Riding Out My Comfort Zone

Riding Out My Comfort Zone

A Story by Shelley Warner

Another episode in "Adventures with John in his Red Ford Truck" (though this adventure is in a purple dune buggy.


I was a little apprehensive about riding the sand dunes with John; but it was the highlight of a trip we took to the Oregon coast in April 2023. We climbed into the dune buggy with Zach riding shotgun and John and I in the middle seat.

“I never dreamed I’d get to ride the sand dunes,” Zach remarked. I felt grateful. Grateful that John had come into my life three years ago. Grateful that he plans such enjoyable outings with us. Grateful that he’s like a fun grandpa for Zach.

We took off at a comfortable pace, with Clay, the motorist taking us through sandy trails. “If you want,” Clay instructed, “you can hang on to the side of the buggy or the bar in front of you.” I held on for dear life to a purple metal bar; for soon we were racing up the sides of sandy hills, swerving side ways at times and over the tops at other times. With my other hand, I held John's hand tightly. 

“How are you doing?” John asked me when we stopped on a flat plain so Clay could get out and take our pictures with our phones.

“It’s a little scary,” I said, “but I trust you. And I trust the driver.”

John smiled encouragingly.

I told him that as we sped through a sharp curve, I envisioned myself flying out of the side of the vehicle and landing in a heap on the sand, bringing an end to an exciting adventure. “But that couldn’t happen because I’m securely buckled in,” I added.

"No, plus you wouldn't get hurt landing on sand," he laughed.

We crossed a shallow stream and picked up speed again. I continued to cling to John’s hand. I felt safe with him.

When we finished our ride, John said, “I hope that was a little fun for you.”

“It was a little out of my comfort zone,” I answered. “But you were with me. You thought I’d freak out, didn’t you?”

“Yes, I thought you might.”

“But I didn’t. I think I did pretty good.”

“You did excellent,” he replied.

I beamed with pleasure at his praise. And throughout the day, I thought about how I liked the safety of my hand in his. I felt good that I could ride out of my comfort zone with him. 

© 2023 Shelley Warner

Author's Note

Shelley Warner
I'm almost done with my book that this story appears in and expect to get it published by Christmas.

My Review

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Hi, Shelley!

Very interesting, entertaining story, and well written in such a way it holds one's attention throughout. Especially, I related with the excitement parts … yet, as I age the fire in my belly for bulletproof adventure seems to have dwindled to a comfortable simmer.

Good stuff … I'm glad you made it through with brave smiles! ⁓ Richard🖌

Posted 1 Year Ago

This was such a great read, Shelley. I enjoyed every word. Sometimes we have to get outside our comfort zone to enjoy life a little. I've felt the same way taking my kids to a theme park and riding some pretty terrifying roller coasters. I liked the log ride. It was hot and the water spray was refreshing. But some of the modern corkscrew, upside down and backward roller coasters are a real adventure. But my kid was having a blast and laughing at the thought of me being out of my "comfort zone". I enjoyed. F.

Posted 1 Year Ago

Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

LOL, I'm raising my 13 year old grandson. He went through a phase (hopefully it's over) where he fra.. read more

1 Year Ago

That is sweet. Does a "badge" then give some "policing" authority? (laughing) Teens and toddlers are.. read more
Shelley Warner

1 Year Ago

Yes, he is an easy teen though. I'm fortunate. Well time to get off my computer and do some other th.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on April 8, 2023
Last Updated on April 8, 2023


Shelley Warner
Shelley Warner

Camas, WA

I like to write about my life. Sounds a little narcissistic, right? But it's the challenges, the griefs, the joys, the faith struggles, and the enjoyment of nature that inspires me. I have published t.. more..


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