Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by saida

Floren was sure by this time the superviser aka Prof. Grantham did a magic search in the whole building. Since he didn’t say anything to Floren she could only assume he didn’t find anything but the way he was looking at her made her felt like he sniffed her out, Floren felt her hands were getting cold. After a few moment which felt like eternity he turned to talk with the leaders.

Floren could hear their conversation.
"Sir, I believe Avlazi is behind this, only he is capable of doing this." said Ivan for some reason he is determined to catch Sky. It seems they have history but at the moment Floren was relieved that she was not at anyone’s attention.

"I know he usually does this but this time it seem rather different." said Prof. Grantham as he seemed deep in thought. "But sir.."
"Calm down, Ivan. Avlazi does most pranks but sometime other can do it too." said one of the leaders. Floren remember him from before he was walking with Silas, if she remembered correctly his name is Levin.

He was one of the brothers, Floren so warped in her situation that she didn’t notice him. She could see the beast mark on his arm since he was wearing t-shirt but didn’t know what he was. To know one has to learn but those mark was done in a pattern so that only their kind know and those who learn know it. But they make sure not everybody learn it for their own safety.

He was here although Silas went home, Floren heard from Silas that they were cousins. He was a leader so he doesn’t have the choice like his cousin to go home. A lot of students came from far away they can't go home on weekends even if they want to.

"Anyway its getting late, so I am going to say if any of you is involved come forward right now. Because if i find you later the punishment will be sever." He said it calmly but his eyes showed his anger, most just squirmed under his gaze but everyone remain quite.

Then one of leaders, Kelvir said in a melodious voice, "If you say it now, no harm will be done rather your punishment will be lessen." Floren didn’t know what happened she was in daze, she felt she needed to say that it was her. She felt she had done wrong and now she must be punished for it.

Floren didn’t know why she felt it but it didn’t last long as she was snapped out of her daze. Then she looked at the boy with such beautiful voice. She saw his eyes were glowing, he was using his magic, she didn’t know what kind but it was similar to Sky's. She knew the first time she met Sky, he was using magic that's why she was extra cautious of him.

She could see other students were in daze like her, then she pretended to be in daze.
"That's enough, everyone go back to your rooms." Dismissing them Prof. Grantham went to his room. Floren was still shocked but she somehow climbed the stairs with other students and went to her room.


The next morning things at the dormitory was usual, Floren didn’t see the Prof. or the leaders. Rest of the day was usual but at the lunch things were rather interesting. So far Floren got along with Sky well even though she seemed very suspicions of him. Now he is a good friend and they talked a lot. Natali and Sky were very good friend because sometimes they bicker like old married couple.

Today Sky looked very excited and Floren knew exactly why. As soon as he got close to them he started, "You won't believe what happened." "Your girlfriend dumped you." said Natalie mockingly. "I don’t have a girlfriend."Sky looked confused. "Exactly." Sky noticed Natalie's smirk but ignored it.

"So, the superviser of dormitory 3 called me and asked me why I pulled a prank yesterday night." That got Natalie's full attention."When I looked really confused, he realise it wasn’t me."

"Can you believe this Natalie another prankster beside me?" Sky looked really excited and at the same time... jealous.
"Are you jealous of the new prankster?" asked Floren. "You don’t understand Franki if there is more then we have to go to prank war."

"And get expelled in the process." said Natalie dryly. "I will be fine beside I have to find out who is this new prankster." "Well good luck, if u get expelled I am not saving you."

"What are you exactly?" Floren's sudden question got both of their attention. Then she described the situation if last night excluding the part of her involvement. By the time she finished it, Sky looked like he got the moon on his hand. Floren didn’t if it was good idea to share but the deed was done.

"I forgot that you were in dormitory 3, you don’t know anything about the prankster."
"No, I already told you what I know." It was not lie because she was not pranking last night."So, you and Kelvir is of same kind."

At this Sky made a face that clearly looked like Floren has insulted him. "No way, I am not like him but sorry Franki you have to figure it out what I am." Floren knew she would not get answer but she still tried. All this time Natalie remained silent and listen to them.

When it was time to get back, Floren noticed that Natali was exchanging glaces with Sky. Floren knew Natalie didn’t trust her and it was not her fault, deep down Floren felt bad for deceiving them but she had to do it for her brother.

She knew they must have a reason to be friends with an ungifted, no other students were kind to her except shifters not even Ivan. Here people didn’t talk behind her back, they never acknowledged ungifted's existence. Floren also friends with them for her own benefit. She didn’t know what Sky is but Natalie is a noble and a noble will never be friends with people like her.

That night was perfect for her to sneak in her brother's room. The duplicate key was made and nobody would expect it tonight, they mostly expect if it was not prank the perpetrator will lay low. Even if they are on guard there won't be any problem because tonight no magic was going to be used.

Also from now on Floren opened the empty space outside the dormitory so that magic search don’t sniff her out. She got out her room, it was good that her brother's room was next to her. She went inside the room and locked it.

The room looked like her's but some of the stuff were here and there.The guards already took anything that is suspicious. On her brother's side of the room his beds, books were on the table and also many magical items like- a beautiful box, small crystal balls, emerald star shaped amulet that comes in pair etc mostly was brought from Zion's shop. What caught her eye was a crest it had a wavy pattern of a sword. Floren never seen it before.

As she looked into his roommate's side, he also found a crest there but it had a wavy design of rose. Floren had little knowledge of this. As she started her study of gifted world she didn’t learn that much only in two weeks. She didn’t took anything, rather than the crest others were not that eye catching.

She silently got out of the room and went to her own. To know more about the crests she will be doing research on it the next day at the library.


Floren didn’t know as she went to her room someone has seen it, someone know everything about her why she was here and what she was doing. This person could easily report her. "So, your little sister have come to save you. This will be fun."


© 2019 saida

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Added on May 30, 2019
Last Updated on June 1, 2019



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