Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by saida

The situation was really uncomfortable for Floren who never saw any guy half naked except her brother. That was not the worst part, she was really embarrassed but she didn’t know how to hide it. Now she can only hope she didn't look as red as tomato.

The guy standing in front Floren had a towel covering the lower half of his body and he was using another towel to dry his hair. As Floren looked at him closely she could see he was very handsome and to top it he had an amazing body, no wonder girls were looking at him like that.

"Hey, what’s up?" said the guy."My name is Silas.""My name is Frank Ingram." said Floren rather awkwardly. Floren should act normally or else people might find out she is not Frank.

"Will you keep standing at the door, come in." said Silas with a smile. He looked really cute as he was saying that, he even had dimples.

Floren got inside the room and closed the door behind. The room was big enough for two people. Silas had taken the right side of the room, so the left side was Florence's. There was already a bed and studying table chair provided by the authority.

"So, which year are you in?" asked Silas. Floren turned to answer the qustion, only to find Silas wearing his cloths so she quickly looked away.

"I am in first year." Floren said it rather too quickly."But Silas didn’t seemed to notice it. "Well, I am in fifth year. Since you came I suggest you unpack. You have to attend class tomorrow. "

They talked for a while then Silas left to meet his friends. Floren learnt it from zion that shifters had only one name, they didn’t have any last name. Another thing is they had a mark on their arms which helps to identify what shifter a person is. But Floren was too embarrassed to notice it.

The only problem at night was that Floren turned back to female, so she had to be extra careful since her roommate was sleeping in a bed beside her. She has to share a room with a boy to save her brother. Well, there was no turning back for her now.


The next morning Floren was ready for her classes, as she got to the first floor of dormitory she saw Sky leaning against a wall. When he noticed her he smiled and gave a wave. So much for avoiding him.

"Hey, Franki had a nice sleep?" He didn’t even know Floren and she knew it would be hard to avoid him."What are you doing here?" Floren already knew what his answer would be.

"Waiting for you of course." "You need to go to your class I also need to do that or we will be late." That was a good way to get away from him but it was not that easy.

"You don’t know your way around, let me help you out then you can do it." Although Floren didn’t like it she knew she would get lost and she needed to take his offer and so she did.

"Ok." After that he took her around the campus and showed her different building. Also the places that are prohibited for visiting, sometimes it is best to listen to rules then breaking it.

The campus looked beautiful, it was only 8 am and the students were all trying to get to their class. After walking a while they finally stopped in front of a building which was rather small then the rest.

"So, this is the building for ungifted. I will see you at lunch hour." Saying that he ruffled Floren's hair as if she was a kid and went on his way. This just confused Floren even more. But she hoped she didn’t see him at lunch hour.

As an ungifted most of her class will be here, except this there are other classes like combat, history and most importantly communication. Other classes she had to attend with other students of different magic.

Communication is very important, this is where she gets to meet with the gifted students. It is a must for all the students and it is benefit for her in knowing any news of her brother. As she went to her class, she saw there were only 30 students like her including her.

The thing that surprised her was, after she sat on her seat she saw the girl sitting next to her was the girl she saw the other day on the bus.

"Hi,my name is Anna." saying it she extended her hand, Floren felt she was cheerfull by nature. "My name is Frank Ingram." She said as she took Anna's hand.

It was nice to see a familiar face, not that Anna knew who she was. Also Floren was Frank here. The classes were as usual, when lunch our came she went outside the building only to find Sky standing there.

"Hey there Franki, ready to get lunch." Honestly Floren was kind of shocked to see him. "Are you stalking me?" At this Sky gasped which was fake and said "That's very rude. I was waiting for you so that you can join me at lunch."

"Why would I want to join you?" asked Floren skeptically. "For knowing each other better of course." That's the last thing Floren wanted to do but Sky was persistent so she knew she has no choice.

They went to the cafeteria which was packed with people, they somehow got their lunch. Then Sky took her a little far from there, she didn’t know whether she should trust him.

Finally when they reach their destination, Floren saw a girl was sitting there mostly waiting for them. This girl was very beautiful, pale white skin, black hair and her eyes were red.

As they went close to the she looked up at them, she had red eyes. Floren knew the girl in front of her was a vampire and not just any vampire but of a noble family.

© 2019 saida

Author's Note

Sorry for updating this late. I was very busy.

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Added on May 1, 2019
Last Updated on May 1, 2019



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A Chapter by saida

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