Tags : Cliche

The Same Tune

The Same Tune

A Poem by MandaBear

I have a heavy heart and I don't know what to do. (I'm such a cliche)
Explorations of Love - 1

Explorations of Love - 1

A Poem by MoonLogic

I'm wrestling a little bit with poems on love. I find them way too cheesy easily. I struggle writing something down myself. So, I'm exploring various ..
Boys Like Me

Boys Like Me

A Poem by Saint No-One

An older one I dug up. Still holds true.
The Cliche of Love

The Cliche of Love

A Poem by Cat

Cliche Heart

Cliche Heart

A Chapter by Emily-Jane

I spend a lot of time in Glasgow as I'm from around there and you see some sweet/random/weird things.
A Trip To Tease Artistes.

A Trip To Tease Artistes.

A Poem by Sibling

Tongue-in-cheek light-heartedness about something... Maybe


A Poem by Stephie Benito

They say when you fall in love That time stops. So I sat in your car and Watched the minutes tick by, ..
So Sick of Rhyming Poems

So Sick of Rhyming Poems

A Poem by Ascending

So sick of the norm. The way things has always been;the expected.
not thinking

not thinking

A Poem by j.m.

remember the early mornings spent laying together under blankets kissing and whispering not thinking about how it started remember the afterno..
Deliciously Cliche

Deliciously Cliche

A Story by Hannah Fishburn

Rain storms, Starbucks, and beautiful boys. Jamie is a writing student in Boston- awkward, dirt poor, and a sucker for cliches. * I don't typica..
Barefoot in The Rain

Barefoot in The Rain

A Poem by Simply Meag

Lyrics I'm still working on
Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It

Put This In Your Pipe and Smoke It

A Poem by Casey Manning

This is a poem written completely of cliches and inspired by my ex-girlfriend
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song

I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song

A Poem by Sauran

An ironic piece on love and its many forms.


A Chapter by SociallyAwkward

'I'M DYING!''No you're not.''YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST PUT ME DOWN AS A CHILD!''Maybe I should have.''WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?!''I give up,Ashtonwill be ove..
As Reality Does

As Reality Does

A Poem by Michael K. Evans

World of word, All too cliche Nothing new again this daySame old mundane; worn out themesOf places, less of dreamsLove and death are doneWell beyond s..


A Poem by AlexisJ

This is a poem I wrote using standard cliches. It was super fun to play with.