Tags : life

What bees do

What bees do

A Poem by bee

I love watching bees, I find it very soothing
The Great Liar

The Great Liar

A Poem by da_great

Do we have the control on our life, or is it Fate anymore?
Gathering Desert Doom

Gathering Desert Doom

A Poem by Earl Schumacker

A sign at the desert entrance warns of life, of death.


A Poem by Ouiarwhun

Did you think that what you think is not the unanswerable link? Did you feel that what you feel is not what makes life like a wheel? Did you say tha..


A Poem by anais.vionet

I can't get even close
The Bed On The Surface Of The Ocean

The Bed On The Surface Of The Ocean

A Poem by Lana

I lie on my bed on the surface of the oceanWith mixed emotions cooking up in my ovenSometimes I lie outside of the bedSwimming away the painAnd I obse..
A Descent into Sweetness

A Descent into Sweetness

A Poem by Dripping Chocolate Madnes..

This is the story of why I turned into chocolate. Some names have been changed to protect the innocent.
conjugal forms

conjugal forms

A Poem by anais.vionet

I'm getting the same lectures even though I'm locked away like Rapunzel
Is quitting your life really an option

Is quitting your life really an option

A Poem by Reyanshi

You quit your life amidst the rainy days, Don’t wait to hear what the sunshine has to say. You don’t wait for the rainbow to appear,..
the resistance

the resistance

A Poem by anais.vionet

This is a CrAzY corona virus world we're "living" in - where we fight by staying home with your TV remote
Never be replaced

Never be replaced

A Poem by Reyanshi

I tried to reach out, I did,I tried to explain the feelings I always hid.All for the hope that I'll win you back,I'm trying, cut me some slack.But may..
The Emergency Surgery

The Emergency Surgery

A Poem by D.j.

In describing the stereotypical nature of a surgical procedure endured by a Robot provides insight into how surgery and saving lives can be instrument..


A Poem by anais.vionet

promises, like prayers or talismans to an indifferent universe.
The Visit

The Visit

A Story by Zephyr

Being with my love...
The headache

The headache

A Story by Haim Kadman

A very short story about a certain problem and its unexpeced solution.


A Story by YouoweYoupay

On a hill within reach, as if it were the only structure untroubled by the bullets of rain and monstrous winds, stood a fenced two-story home.
hear me out part 1

hear me out part 1

A Poem by paige.

first hand monologue on stuttering from a girl who stutters what it really is: everything i wish i could say out loud