Woman II

Woman II

A Poem by Alford G. Harris


She is man�s eternal mistress,
In a world bursting with unnatural attractions and,
Tacit body language,
Words spoken from her tongue,
Evince her abiding spirit,
Her voluminous body of work,
From the birth of our first to,
The nurturing angels that guide her,

She is the earth�s most irresistible force,
A kaleidoscope of,
Tantalizing colors and shapes,
Her magnificent scents ever present,
Tempting fate,

She is man�s soul candy,
The essence of humanity,
Holding clans and families together,
All ways giving more than she is getting,
Her very spirit is heavenly,

She is sunshine and thundering rain,
Pouring her liquid fruits into our roots,
Replenishing the best of what remains,
Her movements are rhythmic,
Attention from her is more than a gift,
It is meta and physically uplifting,

She is man�s inspiration to subsist,
To resist his most destructive elements,
In her honor wars have started and ended,
For her love,
Men have killed and,
Men have surrendered,

She is a work of art,
Men have studied and painted her picture,
Astonished by her voluptuousness,
In awe of what lies at her center,
It is the key of life through which,
He enters.

© 2008 Alford G. Harris

My Review

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She is man's soul candy,
The essence of humanity,

-love these lines...

This was a really nicely done piece! I absolutely love all of the description and the imagery. This reminds me of some really wonderful "spoken word" poetry that I heard in this off the wall club in LA one time...has a really great beat to which one could read. Nicely done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I am impressed with your emotional desire to please any woman-with an appreciation from your soul.
~Thank you, for an enjoyable piece (of yourself) to read this morning.
P.S. ...and from Detroit! ; )

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Hmmm.... I really like your words... It speaks from the heart of the Bard who might have walked the meadows and woodlands, hills and valleys in ancient times. You and I do find a link of inspiration with that Great Mother. She.... who human women often emulate in their actions; the power of dualism in creation and destruction. Well done. Thank you.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This poem sound so elegant yet so erotic. I really like:

In awe of what lies at her center,
It is the key of life through which,
He enters.

these last lines!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

She is man's soul candy,
The essence of humanity,

-love these lines...

This was a really nicely done piece! I absolutely love all of the description and the imagery. This reminds me of some really wonderful "spoken word" poetry that I heard in this off the wall club in LA one time...has a really great beat to which one could read. Nicely done.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on August 14, 2008


Alford G. Harris
Alford G. Harris

Detroit, MI

i write for agape, peace, humanity, freedom, wisdom, passion i love to listen i will always be a student i respect almost everyone i admire the depth of character in some i smile on the regular i have.. more..


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