

A Poem by Einstein Noodle

Image result for schizophrenic scatter

the steps are timid and trembling
treads and risers as mismatched as candelabra in the ghetto
there is a swirl of black pearl there
beyond the edge of the world
                                                  it drops off.
certain hearts shrink for the fear of things
others excite
they are special people ... faith .. or some wild recklessness
                                                   it drops off.
Something Blind; Something Evil
A plan was laid in rock and root today.
one more day just like yesterday
but now now now now now now    ...  dust has changed everything
changed the floor, the mantle
changed on the tops of picture frames 
hanging there on the walls
changed the air and black pearl swirl ...........changed everything
i woke up with the same dread of 
loosing my connection with God and myself
dread fears of taking my last breath and
gazing with last eyes
missing ....missing the sight and line of 
forgiveness ..... missing the point
suspicion like derechos blasting canopy and solid ground
                ...... missing the leveling
ozone scent ... sweet pickle dimple
sublime fertilization of the mind and heart .. lifting
like important information through the shredder
chrome metalflake in back velvet
tacky hotel.
she tip toe'd and
he spent his time striving to
curl his toes around her. 
not much of a future really
so grey and purple when
listening goes to stone and
ears' drumming brakes instead of dawn.
cream color requires dire scrubbing. 
how can i fit into your still small voice?
it keeps it hiding under the bed
forgotten not;
but in waiting while dust swirls and black pearl winds 
are a desert.

© 2020 Einstein Noodle

Author's Note

Einstein Noodle

"Derechos: Spanish for “straight ahead,” ..storms producing winds in a straight line that knock down trees and buildings in the same direction from storms that produce rotating winds that cause tornadoes. A derecho storm system is also distinctly wide and fast-moving, causing wind damage for more than 250 miles(larger than the diameter of most hurricanes),with gusts pushing faster than 58 mph along most of its length."

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This is a heart-moving poem. I'm like Dave B . . . glad to read a complex & nuanced poem that actually plucks my strings instead of leaving me baffled! As a recovering perfectionist, I can say there's much to be said about embracing our scattered tendencies. If we humans weren't so likely to be scattered, we wouldn't work so hard to be control freaks. This is what it looks like when we finally learn to embrace the scatter . . . to love how the pieces never fit . . . to still enjoy fitting the pieces together anyway. You use stunningly sweeping imagery to show all the ways we feeble humans bumble along, despite our dumb universal act like we're in charge here, which fools nobody. This is such memorable writing:
"i woke up with the same dread of
loosing my connection with God and myself
dread fears of taking my last breath and
gazing with last eyes"

and so much more! But I've got to go plant me some tamaters & squash! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

luv you babe! truly do :) thank you for reading and i am so grateful you went along with the scatter.. read more


Something Blind; Something Evil
A plan was laid in rock and root today.
one more day just like yesterday
but now now now now now now ... dust has changed everything
changed the floor

just one of the many parts
of this exceptional piece
I like..can we ever figure
this life of ours out..the why's
where's and when did this happen

dust swirls with black pearl winds"
another line I love..the stone
hardness of harsh realities.the
fear we feel in the end..dim
outlook seeing that only darkness
prevails so dense and opaque
which our eyes and ears have
tuned intense piece here
thoughts are fearful and scattered
to the winds of time..

nice work E

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

gosh Fran Marie .. and i really mean that .. gosh .. i am humbled out of words to respond .. your re.. read more
  Fran Marie

4 Years Ago

you re. s o very welcome
This feels very philosophical to me. Existential even. A crisis of understanding one’s place and how long any understanding can actually be maintained. One of the things that has been hardest for me to come to grips with is the idea that change is constant and that my understanding of everything is fluid/shifting. Just when I feel I’ve figured something out, something new presents and I begin on another path.

I sensed a bit of that here. Especially where the more fundamental aspect of personhood are concerned. Those things that define us like our beliefs or grasp on reality itself. The question of meaning and the individual’s place within the structure of meaning looms large for me.

I love the repetition of ‘it drops off,’ because this is like a lament and puzzle at the same time. We are on the discovery journey too.

As the poem ebbed on, I sensed there was something to do with love as well. Personal connection even. How do we sort out ourselves and also be what others need us to be. At least this was where my mind wandered. It’s a big question and like all the others, one with no definitive answer. The journey down the life road is so different for all of us.

I enjoyed the thought-journey of this. There’s an underlying mournful tone, but I don’t feel that’s meant to define. More like it’s expressing a momentary anxiety. Great work, E.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

dear Ellis .. i am so gratified with your review .. it is so spot on it scares me ;} i couldn't ask .. read more

4 Years Ago

You’re welcome, E! Glad to know I was on the right track.
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Reading this one, Monsieur E, my first perception is the scattered sense of panic and clutching for answers that seems to reside in your lines and the cascading of images. As if the dust of time and advancing years has blanketed the mind and the writer has lost sense of perspective and personal connection to himself and his beliefs. He acknowledges the dust and loss of perception but also knows that it is still within and close to hand for when it is truly needed. It's an interesting premise....of acknowledging the passing of time and one's eventual mortality. I enjoyed this poem very much! :))

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

you are perceptive and sensitive a reader Jamila .. not surprised as you write the same :) this is o.. read more
i have found a different connection with God as time as moved on and i have gotten much older...gathering dust...wondering if i have served some purpose here that is worthwhile...
it's that time of life when leaving is inevitable...and i question myself and savor each moment i get to do some good and make use of myself in a way that matters.
this poem really speaks to me...getting older gives us more wisdom...but it also gives us more and more questions about who and where we are...and we hope to find answers before our minds decide to take the next bus out.

