of herself, but didnt see anyone.

"Hello. Hello. Is anyone here?" Xenon called out. Thats when she saw a light blue orb floating. Xenon went over to the orb. The orb morph into a light blue figure.

"I am your soul, or as your mind likes to call me the core. So now that im your teacher and as im well aware of what the mind has told you. I will help increase the power of your spells and maybe teach you a special healing spell that can only be unlock by meditating. In order to increase your spells is simply by using more force. To do this, you must squat as you began to cast any spell, then come up quick and thrust much harder than you did in your mind. Now I will have you do this for the next year that you are here in the meditating state. Xenon work on doing just as her soul instructed her and by the end of her training she was able to heal eight times more than she did before she came into the meditation state.

"Xenon, you have improve so much over the last year that you have been here in the soul, but it is time for you to leave the meditation state. To do this it will be just like if you was waking up from a long deep sleep. I shall help you get out of the state, take my hand." The soul begain to raise Xenon out of the body.

"This is what is called a out of body exprience. Now you will have to go to the center of your head and you will wake up. Xenon did just that and woke up. As soon as Xenon became consiouse she fell asleep. Xenon slept for the remainder of the day.

The next day Master Aqua came into Xenon's room

"Xenon, Xenon." Master Aqua said shaking her. Xenon begain to groan, then woked up.

"Aqua?" Xenon said as she got up.

"I bought you some breakfast." Aqua said holding a trey. Xenon ate breakfast.

"How was your meditation experience?" Aqua asked.

"It was a lot different then the class room studies." Xenon stated.

"Well once you get done eating. I want you to come over to the barracks so you can meet the commanders." Aqua said, then left. About an hour later, Xenon got dress and went to the barracks.

"Welcome Xenon. Commander Rex this is Xenon, Xenon this is Commander Rex he is the one that you can talk to, to see where you need to be if and when we are attack. And almost right on que a scout came running in.

"Commander! We are going to be under attack from a group of gnomes and dwarves."

"Soldiers time to suit up! Xenon do you want to have your first time experience with being a battle healer?"

"I'm ready commander." As they begain to leave the barracks Hurnek and Thorak came up holding Thunder.

"We need a healer, our friend is dieing!" Thorak shouted. Master Aqua came up to the orcs.

"Give him to me and i'll take him to the medics." Master Aqua said.

"You two orcs, will you help us take care of some dwarves and gnomes?" Commander Rex asked.

"Yes." Thorak replied.

"Excellent follow me." Commander Rex order. They swam up to the surface Commander Rex had Xenon stand close to him. Once surfaced we stood our ground It was the two orcs standing on Xenon's left, and Commander Rex was on the right. Master Aqua was in the front of the four, giving orders to the protectors. A few minutes after Master Aqua was done giving orders the gnomes and dwarves appeared. The protectors charge as did the orcs I stayed by Commander Rex, but also cast healing spells on everyone. I was casting Healing rays left and right. After a few hours the gnomes and dwarves were dead. The orcs hack through most of the army. We returned to the city and the orcs were reunited with their freind then, they left. Master Aqua came up to Xenon.

"Its time for you to meditate once more. After some battles healer's mind and core some how become corrupt, and its up to you to save yourself." Master Aqua said.

"What would happen if my mind and core was to become corrupt?" Xenon ask.

"You would not be able to heal; instead you will only be able to cast hex's on your enemy and become known as a warlock, almost like the one many people are fighting now." Master Aqua inform.

"Who? Bismuth?" Xenon ask.

"Yes." Master Aqua replied. "Now lets get you prepare for your meditation excersice, it will be the exact same as last time."

Master Aqua and Xenon went to Xenon's meditation room, and Xenon begain to meditate; and entering her mind.

The Mind

"Welcome back Xenon."

"Your voice sounds different."

"It happens from time to time, what brings you back?"

"I'm here to investigate if my soul is pure." Well lets find out, look int your soul." Xenon look deep with in her to find a dark sphere.

"What's a dark sphere doing here?" Xenon ask.

"Dark spheres are good for your mind but, not for the core."

"Mind what is going on."

"You will become a shadow preist very soon. You will never be able to change the dark sphere in time. Face it, you are what you are." The dark mind saying in a evil tongue. Xenon rush to the core to try and stop the darkness inside.

The Core

"Xenon! Help me!" Xenon rush over to the core.

"The mind, has pretrade you and has kept me prison in the shadow. The only way to stop this darkness is to kill your dark mind and take the light sphere. Hurry before its to late. Xenon rush to the mind.

