Life as of now

Life as of now

A Poem by CRZ

Life itself is just abstract 
You have to leave the past but refer back 
to keep intact 

Every day you gain a few pieces 
to enhance your body , soul and thesis 

Seems like there's more downs than ups 
but it makes you the person you want to be
you can either indulge what this world offers 
or be your own coach , your own shot caller 

We learn such emotions like love & grief
Pain and love, Mud and glass.
Like the time I got hurt years back 
Oh man, there I go referring to the past  

I have to learn from the past 
but also burn away from my past

The future is always on its way 
so I won't be worried with that
I need to worry about right now 
because it won't come back 

© 2013 CRZ

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Very cool my friend. I liked how this poem feels. A nice smooth flow and a great message.

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is class Jason. SO many great lines here - philosophical and witty too.
Good one

Posted 10 Years Ago

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I love the language you use CRZ - another good poem :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

This is really good! Nice job, and so true as well! :) ;) keep up the good work!

Posted 10 Years Ago

"We learn such emotions like love & grief

Pain and love, Mud and glass.

Like the time I got hurt years back

Oh man, there I go referring to the past

I have to learn from the past

but also burn away from my past"

A very nice poem. I like those lines the most...:)

Posted 10 Years Ago

Wise words. Splendid read and write. Loved the rhythm and rhyme.

Posted 10 Years Ago

You have to leave the past but refer back
to keep intact - I believe this is true. It's those learning experiences that keep one from making the same mistake or those memories that touch our hearts when we are alone.

Seems there's more downs than ups - such sadness in this line - there should be more ups than downs, shouldn't there? perhaps it's just my rose tinted glasses.

I really like the message this poem sends. Learn from the past (without dwelling on the past) and rise to the future.

:) JUlie

Posted 10 Years Ago

First line made me feel , "isn't it written by me ? " :D Loved the poem :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

I like that this is a short read, packs a bit of a punch that way. A little quirky while being philosophical. Enjoyable!

Posted 10 Years Ago

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on May 2, 2013
Last Updated on May 2, 2013



New York, NY

Poet & Artist Thou shall not rest until I make my whole fam rich more..

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A Poem by CRZ

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