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

yes!! so true says i! ;) and from one old guy to another .. i find the questions also loose importan.. read more
Einstein I think your trying to fry my noodle:? but then again you warned me with the title didn't you? when I read these words juxtaposed with the image and suddenly i realize your conveyance matches with it rather well... there is a beauty in chaos when you catch it at the right time and motion:) but then I also hear the disparate in the voice as well like the chaos returned to a non formative state... scattered to the wind as it were like death what i'm not sure of is if this is a resignation of acceptance of the chaos or a resentment of lack of ability to change it

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

hmmmmmmmm both perhaps :) thank you for finding the artist Bunny ... i should always give credit but.. read more
That painting gets my attention.. as it was meant to. It's not, not a Dali, is later, to do with fiestas or carnivals or similar.. wish i knew because it would be a guide to what't behind your incredibly wide spread of thoughts in your write. Guess in fact it is the mix and un-match of your words.

Unsure after reading this post again and now three times. Your wondering wanders to so many thoughts, good and worrying, of happenings or human actions, of the unknown and the worringly known. And more. Life is one giant Scattering of good and evil, perhaps to allow us humans an ability to work out good and evil. Don't we need the 'Scattered' to create motivate ourselves in discovering what's 'out there', to make discovery. No problems, not exploration. No problems, static life. Perhaps.

I need come to this and read more.. thus find I suppose that 'Scattered' invites one to think.. and think more.. and then, learn more. Perhaps. Again.

Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

My pleasure, absolutel y.
Robert Trakofler

4 Years Ago

The title of the painting is "Carnival" by Ciro Madueno you clever as ever Emmy:)

4 Years Ago

THANK YOU for telling me artist and name of the painting. Knew it.. maybe sort of.. love artwork of.. read more
This is a heart-moving poem. I'm like Dave B . . . glad to read a complex & nuanced poem that actually plucks my strings instead of leaving me baffled! As a recovering perfectionist, I can say there's much to be said about embracing our scattered tendencies. If we humans weren't so likely to be scattered, we wouldn't work so hard to be control freaks. This is what it looks like when we finally learn to embrace the scatter . . . to love how the pieces never fit . . . to still enjoy fitting the pieces together anyway. You use stunningly sweeping imagery to show all the ways we feeble humans bumble along, despite our dumb universal act like we're in charge here, which fools nobody. This is such memorable writing:
"i woke up with the same dread of
loosing my connection with God and myself
dread fears of taking my last breath and
gazing with last eyes"

and so much more! But I've got to go plant me some tamaters & squash! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie

Posted 4 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

luv you babe! truly do :) thank you for reading and i am so grateful you went along with the scatter.. read more

from a poetic perspective, this is better than good Gene.. It reads like a Dali painting and correspondingly made me think no end … it is most certainly one of those that I shall be re-visiting, time and again...
Down ya neck my Friend..


Posted 4 Years Ago


4 Years Ago

you are more than ever so welcome .. and ever will be my brother..
slainte mhath back.. read more
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

will do! ...almost done with it .. just another post and some tweaky level and square .. and a door .. read more

4 Years Ago

Sounds good to me sir.... :)
I was pulled down this path, first by the excellent art which requires a very free mind and second, by the first four lines which led me along into an immersion of wild thought and, I guess, I am still stuck there
All very impressive
Love it when I can read poetry far beyond my fumble limits.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

yes!! i love that pic .. was so happy when i found it as it seemed perfect for the poem .. it truly .. read more
Dave Brown

4 Years Ago

and that's something dear E... "the end of the world" is all what I was feeling while reading this astounding write, and the most amazing and totally brilliant and smart, was the ending... atop of it I was feeling the end of the world in general as You expressed the frustrating of all the mess, craziness and unkindness around it, and as the moments of death comes near the fear is of not of it as of that You couldn't do so much to this world (powerful lines here), then comes the surprise ( as I said earlier) when we found how the ending of a relationship is like the ending of the world for the lovers, Your brought Your very brilliant talent and mind by the way You merged and bonded these two subjects, even as we read/think of them separately in Your words, it is still powerful. great write my fine friend.

Posted 4 Years Ago

Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

oh are very kind with a soft heart Light..i too neither fear nor question death .. it is our c.. read more

4 Years Ago

You have some interesting tattoos don't You? ;) with no doubts my door is always opened for You 💕
Einstein Noodle

4 Years Ago

back at ya! ;)

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32 Reviews
Added on March 2, 2020
Last Updated on March 2, 2020


Einstein Noodle
Einstein Noodle

Pork Rind, AK

This morning as I began to log in to WC, it occurred to me what an inspiring and comfortable place this has become for me. There are so many talented people sharing, encouraging, teaching and learni.. more..


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