Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Chapter 10

Chapter 10

A Chapter by saida

As they were walking back to their dormitory, nothing much happened. Except Floren was quite shocked from the whole ordeal. Levin and Julian was bickering as usual, silas and floren walked in silance. After they found her they told her how they were looking for her the whole time. The weird thing was that Natalie was the one inform them that she went to the red tent. That's when the three of them walked towards the red tent.

After a while Silas finally broke the silence by asking her, "Are you feeling better?" "Yes.....kind of." "I know it was quite shocking but I am really glad you are okay." Floren finally looked at him and saw that his eyes were not lying, he was genuinely relieved. Floren didn’t know how to take this, the only people ever cared for her was her brother, zion and mivel. So, seeing a complete strangers care for her made her happy. Finally she smiled at Silas and said, "I am okay." Silas didn’t push more just walked beside her. Floren knew these three are good people, they missed the show and looked for her also was worried for her. She also felt bad for deceiving them but she didn’t have a choice.

When they finally reached their room, Levin and Julian bade them good night. After Floren apologise to them for ruining their night, to which they said not to think much about it. They also explained that every month on this day the masked events occur. After they left, silas asked her if she knew Natalie, to which Floren decided to say she ran into her after finishing one of her class. Not a lie but not the whole truth.

Floren knew why he was asking, a student from noble family won't remember you just because you ran into them. She hope Silas does not become more suspicious.


Floren went to back to her daily routine. Days were passing normally but then a news came to the whole campus that Ronald Astorio was going to be executed after two months. It really shocked Floren, she didn’t know they would do it that quickly. Even it took a lot of time for any fugitive to get executed, something was really odd about it looked like some third party was involved, she knew she couldn’t sit around any more. She had to work faster and find evidence to save her brother.

It was the middle of the week but Silas won't be in their room so tonight was perfect for her. After class she decided to call zion to tell him about her plan."Listen flo, I know why you are worried like this but if you do anything hastily then you will make mistakes. Calm your head and think throughly, do you really want to do this?" Floren knew she was doing it hastily but she needed to find at least one evidence or any clue, so far she found nothing. "I am sure." "Ok, then listen attentively, the information I am giving you is necessary for tonight."

It was 10 at night, Floren was walking quietly, she left her dormitory and start walking towards the forest side of her campus. Her plan was to visit the site where the crime was committed. If she goes there she believe she may find something. After walking for a while, she finally reached the place. It felt very different standing here, as she looked back at her dormitory she could feel it was far away and looked beautiful from there.

Floren looked the site carefully for any evidence that left there, the investigators have already looked here so there wasn’t any chance that Floren will get much but she was willing. Floren didn’t know much now that her recklessness was going to get her in trouble.

She was inspecting the burning site, according to report her brother used such high magic power that nothing was left of the body then some ashes. But this report felt odd to her. Her brother was stronger, but no student was strong enough to burn another student to ashes. If the perpetrator was a councillor or high level professor or anyone with high level magic will be pull it off but not a student.

Next if such a powerful magic was used why didn’t any student listen anything, when she pranked at dormitory 5, everyone woke up at the sound, even the sound travel outside the dormitory and few heard it. Finally, every time magic is used a essence is left on the spot, investigator track the essence to its epicentre. That’s how they knew it’s her brother but other things don’t match. She also knew that in the ashes the essence of Tegan Castilian was found.

The evidence was all kept at Captain Van Grayfore who really hates her brother, Zion informed her who had the evidences and how to sneak into the this site. Floren didn’t know how zion get such information, no matter how, she was greatful for this. Also she need to be careful, if she stepped on the crime scene the siren will be turned on. And not only teachers but investigators will go there.

Floren searched anything that is not suppose to be there and collected samples very carefully so that zion can examine them. So far the siren wasn’t turned on. After a while she could hear sound in the bushes and knew she wasn’t the only one there. She hide behind a tree slowly walked towards the sound. In a distance she saw a dark shadow but it was standing for a while then moving again. Floren couldn’t see who it was in the dark, as she was following the shadow she stepped on a branch and made a sound which alerted the shadow and it shadow hide quickly.

Floren was careful but she didn’t notice the branch, she couldn’t let this person go, this person could be someone related to her brother's case. She was careful and looked for the shadow. But not finding it she finally had to go back to the site where the ashes were, as she gone there, somebody attacked her from behind, Floren knew it wad the shadow who was trying pull her hoodie to see her face but she was trying to stop it, she was hiding her face.

As she was trying to stop it she noticed the outward appearance was familiar, it was the same as the girl she met at the event. As both of them was struggling their hoodie fell off and both face was revealed. The girl was shocked to see her. "What are you doing here?" asked the girl. "I could..."

She couldn't finish her words as the siren went off and they had to hide or they would be the main suspects. Floren didn’t notice where they were stepping and they stepped on the crime scene. The girl ran towards a path and Floren knew she has to also. But before that she removed the evidence that can lead to her or the girl, also she couldn’t go through where she came because the teachers were coming from there. She didn’t think this thoroughly, now she was stucked here. She shouldn’t have been this reckless, she should have listened to Zion.

As she was about to go, someone caught her hand. "There you are, I have been looking for you." Sky was holding her hands but he wasn’t smiling like he usually do, he looked serious. Floren forgot about the time, everynight at 12 the magic of the bracelet wore off and right this moment the magic was gone. She could see Sky figured it out. "You are a girl?"

He didn’t wait for an answer, he pulled her and was running fast so that they don’t get caught, they came to other part of the forest where Natalie was waiting for them. Floren knew behind them the teachers and investigators were looking for them. When Natalie saw them, she asked the same question "You are a girl?" "We don’t have much time, take her to the dormitory." Natalie wanted ask a lot but understood the situation. Before they go for the dormitory Sky told her, "Don't run away from us anymore." Floren knew she can't escape from Sky anymore.

© 2020 saida

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Added on April 22, 2020
Last Updated on April 22, 2020



Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by saida

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by saida

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by saida