The Mind

"Mind give me the light sphere!" Xenon order

"No! You think that you can just come back and take anything you want! You shall pay for not letting me be dark!" The dark mind shut the eyes and everything went black.

"Muhahaha. The body is about to become a shadow priest, its just a matter of time."

"That's it!" Xenon tried to cast a holy light but was unsuccessful.

"Fool, holy powers don't work here-" The mind's voice change back to the holy mind.

"Xenon go to the e-" The mind change.

"That mind will soon be forgotten."

"You feind you will pay." Xenon went to the dark sphere.

"Maybe if I can take the dark sphere it can help me." Xenon went to the dark sphere, and pick it up. Dark rays came around Xenon, Xenon became and dark priest. She return to the mind and used the last holy blast that she had. The mind went white and then fade back to black. Xenon woke up; Master Aqua came over.

"Xenon are you alright?"

"No." Then pass out, she return to her mind; where everything was bright.

The mind

"Thank you Xenon for saving me and the core from the shadows." The mind said.

"What happen?" Xenon ask

"When you used the holy blast while a shadow priest it cause you to "reboot" your body. So now everything is back to normal, and we'll keep the room; that has the dark sphere lock up. Well its time for you to return to the physical world. farewell. As Xenon awaken Master Aqua was standing by.

"Xenon are you all right?"

"I am now."

"What happen in there?"

"I was becoming a shadow preist. So I went to the dark sphere, and pick it up; then cast a holy blast. After that everything went white, and I went back to the mind where the mind told me everything was back to normal." Xenon explain.

"It's a good thing that you are a light priest again. Why dont you get some rest in the morning i'll discuss with you what will happen next." Master Aqua said. Xenon went to sleep. Morning came, and Xenon went to the lobby.

"Master Aqua." Xenon said.

"Xenon. How are you doing." Master Aqua ask.

"Good. What do I do now?" Xenon ask.

"You are a Priestest and the next rank is High priestest, which is bit of a challenge."

"What do I have to do?"

"You will live in the barracks for a month and heal the wounded and go on any battles that they go on."

"Thats not so bad, but Master Aqua?"

"Yes Xenon?"

"How long have I been meditating?"

"Five years. I was worried that you would never escape, but you did and that's all that matters. Oh yeah happy fourteenth birthday." Master Aqua said with a smile. Xenon smile to and laugh.

Xenon went to the barracks. As she got there she seen King Sea.

"Hey Xenon, what brings you back to the barracks?" King Sea ask.

"I'm here to become a High preistest."

"And how is that?"

"I have to heal the wounded and go on any battle's that the army goes on, which I dont think we'll have to worry since the gnomes and dwarves were killed five years ago."

"That is true. But for the past two years some of the citizens have been trying to over through me. I'm puzzle why they are trying to, so I banished them out of the city until some one can tell me what the issue is. Unfortunately I've banish so many that they are becoming a threat."

"King Sea!" A gaurd yell.

"What is it?"

"The Banish; they have an army, and are heading this way!" The guard stated. King Sea bardge in the barracks and yell.

"Hydroreptus arm yourselves; the Banish are on their way!" King Sea rush to the surface, with Xenon and the army following.

"Men battle station, Xenon come with me!" King Sea order. King Sea and Xenon went to the front lines. The Banish army was made up of simple men, supplied with simple weapons. The Banish stop within ten feet of the army. King sea began to speak.

"Why are you trying to over through me?"

"We have no purpose for surving you any more." The Banish leader said.

"What do you mean?" King Sea ask.

"Ever since the dwarves and gnomes have been slain, we have no use, no money, no jobs." The Banish leader said.

"Have you ever thought of selling it to the army?" Xenon ask

"Well, no I guess we didnt think of that, but it's to late now we are banish." The Banish leader said.

"How about we come to an agreement?" King Sea ask.

"What kind of agreement?" The Banish leader ask.

"How about I unbanish all of you and you sell what you need to sell to the army." King Sea said.

"All right you have a deal." The Banish leader said. The Banish and the army return to the city. The remainder of the month went by slow and Xenon didn't have to go on anymore missons. She practice her healing on citizens with everday injuries. At the end of the month Xenon gather her belongings and return to the school of healing.

"Congradulations Xenon. I now promote you to High priestest. Your journey here has ended. Now its time for you to make your own journey and protect all that you meet. Now go and visit your old friends that are returning." Master Aqua said. Xenon went to the main gate and seen her old friend Hurnek.







© 2013 cody

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Added on April 10, 2013
Last Updated on April 10, 2013



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